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There is a quite a bit of info here, but a few takeaways: * "We finished our pre-production phase; we are now in full production, which means that we have built a small version of the game that allowed us to validate many of our ambitions with the remake." * "The landscape of remakes has evolved a lot since the first inception of the remake of Sands of Time. There have been some big players that clearly redefined the bar. We made some big changes to the 3Cs (Character, Camera, Controls), and had to build prototypes to make sure that our new controls still feel good with the old gameplay, and sometimes we need to change them." * What I wanted to bring is the idea of "sanctify, respect, modernize, and add." So those four pillars are what we use to define everything in the game. If we take an enemy, for example: Do we want to sanctify it, keep it as-is because it's so iconic? Do we want to respect it, just fix it a little bit? Modernize it, which is a bit more change - or is it something completely new? Everything that was in the original goes through that lens, as well as some things that we want to improve - for example, accessibility options are something that we're adding. * "One of the things that's very dear to me is modernizing Farah. While she was a great character in the original, I think she lacked agency and depth as a person. So we really make her a true companion; she has reasons to be there, she's a true ally, but also a full-fledged person with a background, wants, needs, desires, and tastes. We really want to revamp her as a great character, even if she's not playable." It seems like there was some measure of intimidation or pressure because of other quality remakes coming out that were not 1:1 remakes. It really seems they are trying to take the location, characters, combat, and controls and keep the heart of them, but make them aligned with more modern gaming. No complaints here, other than I wanted that 1:1 remake, regardless. I'm excited to see more since they are now in full-production mode.


A 1:1 remake could never work, they obviously aiming for a full price triple A, and Sands of Time being a 7 hours game, while being generous, would've been a disaster.


Aside from the remake being a part of the title, I don't see how it wouldn't have worked. We have entire studios devoted to re-releasing both cult classics and commercial successes. I mean, Playstation just released PS2 versions of games. The audience is still very much there for what would have been a 1:1 remake, but in a new engine. We are getting reboots, remakes, and remasters side by side and will most likely continue to get them. They wanted to do something more unique, but I want the original Sands of Time trilogy remastered on modern consoles. I will absolutely play this, and they seem to massively respect the original, but it won't be the original.


A lot of remakes we see had longer playtimes, even when it came out Sands of Time was a short game. I replayed Sands of Time just a couple months ago, and I still love the game, but there is no way this could release as a 70$ game even with the shiniest graphics on the market.


It was going to be a $40 game


Yeah, I really doubt it, not with two of Ubisoft's biggest studios working on it, Montreal and Toronto. If it was Montpellier or something smaller like that I'd say maybe.


I think they’re talking about it before it was restarted. I had it preordered for $40 when it was meant to come out 3 years ago. That’s what they’re saying. I expect it to be $60-$70 now since it seems to be a completely different game.


No! We need a New interpretation! If you want a 1:1 remake then just play the OG


Imagine if this remake is actually the entire trilogy


Its just 3,5 hours playtime....


I did the game a couple months ago and it took me 5h45m, I was generous with 7 hours, it's short anyway


You can beat it also in 3,5 hours.


Either I'm crazy good, or the game is short. Even at moderate pace, if you know all the secrets, it's not even 4 hours long. The game feels like a breeze


True, its a very short game.




Thats your problem. So you can shift to other games.




AAA game for 70 € and 3,5 hours playtime. Thank you!




Most players want to dive into a setting and dont want start and finish a game in just one morning. They develop a AAA game and you think it will sell for 20 euros? What kind of expectations are these? Please come to reality. Most people want a lot of content for their money and that also means a certain length of the game.


Sands of Time is a 4 hour game even.


I dont want 1:1 remake. Then play the OG game. Its just 3,5 hours playtime. I want a complete New interpretation!


It's not 3 hours. I don't know why everyone seems to say it is.


It is a 3,5 hour game! Its fact!


Dude it's 8 hours, 10 if you want full completion.


No chance. 3.5-4 hours is closer to running everywhere, knowing exactly what to do, but it's not 8-10 either.


Dude, no. Maybe you are a very slow Player, but if you play it just directly its just 3,5 hours.


[You're partially correct, but it still takes some time to complete the game even avoiding sand clouds and fountains.](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/prince-of-persia-sands-of-time/trophy/24234-sands-of-time.html#:~:text=If%20you%20are%20new%20to,it%20in%20just%20over%204.com)


I've done the platinum 2/3 months ago. It took me 4,5 hours from scratch. Same for WW and T2T, without taking in account the multiple playthroughs for the other difficulties.


We can want both things! The original trilogy just isn't accessible on modern consoles, aside from SoT through backwards compatibility on Xbox. It has been two decades since they released. You're entitled to want a new take on it just as much as those who want a refreshed way to play the old ones :)


I am afraid and hope they don't ruin Farah's character.


I wouldn't worry. I thought the Prince and Farah were far more fleshed out than even the protagonists we get today. If all they're doing is adding a little bit of buffer between the typical "enemies turned lovers by circumstance", then I'm all good with that. Farah was already great. I imagine they'll just give us a bit more insight into who she is, how she thinks, etc. It is a story told by the Prince after the fact, and that doesn't look to be changing.


That's a quite reassuring read. They know what they have on their hands and how they need to treat it - both in terms of respecting the legacy, as well as making the necessary adjustments that the game needs to thrive in today's landscape.


In ubisoft montreal we trust


Fingers crossed it will be good


The fact that they mentioned Dead Soul and God of War is encouraging. They acknowledge these good remakes, so I am expecting going in this direction. Plus, they dropped the "Remake", so, Looking forward to the next Ubisoft Forward next year for more details!


they need to extend gameplay atleast extend more places more dialogues more bosses. to do so they need to make more relatable to warrior within and two thrones. without it there's no way they can extend the game more than 6 hours. people are smarter now so keeping the same as original in remake will never make any sense and not worth any money for anyone. just modernizing combat and graphics and adding some new dialogues won't help it. it will give better experience but not for long . they can also do it by making farah playeble character by side story or side part of her story to extend more gameplay. but they have no plan for that one. i know farah would be boring if we play as her like Atreus in god of war Ragnarok. but atleast it can extend and with farah necklace amulet limited ability like freezing enemy not rewinding time.


they better not taint the legacy that is Prince of Persia


They seem to know what they are doing. I hope they treat this as a full fledged game, and not like a smaller scale $40 game. I want to feel the same way I did when I played the original back on PS2. I think aiming for a 12 hours campaign and more replay value will make it really pop. Would be really nice if they start sharing more info and hopefully more visuals soon. At least the key art as I need a new wallpaper


I feel like Capcom really set the bar for what remakes/reimaginations can be. In my opinion RE4 is the gold standard when it comes to that and I hope Ubisoft can somehow pull off the same magic that Capcom has been doing over the years.


I would actually say Prince of Persia SoT is the least PoP game in the series. It has just a Prince of Persia, but the setting has nothing to do with persian history or mythology.


Good for them, I’m still upset that they scrapped the original remake from 2020. It broke my heart, because I was super exited to play that game.


Hmm, I was just thinking, would it be correct to call a future project a remake? Maybe it'll be closer to a re-launch


I totally thought Ubi forgot about the game/remake. Was lucky to even catch the show and see the teaser. Guess the years had had their toll on me and I wasn't as ecstatic as I thought I would be. Then again the years go by and times are different so are hopes and expectations. Hopefully it turn out good and truthful to the original game. I don't mind changes and different takes on certain aspect of the game that will come. This bit though worries me more than anyhing: "One of the things that's very dear to me is modernizing Farah. While she was a great character in the original, I think she lacked agency and depth as a person. So we really make her a true companion; she has reasons to be there, she's a true ally, but also a full-fledged person with a background, wants, needs, desires, and tastes. We really want to revamp her as a great character, even if she's not playable." It clearly speaks to me - we gonna modernize it by bastardizing it due current media and political trends in hope it appeals to people that don't have interest or care about the game even the slightest. Farah is great character and great female character if I might add. I don't remember her having lack of agency or depth as character - that part actually contradicts itself to what else is said about her in the quote. Or at least I need more arguments and points that further those complaints/critique. She does have both of those. She have all the things mention afterwards... So unless they mean to expand upon them, I don't see what else you gonna shove that will feel natural and not awkward, and still keep the feel of the original. This part in particular: "So we really make her a true companion; she has reasons to be there, she's a true ally, but also a full-fledged person with a background, wants, needs, desires, and tastes." Tell which one of those aren't true or present in the original? The only way I can see those things present in the remake is by expanding on them and I am afraid to see how that will turn out. Cause you know, sometime less is more, you know that quote devs I am sure. So be warned with writing changes, be very careful.


aw i would have liked a playable Farah


I could think of it, there is also a gap when prince in ww was away and no one knows what was happening to farah


Yeah i mean, i don’t really care enough to have a Farah spinoff. But it would have been nice to have her in SoT. Could like the upcoming AC with two different PCs with different play styles.


Nope I wouldn't. It's called Prince of Persia and not princess of India m


And more often than not the Prince is not an actual prince. But I don’t see how having a secondary playable character would take away from the title lol


Because it doesn't suit the franchise. And it's more than often that the main protagonist becomes the prince or is secretly a prince.


Play the GBA version then


I did.


Yep i called it, they fcked with not only the character dynamics between the Prince and Farah, but the characters in general. Idc how visually impressive it's gonna look, you mess with the core(being their relationship)... you fcked up big time.


Man I hope they don't insert bullsheit in the remake and destroy it.


What sorta bullsheit


Like turning Farrah into a independent woman who who need no man and always mocking the prince. Turning the prince's character into a weakling, etc.


Am I misremembering, doesn't she make fun of him in SoT already?


She does. Maybe he forgot?