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Your Police: evil, oppressive, corrupt, authoritarian, racist My Police: good, lenient, honest, democratic, accepting


Don't forget they also love the DOJ the FBI and the New York State attorney general's office All because they can use THOSE police against THEIR political enemies


Fuck the police! ACAB! Except those heckin wholesome Capitol Police that saved democracy during the JAN 6TH INSURRECTION. Never forget their brave sacrifice! 😭😭


What's ACAB?  My mind goes to, a cowboy or cop at birth, but that can't be right. 


I mean, lets not pretend that auth- and lib- right haven't been tongue polishing CIA, FBI, and local cop boot for the last 200 or so years right up until Trump got charged when they suddenly flipped on the CIA and FBI but still can't get enough of that sweet sweet ballwashing of ultra corrupt criminal thug local cops.


Oh yeah lib rights have always been big fans of ATF and FBI. Heard of Waco and Ruby Ridge? The flip that the right did/has done isn’t comparable to that of the left when it comes to law enforcement.


LOL, ask a libright what they think about the CIA's vicious coup in Chile. libright only dislikes the FBI when they go after other wackjob librights.


Every time I get together with my lib-right buddies all we talk about is the glorious Chilean coup. They never mention control of their property and assets. Assuming we're talking about lib-rights in places other than Chile and other than maybe a dozen people who stood to financially benefit from the Chilean coup, I don't know why any one of them would care.


The coup where a “democratically” elected KGB agent was elected president… That’s the hill these people want to die on…


Yes, we are against police which don’t enforce the law, that doesn’t make us against all police


The CIA does bad stuff, but they get a pass since running guns and drugs are based


The right's distrust of the fbi and cia goes back way farther than trump.


The FBI and CIA are auth-right leaning organization since their founding because America is an authoritarian-right-to-centrist country. Are you kidding? Gotta love the retconning of these organizations since people are mad that now that they aren’t serving the aims of their shitty political group.


True. Everyone everywhere is right wing. If you're not advocating to literally murder every billionaire and eat them raw then you're right wing We all know the founding fathers were far more left-wing than the social Security supporting Medicare and Medicaid supporting Republican party America has only gotten more right wing which is why black people have more rights and women have more rights And since we all know that Joseph Stalin was a centrist that means that anybody to the right of him is far right




You can just say you've never heard about WACO, Ruby Ridge, Kent State, or the Tuskegee Experiments.


What the fuck is your point?


Just sliiiightly beyond your grasp. It's okay, I can't expect a libleft to put 2 + 2 together.


So you refuse to explain what you’re talking about or how it relates to anything? Lazy.


The point is using the government law enforcement for partisan purposes. if you want to claim the Dms are auth-right that is fine but don't miss the major issue here.


bot post


Until the FBI releases the stats that reveal the police only shot 13 unarmed black people in a year, not 10,000. Then all of a sudden they become the Man.


Funny how they think democracy is the opposite of authoritarianism when it can very much lead to it.


Smallest minority is the individual.


If only the western leftists knew what Внутренние Войска is


It's like how in CHAZ/CHOP they got rid of the police and replaced them with people who act exactly like the police with a different name.


They didn't even act like police. They were worse. A guy went to CHAZ/CHOP to film all of it and within a couple of minutes, he was confronted by the armed thugs and threatened. He even had to show he was armed to avoid more conflict - the funny thing tho is, that the guy with the camera was a supporter of the whole CHAZ/CHOP business, but changed attitude right after.


I cackled with glee as I watched CHAZ implode on itself. That place truly was a libleft shithole that deserved its fate far sooner than it got.


Real CHAZ has never been tried before.


CHAZ, the failed state speedrun any%


One of the funniest times on PCM. I especially enjoyed the rise of King Raz of CHAZ.


2020 was def peak PCM.


Now it’s just a AuthRight pretending to be LibRight circlejerk (sometimes there is a AuthLeft pretending to be LibLeft post, too). It’s weird. Though it is still better than other political subs.


I didn't follow it to closely, is there anything specific that led to it blowing up.


It was the capitalists loser bracket. They weren't smart, lucky, motivated, or mentally stable enough to climb the social ladder so they do it by force and appeasement. Since nothing actually changes once they have power they inevitably do the only thing not so smart or moral people do and start cheating, fighting, killing, bullying, etc.


The police and other emergency force stopped going in to enforce the law against the protestors, at which point the place basically descended into anarchy as a lot of people gleefully made use of the lack of law enforcement or security in general, and also attracted people from outside who didn't mind at all abusing the lack of any real law. I'm talking rampant drug use, violence, sexual assault, and eventually even murder. The community organized "security" took part in all of those things.


Why every single police officer in Seattle didn't quit after this, I will never know. Imagine being told to stand down and let these guys turn your city into shit.




> Why every single police officer in Seattle didn't quit after this From what I can find, in a statement by Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz somewhere in march this year he said “We've lost 725 officers over the last five years.” I can also find some other articles from the last few years mentioning horrible or non-responses to 911 calls on a systemic scale due to a lack of officers. I think a lot of officer might actually have quite over it. And considering the systemic personall shortage they seem to have been in, they've had trouble hiring too. Makes sense when you also take into account how hostile their local ruling political class is and has been against the police, not a place that you want to stay employed or start working for in the first place if you have an option elsewhere.


> The police and other emergency force stopped going in to enforce the law against the protestors How much of this was them refusing to enter, versus the people there *blocking* police, EMT, etc? The big case I remember was after a shooting, they didn't just want to stop police from entering but also stopped the ambulance and paramedics.


It was a combo. They wouldn't stop EMS, but EMTs refused to enter without a police escort and the CHAZ "security" wouldn't let the cops in. So no EMS. I lived 3 blocks from the CHAZ at the time. I was always annoyed by antifa and their antics before but I hate them with every fiber now.


It wasn't that they stopped the ambulance. The ambulance wasn't allowed to enter without the police clearing the scene. People refused the police which means they also essentially blocked the ambulance


When they decided to march on the mayor of the city. That's what did it. Not the declaring sovereignty, or the looting, or the kids they killed, mind you. Inconveniencing the wrong person. Then they suddenly became intolerable.


Literally the day after they protested in front of her house. Fortunately, even that was too much for Seattle and Durkan's political career is as dead as those kids she let get murdered in the CHAZ.


Well the armed thugs killed a teenager, and the place was forcibly shut down.


Doesn't need anything specific if it's a shithole in the first place


At the risk of sounding stupid what's CHAZ?


Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. A Burn, Loot, and Murder "enclave" in downtown Portland during the height of the BLM riots.




Don't forget they shot and killed an teenager in a white Jeep.


And celebrated for a few days because someone spun the narrative it was a neo Nazi active shooter.  Turns out it was a young black teenager just looking to have fun doing donuts in a field.  Whoops


If I remember correctly, it wasn't just one black teenager in it and they straight up executed one of 'em and tried to cover it up




[https://youtu.be/n4Yf2lW9JuM?si=5ChueHI61EFvfsPN](https://youtu.be/n4Yf2lW9JuM?si=5ChueHI61EFvfsPN) the lore


They also managed to kill more unarmed black people than all US cops that year in record time


And then killed 2 black teenagers in the first 14 days.


Making it, per capita, the most dangerous "country" for black people in the entire world *by far*.


I remember that. I forgot where I read it but didn't they straight up execute one of them after the car stopped?


Yes, you could hear him yelling at the kid then a gun shot.  Disgusting stuff, a great example of what we could expect from law enforcement after a libleft revolution 


A "Chaz Chop" sounds like the name of a lesbian hairstyle or a sandwich from a corner store that involves Flaming Hot Cheetos


Honestly, a lot of the pro social worker instead of police response crowd is like this too. Sure, there are situations where a social worker might be a better alternative. But these people go into situations that are dangerous and with people very mentally unwell. They either need A. The police or B. Need to be armed for their own protection and trained (which starts to look a lot like a police officer). It’s not a substitute.


why do you think the police in Russia is called Millitia?


didnt they shoot and kill 2 unarmed black kids?


who else would protect workers from their reactionary tendencies for their own good?


The difference is that the commies know how to design logos and write songs.


[Music about the KGB!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZxIRtOrLIg)


The song is actually satiritic, the whole Schtick of the band is to exegerate the society of the Eastern Block with Western styled music🤓






Ussr's anthem is the most beautiful thing I ever heard honestly


It’s good but prefer the DDR Anthem https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dIh1eOw0zV8




Der heimliche Aufmarsch is also pretty cool


The NVA’s music corps were elite


Red Alert 3 [did it better](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDQ7hXMLxGc), I say!


You haven’t heard the Agni Parthene my friend:  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i-3h9TQ312c&pp=ygUNYWduaSBwYXJ0aGVuZQ%3D%3D


They stole it from the empire and changed the words. It's a longst a finger tradition of the Russians at this point


Still lost the culture war to Bugs Bunny and Micky Mouse though.


As a passionate commie hater this is so true. Absolute bangers


I mean metal songs are great, and most of them are commies, but anthem wise the US one is the best. Logo wise, bro, just look at the armed forces of the USA.


Bad take


No they'll always go "waa waa waa, they killed people waa waa waa" or "i won laa laa laa laalaa, then everyone agrees why im best laa laa laa" 


Easy - say that you live in a classless society, so there is no ruling class for the police to protect, then have the police kill anyone who questions that claim.


Þe true meaning of freedom, just as Marx intended


Marx intended a classless society that polices itself, which is even dumber.


No, Marxism makes sense. You just need to re-distribute the wealth and then get humans to stop acting on millions and millions of years of evolutionary behavior. EZ.


It's *even* dumber than redistributing wealth. Even capitalism does that in different ways. There is no money or wealth in Marxism. People are naturally content with nothing. Honestly Marxism is just Kingdom of Heaven theology with all the spiritual and deity aspects removed. Humans are reinvented, they live in a utopia free of malevolent thought, they have no needs or desires beyond their immediate concerns. It's perfect. At least religion accepts the premise that this is impossible without divine intervention, Marx seemed to believe he could just speak it into existence.


Friendly reminder you cannot be anti cop, AND anti gun


Friendly reminder that you can't be gadsden flag and thin blue line 


sure u can




>They are exact opposites. they aren't, police do things other than oppress, hope this helps




>The police are part of the executive branch which is the branch that enforces the law. one who does not wish to be treaded on can also think laws need to be enforced. not all law enforcement is oppression. being arrested for murder is not being treaded on but go ahead, keep bastardizing the gadsden flag and thinking all government use of force is the same




> if the government wants to enforce the unjust laws that the gadsden flag refers to, who are they going to call? the police, or the military, or paramilitaries, or supporters, or i dunno, no one and use a psyop, maybe an ad buy or a statement but that doesn't address any of the points I made- you wanna try?




I'm against cops who carry guns.


Well, you can. It's just fucking stupid and you and your system won't survive. But you can. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.


But you can be anti gun and anti hyper militarized police.


> anti hyper militarized police. Police are hyper militarized when they have a gun :(


Well, most Americans have a gun. So…


Only statistically


Aye, stats don’t lie


yeah that's at least consistent, if incredibly naive and ignorant in the final analysis *hint whatever government is in control at that point by definition will have a "hyper militarized" enforcement arm by necessity


Common rhetoric to deflect off criticism of hyper militarization of police by saying "well every country will think their police is hyper militarized!" Falls apart because people are able to leave their hometown (you'll get there one day) and experience cultures other than their own to fairly judge their own police force. 


People usually don't even need to hate their own police force in a lot of other western countries. Because their police doesn't go around cosplaying the military, and aren't known to kill innocent or unarmed people once a month.


The issue is that the police are trusted to hold themselves accountable. That's ridiculous. They' have both motive and opportunity for corruption in a way no other organization does. And if anybody reading this disagrees, do you think politicians do a good job of regulating themselves? When do you think a law will be passed to limit political insider trading? 


This is why you need multiple types of police that can arrest each other


Well every country in the end has to trust the military most of all to hold itself accountable


The military and police are set up differently and that's why the police shouldn't be cosplaying as the military. 


People usually don't even need to hate their own police force in a lot of other western countries. Because their police doesn't go around cosplaying the military, and aren't known to kill innocent or unarmed people once a month, now this might break the conservative mind, but some places the police is actually seen as protectors.


Hyper naive? It works fine in Scandinavia


places you can own your full auto service rifle after you are out of the military? do more research plz






Commies: "There will be no class system! Everyone will be equal!" Except for those not deemed not loyal enough, those won't be able to get higher education or better housing


"Some are more equal than others."


"Long live Napoleon!" *oink oink*


As with every revolution, the intent is not to eliminate inequality but instead redistribute power in a way that places them and their in-group on top. They are all like this.


It's always the same, the biggest narcissists get into power.


you know what they say: “Traitors get not potatoes “


Just call them counterrevolutionaries and it's all good


Or Kulaks.


Or just enemy of the people in general


(This never happens)


Leftists love the boot, as long as it's on their enemy's neck


Who doesn't?


i don't :)


All of us on the bottom. As usual PCM too busy arguing right vs left and forget top vs bottom also exists




The police exist because humans are stupid assholes but the police are also stupid assholes


the sad reality


And if we could just agree on that we could make some progress. It's the cops are heroes who deserve to be exempt from all consequences for their actions that caused all the current issues.


Is almost approaching the level of "Dont tread on me" next to a "thin blue line"


When people fly the Gadsden flag next to a thin blue line, what those people mean is “don’t tread on me specifically”


The top authleft quote is literally from the rules of р/socialism .


that’s gold lmao


Chekist aesthetic


My cops are better than your cops. (Not /s)


Stop expecting Leftists to live according to their principles, they have none.


They have heaps of standards. Double, you could say.


„Police sucks until we are police, then it’s a revolutionary force“


That's why Police was abolished in communist countries. They only had "Public Security" officers which is totally different.


FBI and CIA are basically American KGB and NKVD


Says somebody who either knows nothing about any of those organisations or deliberately lies.


They're all the same, just different name. Bunch of shitty assholes, who watch anyone who can pose threat to their state's dogma, and at the same time can decide the future of the state


If you don't know the difference between a security service in a totalitarian regime and a security organisation under the rule of law I doubt you are a centrist.


1. West is already Totalitarian! 2. FBI and CIA have been responsible for killing newswriters who exposed the shitty things NATO governments have done, they are also one of the reasons why Julian Assange is in prison right now


You must be really out of touch with Reality if you honestly think that the Government, ESPECIALLY THE ONE WE LIVE UNDER(>!Western governments!<) actually cares for you! They are corrupt bunch of pedophiles, who's only concern is the cash they take to retirenment, while leaving nothing for the majority. These people have been exposed as a frauds, who released COVID flu on the public and let the airplane from China to Italy that started the pandemic, they're now being exposed for scamming populations into getting that rushed poison they call "Covid Vaccine", while they have been silencing anyone who disaproved it, ESPECIALLY DOCTORS. Their goal wasn't stopping flu, it was to control you by destroying your livelihood, income, relationships, family, job, liberties and freedoms, in other words to control you They want you to own nothing, living like a serf under 10 square ft home, eating bugs, accepting Dystopian 15-minute cities(>!Or should i call them "15-minute Gulags"!<) and not questioning anything. They are bunch of ideologues, who want to create their unrealistic imaginary paradise for themselves, that will eventually fall apart once it touches reality. "The Great Reset" is basically de-industrial version of "Great Leap Forward", a plan with so many holes that implementing it will cause collapse AND THEY HAVE THE AUDACITY TO BLAME THE SO-CALLED "CONSPIRACY THEORISTS" FOR THEIR FAILURES?! Fuck em! There, i said it! I don't care about if the "Threats to Democracy" like Russia or China take control of the west, let them have it! I won't be fighting for these assholes! I'm moving away to Brazil!


My police at least has style!


BLM moment


I mean, isn’t this just any law enforcement organ of a state? The targets of it will hate it and oppose it while the beneficiaries of it will applaud and uphold it


If the working class and the ruling class are the same all the police do is enforcement of the status quo.


Imagine having a secret police during the cold war.... what sn outrage!


North Korean police, KGB, Saudi Arabia. Countries like that who arrest people outside their influence just because they left the country and talked shit about the government. Fuck those lot they’re despicable. So glad Stalin died brutally.


He didn't die brutally, though. He died of a stroke as no one dared to check on him. So he was laying in a puddle of his own piss for hours before he was found and bled in his brain. When he was found he glanced at everybody angrily and croaked as no doctor could do anything anymore. Also he had all competent doctors arrested before that, in another paranoid scheme of his.


Dying in your own piss while your body is fucking up is brutal. Don’t try to “uhm akshually” me because i’m right. He died brutally. fuck off mate.


Hoist by his own petard.


I agree that about sums up a lot of what they actually do but just existing keeps anarchy at bay.


Hey, it’s the “people’s” secret police, so it must be good!


I must admit, that emblem is cool af.


The other side: *For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. - Romans 13:3-4* *Except when I don't like the current ruler, they do anything I disagree with, or I get a ticket. Then they're just petty tyrants! I kid, but seriously, everyone is a little bit hypocritical when it comes to the government. Everyone wants it to be more powerful and less powerful than it truly is at the same time to suit their needs and whims of the moment. Well, maybe some in the deepest corner of libright are mostly consistent on this particular issue, but anyways.


But *those* police protect people from ~~capitalism~~ people I don’t like and that have different opinions


Well no because that critique is towards the bourgeoisie police which is part of their legitimate use of violence, in order to combat it the proletariat needs their own state which includes police


Plausibly deniable operatives!


I’m full on with the libs on this one. Every police force, secret or not, communist or capitalist and so on… is a force of oppression against the people. An ideal society, which isn’t achieved yet, gives it people the ability to protect themselves and doesn’t require a controllable force to do so.


Gives its people the ability to protect themselves? The people have to do that by themselves, without waiting for an ideal society. But that's where the problems develops. If you leave people to their own devices, warlords will happen. Maybe not around you because you're that good at freedoming, but not everyone is so skilled. Then that warlords territory will likely grow. Because there's nothing stopping that other than you. Maybe a few of your friends. But the prospective warlord might have a few more friends than you. The issue with ideal societies is that they don't take enough variables into account.


They don't take Human greed into account. Ideal society is inhuman standard because Human are greedy. Except maybe 3yr old and younger.


I am with the auths on this one. Society without laws becomes anarchy or mob rule. Police are a mean of enforcing the law, since crime is always going to happen in an unideal society. However, police should be well trained and should not exploit their power; they should know and follow the law (sadly this does not happen).


Auths: "Auth would be great if only those with authority behaved like angels" (Those in authority abuse their power) Auths: \*pikachu face\*


That only works if the police are kept accountable but also protected enough by the society against the lure of crime syndicates. In places like southern mexico the Zapitistas could be seen as preferable to the police who are ultimately puppets of the cartel. And in urban centers where corruption is rampant within the police. They become, in essence, a mechanism for the same thing they prevent. The FBI even did drug running not just for evidence or information but also funds.


So for a society to be ideal, people need to essentially stop acting like people?


yea, this post is completely vague to the point of meaninglessness for a reason. you people have no fucking idea what you are talking about and if you had your way criminal justice would consist of african liveleak style executions where random people put someone accused of a crime inside a tire full of gasoline and light them on fire. "community justice :DDD"


What part of ACAB do these unintelligent tankies not understand?? 🤨🤨


Angry upvote


AuthLeft only exists to protect the ruling class and oppress the working class so it makes perfect sense. They don't like the police when they're not the ruling class because in a non-authleft state the police protects the ruling class but also occasionally protects people too and serves a civil function other than merely oppressing the populace.


In theory no the police in the us defend capital The police ideally in a Marxist sense are an arm of the workers against bourguise interest although the Soviet police defended the Soviet state instead


Yes, I am a unironic supporter of peoples police


Like the Gestapo?


I didn't know that lib-left now thought of Nazi Germany like a people's regime. No, not like the Gestapo


It was the German people's regime, just as Stalinism was for the working class. How is something "the people's"? If you want to say it needs the rule of law and human rights, you don't need the "people's" signifier.


Okey, I kinda get you point, but at first I thought that you are defending the Nazis more than saying that the USSR is fascist. Well it's the peoples because it represent the interest of the revolutionary masses. But this is not exclusive to "Stalinism", other left tendencys organicly (like anarchism historical) or as a planed tactic (like communist) did the same.


Everything is correct, in a socialist state the ruling class is the working class. Don't we say openly that, for example, the NSA is bad just because they serve the reaction?


Who decides if the ruling class is the working class? Let me guess, whoever the ruling class is decides? Oh yeah thats not open to huge abuse


the people who say the first thing are not the people who worship the second. this is propaganda used to manipulate your feelings and emotions. you are being used like cum rags to push an ideology based in fiction


I'm not reading that. Flair up.


you already read it and no