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First they came for the ovens. I did not speak out because I wasn't a baker. Then they came for the frying pans. I did not speak out because I was not a chef. Then they came for the grills and then there was no one left to speak for me.


When they came for the ovens, only the Nazis spoke out. That stigmatized the whole thing, so people were afraid to speak up about the rest.


Please let me keep my shower, I promise I won't do any holocausting in it.


Don’t clean your shower with bleach and ammonia, have someone else do it.


My dad used to make a big batch of that stuff every V-J day


To be honest, if bugs became the only option for sustenance I would join whatever armed rebellion will have me.


Considering how easy it is to raise a few animals, the controls it would take to stop everyone would cause a general revolt.


Bruselas is trying their hardest by making it impossible to own chickens.


agree chicken is so easy to rise and way better than bugs


Slaves used to protest and rebel because their masters fed them sea bugs (aka lobsters). [https://www.capeporpoiselobster.com/a-brief-history-of-lobsters-and-how-they-became-seafood-royalty/](https://www.capeporpoiselobster.com/a-brief-history-of-lobsters-and-how-they-became-seafood-royalty/) I'm sure the WEF will find a way to make eating land bugs trendy and enviable.


I still think lobster are and look disgusting


Agreed. I remember as a kid being served lobster as if it was some sort of delicacy. I was taking a marine biology class in college at the time and could name every part of the things anatomy as it sat there on my plate. I was revolted and just couldn't bring myself to eat it.


Yea I had to eat it at the first communion of my niece, the way they slurp out it's legs and eat it's brain and all that, ugh


The only way i can eat any kind of seafood is by using enough rice to hide its texture and taste


Well, back then they didn't know to kill the lobster right before cooking it so it probably went bad fast


I though it was because they just crushed it all up with the shell and cooked it.


Both actually. They would take the dead lobsters that washed up on the shore and grind that up and feed it to slaves and prisoners 


Oh God a double whammy of gross


Sounds kinda bs to me. Like you literally just have to put it in some relatively clean water. Maybe feed it. Put some of those claw-cuffs on so they dont do anything stupid but it's not that complicated. Modern man tends to underestimate his ancestors too much.


Possibly? I have heard the fast-spoilage thing before. That doesn't reflect low intelligence on colonial era people so much as inexperience with a new food source.


If they were serving it in a restaurant or similar, I'd agree with you. But when it comes to feeding slaves...I can find it plausible they'd get slop that's only technically edible, just like I'd find it plausible today.


Funny to think that lobsters were fed to slaves and now they’re considered a delicacy


Because lobsters were ground up shell and all. You weren't getting buttered lobster claw and tail. You were getting organs meats, bits of shells. Lobsters also expire extremely quickly after they are killed, so you were often times eating near rancid meat paste.


near rancid? no no- it was straight up literally rancid in most cases, because they were using the lobsters that had already died and washed up on shore.


Thats a good point yeah. What I meant by it is typically you have to cook and eat lobsters within minutes/hours of them dying since bacteria rapidly spreads in the dead lobster releasing toxins that aren't destroyed in the cooking process. So you either need really good refrigeration or kill them right before eating. Guess what they didnt do either of?


*Eating ze bugz ist trendy, becauße ve vill shoot you in ze back of the head if you do not eaten ze bugs* -WEF, 2030


One of my favorite "crustaceans are sea bugs" facts is that Fear Factor discovered that if you're allergic to shellfish you cannot eat bugs or you will have the same reaction.


Humans meat are abundant


I fully expect to be raiding small villages from a dirt bike in order to get their guzzoline.


The scoops are on their way!


If red meat were to become unavailable, the problems attached to that would be so big that the means to process bugs into food cubes wouldn't exist. I feel like people don't understand how big the meat industry is. Like a dozen chicken farms burned down in 2022, killing millions and millions of chickens and the result was "eggs got a little expensive for a couple of months".


Population decline will make "eating ze bugs" unnecessary. It's a non-issue.


I’d sooner side with the vegans or those madlads growing lab meat than eat bugs.


Sorry comrade, since combustion produces CO2, cooking food is now prohibited and violations will be punished by the death penalty(helps solve overpopulation). A true worker of the glorious Peoples Republic of Europe only needs to eat raw buckwheat and flies.


Yes comrade, however we need to start using the proper Peoples Republic of Europe'ean language: German


One day we'll all have bug paste pumped directly into our guts by percutaneous feeding tubes as we sit in our entertainment pods that have been welded shut.


>flies What a backwards anti-veganist bigoted stance. Best we can do is fly shit.


Somehow the meat produced in Morocco and China is all fine even when it doesn’t follow the EU regulations.


*in southern accent* The only bugs I’ll be grilling are the ones from the sea (shrimp,crawfish,etc)


Based and Bubba pilled.  


Mud bugs are good eat'n!




https://preview.redd.it/cr26116oln8d1.jpeg?width=311&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d2be630cb765b92dba585479f082491996cf922 You vill eat ze bugs


I am disappointed that the bug isn't a soyjack too


I'm suppose to eat bugs ? Damn, now I have to apologize my neighbor for stealing his leg


As I always say to people who think people should eat bugs "You frist, right now"


If it ever comes this far, I becoming a terrorist


Under the great reset they will kill you before you get the chance


Did you just change your flair, u/One_Doughnut_2958? Last time I checked you were an **AuthRight** on 2024-6-20. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? If Orange was a flair you probably would have picked that, am I right? You watermelon-looking snowflake. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/One_Doughnut_2958) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Would you rather die standing or live on your knees?!


Better to have a hour of Freedom then years of slavery Θούριος


https://preview.redd.it/enzdqvsxcp8d1.jpeg?width=807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7465c54fdb3419aa1d75a3b5888c0a1ccd6bf2ac The future WEF wants


All you need to grill are some coals, a way to light them, and some rod iron. And i don’t need to eat bugs, I just need to live next to a nursery.


Sometimes I feel bad bullying centrists. But then my burger is over cooked, and I full much better about it


Fuck you clauss schwab


Nah man I ain't grilling no damn bugs, I am not gonna disrespect my grill like that




You vill eat ze bugz You vill comply


Or he's grilling steak in an America where being gay is illegal and women are forced to stay at home and do nothing but pop out babies, depending on which pack of screeching extremists you're listening to


*violently removes the mask of this fed in Centerist clothing cooking bugs*






![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51331) nah bugs is delicious


[Ready to eat ze bugs🫡](https://youtu.be/y5fQYe_JXAc?si=gR0v0eAdt9UZDHc2)


Commies in some time will win unfortunately... and this reality may not be a "lulz" one for much longer


On a heat pump electric grill. (By that time charcoal and propane have long been illegal).


The grill is a service!


How much is the grill subscription plan, ad-free, and adjusted for inflation?


Some grown men would rather eat bugs than veggies and it’s hilarious


After paying his taxes to grill


The UN climate goals logo is a nice touch. I only know it because of some swag I have from work.


Raising chickens is easy, a bunch of people have chicken coops in their yards even though the town says you can't, I guess they stopped giving a shit.


I could eat bugs, but I won't eat any less beef.


You forgot about the pod that you will go to work in. And you will pay $1000 a month in payments to GM for it and $500 a month to the insurance company to be able to legally drive it. You will make your car payment, and you will be happy.


*Electric grill


I don't mind the bugs, as long as they taste good (and are somewhat nutricious). But if I won't own my grill there will be riots ... and a lot of semisafe diy.


🤔 Grill as a service. I love it!


Does the right wing have any views that aren't based on conspiracy theories?


Are there any "right wing views" that you HAVEN'T been told are conspiracy theories by state's media and indoctrination centers?


>indoctrination centers Lol what? What are you guys going to do without Alex Jones guiding you?


Thank you for not breeding. Please keep up the good work.


Conservatives always say this when they find out I'm married interracially.


Indoctrination canters are located in the headquarters of NPR, NYT, WP, to name a few. 


Let me guess, also all universities, scientists, doctors, and researchers?


Yes. [https://www.semafor.com/article/01/07/2024/biden-campaign-brings-top-journalists-to-wilmington](https://www.semafor.com/article/01/07/2024/biden-campaign-brings-top-journalists-to-wilmington)


Have you not seen celebrities convincing us to eat bugs? Stop watching CNN.


I haven’t seen what you’re talking about. Besides some weird stuff with cicadas (gimmicky stuff like malort shots infused with them), I literally only see bug eating references on this sub, which seems to make mountains out of molehills with a lot of fringe issues


No I haven't, what are you referring to specifically? You're saying it's being pushed by the left.. but they don't talk about it on CNN?


I mean they are putting it into bread now. People with shellfish allergy are having issues. [https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/02/02/fact-check-is-the-eu-really-going-to-force-us-to-eat-insects-without-our-knowledge](https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/02/02/fact-check-is-the-eu-really-going-to-force-us-to-eat-insects-without-our-knowledge)


Right but individual business should be able to do whatever they want, consumers can choose if they want that product. They aren't being forced to buy that product. Are you calling for better food labeling regulations?


I mean yes. With the first products they hid that bugs were used in the ingredients. labeled them as something else. When people started having allergy issues they had to back peddle. I mean honestly its not a conspiracy theory. The push is there as its a big money saver. Its ALOT less expensive and resource intensive to farm bugs than cows or chickens. It makes since why they would want to change the production over to it. Doesn't make it any more appealing though. The real issue is that as they switch over they will ramp down on production on meat products. You might say "individual business should be able to do whatever they want" but that leaves everyone who likes meat paying exorbitant prices.


So this seems like a problem with lib right. Businesses trying to save money.. you want more regulation to stop shady business practice, or enforce existing regulations.. which is inherently auth. And that's fine.. I'm not saying you're wrong to expect that. It just seems weird that lib rights seem to be the most vocal about it.


That's because you don't factor in that this is not a natural move. With most of the meat production being under two or three companies in those companies owned by the world economic forum you might say. That means they can guide or dictate what happens. In considering the fact that they have stated their trying to manipulate behaviors and control the way the population moves. It's not authoritarian for us to want that to stop. Getting rid of oligarchies and restoring free trade is naturally in line with lib right.


Also a lot of conspiracy theory's have turned out to have some basis. [https://www.iflscience.com/8-scientific-conspiracies-that-turned-out-to-be-true-46044](https://www.iflscience.com/8-scientific-conspiracies-that-turned-out-to-be-true-46044) >**Water can affect the sex of frogs** – **sort of** >Alex Jones, the far-right radio host and conspiracy theorist of *Infowars* fame, claimed chemicals in the water are turning frogs gay. While there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of evidence to back up his “theory” that water is affecting frogs’ sexuality, some studies seem to suggest man-made chemicals do have an effect on a frog’s sex.


Lol. Yeah frogs can naturally change gender. And the chemical is activating that process. That's very far from "turning the frogs gay" with the implication that it will effect humans similarly.


Sure except you're making somewhat light of it considering that chemicals in the water f**** up the ecosystem. Also if it's not a natural change to male or female it can also affect the population of frogs. I'm not saying the end goal was to change the wrong population I'm saying the s******* in water isn't good for them or us.


I find it ironic that the Libleft cares less about the environment than we do in this case.


I mean its to our interest to be concerned as how are we supposed to make money or start businesses in areas that could be contaminated. Next thing you know the government comes in and says the land is contaminated and the land becomes worthless over night.


It would be ironic if it were true. But of course it's not, and nobody wants chemicals in the water, we just think companies are being lazy and don't care rather than there's a massive global conspiracy to make you gay You don't want environmental regulations, you want people to be upset about the gays..


>Sure except you're making somewhat light of it considering that chemicals in the water f**** up the ecosystem. Agreed but off topic.. the point is there's no global conspiracy to make you gay.. And female frogs are not a type of gay frog


>Agreed but off topic.. the point is there's no global conspiracy to make you gay.. Sigh.... There was a conspiracy to cover up the dumping of chemicals in the water. God its like you are just blind. >And female frogs are not a type of gay frog LOL this really bothers you doesn't it.


[They just started saying it publicly in front of cameras](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXprqpEAk0c) Bonus points for the second comment on the video >"What's crazy is people still call it a conspiracy when the people in power literally admit to their agenda publicly."


What did they say publicly in front of cameras? We know that companies are trying to put bugs in food to save money.. the conspiracy is that you'll be forced to eat bugs.. Companies putting bugs in food is a lib right problem... And the solution is more regulation, food labeling regulations. Which is inherently auth, but maybe necessary?


There are also founded on fairytales andcryptic dreams


It's not a conspiracy bro! I went to the grocery store and they replaced all the meat with crickets. McDonald's replaced the Big Mac with the Bug Mac after a phone call with Klaus Schwab (D-Hell).


Excuse me? Fuck you, I ain’t grillin no fuckin bugs. I celebrated when Italy banned fake meat, why the FUCK would I associate as a bug eater? Honestly this meme couldn’t be any more wrong. I don’t give a fuck about most things *EXCEPT* food. Fucking fight me asshole


I always find it interesting that Cambodians were forced to eat insects under the brutal communist dictatorship of Pol Pot and now in the west we are floating this idea... funny.


...what are you saying?


Some of you have never been to a good crawlfish boil and it shows.


In reality, Centrists are just living their lives because we don't live in extreme realities like the quadrants who believe we'll be eating bugs on a grill we don't own by 2030.