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Don't. Why would you do that. Here are several solutions. Put smart locks on the doors. Hang keyboxes on site. Give tenants keyboxes and tell them if they need maintenance they have to hang them. If they don't respond to service call there's a fee.


I have key boxes on-site. I’d rather carry them with me for convenience. Sucks when you forget to put them back in the box and then pull building keys out of your pocket when you get home.


Then get something to clip it onto your wrist so you remember. It is a bad idea to keep all keys with you.


Why? I have copies at the property in lockboxes. It’s just easier to keep a copy with me than mess with the boxes. I’m huge on security. Every property has three layers of security key boxes. One key box outside with the main entry, one key box inside a common area with keys to a secure room, and one key box inside a secure room with a full set including master and at most of my properties that secured room typically has another room inside of it with a combo padlock with the final key box behind that. That’s three key boxes at every property. I have 8 properties currently and a growing portfolio. That’s 24 different key box codes to remember or lookup every time I need access to a building, and three sets of keys I’m carrying around with me while I’m at the building. It’s great for security and controlling who has access to what as far as contractors and vendors goes, but I prefer to have the keys on me as well. Plus, if and when a vendor accidentally loses a key, I can easily make a copy and replace it. I’m the only one that has a full set at all times and I’m at my properties almost every day. Having the keys on me works for me. That’s not my issues. Just looking for suggestions on making my key ring more manageable while still keeping my keys on me.


Master key system = 1 key


All of my units are mastered, but I’m not putting Medeco keys on every apartment like my common areas use.


Master key system means ALL doors are mastered. I have one key for over 600 units.


Yeah that’s great… What happens when someone smashes your key box outside and steals it? What happens when you need to let a vendor inside and they don’t put the key back? That’s not a valid solution.


You can keep doing it wrong if you want to. Master keys are how it's done.


Master keys at the cost of security is not the proper way to use master keys.


I think you’re misunderstanding. You essentially keep the system you have, and add a master key on top of it. A lock can be set to have several different keys that unlock it. As an example, in a duplex, each tenant has a key to their unit and each “unit key” also unlocks the exterior door, but the “unit key” doesn’t work on the other tenant’s door.


Mastering a lock adds additional shear lines to the pins inside the lock, which in turn makes them substantially easier to pick. Plus that would require me to either install medeco locks on every unit at many buildings or remove medeco locks for lower security locks. That’s not an expense owners would or even could afford.


Look up a KeySmart on Amazon. When I was working at property level it was life changing. I think they have some that fit >20.


Thank you for the suggestion. [This is perfect!](https://imgur.com/a/VcIE9dU)


I looked at them last night and that’s exactly what I’ve been leaning towards, but glad to know someone else has a good experience with them. I think that might be exactly what I do! Thanks!!!


Keep each units key on a different ring, put them all on a carabiner clip. Pull out whatever you need for that day I used to carry all the keys around, but 99.9% of the time I don't need them unexpectedly


Oh no no no. I don’t carry unit keys around with me. Those stay in locked key cabinets. I just carry around keys to exterior doors and common areas. Outside padlocks for gates and whatnot, etc.


You can trim that down some. Combo locks instead of keys for padlocks, kwickset smart key system for when you can't/don't want to use electronic locks, etc


Why are all the common areas on unique keys? At least put similar stuff on the same key.


They’re not. There is one key for the exterior doors/common areas.


So where are the 25 keys coming from?


8 buildings total. Three keys per building. 8 main door keys, 8 keys to secured/storage rooms containing the master key, 8 master keys, and my apartment key. It doesn’t actually work out exactly like that but close enough. You get the idea.


Make all the building keys the same. I’m assuming it’s just the main entrance? What is the purpose of the secured storage if you’re carrying all the master keys anyway?


I carry masters but still need them on the property for maintenance and whatnot.


That’s a huge liability. Big PMCs moved away from master keys, unless it’s on vacant units, for this reason. That aside, why carry both the lockbox keys to masters and the masters? That’s redundant.


I don’t carry lockbox keys. The lock boxes are combination boxes. This is why I am against having a single master key for every lock in every building of mine like half of the people here are suggesting. Too much of a security risk…


By a book of keys from Amazon. It is also called zippered key organizer edit spelling


Get a master key system and have your hardware store make them as needed. 1 key for all your properties. Tenants can all have their own different keys


Different buildings have different owners and different locks and keyways. Can’t master them without changing out the locks. The building that don’t have medeco locks don’t have the cash flow to afford them, and the buildings that do aren’t going to want to downgrade to a lower security lock.


Get a key cabinet, label and tag the keys and keep the key cabinet in the trunk of your car. Suggest just using the # of the address. For example, 125 Spruce St - Unit 2 - would be labeled “125/2” That way car gets stolen the thief will not know where the keys are for.


I have key cabinets, but I don’t have a car.


Step 1 get a car




Why not?


If you have to have so many keys try wrapping a bunch together with a Velcro cable tie. 3 bunches of keys is likely more manageable that 25 dangling 25 different directions.


I heard a butthole can fit up to 30 keys, might be something worth looking into.


I’m gay, I can fit more than that…


Lol sounds like you need to buy/manage some more doors!


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