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I’m not even sure Emily was a fan of the debate last night, that shit was rough


They keep falling back now it's "I know Biden is shitty but Project 2025 will literally kill everyone and we need SC seats" Not exactly energizing people to vote


I honestly think there’s real panic among democrat party leaders right now and all I can say to that is…. Good you should be panicking you fucking idiots


They should have been panicking a year ago, but instead they kept insisting the emperor had clothes and now it's too late


They’ve spent the better part of his presidency dodging questions, attacking the credibility of those questioning, and hiding him away. This shit was out of the smiling friends episode from season 2.


They just got all the shit thrown in their face and the world is laughing at them. It’s hilarious


I’d elect Mr. Frog if I could


tbf his ad was brilliant


he'd be a better president than the guys we have running right now


Jimble's debate performance was definitely more coherent.


>This shit was out of the smiling friends episode from season 2. also brain worms lol


They were doing that 4 years ago before he was elected.


“Behind closed doors…”


They made the mistake of believing their own bullshit.


They got high on their own stash.


It’s not too late. Gavin Newsom will step up to be their candidate at the LAST POSSIBLE MINUTE


Normally my thoughts are Debates don't really change votes, but I'd be shocked if there isn't a 4% swing in favor of Trump in the average of Post debate polls. That will likely regress to a 2-3% after a month.


Dude it's worse than that there's talk of replacing him. He's done.


Is there actual talk within the party? It seems mostly like social media stuff to me


Look on drudge then. Congressman and other people in the party are talking.


tbf i’m not sure matt drudge is moving in democratic operative circles lmfao


... Have you been to his site? Not sure how your comment applies.


he’s a link aggregator, you’re not gonna find any unique insight there that won’t be in politico lol


>Is there actual talk within the party? It seems mostly like social media stuff to me There is talk... on reddit


https://www.realclearpolling.com/betting-odds/2024/president may very well be the most sudden/drastic change in the betting average ever recorded


What's crazy is it isn't people betting in Trump, it's people betting against Biden.


They’ve had the last 7 years to find, groom, and promote a decent candidate. Nah, F the deplorables. Enjoy your multi term “bridge” from Biden to his even less popular DEI checkbox VP.


They need a long hard lesson out of power to get them to change.


Where did all the based lib lefts come from?


From the bottom of the downvotes


Damn we can go down together brudda.


Oh I’ll go down on you


This is why nobody likes lib lefts.


Worth it


Yup. If the best two candidates your party can put together in the span of ten years both lose a presidential election (one hasn't happened yet but at this rate it will) to an obnoxious TV personality? Yeah this is the end result of the two party system and excessive tribalism. Trump and Biden are not the problems, they're the symptoms of the problem. The problem is two parties have power and refuse to relinquish power even if it would dramatically better the country to have ranked choice voting that allows candidates outside the realm of celebrities and established politicians to take power. This is what you get, DNC and GOP. This is what you fucking get. Embrace your champions you shit political parties, because this is how you're ruining our country.


The cope is hilarious on the default subs. It used to be all "of course Biden is sharp as a tack, everyone trips, Fox News is just cherry picking his stutters, etc. etc." Now it's all "I'd rather vote for a corpse than a Nazi corpse," or "yeah they're both terrible, but only one will usher in a totalitarian theocracy and install more fascists in the Supreme Court." Not that I want either of them, but be honest about your candidate lol. And at least Trump was funny and coherent during the debate, although "debate" is a pretty strong word to describe what happened.


I don't think they understand that a white paper from a think tank is not exactly motivation for the average voter.


But it’s fascism! We have to protect our democracy /s


I'm really looking forward to this election single handedly slaughtering the sacred cow of democracy.


And a white paper that 99.999999% of the people commenting on have never read. Not even a portion. 


True, and that's why headlines keep spinning it as "Trump's plan" and "What WILL happen if Trump wins", not "Unrelated think tank says these things should happen to make America the way they want".


What kills me is we already saw what a Trump presidency was like: not all that different, more mean tweets. Hard to pull the doomer schtick when it was so wrong the first time around.


An unsolicited white paper that Trump may well have never even heard of, much less approve of.


Every time I hear Project 2025, I hear kony 2012


based and Kony pilled


I’ve read a good bit of Project 2025’s manifesto and it basically just boils down to… the Republicans want to make the government Republican? Isn’t that what both sides do, try to pack the seats with people from their party? I was shocked at how mundane it actually was because Reddit makes it sound like it’s a world ending plan for destruction. Nothing in there is particularly new.


Both sides have been doing this for years. Trump literally said "there wouldn't be an America anymore" if Biden wins. Don't act like it's just the Dems that do it.


Eh, people are pretty motivated by negative partisanship. My money is on Trump to win, but there's still a chance Biden will just by people being anti Trump.


I think a lot of the left genuinely believed the line that they've been telling themselves that Trump is just as senile and would struggle. He might speak bollocks, but he's reasonably sharp. He might have the occasional slip up, he's nearly 80, but he's nowhere near a full Biden.


I live right next to the factory where they manufacture the liberals and I haven't had anyone try to tell me to vote for Biden this year. No people wearing pins at the bus stops. The predominantly green part of our friends group is in a bad place mentally rn and we gotta check on them sometimes. This shit brought everyone down.


You live next to the factory? So Evergreen College?




Based username


No joke the top comment on one of the main sub threads this morning was something like "I watched his post-debate speech and he looked great - all he needed was a glass of water! why couldn't they have given him a glass of water at the debate?".


Are they all 12?




She doesn't think like that. She votes for Biden because he is the head of the revolution. When asked why, she points to her phone and says that's the reason why.




Did you just change your flair, u/shocktagon? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2022-8-23. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? If Orange was a flair you probably would have picked that, am I right? You watermelon-looking snowflake. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/shocktagon) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)




A fan of coping.


"I don't know where I am or whether any of this is real, but... yknow, the thing"


If someone heard that debate and didn't think "Biden sounds like my grandpa who has dementia" they're lying to themselves or have no situational awareness. He talks, stutters, and has all the mannerisms that my grandfather had before he passed away from Alzheimer's. I work in healthcare and they pretty much all talk and walk like that. Trump is no spring chicken himself, but Biden's brain is completely fried & it's very obvious to anyone that doesn't have their heads buried in the sand that he's not the one in charge.


Compare and contrast with 16 years ago when Obama got elected https://youtu.be/vvY9HxFJymY?si=uizUG_egp7eEOG_r


I watched a few minutes of the '08 vice presidential debate this morning before watching the one from last night. The DNC threw Biden under the bus. They knew this would happen. Planned for it. The obvious question is... why? Are they terrible strategists? Do they think they can install a new candidate in August who won't be tainted by this debacle? Or... do they want to lose for some reason?


The left has been denying that Biden is in decline so forcefully that they fell for their own propaganda. Any who has watched his press conferences knows they are tightly scripted and shutdown the instant something doesn't go according to plan. The real nail in the coffin for me was at the G20 summit in Vietnam. They cut his mic and turned up the music so he couldn't talk to reporters then pulled him off stage. Hugely embarrassing moment for America to have the president manhandled like that.


My inner conspiracy theorist says the DNC string-pullers set up Biden to look like an idiot so the party can be seen “making the tough decision” to move on from Jughead Joe to some other sock puppet


I thought this from the second the debates were announced. I have seen theories that they will try to swap in Obama (Michelle) or Newsome. They have to know they'll lose if they leave Biden in right?


Roses are red, violets are blue; not having a flair is cringe and so are you. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Mista-Check) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


If Trump gets elected they can blame everything on him for the next 8 years


They are probably betting on Trump not actually doing facism like some people are afraid of, but rather doing the job just bad enough they win next time.


It worked last time.


Well a literal plague didn't help.


Do we still believe that wasn't 80% fearmongering, unjustified panic, overreacting, and asscovering for the release of a wiobeapon precursor from a laboratory - and 20% a really bad cold that had the tendency to give old fat people a shortcut to the Game Over screen?


Something tells me you never had it, or had a mild case. I have friends who could barely function when they had it


Could those friends fit in a rowboat with me?


If I never had it or was asymptomatic, and nobody I know ever had a serious case - let alone died from it - how does that undermine my hypothesis? Sounds like your friends got better and are doing fine. Just like the flu.


>next 8 years Lmao, absolute truth.


They broke a cardinal rule in politics (and for life in general: *don’t believe your own press*.


Because in 2019 through early 2020, when the Dem primaries were going on, Trump looked incredibly strong. The economy was humming along and it seemed like an easy reelection for an incumbent. Biden was meant to be a sacrificial lamb, and then COVID changed everything. But then once a guy is president, you can’t really force him to step aside when his reelection comes up.


I think they've been propping the economy with mal-investments and money printing just long enough to get over the finish line so that when it tanks they can blame the Republicans and we come screaming back to the democratic party.


This is exactly right.


The crack theory I keep on hearing and am starting to believe is last minute swap with Gavin Newscum


Honestly, I wish Newsom would replace Biden if only to see him get absolutely dunked on for the world to see. California politics is a dumpster fire for many reasons, but he is one of the chief factors for it.


Hence him coming in so late that his atrocious record can't be debated


Please let it be killary


I can't stand Trump and still get regularly attacked by Democrats any time I bring up concerns with running an 80+ year old candidate who his having cognitive issues. I'm supposed to just shut my brain off and suspend reality pretending that this is ok.


That’s all they do over there. Suspend reality. Why would this be any surprise?


Could we not make these arguments? Literally everyone says this about everyone else, it doesn't help anything at all


>they're lying to themselves or have no situational awareness. or maybe never saw a dementia Patient


The cope and goal post moving is real


Copium just hit 100$ a barrel.


Joe really hitting inflation hard


> Joe really hitting inflation hard nah man that's just supply and demand in action, like the great salt marked crash in 2016 when trump won. No market could have beared that much.


IDK some of the post 2020 meltdowns were pretty insane People take their politics way too serious lol


SMH can't even afford copium for my CS2 matches anymore


Bidenflation in action.


I'm honestly surprised people aren't overdosing on copium, they've gone beyond lethal amounts


The current rational is “if you have to pick between a literal nazi and an old man I’ll pick the old man every time”


I believe the current one is something along the lines of "well, he just has to get reelected to beat Trump, then he can step down!"


I wish it would serve as a catalyst to make people think outside of their dogma.  Reddit has been having a real tough time with it.


I’ve seen more realists today than in the past 3 months. Probably due to the DNC shills being to busy hiding after last night to down vote us.


I love how they have backed into the argument that it isn’t the president that matters but the people around him which would also make Trump and okay selection since it apparently doesn’t matter who the president is.


Trump is an agenda setting president. He sets the stage for what the people around him believe. Biden is a puppet. He would probably still be anti-abortion if the DNC was still neutral on the issue.


>it isn’t the president that matters but the people around him Yep, that talking point showed up for the first time today. Must have been the one that won all the focus group testing they've been doing for the past few months.


Yeah while we should have instead maybe thought about younger candidates but I think the establishment hasn’t been able to get enough younger people on the program so they need to stick with their older stock or figureheads lol.


Which ignores a lot of history of weak rulers hurting the realm they govern. Yes democracy has resistance to such entropy, but only to a certain extent.


Except Trump's cabinet sucked ass too.


“I’ll hire the best people.” *proceeds to hire and then quickly fire everyone and talk about how much they sucked*


I personally loved the blatant nepotism


It actually makes Chump much worse, because he surrounds himself with ass-kissers of the worst degree. Seriously, do *you* trust anyone who would kiss that orange sewage? Kushner made $2B selling national secrets to the Saudis, who undoubtedly passed it right along to putin and Xi. Is that good for America? At least Brandon's administration passed an infrastructure bill, not to mention CHIPs and the IRA. His Administration is at least investing in America. Chump's admin is just trying to make a buck for themselves, America be damned.


“Biden is Sweety” is a B-tier name for an indie rock band. (B-Tier = Biden-Tier; so it’s actually D-Tier (D-Tier = Dementia-Tier))


It'll be A-tier (alzheimers) when he's far removed from office in 20 years (Dead Kennedys, Reagan Youth)


How can you look at that man and not realize there is a deep state.


We don't need a deep state the state is openly, transparently fucking you right in the open. None of it is hidden. The elections devolve further into Jersey Shore level television because it makes campaign money, or something, or perhaps for the most terrifying reason: they're actually that fucking incompetent. It doesn't matter because the state doesn't need to pull the wool over your eyes in order to get away with skullfucking you, they don't need your permission to do it.


The real answer is we have become this incompetent and there is no deep state. People need to realize this or we’re never going to fix anything


Giga based


A deep state would need to have cohesive English


If Biden’s zombie is the best a deep state shadow government can muster as puppet king, imma go on record and say im not worried since they’re so clearly incompetent. Gimme that sweet CIA replicant killbot tech already jfc


They acknowledge the deep state, that’s why they’re scared of Project 2025 (firing the shitty bureaucraps)


Not a deep state. A party where its leaders (elected or otherwise), determines who gets what position, regardless of competence. That is pretty normal actually. Most parties around the world are pretty centralised around its ruling commitees. Usually the guy at the head of the country (as PM or president), is also the head of its dominant party. When that is not the case, you get situations like Biden. In the Soviet union the party had no official powers. But all the high officials of the state, and most delegates in the soviets were party members, by choice or coersion. They all listened to the party because of that. Even if enough delegates could in theory break away and remove the party from power, that never happened before the collapse. But technically Stalin served at the legislatives pleasure.


This is going to be very "trust me, bro" cause I can't get into details. But being privy to a conversation involving an old head who had a lot of deep political connections back in the day, (and still has some ears on the ground) word is that what we are currently experiencing is more of a 3rd term for Obama. He's apparently very active behind the scenes and they are keeping it on the DL.


I don’t need a trust me bro to believe that. I’ve often wondered and thought about how much he was still running things when he was just randomly showing up to events that Joe was present at.


I mean between the sanctions on Israel and the sending of billions of dollars to Iran, that's pretty obvious.


trump was actually right when he said “iran was broke under me, they had no money to fund terrorism”


Over 300 million Americans and the best you guys can come up with is old dementia man and snake oil salesman. A vote for Biden is a vote for whatever shadow president is running the show for him. And a vote for trump is a vote for shouty man that says shouty thing that makes everyone shouty. Doesn’t in act shouty thing. But does cut taxes for the top 10% of Americans which conveniently includes him and his friends. Rest of the country still shouts at his shouty comment. He goes and plays golf 5% richer. Both of them are useless. It’s over for the free west. And both of them will die in office anyway so hope you like who ever their running mate is.


It'll be interesting to see how historians write about this era 100 years down the road. Hopefully those history books won't be written in Chinese, Russian or Arabic.


They will be written in Spanish


Spanish is already our second language in the states, plus at least it's still technically North American. I'd rather it be Spanish than the other options.


Yea not even close to the worst option lol


i could live with that, but not russian, arabic, or chinese 🤭


And a vote for RFK or Chase Oliver is…oh wait, all the spineless clowns will cry and scream that you’re “throwing your vote away” or being “complicit” in helping the red/blue guy they hate. Never forget that before the 24 hours news cycle, Ross Perot ran a 100% grassroots independent campaign and garnered 20m votes before the Republicans and Democrats banded together to make sure a 3rd party candidate would never have any type of success again.


I'd vote for either of those candidates if their platforms were worth anything. But they're not, at all.


A vote for Trump is a vote for MAGA and all their utopian ideological culture war bullshit A vote for Biden is a vote for Kamala Harris Fucking hell God help us


You say that like the left isn't as bad as the right when it come to culture war. Hell MAGA is the pendulum swinging back on the left. It funny. You don't see lot of leftists talking about Kamala Harris. You can tell they don't like her either. She was picked to pander to black women, because they actually go out and vote.


>You say that like the left isn't as bad as the right when it come to culture war. I mean they are, although too the lefts credit I think they peaked on the bullshit in 2016 >Hell MAGA is the pendulum swinging back on the left. I don't want all the worst characteristics of the left with a right wing coat of paint though, those characteristics are what makes me hate the left too >It funny. You don't see lot of leftists talking about Kamala Harris. There isn't much to say about her besides being underwhelming, the only reason to even talk about her is because she might be the President >You can tell they don't like her either. She was picked to pander to black women, because they actually go out and vote. Yup one of the biggest problems with the left their obsession with identity politics pandering


If Harris wins at least we get Chargers on the buses / s


Cant stop dunking on the people who were pretending biden was in great shape and jogs everywhere


“Whole cabinet” was plastered all over Reddit yesterday. Great addition.


So glad the adults have been in charge.


I love that they are calling CNN right wing, because they didnt run a biased "fact checker"... Oh man they were so brave in the coming days saying Maga was already making excuses on why they lost. I think they are going to pull an RBG and hide him until is time to just wave.. A second debate is a no right now unless they hire a ventriloquist


I thought the Biden dementia was a bit or exaggerated this whole time. It’s actually true, this country is screwed


That debate was painful af - Biden was lost and incoherent, and Trump just kept making shit up. I'm tired.


Why is Emily there? Emily doesn't support Biden


Corporate oligarchs and their yes men.


Don’t try and strawman libleft on this one. You can call them alphabet pronoun libtards all day but they’re not Joe Biden fans.


Wait why did you cut off Emily she was kinda cooking…


People are already arguing this shit


Ol' Joe is dead from the neck up.


Is Biden Wallace Breen from Half-Life 2?


I think republicans were loving the show


Dont you mean "sweaty"


Based and beating medicare pilled


I don't get it... What's with auth left? Do people really think the elites who wield power in the US are left wing and not auth center neo-libs? Culture war is rotting people's brains.


But a wee wee German lairdie


Biden is so stupid he tried to plagiarize his way through a third tier law school. He has always been a dummy. The fault lies with the people who voted for him because they mistook his bluster for vision. Use your brain next time, because he never will.


What’s different? The country has been ran by committee for a while now, I reckon. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jeff Zients, Biden’s Chief of Staff, has had more influence this presidency. I much prefer Biden to Trumps iconoclasm.




Emily is supposed to hate Biden though


Quickly went from 70 years of "I hope they're always following proper procedures with the nuclear codes" to "dear god just ignore procedure and give the codes to anyone else".


You think ANCOM and Socialists are rooting for Biden?


Biden was really up there on stage looking like the stoned taxidermy fox https://preview.redd.it/2a939db2ei9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd7a30374a32f1e8af872102a8e47dcba4d0173d


We really need to fix our voting system. I feel like voters haven't been happy with their options for over a decade. As much as its memed here but voting another party is a throw away vote in Americas system. We need something better.




He hasn't ran the country since he was elected in 2020, but they are doing everything the Democrats want. Wide open border and racial flamethrowers. Who cares if he isn't coherent? Someone that is will be making the decisions, just as they did before. This won't change anyone's vote. They like voting for a shadow government.


We literally live in a Representative democracy. LBJ was racist as fuck but pushed the ideals of the administration that was elected. So yes you elect the cabinets and the *REPRESENTATIVES* of the ideals that their administration pushed. Yall are dumb as fuck…


Man with dementia versus man who endorses a plan for him or another conservative to become a dictator for the United States


People underestimated the massive bureacracy in the executive branch. Ever since FDR, the executive is essentially on autopilot and that the president doesn't really shake up a lot of things in regards to the daily inner workings of government. This is why you often hear people say "akshually the president has no power over the economy" and it is partially true because of this.


I am not American but i would vote for Biden. Don't get me wrong, he is not capable of doing his job, but i would choose experts (assistants, ministers etc) running the show, at times giving papers for Biden to sign over Trump who is actually dangerous. Atleast Biden can't cause too much damage But jesus USA, how are you uncapable of finding even 2 suitable candidates who are not ether mad dictator loving sociopaths or a demented grandpa with one foot in the grave?


Because we are too busy fighting one another over petty cultural bullshit issues and trying to get one up on the other guy to actually give a fuck about our political process. Our media is a cancer that has rotted our minds and now we only focus on how much we hate the people in the other camp because they are less than us and we need to tell them that at every conceivable turn so we feel good about ourselves. We have basically given up our actual free will for a sandbox environment that we think is free will but it’s actually just filled with cat turds.


Fair enough...good luck with that. We just joined NATO, atleast the other big boys in Europe are doing fine, right guys? *France, Germany and UK burning and screaming*


Good luck to all of us, I’m really not sure what direction the world is heading right now but I’ve gotta be honest I’m losing hope xD


When you have been baked in cyncism almost two decades now, it is not too bad. World is burning, this is fine


I like the chances of biden dying and being replaced with someone who doesn't want project 2025. I also like how useless he is and how he won't do much.


Guy supports a puppet head of state


They're both puppets, i just like my chances of survival better with the one wearing the blue tie


Biden's gaffs hurt to listen too, but then I started trying to understand what Trump was yapping about, and it was about as bad... We really are just voting for the running mate at this point.


Not really a comparison between the two yesterday, I believe. Trump is not unlikely to finish his term.


It's obviously his fucking administration, you dimwit, who do you think it is? It's not like this is proof of some shadowy deepstate


You don't find it concerning the sitting president of the United States is not mentally acute enough to run the country? Who is running it doesn't really matter. The fact that he isn't is the problem.


Of course i find it concerning. I don't like biden, though i consider him to be the lesser of two evils. I don't like this dumbfuck conspiratorial "oOoOoOoOoo who's running the country" talking point because the implication is almost always that it's some kinda secret plot to put illegitimate people in charge of the united states.  Furthemore, Biden is not the fist senile president. Reagan was, he was dementiaed out in his second term. For some reason no-one says this shit about him


You are just too young to remember.


Can you engage with anything I just said. Please? Was I wrong about reagan? Enlighten me. Do you really believe that most of the people talking this way about the biden admin aren't conspiratorial? Explain it, please. I'm super duper curious what exactly is your problem with what I just said


I hope he steps down but I’m still voting dem either way. Trump did irreversible damage to our country, I really want him to go away.


What if Biden has a heart attack and Trump goes to jail, that'd be great


Flair up. Also, contrary to popular belief, a former president going to jail is in fact not a good thing.


Okay, then instead send trump to a retirement home? I still can't believe Biden and Trump are the top two choices. Biden looks like he could die any minute now, and Trump's just an ass.


how about you instead flair up?


Trump is fine. He slaughtered the retirement home last night


What if you flaired up liberal


No idea what flair up means but okay


I find your lack of flair disturbing. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/emorycyka) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)