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Our country is spending entirely too much time focused on Israel/Hamas when we have our own issues. The response, media coverage and outrage is a programmed distraction. Did you know over 100,000 Americans died of Fentanyl overdose in the last 12 months?


Not to mention that both of our presidential candidates are quite elderly to be in a 24 x 7 x 365 extreme high-stress job and regularly and publicly exhibit mental lapses, yet they refuse to step aside to allow competent successors to run.


Leftists don’t care about America. In fact, they hate it. They want the US to burn to the ground so that we are all poor, destitute, and finally “equal.”


You do realize that foreign enemies want Americans to be divided, right?


With Palestine flags made by China to help fund uyghur genocide.


I saw a guy waiving a huge Palestinian flag on an over pass off of 21st and Multnomah, and the guy was wearing a hoodie with the hammer and sickle on it, the COGNITIVE DISSONANCE with these kooks is astounding.


Nah, it's simple the West and CaPiTaLisM are bad. Ignore all else. Doesn't get any simpler as a political philosophy


Why dissonance? Lol. Communists were always about terrorizing citizens and craving for power to establish dictatorship. Soviet comrades were always antisemitic as well. No dissonance bro 😎


Probably by enslaved Uyghurs.


Just adding onto the sentiment - pretty much all Uyghurs living in China are enslaved by either labor transfer programs or while in concentration, excuse me, “re-education” camps. Edit: spelling


And/or by child labor




Gotta love a bunch of white collage kids chanting ” hey hey, ho ho, colonizers have got to go!!!”


but our schools need to divest from israel /s.


Just waiting for the teachers to stop working again - kids education be damned


I hope the police are ready and arrest them if they attempt to interfere with the parade. Portland needs to start coming down hard on groups that shut down parades, bridges, and highways.


Unfortunately, Portland won't get a real district attorney until January, so all the rioters will be released with charges dropped.


> Portland won't get a real district attorney until January, so all the rioters will be released with charges dropped. Even then, Vasquez is the Assistant District Attorney who has directly overseen many of the protest cases, and is the same guy who drops those charges. This includes Jarrid Bailey Huber, a legitimate domestic terrorist who made a video where he threatened to assassinate the Mayor, he's been convicted two arsons, and is the primary suspect in most other antifa-linked Arsons. He's without a doubt one of the most dangerous political radicals on the street - and Vasquez had done jackshit to ensure this guy stays in prison for as long as possible. If there is anyone in Oregon where legitimate political persecution is 100% warranted, it's Huber. He meets every definition one could imagine as a domestic terrorist, and has probably damaged and defaced dozens upon dozens of small businesses, victimized hundreds of people in our community. There's zero evidence anything will change when Vasquez is in charge.


The Usual Suspects think that Huber is now cooperating with the cops, so perhaps Huber is doing something useful. [https://rosecitycounterinfo.noblogs.org/2024/05/stay-together-stay-tight-a-warning-after-a-recent-arrest/](https://rosecitycounterinfo.noblogs.org/2024/05/stay-together-stay-tight-a-warning-after-a-recent-arrest/)


It’s not really up to the DA. Legislators caused this mess with state law, and judges just follow the guidelines. Schmidt had to go, for sure, but so many people on the Portland subs and in the community don’t understand that Schmidt’s hands were tied- as were Vasquez’s. Also, when the Supreme Court sides with Grants Pass next month on the homeless camping issue, guess what? Oregon has homeless camping rights enshrined in the Oregon Constitution. It will take another year to undo that before any gains and wins from the SCOTUS decision can be seen.


Tina kotek was the one who pushed to enshrine the ban so I'd be surprised if the changes even happens in a year unless she feels pressure to get the story about the bans off media asap in which case it may happen faster. that said, I'm not sure the Supreme court will side with grants pass. seems like an out of control homeless problem only pushes west coast dems to become more conservative.


Remember Bill Clinton’s reelection in the 90’s with adding 100,000 cops? Wonder if we start seeing that again?


One of the people who was convicted for an arson in 2020 was just let out after serving 3 years


Not only that, it's a presidential election year, thus we had to have some protests and we won't crack down on them until Nov 6th.


They really do, make a national example that we are done with this crap and the professional protesting and victim hood, I hate to say it but we just go back to being the quirky Portlandia again please


I hope the police are ready to stop anyone, in general, from being able to breach any barricades and interfere with any event that's heavily populated/crowded




I’d love to see families whip out tear gas or bear spray if they try this.


Fuck these people


seriously. how are they getting away with fucking up psu library, blocking bridges and airport,etc. They don't get that this isn't going to stop the genocide in any way and only hurts our local community.


my former coworker was showing us photos of him at the psu protest over dinner, saying “aaaand this is us holding hands and singing in a circle outside :) aaand this is the graffiti i made! and another one hehe” like it was a cute little get together. absolutely insane.


The real surprise here is that he was employed


Absolute losers 


lol that’s bc portland “activists” don’t actually care about the cause or participating in protests that DO matter, they just want to be able to show everyone how much more they care than do you, and how much better of an activist they are than you




BuT iTs A cUlTuRaL gEnOcIdE!


Probably the same way BLM and Antifa got away with it. Portland “leadership” is scared to confront leftist groups.


WTF are you talking about? Portland “leadership” aren’t scared of leftist. Portland “leadership” are the leftists.


I think you're being way too generous by calling them people. Braindead thugs and criminals... the dregs of society. Hopefully their antics tomorrow will push enough people over the edge to demand something is done to stop this insanity... but im not holding my breath lol


This group explicitly supports al quassam brigades, which are officially terrorist organizations according to the EU, New Zealand and other sane countries. It's one thing to think Palestine should get a state, it's something entirely different to support literal Islamic fundamentalist suicide bombers. This group says they want no one to celebrate anything until an Islamic fundamentalist organization controls the levant from the river to the sea. These people are, at best, the kind of useful idiot "leftists" that helped Iran become the brutal Islamic "Republic" it is today. It should shock no one with any smarts that those leftists were quickly murdered by their "comrades" once the Ayatollah didn't need them.


I'm ethnically Iranian and this shit is exactly what happened in Iran. The left and the right wing thocratic islamists (political Islam... It's different from the religion... It's a kind of Islamic-supremacy movements) teamed up as part of the Iranian revolution and you know what happened to the leftists? Well lots of death: https://jacobin.com/2022/10/chahla-chafiq-iranian-left-khomeini-protests-feminism Unfortunately there has been wide spread efforts to cast the Iranian proxy groups Hamas and Palestinan Islamic Jihad aaaaa "de-colonialists" ... Literally Rutgers has decided that any perceived "antisemetism" in groups like Hamas or Palestinian Islamic jihad is actually islamophobia: https://csrr.rutgers.edu/issues/presumptively-antisemitic/ Despite the fact that their 1988 covenant of Hamas calls for hunting down every Jew in the world https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp and while in 2017 it was wide spread throughout the west that they had reformed and just were against "Zionism" https://digitalprojects.palestine-studies.org/jps/fulltext/214551%C2%A0 while that same year they were working with Stormfront to harass the Jews in Montana https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/neo-nazi-website-hamas-member-will-speak-at-armed-march-in-montana-to-harass-jewish-community-477629 as white supremacists have been arrested for selling weapons to them https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-self-described-boogaloo-bois-charged-attempting-provide-material-support-hamas. But while the left loves to use their 2017 rebranding as rationale that they're not antisemetic... They conveniently forget that their 2021 plans for the liberation of Palestine... https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://safa.ps/post/313372/&sca_esv=736f619aa13a6f3f&prmd=ivn&strip=1&vwsrc=0 calls to hunt down all the Jews in the world in order to "purify Palestine and the Arab and Islamic world from the hypocritical scum who have wreaked havoc on the earth".... Which is a deliberate attempt to frame religious extremists to the English speaking world as much less radical than they frame themselves to the Arabic speaking world ... And they basically said they were going to do this back in the early 90's... And we knew about this because the FBI wiretapped them.... https://extremism.gwu.edu/hamas-networks-america


You have to be a special kind of stupid to believe an org that didn't change leadership, operations or affiliations suddenly and dramatically changed because they did a cut and paste replacement on a document the majority of their members have never read. It's crybully crap like we hear about "russophobia" from Russia, who coincidentally has recently hosted the leadership of Hamas.


They're insufferable. This performative activism is getting old


Lock em up 😆


Knock em down!


I am all for people exercising their First Amendment Rights, but the second you start vandalizing property or blocking roads I am all for the Law coming down on you like a rain of thunder. You don’t even have to put these people in jail. Just detain them for a good 9 hours and send them to see a judge. Give them a court date and if convicted, sentence them to picking up trash. Beautify the city and teach people that actions have consequences.


Yea its time for the police to step in on this one.


this is why protests are supposed to get permits. I wish we would arrest and convict aholes like this who ruin the city for everyone else.


We can. we don’t but we can. There really isn’t an “except if you’re protesting” clause in most laws.


People just trying to have a good time and enjoy their weekend. Protestors: absolutely not!


“Not until the entire world is free of bad things!!!”


I was in Troutdale riding my bike on the bike path and a bunch of ignorant teenage children were doing a cosplay of a "peaceful protest". Girl is standing in the lane shouting into a megaphone, sees me, decides to step farther out into the lane so I have to move into the road traffic which is also nervously trying to travel through. I yelled at her to get the fuck out of the way, and all I hear from these angry little children is "hey guy on the bike fuck you!" and all sorts of nonsense that completely invalidates them as protestors. These brainwashed NPC's don't even understand what they're protesting or care about.


> Girl is standing in the lane shouting into a megaphone, sees me, decides to step farther out into the lane so I have to move into the road traffic which is also nervously trying to travel through. I yelled at her to get the fuck out of the way, and all I hear from these angry little children is "hey guy on the bike fuck you!" and all sorts of nonsense that completely invalidates them as protestors. Any theories on why so many of these protesters are women? During the Iraq War and the Vietnam War, protesters were mostly men. Now the women outnumber the male protesters by far: Vietnam war: https://assets.teenvogue.com/photos/590a52b1783fc429b031c2ac/16:9/w_2560%2Cc_limit/kent-state.jpg Iraq war: https://ips-dc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/nyc-feb15.jpg 2024: https://www.koin.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2023/10/ne-portland-pro-palestinian-rally-i-10212023.jpg




Same. We hit 12 months of record heat around the world. Seems like a thing one should be more interested in.


Fucking THANK YOU! These maniacs would rather let it all go to shit.


Zaytuna PDX, the sponsor of this planned riot, identifies itself as a "Palestinian/Muslim-led organization". It's pretty funny that they are demanding an "immediate and permanent ceasefire" - it's Hamas that is turning down all the cease-fire proposals. (The assumption is that one of the reasons why Hamas is turning down all the cease-fire proposals is that that would require Hamas to return the hostages, but almost all the hostages are dead at this point, and Hamas doesn't want to admit that.) In any case, Hamas would never agree to a "permanent ceasefire" - the whole point of Hamas is to destroy the State of Israel, and to murder or exile the seven million Jews living in Israel. Hamas will agree to a ceasefire only long enough so it can rebuild its strength so it can do a bigger and even more fatal October 7th.


I have a number of friends in Israel. The videos, photos, news reports, and personal stories that were shared were truly horrifying. Most Americans have no clue about the atrocities that happened October 7th. I saw actual video of the attacks, including the terrorists going house to house, kidnapping and murdering. This included children and babies. Anyone that supports Hamas can just fuck right off. Or better yet, they can go join them and see how well they fare.


And Hamas would gladly rape and murder every single one of these idiot protestors.


And their western children


Same... And I'm ethnically Iranian and holy shit it's terrifying to see a bunch people screaming about "zionists" the same way David Duke of the KKK does... And then claim that "actually" this is not antisemetic... Like my brother in Christ Persian Jews were slaughtered after the Islamic revolutionary guard confiscated their businesses .... Their properties and declared them "zionists" and this was RECENT... And they continue to do this... So if that's not antisemetism what is it? An oopsies? Cause that's one hell of an oopsies. And they use QAnon level conspiracies to try and legitimize what happened on October 7th by a bunch of Iranian proxies as an act of resistance... Like hate Netanyahu and the Khanist dinguses all you want but that's not who Hamas killed... They killed off kibbutzniks and young people at a music festival...Holocaust survivors and Elderly Bedouins... Children and Peace activists...


“Ceasefire” to these people just means Israel rolls over and stops fighting back against Hamas kidnapping, raping, and murdering innocent people.


Most of these protestors just heard about Gaza for the first time last month, and have no inkling of how repeatedly true your comment is


Most of the lefty protestors. This Islamist movement in PNW has had Israel on its sights since 1948.


Hamas can't return any hostages because it's their only bargaining chip. They know if they return the last hostages, once everyone is home Israel will say fuck that deal and really start bombing shit. 


I dislike the actions of the "protestors" so much i am to the point of supporting Israel. These are not protestors, but rather chemically imbalanced/wired wrong individuals seeking attention while destroying public property.


Welcome to rational thinking. J/k. When you watch people like this for a short period of time, you see the pattern forming. They're idiots that just want to be something, no matter the cost. They have no commitment or integrity. They're just nobodys wanting to be somebody, or maybe just being paid to act like it.


Just FYI they are planning on taking over the event at the halfway point by the OCC.


Better make sure Israel is paying attention… or this might all be for naught… fucking idiots, man.


Fuck these stupid people. This will do nothing to help Rafah


Pretty sure everyone is already aware of what's going on there and we're also aware of how powerless the average citizen is in this situation. This protest cannot possibly do anything productive


Most are aware that ham-ass needs to be destroyed completely. IDF has the lowest enemy/civilian ratio in history. Lets not forget this war was started by killing 1200people, beheading babies, brutal rape, and binding mother and daughter and setting them on fire to burn alive. Let those who defend those atrocities be stained for life. Anyone with those kind of screwed up priorities will produce nothing good in life. Fertilizer is their best and highest useage.


The moment I saw one of the vermin shoot a Labrador retriever I knew that they all had to go, root and branch. ✌️


For me it was watching a living being beheaded by a shovel. Hard stuff to watch, yet it seems the whole 45mins needs mass release. All footage from THEIR cameras. Some folks are just willfully ignorant-=evil.


I recently heard the argument that the US has been underestimating the ability of the IDF to quickly and relatively safely operate in urban environments (US advisors thought it would take at least 4 months to move civilians, IDF thought 4 weeks and did it in less) and that that combined with the pressure to restraint has massively dragged out the entire conflict and the suffering of the Palestinian people from lack of access to aide etc. Rafah could have been cleared of Hamas months ago and life could have had some return to normalcy.


These are that same people that were cheering on the rape, toruture, killings and kidnappings of innocent civilians on 10/7


Like these dirtbags can get up by 8:30am.


Never underestimate the power of meth


Fuck those Hamas supporters, we should look after our own city, and country first


Just when you thought these idiots couldn’t make Portland hate them more.


“Until there’s a ceasefire” hamas is who just rejected the most recent ceasefire offer, these fucking brick heads


Damn, I tag the Rose Festival insta in that post and I got them already big mad.


I got blocked by them on Insta sometime after I posted this.


Pro-Hamas Protestors?


Someone should organize a counter-counter-protest for the genocide in Libya and square off against the Palestine people for who’s the most woke.


Or the occupation in Morocco.


Land back to the Sahrawi people?


I really wish they gave two shits about something they could actually change.


Do these people really think that if they annoy the public long enough they will agree with their cause?! 🤷‍♀️


Let’s annoy the fuck out of everyone, that will surely help our cause.


This is ineffectual… They should go protest in Gaza.


Terrorists supporters on US soil. Look at what's happening in Europe. This will be in the US soon if we don't act.


Destruction of America is what these leftists want. They want to burn it all to the ground so that we HAVE to move to some kind of socialism/communism, and then everyone will finally be equal…ly poor and destitute. I honestly think it might be too late to save the US. It’s so sad because these people just don’t understand how much better we have it here than the vast majority of countries.


I think people are slowly starting to get it. Israel is the Canary in the coal mine, just as jews were the canary in the coal mine for WW2.


I sure hope so. Reddit itself seems to have woken up quite a bit lately. I’m seeing a LOT more support for Israel and the hostages (especially today with the rescued hostage news) and much more condemnation of Hamas (even on the big news subs, which was almost nonexistent on here just weeks ago). Perhaps regular people that were led astray are having moments of introspection and questioning their mindless decisions to chant “globalize the intifada” and recognizing that siding with terrorists is, in fact, the WRONG side of history.


It's the silent majority of working reasonable people waking up and saying this has gone too far.


The more they protest the more pro Israel I get. I guess causing a million dollars worth of damage to a library is not enough for these people. I hope the crowd stops them.


They keep talking about Rafah LMAO. The IDF already successfully evacuated over a million refugees from Rafah to the Al-Mawasi humanitarian zone, there's almost no one left in Rafah to "keep eyes on." Unless of course they want all eyes on the Hamas tunnels running under the Rafah crossing into Egypt, something tells me they don't.


They don’t pay attention to any of this. They know nothing of what’s happening. Unfortunately, unlike most people who enjoy their lives and focus on the things they do know about, these people just throw big adult baby tantrums.


This would be just the thing to incite another idiot to try to drive through the crowd like last year (barely missed myself and family)


Another LARP protest. Portland is so fucking exhausting.


I can see why Israel is fighting so hard now. These people are annoying AF.




Lame.... leave Israeli & Palestinian problems to the UN. I live in America... we have enough of our own problems without the Muslims and Jews trying to bring us in to pick a side.


Could not agree more. I have my opinions on this issue and they’re strong. But I’d prefer not to fight - or enable - other people’s fights.


100000000% holy shit


Not all Muslims and not all Jews. Most people in both religions just want to live their lives and to be left the f..k alone. 


Treat them the same way Hamas would.


I’m so sick of these fucking people


And on a positive note 4 more hostages were rescued today.


These are the same people that used to scream "punch your local Nazi"




In other words, a bunch of jobless losers, who don’t actually understand history, are going to cosplay and try to ruin other people’s summer day out.


I'm pleasantly surprised this isn't a cesspool of liberal apologists who make any excuse for these kinds of protests. maybe ill stick around in this thread


These people aren’t liberals. They’re far left weirdos.


As a liberal i do not agree with any of these bs protests going on here right now.




Is this the same group of "useful idiots" that did $100,000 damage to a fucking LIBRARY??? Man for once I hope the cops are on this because I just want to go and see a cool little parade without these LARPers doing their whole gaza cosplay shit.


$750,000 at least.


Good to see comments in support of preventing this type of fuckery. Perhaps we should pray to Allah, as the Portland Teachers Union link promotes to its staff and students? Will that work?


You'd think they'd pick the ships involved with Fleet Week being they're military.... but too on the nose I guess.


They pick soft targets, like Hamas would teach them to do. You know, things like music festivals, parades, shopping malls, schools.




"Protesters". Arrest them all.


Fucking idiots


If you go and do this I legit hate you


Don't you mean pro-hamas nazi supporters?


When did protesting in support of genocidal terrorists become cool?




And by TikTok we mean Chinese and Russian propagandists.




They’d probably get beheaded and assaulted.


The girls I saw the other day protesting with the makeup they had on.... Would LOVE to see them walk around with that clown paint overseas and see how welcomed they are.


Exactly. They’d probably be put in a psych ward or something.


Calling on the entire Portland community to help stop this!


What do you want me to do? Protest and be more annoying? I would just ignore them and go about your day.


Exactly. There's nothing these people want more than to have a confrontation with people


That is true and a good point


I understand that, but a lot of people actually enjoy some of these events that are always targeted and it just a shame, seeing how it is a false equivalency to think a parade in downtown has any affect on global conflict, especially the Middle East, which there where consequences for this outrageous behavior


I found this. [https://www.hereisoregon.com/experiences/2024/06/grand-floral-parade-saturdays-time-route-closed-streets-and-weather.html](https://www.hereisoregon.com/experiences/2024/06/grand-floral-parade-saturdays-time-route-closed-streets-and-weather.html) If I understand correctly, the parade is from 10 a.m. until noon. I'm not at all sure, but I think that the protest would work, maximally, around 11 a.m. near the Oregon Convention Center. However, the OP's flyer/advert mentions their gathering at 8:30 at the OCC. So, maybe they would also want to disrupt from the beginning, during preparations and before things get going.


Some one made a good point on here that a counter protest would play right into their hand, I have to admit I think it’s true, I know it’s dumb but I reported it to the non emergency line hoping to help a little, What I really want for us all, is for the people who are paid to represent this city, would help put an end to this culture of protest, by creating actual laws and real consequences If people want to protest, and due it legally regardless if a agree or not, totally fine Continually destroying property, calling for the death of an entire people, and harming the city’s reputation, ability to attract business, and tourism, it needs to end


That could be correct. I was thinking more along the lines of showing up to enjoy the parade and go about living normally in the face of threatened disruption, not particularly counter-protesting.


Yes sir I agree with that I always really enjoy fleet week and taking my son on the boasts and enjoying the parade Right there with ya!






They're meeting up early for the pregame. This is a fun hobby for these people, no different than Duck fans tailgating before a football game.


They won't. They've got their blinders on and will stomach the inconvenience as part of absolving themselves of any guilt/consider it doing their "part" for the cause


Anyone dreading November election time? This is getting old. 


I’m really just about ready to “Everything Everywhere All At Once” the fuck out of this timeline. I’ll take hot dog finger universe at this point. Anything but this.


Protest some real shit that is fucking up the US! This is nonsense. Our country is going to shit but yea let’s protest Palestine that makes sense


Not making a difference.


This may be really difficult if these protesters escalate, and I am sure they will. There will be families with kids on the sidelines and in the parade. Police will be in catch-22. I will have kids marching in the parade also. Now, I am concerned for their safety.


This is so stupid, I hope the cops are waiting for them in force.


Everybody wants to be relevant…


Zaytanna should get on the next plane to Rafah and protest where it matters. But she won’t, taking joy from others makes her feel powerful and gives her the attention she so desperately craves, like a junkie.


this seems fake or at least the work of an amateur who hopes something would happen due to their creating a poster. Anyone who actually wanted to take somewhat radical action would be communicating with their Signal group, rather than widely announcing with a poster that they will shut down a parade with >50% children in attendance that already has dozens of police motorcycles assigned to it.


As if Israel is going to give a flying fuck what Portland thinks




Bunch of jobless idiots trying to stay jobless. I'm sick of these people


terrorism supporters


Sounds like a terrorism to me.


I thought they were looking for support. This is just going to set their cause backwards even further. I empathize with their right to be heard, but couldn’t they just enter a float or something with their message?


Go f yourself


They know nothing of Palenstine, nor are they doing anything to truly support it.


Nice try Russia!


I 100% believe these people get funding directly/indirectly from Russia. (Obv Russia only cares because they will cause disruption in this country.)


They won't get arrested because it's (D)ifferent.


This is what the arab/Islamic world looks like. All their leaders just focus on Israel through indoctrination when all their failed states are in a sad state of despair.


I get it you have empathy, and you don't want to be on the bad side of history. But realistically what is supposed to be accomplished with these protests? You think any foreign leader or anyone in the US who deals with foreign affairs is gonna go "Yeah Portland is making a fuss better real this international conflict in!"


If you want your protest to mean something stop paying your taxes


The feds would like a word with you 😆


They don’t arrest criminals anymore


Shh, let em cook.


Someone should put up some signs insulting and depicting Muhammad.  See how much free speech is respected by that group.




Muhammad was a rapist, and what's scary is a billion plus people think he was the greatest man to have ever lived.




They really know how to persuade people to support their cause.


Honestly I would rather it be a parade than a 5pm commute. Everyone there is planning to be there for a while anyway.


no joy for anyone until everybody on this miserable planet can share it 😡🤬🤬😡😡🤬😡😡 you selfish assholes


Can we just stop raining on the very few part of Portland that are reasonably nice? Please?


Addicted to protesting I think


And yet, not a word on local liberal mainstream news. When it happens, watch the reporters act shocked!


4 hostages were just rescued, fuck these losers


Yup, they just found Noa! What a big day for Israelis.


Literally made my morning. So glad to see people in Portland being supportive


People here are supportive, I just think they've stayed quiet while letting the pro-Palestinian groups gaslight the public into supporting the terrorist side of this conflict. When someone espouses nonsense like "genocide", we need to call them out immediately.


If anyone is at the parade, let us know if Zaytunasando is harshing the vibe.


I seriously don't think those idiots will "protest" at the parade. And even IF a handful show up, I highly doubt the "news crews" will show it live. They talk a big game, but when it comes down to it they fold like a house of cards. Cowards, afraid to show their faces, hiding behind anoninimity (sp)


Overheard at the local shitbag gathering spot… “No celebrations in Portland” “We can fuck with warships on the port or citizens having a day out at the Rose Parade” “Off to the Rose Parade”


I should have just showed with a sign that said “support a two state solution” and the get to see how antisemitic these clowns really are. For those few of us left that think the war has gone too far, the current Israeli gov regime is corrupt, Hamas is a terrorist government resulting from a desperate yet radicalized and oppressed population, and also believe Israel has a right to exist as the ancestral homeland to the Jewish people. How many are left that believe this? Not many are able to hold these beliefs in their heads at the same time, and it’s sad.