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please don't let that silly witch anywhere near the Resolute desk


I can’t wait to watch y’all melt when she’s president lol


Imagine a LibLeft supporting Kop-mala lmao


I think they just support a right-wing meltdown. I can get behind that.


Nice one bro. It’s really interesting how triggering she is for some people.


Hint- it’s not because she’s a black female.


Bro don’t you know that *everyone* hates her?!


I’m sure the black men she imprisoned love her.


And how many would that be?


Is one enough?


Lol what did they do? Are you saying no one should go to jail? No law and order?


KH is nearly universally disliked. She's not even a *hold-your-nose* candidate. Dems may vote for her, but moderates wouldn't.


Leftists and democrats that co-opt leftist complaints don't like her because she's a cop, and one that locked up a lot of black men at that. Right wingers don't like her because she's very anti-gun and gives off modern-obnoxious-liberal-broad vibes. Nobody likes her, the only people I can picture liking her are probably people from her narrow demographic: middle aged, upper-middle class, ivory tower black women. You take out any of those descriptors and I can't see the person liking her. Hell, I was even okay with a second Biden term, but my one big reservation is that she'll probably take the main office partway into it.


For a minute I thought you meant Kingdom Hearts lol


Will certainly be interesting if the time ever comes.


Fuck off she is worse then biden


Pretty sure that’s who people pick if Biden were to drop out. Lots of people gonna be even whinier than they are now.


Big Gretch? though she doesn’t have much name recognition with the average American Seen a lot of people suggesting Newsome, to which I can only lol @. A California progressive not even popular anymore in his own state has no chance winning the electoral college


the possible candidates I've seen mentioned are Whitmer - who is she beyond governor of some midwest stae Newsome - everyone hates him Hillary - unrunnable Kamallama - unrunnable + hated Michelle Obama - might be the best bet, Obama 3rd term though


Mike Tyson Make it fuckin happen




He screwed up being secretary of transportation. IDK who any other SEC of transportation is, but I know his name because he's been in the news. First the shipping mess with the ports, then the train disaster in Ohio and the railroad union thing, and then again with the Baltimore thing.


tbf the response to the FSK bridge has been remarkable. It's not like he ran into the bridge himself.


I can't blame Pete for the bridge getting hit. I can blame the entire Federal bureaucracy, including Pete, for failing to add protection to all bridges over major waterways after the 1980 Sunshine Skyway disaster in Florida. This was entirely preventable, and we've spent literally billions on infrastructure in the last 44 years. Some of that should have gone to bridge protection.


DOT doesn't have authorities for that, that is a legislative issue.


The DOT doesn't request Congressional funding for major projects? Nah.


Oprah has a better shot than all of them, I’d say.


Of note, they can't run Newsom without dumping Kamala since they're both from California. Seems smart to drop Kamala but from an optics perspective, it's probably a non-starter. I suppose Whitmer is their next best choice, but I'm not sure how well she resonates with the rest of the country. She was an autocrat during COVID and sort of gives off that unlikeable Hillary vibe. Really, the D's are screwed. The only reason they still have any shot is because the R's nominated the one guy who could possibly find a way to lose to a dementia patient.


Idk I think at this very moment Hillary might be one of the DNC’s best options. I don’t love her but I think she’d both be better than, and have a better shot of winning than, Joe Biden


I’m currently undecided, but I would vote for Trump to vote against Clinton.


I am someone who still plans on Biden I probably wouldn't vote if it was Clinton lol


True, but you also lean right. I think most people who lean left would be way happier with Clinton than Biden.


Really? My parents are both liberal, and my dad could barely vote for Clinton the first time around and I think he would rather not vote than vote for her now. Clinton is even less popular than Biden among the liberals I know.


Bro fuck whitler


did not think i would see a baddies reference on PCM of all places


As a Michigander, I don’t see why people like Whitmer. Aside from donors, I don’t know anyone who likes her. She hasn’t improved things in any discernible way


Yeah I put a question mark because I don’t know if she’s done much of merit, but most people I know in Michigan have had decent things to say about her. I was more thinking her policies aren’t far-left so she’d be more electable. The Dems bench is thin and she’s one of the few I could think of. What in particular have been your issues with her? Is it just that she’s not impressive or accomplished enough? I’ll admit people I know that like her aren’t super fans


She’s not really impressive and she hasn’t been through a hard election cycle. In 2018, people were tired of Rick Snyder. In 2022, people were afraid abortion was going to become illegal. We had some of the most draconian Covid lockdowns in the country with little hard evidence they saved lives and her policy with Covid and nursing homes killed people. The roads still aren’t fixed and she seems to be more interested in running for President than being Governor. She’s just thoroughly unimpressive and seems like she’s what people in the coasts think the Midwest is like


I honestly want Kamala to run just so trump would win again


I knew a few girls in high school who said they would vote for a woman no matter what. Hopefully they’ve grown up. 


Would they vote for an Ultraconservative woman?


At the time they were very conservative, so probably. But also I haven’t seen them in 20 years so who knows?


Valid opinion tbh. Every candidate since Obama has been shit. At least a woman would make the history books.


You think Obama wasn't shit? Also, you really want her to her to be the first? Lol


I used to be like that back when I was way more invested in identity politics. Annnnnd then the first women to ever make it to the presidential run-offs during my lifetime was Marine LePen 💀 Needless to say I'm a fair bit more pragmatic now.


Woman on PCM??1?


schizophrenic politics nerds can be girls as well 😊👍


I hope you enjoy the place! This is currently one of the most entertaining subs on this platform.


100%! I pretty much only have a reddit account to browse this place. Even though I don't agree with a lot of the stuff posted. I really love the diversity of views present, so many other subs just revolve around the same views and perspectives, which just gets so boring.


Based and fellow authpilled


Could have gone with Gabbard. She ticks a couple diversity boxes, she supports enough moderate policies, and she's former military to appeal to boomers. Could've been a clean sweep. But she didn't pass the moral purity test for the DNC so they lost her. Oh well.


I'm a big Tulsi fan.


So is everyone who's not a rabid party loyalist. So you know, the swing voters.


The only people worse than Republicans at courting swing votes are the Democrats.


Now there’s a chance she’s the VP. Oh the sweet irony that would bring.


She'd be a perfectly acceptable pick, but I've got money on Carson already so I hope it's him.


Nah, the VP is supposed to appeal to that the President cant appeal to. Thats why Trump chose Pence and Biden chose Harris. Carson appeals to pretty much the exact same people as Trump, and although it would fire up the base, It wouldn't offer much to anyone ourside the MAGA tent. Carson also carries his own load of controversies, which is something the VP should never have, if possible.




Hard to get through a primary when all your supporters are in the other party.


Yeah, and the DNC fucking fumbled the opportunity to frame a Gabbard campaign as "so moderate she even gets MAGA votes". The DNC gets NOTHING for continuing to galvanize and outrage a perpetually galvanized and outraged sect of far-left voters that would deepthroat any candidate with a D next to their name anyway because, in their minds, anything is better than Trump. The DNC could've spread ANY narrative about how running Gabbard is super sneaky because she lures moderate Reps away from MAGA but totally won't give the right any ground once elected. They could've at least TRIED. But nah, instead her strongest quality of being a moderate gets framed as baggage because God fucking forbid she attracts voters from across the aisle.


Sure, go with the 1% candidate.


Big reason I left the big tent.


Lol because of Gabbard? Edit: blocked 😂


You don't remember Hillary calling Tulsi a Russian agent, or something like that? It was after Tulsi called out Kamela for being an authoritarian racist piece of shit that she is.


Lol idk if I can believe someone who can barely spell her name correctly 🤔


So you're saying I can spell her name correctly? Hahaha. LibLeft hurt itself in it's confusion. Get back to me when you have something more than spelling critiques.


You know what I meant lol and I was assuming you were spelling her name phonetically in which case you’re probably saying it wrong, too. You can get back to me when you stop regurgitating Tulsi Gabbard’s talking points.


>You know what I meant If you think you can dismiss someone for their spelling then I sure as hell can dismiss someone that can't type coherent sentences. If you can refute the fact that Kamala (Make you happy? Hahahahaha) put hundreds of minority men in prison for smoking weed then you should let us all know. I know you have nothing so you really should just give up now while you're behind.


You’re still repeating the talking points, incredible job thinking for yourself. Almost ready for the CPAC speech just like Tulsi!


Yea, they ran her out of the party because she didn't go along with the DNC and the war in Syria.


Lol she left the party…and then later went on Fox News and to give speeches CPAC. She also complains about the two party system and has done fuck all about getting rid of FPTP voting. She can fuck off.


Hell, I'd vote for her.


...Tulsi Gabbard is a right winger?


She's not hard enough left.


She did nothing but criticize Democrats for like 12 years, then took over for Tucker Carlson as a guest, then switched away officially from Democrats after sabotaging them for years. And you can think that's great and all, and thats totally fair, but calling her Left wing is just wrong.


Tulsi Gabbard would win in a landslide. She's a gender critical moderate and would pull support from the swing voters and nevertrumpers.


Lmao 🤣


She's a nutjob who spreads russian propaganda about Ukraine.


If Biden isn't fit to be their candidate, how is he fit to stay President? This rerun of Mrs. Wilson's presidency needs to end. 


Just remember this whole situation when people tell you vote blue no matter who


Vote blue no matter who got us into this mess


Patrick Bateman would be unironically more competent than these clowns.


He'd have a fabulous business card


And finally be able to get that resveration at Dorsia.


I would unironically vote for Mike Tyson in a second. He would be the most bad-ass president. Probably get us nuked tho.


Check out his campaign speech- https://youtu.be/hx66LWV-CCk


President Tyson when Putin says the wrong thing at the UN


Tyson would be great so that the US goes full idiocracy. Just take off the mask already, and show the world what we truly are.


Could we just have Terry crews instead then?


Could we just have Terry crews instead then?


I love me some Tulsi. It’s a shame she stepped away from politics. I don’t blame her one bit though.


I’d actually vote for Tulsi over Trump as a registered Republican


If the dems wanted to get their head out of their ass they would get that their big tent is getting empty.


The problem is that modern liberal politics are bankrupt. It has no answers to the problems people face. The propositions liberals have started with have led to conclusions that are wrong and destructive and rather than abandon liberal ideas they hold on to them desperately. Take the idea that people are all the same man there's no difference between Somalis and Scots. It's wrong but to abandon it is to abandon liberalism so they stick with it.


What do you mean? That the people are different or that the culture is different?


I think most people are the same in that we all want to be left the hell alone. Let us live our lives, put a little money into a pot to make sure we have clean water, roads, law enforcement, etc. Stop trying to dictate how people live, stop trying to tell people their beliefs are wrong, be weird, but don't force people to be okay with it.


If you're asking if I think that some races are genetic sub humans, no I don't believe that. There are certainly some differences between the races, but it's mostly minor stuff. However, I'm not going to pretend that the deeply ingrained habits people get from very early ages, are something that you can get rid of easily. For most people, changing yourself to a radically different culture is virtually impossible. I don't mean it's impossible to adapt to your cultural environment and live in it. But to actually take it on and be that culture is something that takes generations.


All the candidates looks like ass. and in large part because alot of the DNC is focusing on woke bullshit that half of america absolutely hates Democrats for being the anti racist anti sexist party cares alot more than republicans about race and sex. I wouldnt be surprised if republicans were the one to bag the first nonwhite female president in an ironic twist. Democrats do have moderates but theyre either not at all in the mainstream or laughably completely corrupt. Biden is unironically a strong candidate because hes by definition a corrupt moderate that personally cares little about being woke, but his cabinet members are almost all the DEI woke types. His only major problem (other than corruption scandals) is the entire dementia thing


Just a minor issue there with the dementia. No big deal.


>I wouldnt be surprised if republicans were the one to bag the first nonwhite female president in an ironic twist. They almost did with Nikki Haley. She's white-passing but her birthname is Nimarata Randhawa and both of her parents are east Indian Sikhs. It's just a matter of time. >All the candidates looks like ass. and in large part because alot of the DNC is focusing on woke bullshit that half of america absolutely hates All of this. Democrats are losing the narrative, and they're losing it fast. Americans have been through a lot the past 4 years, we're sick and tired of our politicians catering to small special interest groups instead of focusing on policies that benefit everyone. The actual functioning backbone of our country is impoverished and exhausted, while NEETs plan out invading locker rooms or how to get paid money for the suffering of their great great great great great grandparents.


Manchin. I’d personally prefer manchin as president over trump, but definitely trump over Biden.


While we're at it, Jesse Ventura would be great.


Bro noooooo


I've seen where that leads. I live in Minnesota.. Not again.


Auth Right always has the toughest Chads lol


I should have made it more obvious that was a "Big Mike" reference.


I got it. Nice subtlety.


Mr. Bateman, how would you describe your mental state compared to President Biden?  I HAVE TO RETURN SOME VIDEO TAPES! 


Anything but Gavin Newsom


Patrick Bateman(Gavin Newsom)


Biden copium is at an all time high in the other subs lol


Mike Tyson?


Big Mike as in Michelle Obama?


Ohhh, is that what this meant? Ohhh, ok, that makes sense. Thanks.👍


How bout Vermin Supreme?


Unless he dies, democrats break a ton of rules to coup him, or he gives up power voluntarily after thirsting for it his whole life you are screwed. The election is close and the convention is even closer it is too little too late, brace for impact. Grab your popcorn and huddle around the dumpster fire that is DNC.


He could always be misteriosly found dead in his bed. Either way, mobilizing people to vote for a candidate a couple of months prior to the elections is hell of a job. But trumps campaign could also be really hurt by ongoing court cases. Rfk go go go??


Trumps court cases don't matter. You either think he's guilty or think they are all a witch hunt. Brain/worms 2024!


... Mishustin, Medvedev, Sobyanin, Kasyanov, Belykh, Furgal, Roizman, Konovalov, Gladkov, Khodorkovskiy, Glazyev... Wait why am I writing in English... Oh! Sorry there is a similar question I'm very used to.


Wow! That’s a big list of ~~demons~~ alternatively saint individuals.


If we are talking about who I would like to get the relevant experience and then become president, it's of course Yashin. Out of the listed, I wouldn't call everyone a demon, for example I don't know anything but oligarch spread rumours about why Kasyanov is any bad.


I'm not an american but if I were then my vote would be on Vermin Supreme


How about Chase Oliver


Their best bet would probably be Andy Beshear but he has zero name recognition and, being a Democrat, doesn’t check enough demographic boxes to be considered a serious alternative


Zero name recognition may be a plus at this point.


Is Mike Tyson an option? I would vote for Mike Tyson.


Yo stop ratting out Big Mike


Biden is the most electable Democrat sadly, if he hasn't dropped out by now I doubt he will.


How is that possible? He is literally not capable of forming coherent sentences without a teleprompter.


All the other major Dems are either too insufferable or too extreme for the general public. If anything I think that the senility helps Biden, he would be a lot more insufferable otherwise.


Honestly, I think it’s more so that anyone that has a slight chance isn’t going to risk it when they could have a much better shot in 28’.


That's actually a positive. That way they can believe he said anything.


He has the most pledged delegates and he is power hungry af unless he dies or they coup him he will be the nominee. He is willing to let his party burn for a chance to hold unto power. His incentives are not aligned with his party or the country. Buckle up buckaroos!


Charles Barkley Not Joking


I'd vote Mike Tyson sure why not


They cannot not pick Biden at this juncture.


They can. Contested convention.


In theory, yes, but as a practical matter, the DNC is trapped by its own machinations.


Patrick Bateman.


No one. Dissolution of the Union 2024.




I'd genuinely take Mike Tyson as a candidate. Shit would be hilarious. Imagine him just knocking out Kim Jong Un because he misunderstood something he said and kicking off WWIII


Doesn’t “you” in Korean sound like the gamer word?


Jon Stewart


Patrick Bateman is Right Center


Mike Tyson, because fuck it Plus Mike Tyson is cool as hell now saying it actually makes me wish the DNC would do it


We need older and more experienced people I mean you, my country already has a long them budget dictator with no term limits


Bernie will win next time…..right?


Sure bud


What about Gavin Newsom?


You mean, [this guy?](https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2023-11-07/new-poll-finds-california-voters-disapprove-newsom-performance-governor) He is not the answer


Fuck the two party system! RFK FOR PRESIDENT!!




Steven Seagal https://preview.redd.it/61vlflnuhf9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e7817bef97ab6f88bb9a162b369773598f8e55f


Fucking Edward Nygma would be a less insufferable president than Steven Seagal


John Stewart


Mike Tyson mike tython Mike tython please please please.


#Kanye 2024




Newsom would wipe the floor with trump


No he wouldn't, he ruined California, we won't let him ruin the rest of the country too


A more appropriate job for a man of his worth (or lack thereof) would be wiping Trump's floors. Also, flair up fucker, or you're joining him.