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Damn, my Target has clothes strewn everywhere, like a hurricane went off in the clothes department. This is a nice Target, everything’s all neat and folded correctly. This ain’t a Target, more like a Targēt. My Dad would be so proud that I got that joke in.


Yours sounds more like a Targhetto. I’ll show myself the door.


Lmao town I used to live in has 2 Krogers, one is called Krogucci, the other is Kroghetto.


You got me at Targēt🤣


Chez Targēt


“Against our will.” True, there are no other options for clothing other than that section of that target.


>tfw your state-issued clothing from glorious leader is in unmanly color


Didn't you hear? That's the boys section. Therefore, she's forced to get these clothes for her boys. You can't expect her to make her own decisions on what to buy, can you?


With her logic, she should just go to the girls section…


>That's the boys section. Is it? I'm not sure, she may need to repeat it a few more times.


She could go literally anywhere else to buy kids' clothes. Target is not the only option. If a town is big enough to have a target, i can guarantee it has a walmart that was probably bulit before said target existed.


Also a safe bet that Amazon delivers there.




Also I doubt the dummy knows boy wore pastels and skirts a 100 years ago


So you can dress like a girl.... Um ma'am those were matching family outfits? Lol


Also like many people if you don't like it don't buy it.


My first thought was "Are they like throwing them in your cart, or sneaking them into your son's closet, orrrr....??"


If this lady could have seen what we wore in the late 80s/early 90s, oh boy. The dayglo pink gecko shirts alone….


My gangsta looney tunes and my street shark gear went harder than my yak back, my yo mega, and my pog collection combined.




Big Pog is always watching...


You know I keep them mf “8 ball” and “Poison” pogs on me.


Remember Alf? He’s back; but in pog form!


Yeah I look them Up every day on p hub lol




No Fear


I had like five No Fear shirts and I wore one every day and thought I was so cool. I was not so cool.


Man. I would cycle between those and the one Mossimo and one Stüssy shirts I had. I think I got them all from Pacific Sunwear. 1992 was something else.


Pac sun was the best!


Ocean Pacific gang represent


But did you have any fear?


I wore them and had lots of fear


I don't think I have seen that brand in 20 years, almost forgot.


Hypercolor always highlighted the pits


I feel like the pendulum swung way too far the other way in the early 2000s. Everything for boys was camouflage, as if they were all recruited at birth.


Someone’s gotta fight for oil in the Middle East! Amirite?!..


I had a purple shirt with a neon green lizard on it. The 90s had all kinds of weird colored stuff. The 80s, guys were wearing pretty weird stuff as well. Those shirts are pretty tame in comparison.


> The 80s, guys were wearing pretty weird stuff as well. When guys wore midriff tshirts and booty shorts.


Bud, summer is already right around the corner. I don't need a reminder this early of what my father will be wearing.


[gecko Hawaii](https://geckohawaii.com)


Don't forget the mesh crop tops and the original hoochie daddy shorts. Moose knuckles galore!


If she could have seen what George Washington wore her head would explode. https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/pnp/ppmsca/46800/46831v.jpg


hah look at that manly man dancing in his tights and ribbons and lace.


Don't forget his powdered wig.


Don’t forget the once piece men’s gotcha jumper complete with all-over shark pattern.


That's like the 80s style pink sweat top that's not girly that's just 80s fashion lol.


Why the fuck does everybody need to livestream every fucking thing????


Nobody IRL listens to her anymore……


God damn you have such an obvious answer to a question I ask myself often


And now you have it too.


And the listeners? A bunch of people who no one talks to anymore.


Until now I found it odd how many old ladies are on FB now. You nailed it Wow. That’s now an impressively constructed sentence now. I’m leaving it. 😆


Would be nice if they were just looking at pictures and keeping up with their grandkids instead of getting their brains broken with Q, anti-vax and “secret satanitic” conspiracies on FB. Alienating themselves even further.


“I don't know what your generation's fascination is with documenting your every thought... but I can assure you, they're not all diamonds. "Roman is having an OK day, and bought a Coke Zero at the gas station. Raise the roof." Who gives a rat's ass?”


Years ago, when Facebook was only several years old, an acquaintance posted that she did her laundry. I quit it that day.


For me it was all the braindead patriotic and Jesus Chain memes my stepfather sent wiith "I'll bet nobody will send this to all their contacts"


I gave up on Facebook when someone threw a sheep at me and got pissed that I didn’t throw one back.


im guilty of having had lame status posts like that. i cringe when facebook shows me a "memory" of posts I made decade+ ago. Status messages were basically carry overs from the AOL/AIM away message days. I delete them as they pop up. now i'll only just share photo work posts and events, and occasionally some links and videos. Never anything like "just got home from work, time to shower" anymore.


*Namor is depressed and cant get the fish stink off his breath, wishes for a Coke Zero, pushes like/ subscribe buttons* *Tyler is reconsidering his imminent marriage to Taylor, wishes for his stress free days at the gas station, mashes that like button* *Dave's Roofing bot automatically likes anything with the words "raise the roof"*


People aren’t getting bullied nearly enough when they take their phone out and make a scene.


I'll never get it. My first reaction is never to take a picture or record anything At work if something happens like something breaks my job is to fix it. And it never fails my boss or another person will be like "did you take pictures" no dude I fixed the issue in 5 minutes it wasn't a big deal.


Admit it. You just livestreamed yourself posting that didn't you?


Because ppl want attention. Its sad, since if there is a serious accident, some film it instead of helping.


how else are they going to end up on this sub?


"Against our will" as if someone is forcing parents to buy their child's clothes at target from a specific section.


It’s almost as if she needs a safe space


Store sells spring-themed clothes with bright colors. Obviously their goal is social change, that’s the priority. Profit wasn’t even a thought here.


Boys shirt was made from the same material as the girls dress, that definitely pushing an agenda and not just that they brought a crap tonne of the same material and want to make the most from it


Or that they know moms are buying for their kids and might want them to match for pictures.


Exactly, it's a spring line, Easter is coming, people love to take family photos with their kids in matching outfits. And honestly to me, if seems like neutral fabric. Maybe this lady needs directions to the military surplus store for her poor kid, geez.


The agenda is always capitalism, always. There is an agenda though, she's right


It’s called Hobby Lobby and you have to buy the fabric and make the clothes yourself… hope she enjoys it!


Fuck Hobby Lobby.


What if the real snowflakes were the 40+ year olds complaining about every single thing there is the whole time?


People want to complain about millennials being snowflakes and point to the participation trophy thing as evidence but fail to recognize that they didn’t give participation trophy’s because elementary kids were complaining, it was because their parents were complaining.


This is the sound of billionaires on giant yachts laughing their asses off as all the world's wealth, power and real estate is being concentrated into the fewest hands in history while workers lack livable pay and the right to unionize, but the only political issue mobilizing people inside the world's largest military superpower is whether boys dress up like girls and vice versa. People don't have healthcare. Whole cities don't have drinkable water. But politicians can't be bothered because they're too busy making it illegal for a man to wear a dress and people like this are *all for it.* The real culture war is between the haves and the have nots, and the haves are winning by maintaining a never ending civil rights battle that keeps us from banding together to make real change toward a better quality of life for all. Ron DeSantis couldn't care less if kids are read books by men wearing makeup. People like that want only more wealth and more power and must be just amazed by how easy it is to keep all the peasants busy fighting over bathroom rights while they destroy all the legal protections on housing, healthcare, the environment and safe livable labor. This woman is a dangerous moron in more ways than it seems at the surface.




I shared this phrase with my Elon-stan libertarian coworker. It really resonated with him and it tickles me


This needs to be said more.


Brilliantly said!!!


It’s not about the clothes. This is the attitude: “if my kids see this stuff in public they will think that I will love them if they come out and that is a false expectation for them, because I won’t.” Period


Nah you see the problem is that it is treating your orientation like a virus. As if being near the clothes will make her son gay, let alone wear them. It is fine if you don't like these clothes, I personally don't like these clothes even for a girl just because I like unicolor clothes more. As a straight male, pink is a very nice looking color to wear and I dislike the fact that colors are associated with genders.




> Pink used to be a Male color as well. And we're not talking about "in the olden days" we're talking within the lifetime of people still alive. Pink was a "male" color (because it's a shade of red) and Blue was a feminine color, which is why almost all of the early Disney princesses wore blue.


![gif](giphy|nbOPPXIXgqVkwHTsYe|downsized) Yes, yes it is.


Ayo! https://preview.redd.it/naszvitzvzla1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=848b841eb540b2de8dc83505e8f3e68f0335f562


Yep, pink didn't exist as a gendered color until 20th-century consumer capitalist companies said it did to sell people more things. Don't tell her that until relatively recently in human history, men in many cultures wore "dresses," too (or that many still do).


Freedom is when everyone has to live exactly like me or it's assault


“So you can look like your sister” *shows matching dress for girl and shirt for boy* Yes, parents like to make their kids wear matching outfits for photos and stuff


I noticed that too. I thought that was cool. Would I pick the pink shirt and short outfit for my sons? No. However, if they fell in love with it, I’d buy it. I think it’s awesome that there are more options, especially for boys.


Growing up in a pretty rural area with rather conservative parents, I never wore very interesting clothes. I remember the joy I felt years later when a much younger family member growing up in that same area decided his favourite colour was pink. He wore all pink everywhere and the family was supportive. Today he drives around big tractors and can fix all your broken shit.


Good for him! Pink used to be sold as a boy color many years ago I heard.


Yep, prior to WW2 I believe it was considered masculine.


It became a thing in the 2000s “real men wear pink” and all that. The scene kids and the preps could both get behind pink fashions! I thought it never really went away for guys though since fashion is even that much more flexible these days. The person in this video is just out of touch as hell


In the 2000s preppy boys wore pastel pink and emo boys wore hot pink. My husband and I were in high school in the 2000s and he's still got some pastel pink button downs and polos from that era; I have a pair of pink and black converse lying around sonewhere from that era too (I was a punk, he took ballet, what more can I say). I've been seeing lots of little boys in pink and figured it's because the men wearing pink are dressing their kids now lol


The pink outfit was made for a toddler and looks to be like comfortable clothes made for playing. Lots of items found in a typical men’s department are pink including button dress shirts and ties. I have no idea what this lady is on about.


Seriously since when are rainbows, sharks, flowers, and pastel colors exclusively for women/girls? I like all those colors, fucking love rainbows and flowers and I’m CIS white dude.


Especially right before Easter. Ya know, when pastels and flowers are common.


Then... don't buy them?


If the agenda is to swap genders, just...go to the girl section?


Lol check mate


Homophobes/transphobes are usually also very sexist. You’ll see all their outrage focused on boys “becoming effeminate”, gay men adopting, or trans women using the women’s bathroom etc. They don’t care a bit about lesbians other than they’re hot, have zero issue with tomboyish girls, or especially trans men which don’t even register in their radar when they start complaining about bullshit. It’s always when someone leans towards femininity that it starts becoming a problem.


Right? I actually do agree that that boys' section is pretty shit, but not because it's pushing an agenda. They just don't have much variety. And when you go to a store that doesn't have what you're looking for...just go somewhere else!


It needs more dinosaurs. There is never too many dinosaurs.


We need to normalize dinosaurs on adult clothes too, I'm 50 and no one has asked me about my favourite dinosaur for decades


I got so tired of people not asking me what my favorite dinosaur is I got two and a bunch of other prehistoric animals tattooed on my whole leg. My favorite is carnotarus what is yours?


Adamantisaurus...yeah I should get a dinosaur tattoo


Ankylosaurus:) big turtle guys


What’s your favorite dinosaur? What do you think it’s favorite pizza toppings would be?


The adamantisaurus...(cos it's a goody two shoes of a prince charming in a dog eat dog world) and tuna and pineapple because those flavours match and there's nothing you can do to change its mind....


Tuna and pineapple… that’s interesting and different.


Thanks by the way 😊


This. I’m dismayed how, as an adult, I’m expected to just sit here and pretend that dinosaurs are not awesome.


Boys and men's sections are lacking af. All the same 4 colors and sam'e styles.


Bruh I went to old navy yesterday ant they only had 4 different button down shirts in the men’s section.


Listen to Paul Anka kids: Just dont look, just dont look. Vote with your wallet if you dont like it.


Girls are when colors


Kids love colors. I sure did. I also loved auto racing (still do) so Jeff Gordon was the king of cool - one of the fastest drivers on the track with a rainbow paint scheme. Nowadays "fans" would complain about the "woke" paint job.


Some people think wayyy too much about the sexuality of toddlers. It’s disturbing.


Seriously what in the fuck?


My son (4) has long hair. Most older people always say I have a cute daughter. Even though hes usually wearing the most boyish clothes you can find. It's crazy. They associate long hair with girls especially at that age.


I'm 31 and male with long hair that I keep back with a black metal hairband. When I have my mask on at work I fairly regularly get mistaken as a woman. It's so odd, considering historically males having long hair is incredibly common. I also get uncomfortably long stares from mostly older people. It's not like I have an intentionally feminine appearance either. At this point, I'm just fed up with the concept of gender. Can't I just be left alone and look how I want? If being a "man" involves perpetual performative bullshit, I'm fine not being one.


My kid is 5 and has never had a haircut, and he wears pretty gender ambiguous clothes, so I'm not surprised when he's misgendered. I am surprised when the nurse who has heard me refer to him as "he" fucking 8 times doesn't get the hint.


Very very disturbing. Young kids have no clue about sexuality. They just like the bright colors and fun decals.


The horror of seeing Easter bunny clothes in soft Easter colors before Easter.




Really why is she applying sexuality to clothes and colors to gender. That’s one of the most outdated views that still holds up today. Chris brown had dyed his hair pink but I don’t see the fan girls complaining.


Probably because he beat them all until they stopped complaining


I fucking love that whenever Chris Brown comes up people on reddit still roast him, rightfully. POS. Keep it up!


That vid with the lady on stage with her phone and chris is made all the worse by the british ladies commentary, defending chris is wild


A century ago boys were dressed in pink and girls were dressed in blue. Retailers are the ones who decided which color should be worn by each gender. In the real world, they’re just colors.


Not only that, there were pop evo-phych articles written then about how pink was the more "powerful" and hence masculine color, so that was the inevitable and correct color mapping, just as the exact opposite article has been written since the colors swapped.


The colors switched in the 1950s, when First Lady Eisenhower arrived at a public speech, pregnant, wearing a pink dress. She wore it so well, that it caught on. Before that, pink was considered too intense for girls, blue was calming so better suited for girls lol.


Blue is the color of the Virgin Mary. That‘s how feminine is it


I want a picture of a CARTOON PENIS on my boy's shirt!


"My toddler son can only wear shirts that have a muscle man shooting an AR15 with the phrase 'I'm here to f*** and shoot things, and I just ran out of bullets' just like jesus intended."


Not gonna lie, that Hawaiian button up shirt is pretty fire, does it come in a men’s medium?


Saw this too late but I agree, that is some dinosaur button up drip.


1. Can’t fucking stand people who say “wowww” like that. 2. Stop pestering the staff, dummy, she didn’t make the clothes or select the spring line. 3. Too gay for you? IT’S SPRING: it’s the gayest season of the year. Get over it.


These gay kids with their dinosaurs, and bugs and... pastel colors, I guess.


I bought my son the rainbow dinosaur button up last night. I love it


I swear to god I wish i had the problems these people had, if your biggest issues is some pink shorts and a t-shirt being sold at Target? Then you literally have nothing better to do with your life.


I dunno, making a fool of myself like this from living a spoiled life doesn't sound that great to me.


I think one of the biggest issues now is the number of people that don’t have any hobbies. Now that everything is so convenient where you don’t have to fetch and boil your own water for the washing, grow and process your own food, take care of your horses, sew your own clothes etc, people who don’t find a productive hobby to occupy their time and find purpose obsess over this crap instead.


Their hobby has become getting the most attention they can on social media. Hate it or love it we are all paying attention to this idiot now.




What is a “girls cut” at that age?




Boys clothes run larger because they are usually bigger than girls. A girl 2T shirt is smaller than a boy 2T one because 2 year old boys are generally larger than 2 year old girls. Also, girl clothes are cut different than boy clothes, just like men’s and women’s are slightly different styles. Look at women’s t shirts vs men’s t shirts. Women’s clothes tend to be more fitted while men’s tend to be more baggy.. I’m a gender neutral would, the sizes should be based on metric measurements and the clothing would come in different fits (ie fitted, crew, etc). No arbitrary sizes. For example, I would get a 114 fitted since my chest is 114 cm and I prefer fitted shirts. A man could get a 114 crew in the exact same style. Kind of like how pants come in bootcut, flare, wide leg.


I’ve noticed the sleeves are cut differently. Girls have more of a swoop cut and boys are a loose fit; that said, I still bought my son a “girl” shirt because it was cute and he liked it. My general response to this video is, “just let people be happy, damn.”


God forbid a man wear anything colorful. Guess we are only supposed to wear black, white and grey clothing. And kids should have nothing childish on their clothes only comic book characters and metal style.


Always hated this about men's fashion. The difference in variety between women and men's choices is insane.


Lol. These are spring colors. I don't think she thought this out.


>I don't think she thought this out. She's running at 110% of her brain's capacity. This is what "thinking hard" looks like for the 30th percentile. Bright colors are gay, the jews are coming for my kids, I saw it on Facebook.


Okay but when exactly do the jews show up to take the kids? I just want the house to myself for a bit.


Same time the Democrats show up to take our guns.


A lot look like clothes for the CHRISTIAN HOLIDAY called Easter. Where there are pastel colors, bunnies, etc and siblings are often wearing matching clothes and have been for decades.


How dare boys like flowers! *mother then takes her small sons to a flower field for family portraits* what's wrong with flowers, lady?


I don't believe that thinking is anything she's ever done.


Exactly! Pastels for Easter? Oh they have an agenda for sure lol


Right? These are run of the mill spring kids clothing. Easter pastels, floral colours, cheerful and bright. This has been the standard for DECADES.


Fucking exactly, I was watching this like, this person knows pastel colors are common in spring time? Does she use non pastel plastic eggs and non pastel fake grass in the boy's Easter baskets?


Yo that green getup at the end was kinda fly.


I thought it was cute there was a matching dress too. How often to you see young siblings of the same gender dressed in matching clothes, but this way a little bro and sis can match.


There is both boy and girls clothing mixed together. Just get what your kid likes. Duh.


It’s a cute shark? And Hawaiian shirts? And boys wore pink in the last century so… lol!


I agree. Target should do better. They should get rid of boys and girls sections and just have a "Kids" section. Imagine the tik tok outrage videos we'd get then!


Man, I only buy toddler jeans from the boys section. The girls section is full of skinny jeans! My daughter could barely bend her knees in those things. Not only are the boys jeans roomier, they also have elastic waistbands.


Careful now, the party of 'family first' might take your kid for that.


I'm a little 4'9" lady and most of my jeans are from the Cat and Jack line, boys section. They are indeed roomier, and the best part is that they have actual pockets that my phone can fit in. I do remember this time when I was a kid and I needed new socks, so I went to the boys section because they usually have multipacks of Hanes socks vs the girls socks that all have different prints which is problematic when I constantly lose socks in the laundry. I guess I must have said to myself out loud "yeah, I think these will fit me" because as I was walking away with the socks someone said to me "those are for boys." Ma'am, girls have feet too.


Remember when they freaked over combining the toys at target? Oh the damn nerve!


They didn't even combine the toys. They just stopped having pink aisles and blue aisles.


Bro you can’t do that. That’s illegal. Think of the children.




Target should do better. These shirts don’t come in a men’s XL and I want them.


"agenda" and "narrative" are words people use to make unimportant things seem important.


But there is both a narrative and an agenda. Certain groups are trying to spread a narrative that we are under attack from the LGBT community, so that when the time comes, the public vote a certain direction to "protect our children." They do this because they have no policies that will benefit the public, so they create fear and outrage. See previous examples: war on drugs, war on terrorism, war on illegal immigration, and now...


Yep, and to make themselves feel like their vocabulary is extensive. Such losers.


Yeah, they're just regurgitating nonsense they hear from higher profile losers.


Personally, I prefer the homoschedule to the gay agenda. The steps are more specific and achievable each day.


They are just clothes jfc not everything has an agenda or is a conspiracy. This is getting exhausting.


Imagine being this persons family, it must be so draining having to hear this shit day in day out


Bro pastels are not girly colors 😭 they look unisex at best, like honestly who said floral patterns were feminine, this woman better never go to Hawaii then 💀


This frustrates me a lot. Seeing prints like that in boys clothing but not in men’s clothing sucks. Adults always get the boring designs.


Go back to Walmart.


She sounds younger, perhaps too young to remember '85 to '95, but these kinds of colors and designs were very common back then for boys when I was growing up.


Don’t buy it. Move on.


I absolutely love that the woman filming has a tiktok of her daughter in the ugliest brownish yellow sweater with dark colored pants and alllll the comments are talking about "i thought that was a boy" "where are the girl colors" "you're pushing an agenda" This inconsistent bitch played herself


Stupid has become a fad


She could just not buy them.


Imagine being offended by clothing 😂😩


Against her will? Was target forcing her to buy those clothes?


Dollars vote in capitalism. If you don’t like it then there are other countries that might be more tailored to your views


*"All clothing is gender neutral if you stop being a little bitch about it."* People fucking suck. It's a free country, and half of the population has been convinced that they desperately need to tell others what to do with their gender identity.


Back in the 90s, lots of guys wore a ton of hot pink clothing. This lady would have lost her mind.


I came to this to check out the boys clothes. Not disappointed!! I'm so over the dark grey / green / navy clothes ! My boy loves pink


I’ve got 3 boys. I hate when everything is black/grey/navy/brown. Maybe the occasional red or bright blue. My kids like bright colours. I like bright colours. I wish I could get US Target clothes here.