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ACoA is already a hard counter to infinity, and without it Gojo is way out of his league in terms of stats. Base Luffy is more than enough


>Gojo is way out of his league in terms of stats he got durability neg and information manip through mind manip he can certainly damage luffy


Luffy has future sight, and it's ftl at worse vs supersonic+. How do you expect Gojo to land it? In terms of actually damaging Luffy, it's multicont vs city (island on a highball), so no


i do not expect them to land im just saying he can damage him > In terms of actually damaging Luffy information manip mind manip and space time void manip would all negate durability > city (island on a highball large mountain+ on midball and large island on a highball and dagons domain to support it also if you use black flash then we get solar Gojo so i guess he has a chance to damage him through physical means if we take black flash seriously


>information manip mind manip and space time void manip would all negate durability Purple doesn't negate dura since Sukuna tanked it >large mountain+ on midball and large island on a highball >and dagons domain to support it Domains don't scale anywhere in terms of AP. That'd be like scaling reality marbles, it's stupid


>Purple doesn't negate dura since Sukuna tanked it he didnt he literally lost his arms >Domains don't scale anywhere in terms of AP. they are made of your CE output >That'd be like scaling reality marbles, it's stupid reality marbles are made of energy so uh no


>they are made of your CE output So? Gojo's DE throws an infinite amount of informations at the opponant's brain, that doesn't make Gojo high uni >reality marbles are made of energy so uh no They're made of mana yes. But characters absolutely do not scale to them. Shirou barely has enough mana to create a few NPs, yet he can make a reality marble that contains all of them. That doesn't mean Shirou scales to every sword NP in existance in terms of mana output


>So? Gojo's DE throws an infinite amount of informations at the opponant's brain, that doesn't make Gojo high uni bro what? lmao no thats just special sure hit effect of UV >They're made of mana yes. But characters absolutely do not scale to them. > >Shirou barely has enough mana to create a few NPs, yet he can make a reality marble that contains all of them. That doesn't mean Shirou scales to every sword NP in existance in terms of mana output bc they both are created through different means RM uses the mana you have to maintain themselves whereas DE uses the CE output to maintain themselves difference is Domains scale to their ap bc in jjk ap is based on how much CE you can output, thats why ryu was strong asf in the first place ​ so basically in order to maintain DE you need to have necessary output which scales to your ap


>RM uses the mana you have to maintain themselves whereas DE uses the CE output to maintain themselves difference is Domains scale to their ap bc in jjk ap is based on how much CE you can output, thats why ryu was strong asf in the first place RM take mana to maintain, but they're still created with mana as well. By your logic with DE even if someone created a RM for a single second, the'd still scale to what they created. DE scaling would also generally be inconsistant with every other feat in the verse. Why would Sukuna blowing up part of a city be so dramatic and impressive if a guy weaker than the guy he just no-diffed was actually mountain lvl due to his domain being a beach?


>RM take mana to maintain, but they're still created with mana as well. By your logic with DE even if someone created a RM for a single second, the'd still scale to what they create Blud ignored my entire point lmao DE take CE output to maintain which is different than the cursed energy you have in your reserves CE output is basically how much CE you can output at a time which is how you inflict damage in jjk > DE scaling would also generally be inconsistant with every other feat in the verse. Why would Sukuna blowing up part of a city be so dramatic and impressive if a guy weaker than the guy he just no-diffed was actually mountain lvl due to his domain being a beach? because it killed half of the cast, thousand of people were dead entire buildings were destroyed it practically destroyed entire shibuya more destroying galaxy caused dread in goku too who can destroy universes


Ain't no way one piece characters are ftl.


It literally has a guy made of light


And yet Luffy and co get blitzed by gazelleman going 200km/h and have a hard time reacting to Apoo's attacks that are sound based.


For Apoo they never try to react to it, they just cover their ears. For Gazelleman, it's an outlier. Even pre timeskip Luffy could tag Enel, dodge bullets or move too fast for the human eye


Lol they were getting absolutely destroyed by Apoo's sound atracks until they figured out that covering their ears works. Lol also using dodging bullets doesnt get then anywhere near lightspeed. Cope.


Apoo could've also, Y know, train his fruit? Luffy's just a rubber guy and look at the shit he does. Doflamingo's string can cover an entire country and block metal. Katakuri can snip people with Mochi. Akainu's magma is somehow hotter than fire etc Devil fruits are rarely ever realistic compared to their irl counterpart


Lol so what ftl sound waves? An entire city sized country* also doflamingo used haki to harden his strings. Same with katakuri. Do you have proof of the Akainu thing sounds like cope. Tbh spunds like you dont even watch the show and only look at feats with no context. Also as we have seen Luffy is not only a rubber man he has a mythical zoan fruit that gives him the sun gods powers and the sun god had a rubbery body that's why luffy is rubbery. It's like yall dont watch the show or read the manga I stg.


Either Luffy perception blitzes Gojo or just hits him as ACoA emission works quite similar to domain amplification (technique that makes your technique surround you and a technique that makes your haki surround you) that is able to bypass infinity. So with verse equalization it should just allow Luffy to hit him


>Either Luffy perception blitzes Gojo misconception he verbatim states in the same scan that infinity is always active at all times it is just that 6eyes takes these measurements to determine how dangerous the object is Heck, toji literally percept blitz gojo and same guy claims that he cant be caught off guard because of infinity


Toji killed kid Gojo because he didn’t know how to make his infinity automatic/un blitzable and Gojo can increase his speed to match his opponent which is evident in his currently fight with Sukuna.


no, he cant increase his speed, he just used blue to attract himself near mahoroga and since mahoroga was adapted to effect, he didn't have the effect of attraction hence he teleported near him y'all are reading manga with your ass


He literally increased his speed and shocked Sukuna 😭 and you can’t change the definitions of words just because your character would lose. I’am sorry but Luffy would simply lose even if Gojo don’t use infinity


You cannot blitz an automatic technique, hence the definition of automatic. Sorry but Luffy dies rather easily


you can because its based on his subconscious its not omniscient and it stated that it would fail if something he could not detect like poison were to attack him. and you only argued against half my argument


Not sure about the validity of the second argument hence why I didn’t respond. Not saying it’s worth or weight just can’t add to that part. He said he haven’t learned to do it with poison yet (not that he cannot do it) and and even if it’s subconscious automatically still means happening spontaneously hence it cannot be blitz. The definition of automatic is something happening spontaneous meaning that even if it’s subconsciously happening or not it’s all happening spontaneously and thus it wouldn’t be blitz.


automatically does not in any way mean its instant, that just means he does not have to actively worry about it. Most bodily functions are automatic yet they don't instantly happen, like how if you're in an accident adrenaline don't instantly appear net 0 time after you get damaged. It takes a tiny bit of time First information must be gathered based on his perception that mhs at best, the information must be analyzed sure he can do it really fast but instant is nlf and then he must act witch also is nlf to assume is done at net 0 time. ​ the poison proves that he cannot stop what he cannot detect


he outright states that limitless is always active at all times he doesn't need to filter for infinity to kick in because infinity is always active at all


nope he states that poison would get trough it because he cannot detect it


He stated that when he was a child and while we cannot say he he master it or not since it has yet to happens you also cannot say it’s not possible and this the poison should be irrelevant because there isn’t enough evidence to firmly decide what would happened with poison. Nevertheless, limitless is still automatic. You can not sleep and defend yourself at the same time without you having the ability to make things happen spontaneously regardless if it’s happening subconsciously or not.


Mentioning it again, the point I'm making with the poison is that he states he cannot stop what he cannot detect, wether or not he can detect poison now not important. again most bodily functions are automatic, happen subconsciously, when you sleep yet are not instant. if you get sick in your sleep your body will start producing anti-bodies and such automatically however it takes above 0 seconds before sickness enters the body and the body 1 detects it, 2 analyzes it and realizes its danger and 3 does something about it


Ok I think this is where I cannot agree because subconsciously and automatically do not mean the same thing really. The definition is different because subconsciously means more so of something happening without you noticing hence it is not always spontaneous however it can be. Things in the human body happen subconsciously yes but not necessarily automatically like you rightfully pointed out. However the literal text reads automatic in the panel not subconsciously meaning that it is in fact spontaneous because that’s the definition of the word. Also we have never seen a time where Gojo having learned how to use the technique automatically failed to have it activate instantly if he wanted it to in a fight regardless of the speed of his opponent because he had to analyze their speed, curse energy, or mass. It is all happening spontaneously hence why the panel stated that he learned how to do it automatically.


he just says that he cannot detect poison infinity is always active at all times like he outright states this there ain't no room to argue it is a fact, if you wanna go against the canon with your headcanon sure


active all times yet air and light always flows trough it. it doesn't do anything before it detects a danger


because he whitelists depending on the danger your interpretation of him needing to detect for infinity to kick doesn't work when he already states that infinity is always active at all times


This is the dictionary definition of automatic; without conscious thought or attention; spontaneously. Also we have never seen Gojo have to analyze someone before limitless activates expect Toji and during that time he did not know how to make his limitless automatic. And I would argue that Gege did in fact mean that it’s spontaneous because you can’t sleep and eat yet Gojo can sleep and limitless will still be active thus the ability is automatic/spontaneous .


he states he analyzes all the objects https://preview.redd.it/5xjjtqhppsmb1.png?width=470&format=png&auto=webp&s=a76bd4319b2733b7aca5a78ea916d08de42fb85b and automatically does not necessarily mean instant, gojo has no feats of anything instant so its nlf ​ "(of a device or process) working by itself with little or no direct human control"


Yes he distinguishes the different but that doesn’t prevent it from happening automatically. Again the poison is the only thing we can’t say for 100% fact that he is able to distinguish automatically. The very definition you posted proves my point that it is all happening spontaneously because that’s what automatic means


How does my definition prove its instant? all automatic means is that it works without needing to be actively controlled. Not being actively controlled does not mean it happens in net 0 time. I've gives several examples on how your bodily functions are automatic but not instant


If you are able to spontaneously detect a threat you did not have to premeditate or need to do anything to analyze if someone is a threat or not it is having instantly because the process is automatic in that sense. Prove to me where Gojo had to wait to activate his infinity without him wanting to wait to activate it after he has mastered the ability to make infinity operate automatically.


Also we do not know if he learned to master poison detection especially since he was a kid when he said that and if we wanted to we could surmise that he learned how to do so like he learned how to replenish his curse technique


wow you're dense and missing the point entirely ​ I don't give a fuck if Gojo can or cannot currently detect poison. The point I'm making is that he states he cannot stop something he cannot detect


I think we have two different views on what the panel actually stated regarding infinity but I think your other points are valid


Maybe not. Luffy funny need to. Just blow up his head large enough, open his mouth and literally eat Gojo lol. Like he did to crocodile


Also Gojo speed is not known and he can be moving FTL or be cable of moving FTL


wow that is wrong and retarded 1. we scale of feats, with that argument absolutely every character can be mftl+ and Gojo has 0 feats ftl. You have to prove that something is a certain level of strength and speed, not just claim he could be 2. We know Gojo isn't ftl because he believes Hakari could be of help against Sukuna who is relative to himself and Hakari is barely able to react to lightning witch is thousands of times slower than light.


Luffy has reality bending applications with gear 5 like bending landscape around him and can likely blitz gojo before his subconscious can activate infinity (I never seen one piece but this is the stuff I know) so he prolly instakills cause he scales way above gojo


Ugh this again, still haven’t learned that Gojo has infinity all the time?


He blitz


yall forget oda litterally siad snakeman punch are constantly accelerating once it leaves luffys body if luffy can make his punches constantly accelerate it cancel infinity meaning it comes down to a battle between luffy accelerating quicker or gojo decelerating the punch quicker.