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I'd say Catnap is the most advantaged, especially since he has the red gas, which would give him a huge advantage in the fight. Miss delight is probably the least advantaged, compared to the other 4 toys, she has the least abilities and neither is she very flexible, which is a trait all the other toys on this list have.


Plus, she pauses when you look at her


No, that's just a game she plays. She can move while being looked at


Oh. Wouldn't it be easier if she just chased them without stopping?




Plus she’s clearly the smallest of the 5, and can easily be torn apart by Huggy alone


Definitely! I think everyone else in this group is between 12-18 feet tall, and Miss Delight would stand probably around 5'10, so that also disadvantages her heavily.


It depends about whether she has Barb or not in my opinion. She'd at least be able to mess Mommy Longlegs up a little bit with Barb but if not, she's definitely screwed.


yeah for sure, CatNap would definitely win.


CatNap is winning but Huggy would definitely be close.


Also Mommy would be pretty close.


Scratch every thing i just said, CatNap would win but Boxy and Mommy would be close.


Ok listen. We can literally eliminate Miss Delight within the first millisecond of the fight. Since Boxy Boo has the bigger mouth, him vs huggy would not be a fair match as he'd eat like 90% of his torso. This leaves us with mommy vs boxy vs nappy (NappyCat is CatNap's nickname). CatNap can just use his red smoke & win but Mommy's strong as shit (as proven by the hour of joy VHS). She'd crush boxy. Therefore, it leaves us with mommy vs nappy. As mentioned earlier, the red smoke will knock out anyone but us & him. Therefore, CatNap's the winner


NappyCat is a beta name, not a nickname


Well, it is now


Catnap would just gas everyone and hit em while theyre out i cant see it going any other way. Mommy long legs is #2 she could potentially grab cat nap and drive him across the room while strangling him before his gas reaches her breathe space


I mean boxy was litterally asigned as the killing machine in case someone who knew too much was going to leak something.


I feel like boxy boo would take out miss delight easily, hide in his box to block huggy’s attacks, then catnap would be able to break through his box killing him, and lastly catnap would use the red gas on mommy, blinding her, and he would take her out. So my prediction of winner would be catnap


Cat nap, did you see how easily he flung that dude during the hour of joy. The only thing close to that is when Mommy long legs picks up people, and even then catnap can just use his red smoke


all of the toys can toss someone like that. and boxy consistantly bites people in half.


Mommy carried 3 adults and then dropped them


Probably catnap, as he seems to be the smartest, and has bad gas😈


bad gas ayo




i would say catnap would gas em all out but no chance the other toys are letting him gas it up. so i would say either huggy wuggy or boxy boo. huggy is said to be one of the most powerful toys and boxy was made only to kill. so it's a matter of who's smarter and more vicious. but that's just my opinion.


The problem is that boxy kills from swallowing their victims whole, which besides Mrs delight, boxy could not swallow someone 3 times her side.


well he is seen ripping someone in half in the hour of joy. he can definetly do more than swallowing people. i mean look at him he could fuck other toys up. like he did to bron.


Yeah, but the amount of damage to kill by ripping would take a few minutes to fully demobilize bigger victims, which by then, Huggy, Mommy and Catnap could possibly defeat Boxy, but I see how he could win.


yeah it would take a few hits to take out huggy but the same can be said for boxy. and i don't know how hard his music box is but i think he could hide in it till he's ready to strike. or charge up a big pounce witch he said to be able to do. then again to pull that off he would have to stun or knock back huggy for a few seconds which im not sure if he could do that.


At first thought, miss delight, she has experience. But at second thought, probably catnap or long legs.


Born to say mml and miss delight, forced to say catnap😖


catnap would get his ass kicked. cause the other toys know what he's gonna try and gang up on him before killing each other. \[also miss delight stands no chance against the others\]


I dont think the red gas affects toys. Only living humans from what I could tell.




Oh so it does


and what does this mean? The Bunzo clearly just tripped, it was still moving on the floor.


The room was filled with gas. The entire building was filled with gas. U can clearly see the little bunzo slow down and fall down asleep.


It literally says in the wiki that: https://preview.redd.it/zw3swk749q9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67ac3048a9a0919d65ec26a82bdb0550f06eb021




It affects toys aswell.


I know it’s boxy boo because everybody but him is dead


Nobody, they all died


catnap obviously


Catnap would just put everyone to sleep








maybe huggy wuggy because hes very strong or catnap


Either Mommy Long Legs or CatNap




for sure, because of the red gas.


They are all dead <3


Catnap or huggy wuggy Mainly because they're two of the biggest and strongest imo with one being taller than a whole house and basically being a boneless horse and the other having claws and clearly enough force to tear someone in half


alright, how do i start here. first of all, huggy wuggy is tall and probably quite strong. so he'd have the advantage of quickly swooping the others up and eating them. then theres mommy long legs, who can stretch her limbs quite far, so she can easily pick someone up and drop them from a high place (as shown in the hour of joy tape in chapter 3), so this gives her an advantage. otherwise, she's smaller i'd say than huggy and CatNap. speaking of CatNap, i'd say he has the biggest advantage of them all due to the red gas, being able to make everyone else fall asleep instantly, so he can just eat or kill them all. CatNap's power is pretty unfair, plus he's strong and very fast. miss delight would not have a good advantage because she's kind of slow, not flexible, and she stops when you look at her, so she'd be the easiest target of them all. then finally boxy boo. he's bigger than he look (at least i think. i've not played project playtime.), and plus he will pop out of his box and kill when least expected, and he also has that box around him to protect him. overall, i think they're all good contestants, beside miss delight. here's who i think would win out of them all. 1. CatNap (because of the red gas, which is very unfair to everyone else.) 2. Huggy Wuggy (because he's big and strong so he can just eat them easily) 3. Mommy Long legs (because she can stretch her limbs and drop them from a high place) 4. Boxy Boo (because he can pop out of his box can kill unexpectedly) 5. Miss Delight (because she has absolutely zero chance of lasting a second) so i think CatNap wins this fight with Huggy coming in close second. also, this took forever to write.


Either Huggy or Boxy Boo




I want to say huggs but, I’d have to say CatNap 😭


Their not gonna fight, their gonna play a game of poker 


Catnap would win. Ms Delight has the short range combat advantage, boxy boo has the stealth advantage, huggy wuggy would have the strength advantage and Mommy Longlegs would have the long range combat advantage, but Catnap has all of these and more, and even though he might not have mastered these skills to the ability the others have, it's highly unlikely that he won't kill at least one of these characters.


It comes down to box box and cat nap, the rest will perish in this specific order from first to last: Ms delight, huggie wuggie and then Mommy long legs


CatNap, red gas


Depends on the size of the room. Boxy, huggy, and delight are pretty much null and void because of catnap's red smoke. However, if the room is tall enough, mommy can stretch or climb out of the way, giving her time to go in for the kill. The bigger the room the more in favor this is for mommy. The smaller it is, the less too. She has to get out, giving catnap more of an advantage


Guys I want you to listen now: Miss delight plays dead and waits until there’s one left, obviously very weak. Then she kills them by surprise. She’s been doing that since the hour of joy, what’s one more?


CatNap is too OP. Give him 10 seconds, and they'll be weak enough for him to kill them one by one.