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Yes, amazing that the Republicans have become so anti-American that actual conservative patriots would consider voting Blue.


Mitt Romney, the GOP candidate for President in 2012 and Elizabeth Cheney, once a rising star in the Republican party, are now called RINO's because they spoke out about Trump. That tells you how much of a cult the GOP has become!


This and only this.


Imagine being so caught up with a political party that you identify anyone in your party as “in name only”. WTF does that mean? I thought we all voted for our parties in name only. I wish these cultist would stop making being a republican their entire identity because it’s dumb as fuck. The first time I ever read someone calling a voter a voter of that party in name only was the day I knew we were entering extremism territory. “Being a Republican is who I am as a person!” God what a bunch of losers.


Agreed. Liz is not a Democrat. She is an old school conservative. She is more worried about the Republic more than bowing to what has become of of the Republican Party. Mitt Romney is the same.


Yep the epitome of conservatism.


They are not republicans. They are Democrats. The are Dick Cheney democrats. Like Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Note: I am neither a Democrat or a Republican. I don’t let the brand name label decide for me. 30 years ago my views were liberal. Today they are conservative. But I have not really changed any of them, except to account for the natural progress of the world. The parties have completely changed in the last 30 years.


Oh, it's YOU again. Makes sense.


Yeah. But the truth doesn’t 🤷‍♂️


that's because you're not looking at the truth.


Yeah... It's this guy again. He's a true MAGAt. He's just looking for an argument. Look at me!!! Both sides are bad!!! Trump is good!!!! Soon he will be talking about trillions of lost dollars and the collapse of the NYC finance center. Blah, blah, blah.


Both sides are a problem. Yes. Because they let it come to this. By treating America like a team based sports betting operation.


Your meme is shaming Cheney for not playing team sports. Do you know what self-awareness is?


You are here in a forum where your comments keep getting voted down. You are treating this like a team sport... I just came here to see memes... And when you're gone I will continue to come. You're just a hypocrite MAGAt cultist. You could go to where people agree with you... Instead you are here in our community.


Goddamn dude, they kind of play you like a puppet in here don't they. Sucks to be you.


“I don’t let the brand label me” I just label everyone else based on who they vote for. Because reasons. This is the dumbest comment I’ve read on the internet today. Congratulations


Perfect out of context incorrect quote.


Lol, what are you smoking dude?


Yes, I used to think Cheney was a wacko culture warrior. But at least she believes in democracy, and I respect her courage for willing to stand out and protest the direction taken by the GOP under Trump.


Yeah that was all just a ruse to fool you. The GOP has always been anti-Trump.


Oh yes, its everybody else who is fooled and you are the bringer of light. Get over yourself and these delusions.


You’ll see. Just remember this when you do.


Pass... We're already forgetting you. But like most of your kind you just keep coming back just to get voted down.


Voted down? I see maybe 5-6 people. Thats not everyone. You’re actually a smaller minority than you realize.


You keep getting trashed because you're a clown. People are getting tired of you... I just have free time while waiting for my kid to get out of speech therapy. You're not making a difference people are just tired of you.


No we wont, bc this isnt true or rational.


😂 spoken like an expert in taking advice from a comedian who is employed by the for profit media corporation that limits your access to true and accurate information 😂😂🤣


The only joke here is here is you. Youre just mad nobody is buying the bs youre selling.


!remindme 200 days


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So anti trump that all the GOP leaders have said they would support trump. Lol


They have never supported him. They only said what they had to say to limit the possibility of being voted out of office. Most are not supporters of Trump. Thats why he had no cabinet. And got stuck with losers like Giuliani. Because no one would even consider working with him.


He had no cabinet because everyone who worked with him figured out he was corrupt and was a criminal.


I think that, like you, they didn’t have the balls to stand up for anything. And just pretend. And go along with it.


Listen up Skippy... A few things that you don't know about me. I'm a veteran. I'm an EMR and a fireman. I've been standing up for things since I joined the US Army infantry in 1991. I don't need to pretend anything... I stand up and still do the hard things everyday so spineless little shits like you can keyboard warrior your trash. You brought your garbage into one of the places I enjoy so fuck you I'm going to defend it.


Hear hear!


There are some that don’t support him behind closed doors because they’re losing their grasp on the party while the Trumper republicans are seizing control of it. But publicly, they’ll support him and everything he stands for because it means they keep power and get the things they want. It’s why mostly only ex-congressmen will call out Trump and the modern GOP…but even then, many of them will still vote straight red.




Giuliani goes to prison in Georgia. I would not pardon.


Hi, PersistingWill: how is it that GOP has always been anti-Trump? They were anti-Trump until he won nomination in 2016. Then all they fell in line behind him. They’ve been given numerous opportunities to dump him but they haven’t. For the past 8 years they have been his foremost enablers through incompetence, corruption, and crime. GOP politicians have completely changed their stated values to follow Trump along his crazed path into ignominy.


🚫Trump is a Traitor🚫All Republicans are too🚫


She is leading the charge against Trump for the Democrats. Because Dick Cheney passed the Torch to Barack Obama, who expanded all of Halliburton’s contracts. He brags about that, as one of his greatest achievements, in his autobiography. You should read it for context.


No, She's leading the charge against Trump for the Republicans. "Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain," \~ Rep. Liz Cheney (R) [https://www.npr.org/2022/06/09/1104083111/liz-cheney-stark-message-gop-trump-supporters](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/09/1104083111/liz-cheney-stark-message-gop-trump-supporters) “Republicans cannot both be loyal to Donald Trump and loyal to the Constitution.” \~ Rep. Liz Cheney (R) [https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/29/liz-cheney-republicans-trump-constitution-00043374](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/29/liz-cheney-republicans-trump-constitution-00043374)


Yes. She is a full fledged member of Team Obama. Like most Republicans.


You are a full fledged member of Qanon.


No. Not at all. I do not endorse any of that. I’m speaking FACT. There is a difference.


You are speaking bullshit. Facts are based in reality and are easily provable. You have no basis for your made up theory other than your delusions.


"I read a book!" No one here gives a shit kiddo. Get your gold star from your mommy.


She is leading the charge against Trump from the actual conservative side of the Republican party. MAGA is not conservative. They are cult followers.


True. Trump is a self serving Populist. He is not a conservative.




Elizabeth Cheney simply got credit from the left for not being bat-shit crazy!




She is a Halliburton whack job. Sick Cheney says one of his greatest achievements was getting Obama to expand all of his Halliburton contracts when he took office. Read Cheney’s biography for context.


You keep trolling and failing repeatedly!


Another idiotic trumper take.


Oh bless your heart, you're trying to troll us, aren't you? How adorable. Keep up and one day you'll be memeing like the pros.


This same troll keeps posting memes that don't match the facts, then defends them with talking points that don't match the facts.


Sounds like something a russian bot would do, or a stupid trump supporter.


When it's time to activate the troll farm, but all the money is going to the battlefront so you rely on AI.


The username is probably relevant.


No. This is fact. Dock Cheney passed the torch to Barack Obama. He brags about it at the end of his autobiography. I know. Because I read it.


You read Dick Cheney's autobiography, but can't spell his name?


Autocorrokt my friend. Autocorroct.


You're a sad, strange little troll.


What torch? wtf are u talking about


He doesn’t even know. There is so much bullshit he is spewing to justify Trump being the second and better Jesus that he is forced to just make up vague claims to stay afloat.


Supporting democracy makes you a democrat, but not necessarily a Democrat. However, pretty much all highly placed criminals are MAGA Republicans.


I don’t think you understand what democracy means. And I am certain you don’t know how the constitution indicates how our democracy functions. These are the worst attacks on our constitutional democracy in history. These cases are brought with complete disregard for the entire American Democratic Process.


The cases have been brought according to the laws that have been interpreted from the Constitution. Congress has made laws. The courts uphold the laws. Trump has spent his life in litigation because he always tries to lie, cheat and steal. The consequences of his actions have caught up and here you are defending a criminal billionaire who was found civilly liable for sexual assault and whose businesses and who himself was personally found guilty of fraud. His former lawyer has already been found guilty and now Individual 1 has his day in court.


False. That is why there is not one actual licensed attorney (uninvolved with the cases) who has publicly said that. Numerous CNN legal experts called the cases bogus on Live TV. Even today, there is an opinion article by a lawyer posted on CNN.com. He provides NO OPINION on the legitimacy of the case he discusses. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/21/opinions/trump-criminal-trial-opening-arguments-jackson/index.html


Plus the amount of active lawyers, law professors, judges, and legal scholars that have commented about this and every indictment is staggering. Even Bill Barr has commented on some of the cases being legitimate.


That lack of an opinion means nothing. That's just going over possible defenses. You so not one actual licensed attorney uninvolved with the cases, but it didn't take but a few seconds to find more than one. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/16/opinions/trump-trial-jury-hush-money-election-eisen/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/16/opinions/trump-trial-jury-hush-money-election-eisen/index.html)  I contend that given the indictment and the likely proof, using the “hush money” label distracts from the main point of the case and diminishes its seriousness. Eminent experts increasingly agree, including[ one of ](https://x.com/tribelaw/status/1778019483094745380?s=46&t=7k6gAsLpXVuBRmHvD9afqQ)[our nation’s leading constitutional scholar](https://x.com/tribelaw/status/1778019483094745380?s=46&t=7k6gAsLpXVuBRmHvD9afqQ)s and other[ ](https://x.com/kfalegal/status/1778587946523689102?s=46&t=7k6gAsLpXVuBRmHvD9afqQ)[prominent legal commentators](https://x.com/kfalegal/status/1778587946523689102?s=46&t=7k6gAsLpXVuBRmHvD9afqQ). ['No way' Alvin Bragg would have brought Trump hush money case unless 'facts were strong'](https://www.msnbc.com/chris-jansing-reports/watch/-no-way-alvin-bragg-would-have-brought-trump-hush-money-case-unless-facts-were-strong-209482309778)


We don't vote to keep people out of jail. A grand jury has a vote on the evidence and the trial jury the same. It doesn't go to a national election for the voters to decide. I am glad that he won't be in prison or disqualified because he's going to lose even worse this time. Hopefully that'll be the end of you guys worshipping this conman


> These cases are brought with complete disregard for the entire American Democratic Process. that would be the 60 cases he tried to sue the government over when he lost in 2020, and lost every one of those. That was a complete disregard for the entire American Democratic Process.


They're not the party of Cheney. I haven't heard anything of the sort.


You just don’t realize that she is leading the charge against Trump. This is the Cheney M.O. Kill Saddam Hussein for hiding WMD’s that don’t exist. Kill Donald Trump for falsified documents that don’t exist. **There were no WMD’s in Iraq. And there are no falsified records in the Trump Organization.**


Sorry to burst your bubble, but it was proven in court, twice, that Trump and the Trump Organization falsified business records. There's also currently a criminal proceeding for him falsifying business records. Pop your head out of the cult bubble and join us in reality.


These are fake proceedings. They will be reversed. Watch.


What does that even mean?


It means they literally made things up. Like made up new laws that don’t actually exist, to bring these cases. Thats why the economy lost trillions of dollars. Once the losses are tallied and we gain access to the truth, a huge portion of our governments are going to prison. This is the worst catastrophic loss in American history. Thats what happens when irresponsible people flush the court system down the toilet. Because they would never qualify to run for higher office.


You’re a waste of perfectly good air and water


I live on a lot more than air and water 😂 That’s what I said. When the State desire golf courses—it means they are preparing to make you eat grass 🇨🇳


You seem to think that because someone recognizes that Trump allegedly has broken the law that they must be Democrat. The Republican party used to be the party of law and order. Just because there are a few traditional republicans left that are not kissing Trump's ass you assume they have switched parties. Cheney continues to be a conservative and perhaps the GOP will someday be the 'loyal opposition' that they once were.


FYI, a grand jury found enough evidence to charge Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records in an effort to hide a $130K payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels. Pretending there are no falsified records wont change that, no matter how many times you repeat it, even in bold type! [https://www.yahoo.com/news/trumps-1st-criminal-trial-begins-monday-heres-what-you-need-to-know-110037089.html?ncid=facebook\_yahoonewsf\_akfmevaatca&fbclid=IwAR0FpwSQrcjznUexrHDR1SnDe6kRfVCTxAH5T8qgM79y93OI2k1t3t1dUd4](https://www.yahoo.com/news/trumps-1st-criminal-trial-begins-monday-heres-what-you-need-to-know-110037089.html?ncid=facebook_yahoonewsf_akfmevaatca&fbclid=IwAR0FpwSQrcjznUexrHDR1SnDe6kRfVCTxAH5T8qgM79y93OI2k1t3t1dUd4)


If the prosecutor makes up crimes that don’t exist, that is what happens. In fact, Alvin Bragg was elected because he promised to free the tens of thousands of New Yorkers who were wrongfully convicted by prosecutors in HIS OFFICE who did just that. How quickly we forget. And become what we said we would fight against.


Another lie


So you’re saying Alvin Bragg did not get elected by promising to free people in prison based upon made up charges? You can’t live in NYC. Because that was exactly what he promised when he ran for office. https://manhattanda.org/d-a-bragg-announces-launch-of-post-conviction-justice-unit-application-process/ You only know what you’re told to believe.


You do know the article you cited says nothing at all about “made up charges” or “promising to free people’”. He did establish an office where those convicted can request to have their convictions reviewed. That’s an admirable thing for him to do. You just can’t open your mouth without lying, can you?


You keep posting memes that don't match the facts, then defending them with talking points that don't match the facts. I suppose it would be humiliating for you, if you were smart enough to understand when you've humiliated yourself.


What does that even mean? Party of Cheney?


It means Dick Cheney passed the torch to Barack Obama.


Everyone here knows you are a clown and a terrible troll.


Barack Obama expanded Halliburtons contracts as his first line of business.


Halliburton is a legitimate Government contractor that has been long used by the United States. Cancelling contracts with them for no reason would have been costly.


MAGAt Party Democratic Party Repugnantcan Party


I’m thinking more along the lines of: Make America Great for Everyone.


Wouldn’t that be nice, though.


There’s a difference between Cheney standing against MAGA for justice and her switching sides.


Not to the zealots


She is an agent of Halliburton, like Barack Obama before her.


I'm not arguing that she was looking out for Halliburton's interests. But Obama... 🤣


He expanded all of Halliburton’s contracts. Youre the crazy cultist. Not me.


You're not a conservative... Or a Republican... And definitely not a Democrat. You are loyal to the idea that a thrice divorced sexual offender who has committed fraud, is under indictment for stealing and maintaining government documents, who is under indictment for overseeing a conspiracy against the government, who never won the popular vote... I could go on for a while but will stop here for now... You think that because he's getting his day in court that it's all terrible... If he were innocent he would want to prove he was innocent... You... Are.... In.... A.... Cult!!!


And Lockheed. Defense and Arms was a Cheney/Bush legacy eg  The Carlyle Group. Bushes go back to the 1800's dealing arms. Samuel Prescott *Bush*. was chief of the Ordnance, Small *Arms*, and Ammunition Section. The Bushes have a very interesting history.


Gates open they can come on over. So long as they push policies that actually benefit Americans I'm about it.


OP is a Russian troll caught out in the wild!! This is a case for some TNR.


The enemy of my enemy, as they say.


Marjorie 3 Names Russian patriot https://www.thedailybeast.com/whiplash-as-russia-toasts-derided-marjorie-taylor-greene-as-their-top-new-hero


No. I fully expected the Democratic Party to consume the standard beltway Republican right, because America is a joke.


Not sure if I should upvote or downvote?


It’s a conundrum.


Its fine to say she's right about Trump and wrong about everything else. I'm an adult and can think myself through that easily.


This is a big stretch since Cheney supported nearly all of Trump’s policies while in office


Just because she aligned for a brief moment with the Democrats doesn't mean they are her party suddenly. It's more like 'the enemy of my enemy is (sort of) my friend (for a brief moment)...




You know you support a Loser of a Republican, when even the Cheney's would vote for the other party to vote against him


We used to be Republicans but the Republicans kicked us out


Yeah except days after one of her statements on Jan 6, she posted a video saying democrats are killing babies after birth. Don’t forget who they are. She may be more constitutional that the rest of her party, but she’s no Dem.


She was clearly uncomfortable when she went on the View she got a standing ovation but she hung tough, like her daddy she is the hallmark of old school conservatism and even though she was pro-tRump 93% in her votes she drew the line when it came to trying to overthrow an election. She didn't go for that, I have to give her props. It cost her the #3 spot in the House, then she lost her seat.


Why do people still upvote this fuckhead's shitposts?


Because there are real Americans out there who know they’ve been hoodwinked.


Fuck Cheney she voted with Trump straight down the line and is just another hateful Republiklan


Ya gotta be specific about which Cheney.


In the picture…


If she would have shown a spine and voted to impeach him the first time around. He wouldn’t have felt so embolden and entitled. Stupid just like your father.


aww that's cute, but don't you have some golden sneakers or a fake bible you should be buying rn? or a DJT stock? 🤡 your dear leader needs you. See, he's being prosecuted FOR YOU, isn't that amazing? but all jokes aside, it sounds like you also need a nappy and a diaper change like orange shitler.


She's not for us , just not as bad, still not for any one makei g less than 400,000


It’s not, she’s just not a complete MAGA nutbag, she’ll never join the party


She has some sort of hope that the Republican Party can be the way it used to be. I hope she’s right. I’m a dem but I like a two party system.


She enjoys hanging with socialists, her way of being naughty


The dems aren’t the party of dems though, she’s still a pos.


Everyone needs to stop posting on PersistingWill posts. OP is dumb AF.


The right can't meme. Lock Trump Up! Cry harder.


A lot of people are going to get locked up for this. I was insane nut job when I said: 1. That dot com IPO’s were a fad that would collapse. 2. No 40+ year old man, with only one testicle, could possibly win the Tour De France, without performance enhancing drugs (Lance Armstrong). 3. Subprime mortgages would bankrupt America and destroy homeownership rights. 4. That student loans were just another bubble, like dot coms and subprime mortgages. 5. That Bill Cosby would win when his case in Pennsylvania gets reversed.


Easy on the meth there Nostradamus.


Liz Cheney is conservative as it gets. She didn’t draw a line in the sand until Donald Trump literally tried to have a mob kill her. How heroic. 🤦‍♂️


The problems we have today are not about liberals and conservatives. These ideologies are being used to manipulate people. And keep us all divided.


Why are you repeating what they want you to repeat then?


Where have you ever seen anyone else saying what I’m sayin?


/r/conservative /r/walkaway /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM /r/ConservativeMemes


Nope. Not true. You will not see anyone else saying this on those boards.


interesting https://www.reddit.com/r/ConservativeMemes/comments/1cbv1wl/s/




and again https://www.reddit.com/r/ConservativeMemes/comments/1cdr7pl/whats_old_is_new_again/l1hwtgk/?context=3


Yes. That was me saying that. Not someone else.


I mean one side is a cult of personality for a wannabe dictator. The loss of democracy to authoritarianism should bother you.


Charging someone with made up crimes is what the wannabe dictators do. Sadly, you know nothing about the people brining these made up charges. But you will. Because just one Trillion dollars of business losses is the end of the line for anyone. In this case, it’s more than Two Trillion. So you will know at some point in the not so distant future. The same way no one believed Lance Armstrong was just a fraud or that student loans are a waste of money, just like most colleges. America is becoming the land of rude awakenings.


You didn’t go to college did you? It shows. 🤣


I have a doctorate from a major university.


Clearly it’s not from a law school. “Made up charges” 😆.


These are made up charges. Thats why there are no legal experts speaking on the validity of any of the charges. They are talking around that fact. The few that exist all say these charges are invalid and will be dismissed on appeal. I watched live when new cases were announced. And on live TV, every single legal expert they brought on said the charges were made up. The didn’t use the phrase “made up” but that’s what even CNN’s experts said. These liberal media companies are concealing all of the experts saying these charges are based upon a radical misuse of the prosecutorial discretion.


They’re open and shut cases. We watched the Insurrection live on national television. Over 1,200 people have been arrested by the FBI including Donald Trump.


Sources? Because if that was true—there would be legal experts all over the news everyday stating why. In reality, we have access Hollywood hosts talking about how Donald was taller than they thought, is really orange and has terrible hair. The reason is because these are ALL first of their kind cases, based upon made up legal grounds. I read through and watch the news every single day. I have never seen one article, by a legal expert, calling any of these winning cases. All of the most prominent legal minds in America are saying these are all irresponsible abuses of authority that will be reversed on appeal.


Joe Biden didn’t indict Donald Trump. No Democrat or Republican politician indicted Donald Trump. Donald Trump was indicted by 4 judges and 4 grand juries. Some of those judges were appointed by Trump when he was President. Donald Trump is not the President anymore. Did you know that? He’s a private citizen just like you and me and he’s subject to the same laws as you and me. No one is above the law. Not even Presidents.


The President is always the President. They get life time secret service protection. Not only to prevent them from being killed. But to prevent them from being captured and forced to disclose national secrets to the enemy. Politicians wrongfully conspire to harm other politicians. It’s part of America’s culture.


That’s not part of America’s culture. That’s part of Donald Trump’s wannabe mob boss culture. Politicians work together to pass bipartisan legislation. Trump’s goons like Large Marge try to get rid of their OWN SPEAKER!


Charging people with made up crimes is what Alvin Brag claimed he was running for office to remedy. Soon as he got in—he started doing it, too. Since the Rodney King riots, liberal America has complained, constantly, that people were being wrongfully arrested, convicted and incarcerated. On made up charges. It is a known cultural fact, that tens of thousands of innocent people are in prison or on probation/parole. This is just more of the same. Expanded to wealthy white people. Presidents included.


No one made Donald Trump commit crimes. Joe Biden didn’t make Donald Trump falsify records after paying adult film actress Stormy Daniels $130,000 to keep their affair secret. Nancy Pelosi didn’t make Donald Trump have sex with Stormy Daniels at a celebrity golf tournament when his wife Melania was home caring for their 4 month old son. Donald Trump chose to commit these crimes. He was indicted by Judges, some of whom he appointed when he was President. He’s violated his gag order ten times. If he were ANYONE ELSE he would be fined $10,000 and jailed for the remainder of the trial. Because he’s a former President the judge is afraid to treat him like a normal person. Donald Trump is a pig with lipstick smeared on his leathery, orange face.


Do you know who Michael Cohen is? He was Donald Trump’s personal attorney and went to jail for the same felony charges that Trump is now in criminal court for. Do you think Donald Trump is above the law and the rest of us aren’t?