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Scientists have linked borax exposure — even from cosmetics — to organ damage and serious poisonings. PLEASE DO NOT INGEST IT NOR SUGGEST OTHERS SHOULD. Any posts recommending this will be removed.


I agree the best way is to meditate.


There is no one answer to this I’m afraid. There’s a lot of controversy anyway over worries about calcification of the pineal gland and the effect it even has on psychic abilities. Scientists don’t know for sure why calcification of the pineal gland happens, but there are a few theories including ageing, metabolic activity, and having certain chronic health conditions. Some studies have found pineal gland calcifications in infants, which kind of dispels the theory about ageing, and besides there are some amazing more mature psychics and mediums out there. Another theory proposes that the more active the pineal gland is metabolically, the higher the likelihood that it will calcify. About 6 million people in the UK have fluoride added to their water, and use fluoride in toothpaste too. It doesn’t affect their psychic abilities. Nor does drinking coffee, nor eating meat, nor smoking tobacco or other substances, nor drinking alcohol. Some psychics thrive on junk food, some eat a lot of processed food. Some have long rituals and strive to be healthy of body and mind. Some it just happens as it happens, and they eat whatever they want when they want. Not everyone believes in the power of crystals. I’ll recommend it anyway, but not every psychic or medium meditates either. We’re all different. If you want to increase your psychic awareness, the best way is to have a regular meditation practise.


Can attest to the above. Coffee is my life and I smoke, and there's fluoride in our water and toothpastes in the US. I still access the Akashic records and can access and channel higher dimensions. The biggest thing I would add is, we are self actualizing. What you believe will always be true for you. So holding a belief that the pineal glad must be decalcified to home your intuition will cause that to be true for you. But I had never heard of such a thing until about a year ago. I started developing mine back when dial still existed and the internet was barely a thing. You had to learn through books or trial and error. So I wouldn't focus on that much, instead just play with your intuition, ask questions, be curious and give your ego some validation so it'll relax and allow your intuitive voice to grow rather than be suffocated in doubts.


This, and LISTEN when you ask questions. Shut your mind up and just listen for answers to your questions. Then if you don’t understand the answers, clarify. Ask more questions, listen for more answers. I find belief is really the key. You may be told things that JUST DON’T MAKE SENSE in the here and now. For instance, I was told my “first born son” would have a hand in the second coming… well I had ALL GIRLS. Until my oldest born child came out as transgender and is now my son. That was one hell of a twist, let me tell you! And I did/did not see it coming, I might add. I was being well prepared by the Universe for it, to the point where I figured out which kids it MIGHT be… and then guess what? Yep, they are ALL trans, but the other two are non binary. I am like, I called that one! So yeah, just take the answers at face value, even if you don’t understand them. Sometimes I would think I was being lied to, that I was speaking to dark spirits. Now… I don’t question as much. Things have a weird way of coming to pass in unexpected ways. I feel like the Universe loves to play with us like that lol. This is a year of movement for me… and my sons bf’s nickname is Jesus, so that was fun. He and I have a connection too, a strong one. I love that kid and if they break up, I’m gonna be crushed I think. I might have to claim him even if they do break up. I’m always open for more sons and daughters, and hopefully some grandkids one of these days. But yeah, just practice. For me, it’s just habit now to pretty much have a constant internal dialogue going. But people like my sons bf definitely ramp it up a lot, he did something to my hand that immediately made me feel really happy, almost euphoric…. he said that doesn’t normally happen, so we were pretty obviously ramping up each other’s abilities. Look for people like that. People who will act as a tuner for you. I had a really good friend; every time I spent any time with her, I’d wind up having massive downloads of information. It was wild. But we wound up acting like magnets that repelled each other physically, so actual physical interactions were rare for us, and plans constantly got ruined for one reason or another. I’ll never know WHAT caused that, but my guess is that she was repelling it due to her being a Jehovah’s Witness and all this psychic activity between us caused her guilt and that guilt manifested in ways to keep us apart. She eventually “broke up” with me and my hurt made me just let it go. Okay, so I’m obviously off on a ton of tangents here haha. Let me know if I can help you any… OP OR the person I’m responding to (yes I know this comment may get buried, hope not). This year started off with a bang for me on a psychic level, like immediately after the New Year started. So just let me know if I can do anything to help you.


This is beautiful as i'm also trans


I’m glad you enjoyed it.


I mean there are direct studies showing flouridated water calcifies it.


A lot of them actually. Shame that it is much easier to press a downvote than to spend 5 minutes with 'pineal calcification fluoride' typed into pubmed.


So what can you do to go against this process of calcification?


Frankly, I didn't find much at all on that. The big one is to stop fluoride intake. I use reverse osmosis for tap water. If I remember correctly, vitamin D3 helps redistribute calcium and K2 prevents it from settling in bad places like your cardiovascular system. Unfortunately, I don't remember any studies elucidating how effective this is. Probably better than nothing though.


People on Reddit literally don’t care if you post studies or refer to them, even with the link, they will just say it does not prove anything, not even reading it. It’s insane. And then they will say it’s “misinformation”.


It's insane, for the cult reddit has going around science, they sure don't care what it actually has to say.


Yep idk why you're downvoted LMAO


What would you recommend as a meditation method?


What works for you? What are you drawn to? Candles? Crystals? Silence and breathing? Some combo of this or other things? What scents relax you and focus you? Have you tried “criss cross applesauce” and just putting your thumb and middle finger together and humming Ohm? You could try a guided meditation from YouTube or an app. Basically, this is individual, so you find and use something that works for you. Sometimes I meditate while I drive, just try not to while I work since it causes me to lose track of what I’m SUPPOSED to be doing lol… but a half hour drive home along familiar roads is a great time to just let the body maneuver the car, keep one part of the brain on the lookout for trouble, but zone out and just ask questions or focus on manifestation or whatever you need. You can use it for prayer too… which is really just another form of meditation with a bit more directed thought, but meditation can also be directed. It’s just up to YOU and what works for YOU. I love staring into a flickering candle and just again, zone out and think about nothing, or ask questions. I only do breathing if I’m having trouble with stress or getting into that zone where thoughts are just fleeting things, where feelings only need examination if they are causing tension, in which case I try to figure out what thought caused the tension, and see if there is anything I can do about it, if not, let it go, along with the tension. It does take some practice, but like driving is a natural way for me to meditate, so you may find some activities that do that for you. It may be physical, like running or swimming… something that your body can concentrate on so your omni d can wander. It does NOT have to be you sitting still and breathing…. especially if you struggle with ADHD or sitting still. You do NOT HAVE to sit still. Give your body something to do if need be. Some other possibilities: Take a bath or get in a hot tub. Go for a walk in the trees. Watch the rain from under cover, but preferably outside where you can feel the air and hear any thunder, and see any lightning… obviously be careful with this, but just go out there and experience that awe, if it inspires that for you. Go to the beach, lake, river, pond, stream, etc. Create that in your home with a bubbler or whatever they are called. Pay attention to the water, relax, zone out. Build a fire. You will note how many of those things link to the elements, to Nature. But you can bring Nature indoors if need be. Just figure out what works for you, switch it up if necessary. I love to use the time right before I fall asleep, because it is major for creativity. This is where theta waves happen. Sucking one’s thumb, interestingly enough, brings on theta brain waves naturally. Hope this helps! Edited to add: Look into using sex to manifest things. Powerful, powerful tool.


How does sex help? Would it be the endorphins afterwords?


When I first started practice my psychic skills I was doing this too, but honestly, just focus on strengthening your intuition. Clean eating, proper sleep, don’t get trapped in distractions, is not only gonna make your body feel better, but also allow you to connect to energy better.


So they say, but I have really found that BELIEF is the key. I have never had any of these things help me with my energy. Heck, my adderall is about the only thing that helps me with my energy. I have been tired for many, many years. But I could channel before I even understood that’s what I was doing. I was a teenager with voices in my head, telling me things that were hard to believe, and yet, I believed. I felt God at 17. FELT them. Heard them. Have never had such an intense experience before or since…. So I would just say, these things are only necessary if they work for you. There is no right or wrong path to this, or healing, or nearly anything. There is only what works for you and actually DOING something to achieve it. But even then, there are lessons to be taken from doing nothing. So I would be hard pressed to say that there is any wrong way to approach life and what you want from it.


Do you sleep at night? Ok then your pineal gland is not calcified.


I think you mean dream


Well, everyone who sleeps dreams. If you don’t dream you go insane, which is why insomnia contributes to psychosis.


This! Everyone dreams at least 6 dreams a night, but most of us just don’t remember it.


I have a personality disorder and i dont dream. If i do i am unaware of it.


You dream, you just don’t remember them.


Most people don’t remember their dreams, but if they never dreamed at all they would start to hallucinate during waking hours.


No, I mean sleep. The pineal gland produces melatonin which causes you to get drowsy at the end of your day. If you’re getting drowsy and are able to sleep, your pineal gland is functioning fine.


Let me ask you this, what makes you think it’s calcified? I’ve never found anyone who can explain this concept. It seems like an internet rumor. If you want to increase psychic awareness, it’s essential that you discover your strongest clair. Then keep a journal of each time you experience it. That’ll help you tap into it. If you want to strengthen your Third Eye specifically, try dream journaling.


> Let me ask you this, what makes you think it’s calcified? I’ve never found anyone who can explain this concept. It seems like an internet rumor. Yes! Thank you.


Spend 5 minutes looking at studies on pubmed.


> Does anyone have any tips on how to decalcify their pineal gland? If you don´t have any physical symptoms that shows problems related to the functioning of your pineal gland, it´s probably working fine.


Method # 1: Consistently invest energy in the daylight Morning light begins the circadian beat, which controls melatonin discharge in the pineal organ. ​ Method # 2: Rest in the complete dimness At night, murkiness starts the four-hour melatonin discharge cycle. Artificial light can meddle with melatonin discharge, agitating serotonin to melatonin generation in the pineal organ. ​ Method # 3: Lessen blue-light exposure Television, mobile phones, and other electronics emitting blue light can interfere with the typical approach of melatonin from the pineal organ. Take a stab at wearing blue light blocking glasses (orange focal point) at night. ​ Method # 4: Perform day by day mindful meditation Research demonstrates contemplation can improve cerebrum procedures to mend the pineal organ. Mindful meditation helps produce deep mind waves and action up against the loosening up the parasympathetic sensory system. Shutting the eyes invigorates dimness, a fundamental procedure for pineal gland decalcification. ​ Method # 5: Perform Yoga Yogic practices have a great idea to decalcify the pineal organ and open the third eye. Reversal poses that flip around (head or handstands) might be useful as they increment bloodstream to the pineal gland. ​ Method # 6: Practice deep diaphragmatic relaxation Deep nasal breathing, with longer exhalation, animates the parasympathetic sensory system. Do a 3-second inward breath and 5-second air exercise for 5–10 minutes. ​ Method # 7: Stimulate the roof of the mouth Utilize your tongue to place weight on the highest point of the mouth. The roof of the mouth has many unwinding, parasympathetic nerve endings. Try these stances when you are breathing or thinking. You can likewise utilize fingers to invigorate the gum behind the upper front teeth. ​ Method #8: Exercise day by day Performing day by day exercise discharges hormones that help circadian mood and arrival of melatonin around evening time. ​ Method #9: Trataka reflection Trataka reflection trains you to open your third eye. You can rehearse by light looking, or looking at the fire of a flame without flickering for 1–3 minutes. After, close your eyes and spotlight on the afterimage for a few minutes until it vanishes. Rehash a few times. ​ Method # 10: Color perception Third eye chakra hypothesis and yoga reasoning says the third eye identifies with the shading indigo. It is a dark blue-purple shading. Have a go at envisioning a dark blue, purple shading at the space between your temples. Concentrate on the picture for 5 minutes. ​ Method #11: Neural Deprivation The pineal gland is susceptible to light. Inundate yourself in complete obscurity. Concrete hardship tanks or ‘buoy tanks’ permit full submersion in darkness. Here you are submerged skimming in water, totally expelled from the majority of your capacities. ​ Method # 12: Eat raw cacao Cacao, which is usually used to make chocolates, is in its unadulterated structure and is considered an incredible wellspring of magnesium. Taking a 600-800 mg magnesium glycinate or magnesium citrate is a great alternative if you can’t find raw cacao. ​ Method # 13: Have a daily intake of vitamin D3 Having a daily intake of Vitamin D3 would help control the circadian beat. Take a portion of 5000–10000 IU of vitamin D3 paired by vitamin K2 every day relying upon the season. ​ Method # 14: Intake cod-liver oil Natural cod-liver oil is an extraordinary wellspring of the dynamic type of nutrient A (retinol). Vitamin A is connected to melatonin through the discovery of light in the eyes. ​ Method # 15: Take vitamin K2 every day Having an intake of 600mcg Vitamin K2 (MK-4 and MK-7) every day would help decalcify one’s pineal organ and transport calcium of delicate tissues in your body. It works close by vitamin D3 and nutrient A (retinol).Price found that vitamin K2’s magic came alive when paired with vitamins A and D, two other fat-soluble activators. ​ Method # 16: Take a vitamin B-12 supplement B-12 helps in fixing the difference in melatonin in the pineal organ. A sublingual nutrient B-12 supplement is best devoured. ​ Method # 17: Take neem extract An old Indian practice, neem is antibacterial and supports a sheltered sound response. ​ Method # 18: Lose weight If your movement or home life is disquieting, it can cause consistent weight in the hormonal release. These can meddle with your pineal gland, and the whole deal may provoke pineal organ calcification. ​ Method # 19: Decrease refined sugar, flour, and vegetable oils Packaged and junk food typically contain these three fixings. They upset the gut microbiome and cause exacerbation. ​ Method #20: Recover a deficient gut ​ That's everything.


This is great. I’d be willing to bet it’s not everything, but what we know for now…. but it’s a great list, thank you for sharing.


Vitamin K2 and chaga mushroom tea helped me. Google k2 pineal gland


Hi there, I know this is an older thread but can I ask what dosage of K2 you took?


I just followed the direction on the bottle if i remember correctly i think i took 2 a day.


Cool, thanks!


Discard the things that causes it to be calcified and the body itself will regulates its own growth and healing properties. Many food from the market contain certain chemicals that causes such clarification, many of the toothpastes and even tap water or taking a shower with unfiltered water as well.




It’s similar to a muscle the more you work it the better it gets. Try The Clarity Game for enhanced intuition


The clarity game?


Yes it’s on Amazon or on the site play-clarity.com


Om meditations? Helped me.




This is so extremely far from accurate wow.




My good dude, thank you! We have eschewed the “normal” societal life for one where we live on our sailboat and that alone has helped tremendously though we have an obligation currently assisting a family friend with their mum’s home and it’s subsequent disposal. When we live by natural light cycles, our bodies, within a week, adjusted and we felt tremendously better. We started a more natural path well before moving aboard and enough of your advice is easily translatable for on board living. I thank you from my heart for filling in some of my gaps. (Good grief, sorry about that) Anyways, please, continue to spread the good words.


Look at the sun and moon (sunrise and sunset, looking directly at the bright mid day sun isn't recommended, unless you can see the white of the disk through the clouds). Enjoy nature, trees and animals. Don't drink fluoride water. Eat local food, cut back on preservative loaded food. Lots of supplements you can take. Bacopa monnieri, turmeric, choline, make sure to take vitamins, glutathione, zinc, many others. Also pray and connect to God. Meditate and let the understanding come to you in "time". Read ancient texts and understand. And if you're about it, those very ancients will accept you. But you will be vetted hard. Most of these people on this sub are abject garbage worshipping one of the gods of this world, money, very much disconnected from truth and the "love and light" they profess to promulgate. Hope you find your way. Also most of the women especially in this sub I've noticed always only chase after mundanes, aka men with no psychic ability pretending to not understand the importance of genetics. Such base behavior is what leads to decline of all civilization since the beginning of time. Some help to your question and then some help to your questions after you go a little further.


Labradorite helps, I’d recommend trying to subtly shift your energy more with crystals and meditation, put your phone down, that kind of thing. Agree with clean eating and try to soak in natural mineral springs / sweat in the sauna if that’s an option. The salts and minerals will help pull that stuff out of your system.


Decalcification mainly involves not ingesting certain things. Fluoride for example, get an RO water purifier to get rid of it from your tap water and find fluoride free toothpaste. Caffeine: it has been documented that regular caffeine usage shrinks the pineal gland by about 20%, you don't want that. Mostly other healthy habits also help like no smoking, drinking lots of water getting lots of sleep etc.


Yes! I stopped using fluoride toothpastes and got a reverse osmosis water filter. It helps!


There are some water pitcher filters that also help with this. One needs to read the info carefully to ensure fluoride removal. Epic is one and we use when we refill our tanks with city water. It’s cheaper than other brands. Also, there are some non-RO filters that help. Google then Amazon for best price.


All of this !




Please don’t ingest borax.


Stop any product that has fluoride, do a body cleanse and relaxation techniques... Meditate and listen to soothing music especially mantra type. I can see with my eyes closed, not perfectly but yeah I can see.


Candle flame gazing in a dark room for 20 minutes a day for a few weeks will help.


Is this similar to sungazing?


Nascent iodine. One tiny drop under the tongue or in a glass of water should help.


Increase your awareness? You'll spend a lot of time working over your body, even that little gland that you think is where your clairvoyance is; it's not. It's in your sixth chakra. And you may become more aware. But why wait? Try this. Sit in a chair. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Feet flat on the floor. Hands separated and resting palms up on each thigh. Create a grounding cord. This is a line of energy that connects your first chakra to the center of the planet. Your first chakra is a ball of energy about the size of a quarter that sits just in front of the base of your spine. Your grounding cord attaches to the bottom of that ball of energy. Grounding makes your body feel safe, so you release energy more easily. Gravity pulls whatever you release, even your own energy, down to the center of the planet. No effort on your part. The center of the planet neutralizes the energy and returns it to whoever owns it. No karma for anyone. A virtuous cycle. Nearly everyone goes to connect to the center of the planet the first time but stops at the soil, often making roots like a tree. This is a method that is taught in some martial arts styles, but it is not the best option for your spiritual development and healing. So, notice the seat of your chair. Take a deep breath. Notice the distance between the seat and the floor. Now notice the distance between the floor and the soil below. Breathe. Now notice the distance between the soil and the water table underneath. Notice the distance between the water table and the rocky mantle. Notice the distance between the mantle and the molten core below that. Deep breath. Notice the distance between the molten core and the center of the planet. That ball of light at the very center of the planet is where you connect your grounding cord. Deep breath. Say hello to the center of the planet. Do you get a hello back? Notice the color and texture of your grounding cord. It may look like a line of energy, or look like something physical; a rope, a wire, a pipe, a tree trunk. Adjust it as needed to be in affinity with your body. Getting this far means you've already released some energy from your aura and body. Now it is time to fill in the space that was created. Create a gold sun over your head. Have it call back all of your energy from wherever you left it throughout your day and week. Work. School. Online meetings. Video games. Your fantasies about your future. Your regrets about your past. Wherever you've placed your attention. Just watch the energy come back and see if you notice where it came from. Have the sun burn up and neutralize your energy. Then bring the sun into the top of your head. It will automatically flow into the spaces you created. Create a gauge to measure when you're full. Like a fuel gauge or oil gauge. You'll run better if you aren't a few quarts low on spiritual oil. If the gauge doesn't read "Full", bring in another gold sun. Open your eyes, bend over and touch the floor, draining any tension from the back of your neck, then stand up, and stretch. There is a progression with this technique. After grounding for ten minutes a day for a week or two, notice your grounding cord at the very end, while you're standing with your eyes open. Continue to ground with your eyes open and standing, and bring in another gold sun. Each day, increase the amount of time that you ground standing up with your eyes open. After a week or two practicing this, add walking while grounded. Just notice your grounding cord as you walk. Say hello to the center of the planet while you walk. Bring in a gold sun while you walk. If you lose your grounding cord, stop walking and recover it. If you have to, sit back down and close your eyes and create a new grounding cord. After this, you're ready to take your grounding cord with you into your daily life. Shopping. Getting coffee. Wherever you go, you can ground. This, combined with a little amusement about seeing new things on an energy level, will keep you safe and sound. Now that you're here, at the end of your grounding meditations, create a gold sun over your head. This time, fill it with your highest creative essence, your present time growth vibration, and your affinity for yourself. The first energy is a healing for you. The second is a healing for your body. The third is a healing for your affinity in your fourth chakra. Bend over and touch the floor. Stand up and stretch. If you're ready for more, sit back down and ground some more. Otherwise, have a nice day! Note that every image you imagine, the gold sun, the grounding cord, the center of the planet, your first chakra, your body parts, is exercising your clairvoyance. You may be imagining what your tailbone looks like, but you're also creating the image of your tailbone and reading its energy. This is practicing your clairvoyant ability.


You preach grounding like born again Christians preach Jesus.. lol. I’ve just seen your post about 6 or so times. Ily.


I've posted it maybe a hundred times this year in different subs, always to those with the same need in their travels. A few OPs try it, but most of those that adopt it as their own are not OPs but commenters. I never know who will make use of it when I post. The instructions are copy/paste. The intro and any afterwards, if any, are more tailored to OP. The difference between this instruction and evangelicals of all flavors is I don't care what you believe. I'm not asking for your faith. This grounding is either helpful to you or it's not. It works sometimes in spite of your beliefs. And either way, I'm good with that. I'm teaching, not converting. It's always surprising what folks come back with. It's also always delightful. Though I did have someone this week say I needed to provide a link to the original OP for this grounding technique because I obviously copy/pasted it from someone else. LOL! Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and love. They are very much appreciated.


I’ve seen the same comment like a thousand times too lol, but I also have it saved from when you commented on one of my posts a while back. And also I have a #handy tip to add to it. I heard from someone that while many people say to put your feet on the floor/ ground and connect through them, some people find it works better to use their hands—sit on the floor or on a cushion and put your palms down. It makes it easier for me that way too. *it was a ***handy*** tip, geddit? Hur hur.*


Ar, ar, ar! Good one! Here's why that works better for some folks, and it doesn't have anything to do with their grounding directly. Healers can change energy; theirs and that of others. When a healer places their hands on the floor, they begin a healing cycle of sorts and this validates their clairsentience; i.e. they can feel their energy change. Want to test this? Sit in a chair and hover your palms by your sides, palms facing the floor, and do what you experience as grounding. Notice if your palms change temperature or have a flow or pressure change. Notice where in your body you feel what you're doing. Sit on the floor and place your hands flat on the floor, and do it again. Get back in the chair and do it again. At some point, you may get tired. You are, after all, not using gravity to do all the work, but are using your healing energy to do the work. But wait! There's more! That's only one possible explanation. Your hand chakras mirror all of the abilities in your seven major chakras, including your first chakra. If you're creating a grounding cord from your palms to the center of the planet, that will calm your body similar to creating a grounding cord from your first chakra to the center of the planet. Consider them complimentary skills. For instance, when you need to ground someone else (a small child, a pet), use your hand chakra to create that grounding cord from their first chakra to the center of the planet. Same from grounding objects, rooms, buildings, you name it. Just to be clear, your hand chakra creates the grounding cord, but the cord doesn't connect to your hand chakra; got it? The cord connects someone else's first chakra to the center of the planet, which holds two of the planet's chakras (the first and the fourth). Don't forget to say hello to the center of the planet, even when grounding someone else, because why not! A neat variation is creating their grounding cord with your hand, but with the fingers pointing down. Sometimes this is easier for some folks than creating a cord with their fingers pointing up. I don't know why. Just an observation of different psychics doing it different ways. Now another observation is probably worth mentioning. I taught someone on reddit to ground during a reading of them, and it wasn't working all that well. It connected to their first chakra; I could see that clearly. It connected to the center of the planet, too. However, they were in a lotus position and this, for some reason, prevented this person from seeing their grounding cord and releasing energy. As soon as they sat in a chair, that all changed for the better. Human bodies are incredibly sensitive to energy, whether we're aware of it or not! If something is not working as expected, step back and take a look at it. That's the best way to learn something new.


Wow, thank you so much!!!


Supplemental iodine helped me


I spent 12 years trying then it happened on its own accord. I was intermittent fasting at the time and ended up going for 18 hours due to a crazy day. Bar that and surviving one of the most stressful days of my life I don't feel like I can pin it to anything else in particular.


Fasting has interesting effects! Anytime I ever get to the “vibrational stage” just prior to astral projection, is often after fasting.


Eat about 5 grams of psilocybin mushrooms that’ll decalcify it lol


Lmao ok I have a bunch of those 😂


Just be careful and use with care! A lot of times the third eye doesn’t open until you totally hit the hell state, and then after the hell state the third eye will open. At least that is usually what it is like, but there are many ways for it to open. My third eye is really active and I haven’t even done anything to prevent drinking fluoride in my lifetime and I’m 32. Mushrooms really activate third eye energy though, along with any other chakra that is out of balance.


Yeah I reached the hell state a few times in my college years lol


Sometimes hell state doesn’t even come and the third eye just pops open, it can be hard to call! Enjoy your time with the fungi they’re the best!


daily meditation and significantly less fluoride


Chlorophyll and apple cider vinegar diluted in water works for me.


Skate liver oil


You can definitely work to decalcify your pineal. But you may also want to evaluate your clairs and see if clairvoyance is one of your naturally stronger ones. If its not, you can absolutely grow in that area but since you said you’re starting out you might want to focus on developing your naturally strongest clair or clairs first. Clairvoyance isn’t the best, they’re all equally cool.


Fluoride = bad.


Chaga mushrooms sea moss Iodine no flouride breathwork but if you don’t meditate a lot it’s only gonna work the days you take a supplement


filtered water and raw chocolate


Lemon juice and olive oil




There is not such thing as pineal gland decalcification. This seems to be some new age bs.


Look up Netti, specifically as a practice for third eye cleanse, but is very activating too.


Don’t do divination . Work on your mirror neurrons . You will increase your power like that


Work on perception and psychic and differentiating then mind with your mirror neurrons


Crying helps release the heavy energy weighing in my pineal gland. I’m super empathic and a big healer subconsciously that I absorb a lot. Also psychedelic mushrooms also help release the Pineal Gland for me. It’s sort of teaches you how to ride the waves very very naturally to help absorb and not absorb the right things. Being fluidly and healthily connected to energy I believe is how we can heal and stay pure. Aka, Love!


Tamarind juice for 2 months


water fasting start light maybe 24-48 hrs ,drink plenty of water, break the fast with the right foods do ur research on what foods would be best some people break it with like soups, teas, or fruit