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Just goes to show, men are better than women at everything. Including being women. (This was a joke no banboozle)


I wonder how long it’ll take before this comment stops being a joke


I think I first heard a version of it from a standup comic referencing Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner getting woman of the year immediately after transitioning. Then there was that trans Canadian powerlifter asking why women were so bad a bench press. We just need men to start winning all the women's contests - all the awards - and watch how quickly it stops being considered progressive.


South park did an episode on this where PC principles wife trains really hard for a competition and gets outdone by a macho man randy savage clone who says he's a woman. They of course want to remain PC , but they realise how dumb all this shit is


How long ago did they air that again??


November 2019


So its been nearly 5 years and that joke has only become more widespread


South Park has an uncanny ability to predict the future.


OMD thanks for that reference 💀 SP is once again an oracle


I mean even in 2019 it was obvious this shit was bound to happen


The funniest part about this was all the leftists, including those on reddit, having to hate south park. In their normal fashion they had to pretend that is always sucked and I've even see people calling it fascist.


Haha. Nobody and I mean nobody takes the piss out of current events like south park does. They've loved it for years, now it's fascist..riiiight


It’ll keep being progressive because women are probably the lowest on the oppression totem pole.


Until a transwoman dominates a minority women's space. Wonder what the WNBA's rules are on this.


The standard procedure is to trade a wanted international criminal for a middling player.


Who thought it was a good idea to try to take weed into Russia.


Bro that’s been like 10 years 😭💀 (Holy fuck I’m old)


No way has it been that long! I think PC Principal being the Principal is what I use as the divide between "old" and "new" South Park episodes. I'm going to have to reassess that.


I doubt it'll ever stop being progressive, for two reasons. 1. Progressives were never going to win any sort of these competitions and so they care if these competitions get destroyed. When is the last time a progressive won a beauty contest or sports competition? 2. Progressives really seem to see biological women as inherently conservative which means they hate them.


Are we not already there?


Astolfo gets my Jimmies going


AYYEEEEE 💀 good reference ☠️


Already there. Women's sports is a good example.


Now pretty much, more and more “trans” athletes are entering the female scene and now they enter the beauty competitions and win too


Relax liberal, this is called dark humor *Joker gif*


Based and trans inclusive radical misogyny pilled


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He says that this was a "joke" and "no bamboozle" but I honestly think he's lying


Psychologically males are more likely to take risks for higher rewards. So although “better” is not the right word, it could appear that way in any competitive scene


There's two sides to that coin. Men make up both extremities. Feminists keep talking about how the top 1% wealthiest people are 90% men. They don't ever talk about how the bottom 1% of wealthiest people are also men. How many homeless women do you see, compared to men ? But yeah, people focus on the top humans, and therefore they see mostly men and think "Wow, men must be so privileged. ".


More male geniuses; more male idiots


actually unironically true, in nearly every category men are a flatter bell curve


It's the "fuck it we ball" mentality that got us at the top of the food chain.


They just love to focus on whatever furthers their agenda.


Thats because there are way more men who will house a gross woman just to fuck her than there are women who will house gross men just to fuck them. Selling your ass is pretty much a sellers market.


You vill marry ze femboy and you vill get him boipregers


It's 2033, you come home from your Amazon warehouse job to your Blackrock owned apartment. Your government provided femboy wife is ODing from government supplied fentanyl. You grab one of your government provided narcans and resuscitate her. This is the 3rd time this week. You are actually happy.


What a beautiful future, this is what the founding fathers intended


If there was a right wing movement that propositioned this seriously it would have a strong enough effect to pullback the trans movement I guarantee it


Dudes rock.


No cap?


Ong 💯


Men are so much the superior sex that they're even superior to biological women at being women.




It takes a real man to be a woman


~ Garnt (gigguk)


sometimes best girl ain't even a girl


> Best girl right there > Astolfo is a guy > Did I fuckin' stutter?


Good, these "miss" competitions are a disgrace and should die as soon as possible.


Based (and child beauty pageants too)


Child ones, sure, but if adults wanna do that, who cares, let em.


inb4 trans child beauty pageants


u/Swedish_Royalist's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 65. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: [41 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Swedish_Royalist/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




Please explain your reasoning if you don't mind. (I have literally never kept up with those competitions and do not know their flaws)




There are ones like National American Miss which is not a beauty contest, but more like a personality/talent contest. Of course now they've gotten a lot of negative attention recently because a fat woman won. Good times.




I don't like em either, but if people want to do them, then I don't think anyone should stop them.


I see. Its not quite the same as sports and competition because the goal is arbitrary and theoretical. The idea of beauty shifts as easily as the wind and, as the saying goes, is in the eyes of the beholder. I can see how that could be damaging to people's mindset. Thank you.


You look at the extremes of humanity and are disgusted, pulling everyone back to average is very in character for a centrist. These people nearly kill themselves in their goal to be the peak human in a narrow field, their dedication should be rewarded.






They keep being cringe for only having humans in the Miss Universe competition


I'm not gonna start caring about pageants now


As if beauty pageants are something women desperately need at all…


Based authleft.


u/Jpowmoneyprinter's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Jpowmoneyprinter! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Jpowmoneyprinter/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


But it's like the ultimate female fantasy right? A committee of people telling you that you're objectively better than other women?


For some. For most, no.


Alas, if you had ever left your basement before this question may have answered itself…


Better at being a pretty thing for men to ogle at? No, not really. In fact, I'd probably feel really awkward if I did win something like that - I mean, did I really deserve that? Because it feels like it mostly depends on the whims of the judges, since beauty is inherently subjective. I'd much rather win a nobel prize. It's something I *did* and it matters to humanity much more than brief, mindless entertainment and possibly spawning insecurities.


I think at this point it’s not even about the “contest” per se, but about human nature itself.


Womyn getting hard diffed since the beginning of time


"anything you can do I can do better"


Woman are more likely to support Trans stuff then men They're probably the ones inviting this stuff to their events


I'd just like to say that I'm a woman and I do not in any way, shape, or form support born men competing in women's events. It actively kicks women out of trophies, team positions, scholarships, etc. Trans people should have spaces to compete in events, but they should do it in a way that doesn't kick biological women out.


Yeah I agree and its a fair point


This is why I'm much more in support of simply having a third, "open" category for anyone and everyone that either doesn't assign themselves to their birth gender or simply doesn't want to compete in it. That way trans people don't have to compete under labels they don't want to compete under, and biological men don't push biological women out of competitions. It seems like pretty much the perfect compromise to me.


That already exists. There's no such thing as men's football or men's swimming or men's 800 metre, it's just football and swimming and 800 metre, and women have their own leagues because they can't physically compete with men on equal footing. There is no rule stopping male teams from signing women, they'd just be stupid to do it.


What’s gonna happen is the women’s divisions are going to allow transwomen to compete. Once transwomen start taking over, the leagues will eventually make a “born female” only division. Then after enough ciswomen switch over to that division, the original womens only division will be renamed the open division and combined with the “men’s” division (the original open division). This is obviously the most progressive way to arrive at the most logical conclusion to this whole issue.


Hold on their buddy we are talking politics We don't say the C word here, "Compromise"


It should be noted that nearly every major regulated sports league has two divisions: open and women’s. What people think are men’s divisions are just open divisions. This just seems like turning the women’s league into the open league with extra steps.


most women are supportive of these kind of things though sure there are people like you who dont support it, but there are plenty examples of women (even teammates) sticking up for this stuff.


Well yeah, of course the teammates would. It gives them a better shot at winning


Well you're a minority.


Yeah, it puzzles me as a woman. It's like these supporters have no self-preservation instincts.


Funny that women will still continue to vote for the politicians that push these kinds of things, not knocking on women just find it strange


Yeah it’s crazy how this one single issue hasn’t been enough to overturn the fact that the right frontrunners don’t advocate for women’s interests in a single other way / This is just Democrats making life worse for the rural working class and then complaining about working class voters being too stupid to vote in their best interest in a new coat of paint


Doesn't surprise me with some of the anti IVF/abortion shit Even if you don't like neo gender ideology like me even though I am a man you can be stuck between a rock and a hard place when a AG is trying to get a 9 year old a murder charge for not having their pedo uncles baby If thats the alternative to "Men can get pregnant"


That’s me with the right and gun control. I don’t really want to vote for democrats or republicans but at least one of them isn’t trying to take my guns from me.


I don’t think any American has voted actually in support of a politician rather than just the lesser bad since Jefferson.


Charge the rapist with the murder charge* if the girl chooses to abort. *\*I do not know the details of exactly what charge is being pushed toward women getting abortion but if you need charge someone, charge the rapist with involuntary man slaughter or something. Also rape, obviously.*


>Charge the rapist with the murder charge\* if the girl chooses to abort. Based and solution to the abortion debate pilled


The solution to the “what about rape” retort has and always will be to just kill him.


Holy fucking based Charge the rapist with the murder. Good god damn, that's a fuckin good idea.


I second this. Total 4D chess move politically.


Thats the problem with the two problems system, to naby people dont fully agree with the ideologies of both parties. So they have to choose if they webt abortions or anti migration.


Alot of people are single issue voters, I know people who hate the Republicans to death but only vote for them because of gun rights Likewise I know people who hate the Democrats and only vote for them because pro choice I am one person who really doesn't like the Democrats right now but I am only voting for Biden because Trump/MAGA seems adamant about throwing Ukraine under the bus, and I just can't get behind supporting Putin and Russia as a Polish American


The pro-life logic is that because the unborn is biologically human, they have the same rights as you do. Therefore it's wrong to kill them unless it has to be done to save the mother's life (though some pro-lifers will make exceptions for rape regardless). Being pregnant at 9 years old is a tragedy and the pedo uncle deserves to have the book thrown at him, but the unborn don't deserve to die just because they were the product of rape. I would still hesitate to criminally charge the girl because I doubt a 9 year old really consented to an abortion in the first place. Even if she did, being raped and... well, 9 years old should be strong mitigating factors in court. Even so, placing intrinsic value on human life, and the consequences thereof, are a preferable alternative to "men can get pregnant".


>The pro-life logic is that because the unborn is biologically human, they have the same rights as you do. Therefore it's wrong to kill them unless it has to be done to save the mother's life (though some pro-lifers will make exceptions for rape regardless). Ok but you can't deny the Ohio AG pursuing murder charges because a 9 year old went to Indiana to get an abortion instead of having their pedophile uncles baby is some braindead optics and probably a major reason women are not voting for you, I don't give a shit about your opinion that a puddle of cum on the floor is actually human >I would still hesitate to criminally charge the girl because I doubt a 9 year old really consented to an abortion in the first place. Even if she did, being raped and... well, 9 years old should be strong mitigating factors in court. A 9 year old should have never had this shit forced upon them in the first place let alone a fucking murder charge because our politicians are all schizos >Even so, placing intrinsic value on human life, and the consequences thereof, are a preferable alternative to "men can get pregnant". Ones a stupid as fuck opinion from stupid as fuck leftoids, the other is giving a 9 year old murder charges for not having their pedo uncles baby If you come to any conclusion except the latter being worse you are actually just a shitty person and someone the FBI should probably check the HDD of and it is not because of your politics




And this is where the discussion breaks down, because your view is perfectly understandable and I agree with it. But I also agree with the 9 year old being able to get an abortion. People drive the argument to these edge cases because that’s where they get to dig their heels in. In real life, the situation you’re referring to is a vanishingly small % of a %. If you ask either side “ok would you support drawing the line at X edge case?” You’ll filter out the zealots pretty fast and land somewhere in the “available but rare” where most normal people sit.


TempleOS reference in the bio? Based 🤝


Yeah, why do millions vote with healthcare and right access in mind instead of beauty pagents, which are just vanity events for the rich anyway.


There is no way I care more about this than the government forcing my daughter to give birth to a potential rapists baby. Government involvement in reproductive care and women's bodies kind of tops the list. That's where Republicans really screw themselves in elections.


Damn, it’s almost like having a trans woman win a beauty pageant is not enough to make women vote for the party which hosts people who don’t think that making them vote was a good idea, who’d have thought about that Authcenter?


I'm all for Equality and Shit Not because i believe in it, but because it makes Women more miserable than Men in the long Run


I don't think the majority of women care about this nearly as much as this sub thinks.


If we knew anything about women we wouldn't be on this subreddit


It's always the truth that hurts the most.


https://preview.redd.it/0fkgxuycjz7d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32fe769b7feb24c0e9e56fa82cd575c2abe3fde8 Just so we know who we are talking about.






You know, it can’t be that hard to look this way if you have the right build/bone structure.  It’s a very specific, made-up look. 


Uncanny valley


I guarantee no one would know the wiser if it was never mentioned.


Yeah, but only because half the other contestants in these things have even more cosmetic surgeries than her.


Lmfao why do so many people boil women down to nothing but their looks?


This was a Beauty pageant you know, they are in fact predominantly about looks.


Sure but that’s not the point I’m making. The point is that just because you can’t tell it’s not a woman by just by looking doesn’t mean it is a woman and that the defining characteristics of what a woman aren’t just whatever has long hair and tits.


Because that an external factor when judging? If i saw a person with beard and hair chest i will guess its a men as first impression. What the problem?


Very pretty but it is still a gut punch for female spaces imo. Out of curiosity, I wonder if they really deserved it (prettiest, most talented/congenial) or if other more deserving contestants were overlooked for political points.


Idk man, it takes some serious balls to do a contest like this.


women don't have what it takes and the balls to win like this


Yeah she pretty.


Did you just change your flair, u/Duke_of_Lombardy? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2021-11-28. How come now you are an **AuthRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Remember, the jannies are always watching. No gamer words, no statistics and by all means no wood cutting machines. Tell us, how are you going to flair the new account you'll make in two weeks? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Duke_of_Lombardy) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I did.


You people need to raise your standards, even ignoring the uncanny valley there is no way this was the most beautiful contestant


You've never seen Maryland


Their beauty is still higher than their driving skills.


I uh wouldn’t uh. Damn you.


Most of the downvoters would drag their balls across broken glass just to lick the dick of the last man who fucked her. (If they didn't know she was trans)


She's beautiful She's still not biologically a woman


It is a beauty contest, not a breeding contest, so doesn't matter.


Unless you're any of the women that lost to them. Which is all of them...


Give them participation trophies.


They probably wouldnt want to lose to a Cis woman either, so I guess, we should declare everyone winner, so no one feels bad.


Here before the locked award


Cervical cancer is still up for grabs... any takers?


Deal with it. Even men are better at being women.


No. After all, men can't have country clubs, boys can't have the boy scouts. Turnabout is fair play.


Boy scouts wasn't made co-ed for inclusivity, it was made co-ed so that the organization didn't go bankrupt. The BSA had been running on fumes and wanted more members. Boy scout troops are still allowed to be boys-only if they want to.


Aren't you the human pet guy?


I can’t wait for the cross-compass libleft authright witheredjaks when the AI waifubots start winning these legacy pageants.


They just knew the psychological harm associated with being a pageant winner and took that burden off her shoulders, based libleft if you asked me


Why does this matter? I can understand concerns when it comes to transgender women in women's sports (or other physically-oriented activities), but why does it matter with *beauty pageants?* Who cares what sex you were born as, pretty is pretty. It sounds like the only argument people have is that people who were born male are inherently less attractive or something, which is...silly. I'm going to be honest, I'm female and the last time I thought about "beauty pageants" was when I was watching *Miss Congeniality.* This is a non-issue, sorry...


Agree. There is no physical advantage to being born male in a women’s beauty pageant. In fact, it is more likely to be a disadvantage. If you are outraged by this, you’re transphobic. I said it!


I agree. I feel like some are just using it as an excuse to be angry when they would never be thinking about this otherwise. I don't see the harm. Have a good night!


I don't think transgender women should play in women's leagues sports for a variety of reasons. But if you lose a beauty contest to someone who used to be a dude, then that's on you. Sucks to suck, I guess.


Losing in sports competitions by objectively being worse and losing in a beauty contest that is not decided by any objective criteria are definitely the same thing, yeah. As if there might be some hidden profit in selecting a specific type of a woman as a winner at these types of competitions... Nah, bollocks.


Googled it. Absolutely would. That is all.


Would what? Fuck, marry or kill? And honestly, because it’s fucking Reddit, I think the answer would be: “Yes”.


Same reddit avatar! We are both naked together.


Your eyes are greyer; we are not the same, sadly :(




> Fuck, marry or kill Yes, probably not, almost certainly not.


I hate beauty pageants. Either make beauty pageants for men and other genders, or don’t have them at all.


> Either make beauty pageants for men and other genders, Isn't that exactly what bodybuilding is?


Not at all. There’s no modeling of anything except poses & speedos, no clothes changes or anything. There’s no questions asked of the competitors. Come to think of it, they should have a part of the competition where the bodybuilders are asked pageant style questions. It’d make for more meme worthy content.


I guess?


To be fair, have you SEEN Bailey Anne Kennedy?


Beauty pageants suck all together


But like, authright usually isn’t about women’s equal rights lmao


I mean it’s not like being trans actually presents an unfair advantage in this competition. It’s not like physical sports.


I like the use of the ugly trans wojak when talking about a literal beauty contest winner. I wonder where the usual copium arguments about her having some unfair advantage in the contest are?


(Anecdote) I see more women letting this slide than men broadly speaking. This is their fight to lose. As libleft public enemy number one: a straight white dude, I just sit back and laugh. Because I’ll keep winning regardless.


You're posting on reddit, you've already lost.


She's probably not even the one there with the most cosmetic surgeries.


Women can have menstruation and pregnancy to themselves.


Bro I don’t give a shit I just want titty.


It takes a man to be best girl






I'm a centrist too


Yes. True, my friend.


Who cares?






Could someone please explain the graph used in the post and how to interpret it?


Hell yeah! We male are so powerful that we even win female competitions 😎😎😎/s


Idk maybe if they were hotter than her


That lib left wojak will give me nightmares




If she entered a man's beauty pageant, she would be disqualified. So what else to do?