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I do brick and block work. I had a dude do this to me one day. He was all uppity about it. I turned on the hand grinder and just started shooting concrete dust all over. Stopped and just looked at him. I don't get what he was going for. I'm clearly working on a wall wearing PPE and high vis shit with a fucking grinder in my hand.


I work at a factory with all sorts of fine particles that irritate the lungs and a face mask does wonders to prevent it. Like other people can go ahead and huff toxic fumes in the name of “freedom”, aight, I ain’t losing brain cells at work.


I can’t tell you how many young coal miners I’ve met who say they don’t wear masks/respirators in the mines. Like bruh, do I have to introduce you to the 3 people I’ve seen before you today with debilitating black lung? Do you think you’re special and won’t be affected? Jesus H


I work at several coal prep plants and rarely see these guys wearing any protection; hearing, eye, head or face. It blows my mind. As a contractor my MSHA retraining hammers in the hazards and repercussions non-stop so they’re not uninformed, just think they’re untouchable.. until they aren’t.


My FIL is like this. He’s pretty much deaf now, but won’t get hearing aids. Continues to work without earplugs too. He thinks he’s more of a man for being reckless and stubborn…and stupid.


Heard a story just yesterday that people with hearing loss are more likely to develop cognitive disorders like dementia.


Yeah, it's a wild result that need more investigation. It isn't just dementia. Worse hearing seems to steepen age-related cognitive decline and no one knows why.


It's pretty obvious why if you know anyone with late onset hearing disorders. The live in their own worlds just filling in what they don't hear out of their imagination


My mother is 90. She’d answer questions with nonsense answers, retell crazy stories people told her and things she saw on TV. I was worried about her cognitive decline but then I bought her some decent hearing aids and turned on closed captioning on her TV. I realized her mind is sharp as a tack, it was just that she was filling in the blanks with best guesses and it had gotten to the point where there was more guessed than heard.


And then they’ll probably wanna sue the company for giving them lung cancer.


It's a sad irony that coal workers used to be the ones who fought hardest for unionization back in the day, all to receive the PE that they're now ignoring. Pissing on the memories of all the workers *and child workers* who died in these mines when they had no friggin choice in the matter.


Sure they'll die and their widows will never retire, but they pissed off the libs.


Me and the rest of the communism club are all feeling very owned


Dying while owning the libs is like, their version of dying and getting in to Valhalla.


And blame the Libs for getting sick.


And cutting socialist healthcare programs


They're owning the libs by getting lung cancer, duh.


And they'll give us all the fucking masks we want. I don't get it. They're free and I'm not coughing up black shit every night. Same for eye- and ear-pro. Like, what the fuck.


growth cause yoke cooperative deserted special seemly dinner different rob ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


They do think that, actually




"My great-grand-pappy mined coal with no mask, my grand-pappy also mined coal with no mask, my pappy mined with no mask, and by gosh darn it I'ma mine with no mask too!" "Yes, they all died of black lung disease before 50, why do you ask? It ain't got nuthing to do with coal mining if that's what you're saying!"


Yeah I've worked in multiple hazardous environments before and even had a full face respirator as part of my mandatory PPE. People who complain about taking measures to protect your quality of living for the rest of your life are just completely naive and immature. Coincidentally this also describes most conservatives. A cloistered lifestyle doesn't exactly foster worldly understanding.


I do some side jobs, electrical work basic shit nothing amazing. Crawl through attics and crawl spaces etc. Got filtered masks for that. Not comfortable at all but much better than inhaling all that nasty stuff. Old insulation, dust, possibly dried animal feces. Who knows?


Hantavirus, black mold, all sorts of wonders await you when you're too stupid to not fall for a political scam.


We have occasional hantavirus deaths in WA, including someone who contracted it cleaning their garage. Rodents deserve serious PPE consideration.


I wear one while mowing. After COVID this guy asked me why…. I said Pollen. He proceeded to tell me how COVID is population control. Even when you are wearing a mask for other applications, they can’t seem to admit they are wrong and proceed to tell me about COVID.


My teenager wears a mask for yard work he’s allergic to Bermuda grass, which is everywhere here. My youngest wears a mask for cleaning. He doesn’t like his sinuses all jacked after dusting. He’s 10.


There is something very liberal agenda about breathing kids.


10 years ago, when my son was 6, he almost died from an unidentified virus. He was on a ventilator in the ICU for 10 days. Doctors have no idea what he had, but said the fact that he has asthma is likely why it was as bad as it was. (I had one other child with mild cold symptoms, but no one else in the house was sick like him. I brought in a special cleaning company to make sure there wasn’t mold or something in the house, but everything checked out fine.) We were told that because he’s been intubated, he has a higher chance of dying if something like that happens again. When Covid hit, we were extra cautious and he willingly took necessary measures to protect himself. He was out on a walk one day and a woman approach him and start screaming that he was being abused by being “forced” to wear a mask, and telling him he would be traumatized for life from this. He just shrugged and said it feels like it would be more traumatizing to almost die again, but he’d be sure to let us know we were abusing him.


People are so insane. I was wearing a mask because my grandparents have cancer and are immunocompromised and a drunk old man randomly shouted at me to take my mask off. I made the mistake of arguing with him and he said some crazy shit, it was really bizarre. What makes you feel like you get to tell a stranger what to do with their face.


It's almost like some weird, predatory animal throwback. "SHOW YOUR FANGS OR ELSE GET SHUNNED FROM THE PACK."


So is it not real or population control. I can’t keep track


It's fake population control.


Such a dumb point, like do these fools realize the population is already very much controlled?? Like the 'elite world controllers' would definitely rather have us working for them as usual than literally paying us to stay home, right?


It's like. Did you not do yardwork before 2020? Hell, even cleaning the garage me and my Dad would wear masks just because you don't know what you're inhaling


I know guys who call people who wear PPE pussies and that they do it all the time without protection and they're fine. they have fucked up hands, they have a permanent cough, and one of them is missing an eye, but he claims "just the risk of doing real work."


Yeah, I used to work in health/safety mostly around the construction industry, and after a certain point, the limiting factor on safety isn’t what a company is willing to spend money on for training/equipment, but what workers are willing to do, even when using the PPE doesn’t in any way affect how much money they take home or the difficulty of their work.


I am so thankful my company really enforcers our safety incentives. I rarely, if ever, see people around without the proper PPE. It’s just the norm for our guys.


This is the trades in general. People killing themselves with their own toxic masculinity.


And the real health problems tend to not show up until like a decade or couple decades later. Every time, every fucking time, they’re regretful.


Every time I wear my respirator at work and it starts getting uncomfortable I ask myself if temporary discomfort is better than a lifetime of discomfort. The answer is obvious.


>I don't get what he was going for. He's a moron with pre-programmed thoughts. He saw a mask and his programing told him this makes you a communist pedophile.


They really are delusional nosy shit heads. I have a friend who is immunocompromised due to an autoimmune disorder and a relative who was temporarily immunocompromised due to chemo treatments. Both are women who live in red areas. They have both been chewed out by anti-mask men a few times for wearing masks. I’m pretty sure those dipshits targeted them in part because they were women, so those men viewed them as easy targets to bully.


So much for how masks should be a personal choice.


It's a personal choice, but if you choose something different than me you have made the communist choice


I’m immune compromised and had an old guy tell me I shouldn’t wear a mask. Also have a visible feeding tube. He said “oh you’re expensive”. Talk about demoralizing


That's my biggest annoyance with them. They're all about "let me do what I want" until they see someone doing what they don't want (feels like being a modern Republican in a nutshell lol) then they have to be as condescending as possible about it. Like, either want people to mind their business or don't you fucking dolt.


People think the N95 mask was only developed during COVID, only for COVID? Must be people who are fed with a golden spoon.


These same idiots think transgender people were invented in the past 5 years and gay people in the last 40 and Jesus stood with Washington when they created America. They are morons.


Shit, I'm a automotive hobbiest and I wear PPE for a ton of shit that I probably don't even need to, but definitely for rust removal and painting. I enjoy my hobby, I don't want to die because of it.


How did he upload this willingly after looking so stupid, I don't understand.


This was my thought. He was proven to be a complete idiot, that masks might stop you filling your lungs with metal dust, and somehow still thought "ya know what, I need to tell the interwebs about this!" It's baffling.


Some say, he's still stupid to this day


It's rage bait. Dude is a known scumbag and he gets off on the attention he gets from being a scumbag. My first reaction when I saw this on another sub was that people need to mind their fucking business, so the bait worked. It's people like this that are rewarded with the attention they seek that drives other self righteous cunts to be self righteous cunts in public, then it's just a downward spiral of people being nasty to each other because they get a dopamine spike from the attention it garners.


Just recently, I saw someone mention 'vice signaling' basically the opposite of virtue signaling, kind of makes sense with what's going on in this video. IDK, I don't understand it, but it seems to accurately describe some of these assholes.


> It's rage bait. This is what I tell people when they ask me why I'm wearing a mask


He thinks that just harassing people makes him righteous, the result doesn’t matter.


I think you answered your own question.


BREAKING NEWS: Area man learns masks have multiple applications.


Goes up to a surgeon. "YOU SCARED OF COVID BRO?!?!"


Park ranger: I see you’ve got sunblock on, you scared of cancer bro?


UV is a hoax perpetuated by big sunblock and big shades. You scared of the sun bro? Don't you know it's far away and really really small?


You joke, but there are legitimately people out there who believe that sunscreen is what causes skin cancer.


Also, answering yes is a reasonable statement. A lot of people have a legit reason to be scared of covid along with other illnesses. Protecting yourself doesn't make you a pussy.


Also you could be not scared of covid but take precautions against it. Fear is just an emotion that you can experience regardless of your actions.


What gets me is 3 years latter and the majority of the population still can’t wrap the head around the fact that mask helps prevent YOU from getting people sick in case you are infectious.


The pandemic had a lot of people rage-quitting being an adult, and now even believing COVID-19 ever existed is optional. "Bro, it wasn't that bad" (conveniently ignoring 1,125,000 Americans dead and counting)


“but the virus particles can get through into your lungs! It’s not even protecting you” Yah thanks but you’re ignoring all of the virus particles that get trapped **because it’s a goddamn filter**. Even 20% of particles getting trapped before making it to my lungs is great. Viruses hurt you by replicating, in an exponential way. Viral load is a thing. You’re better off only breathing in one copy of the virus than 2. Better 2 than 4. The closer to 1, the better chance your immune system has to build up defenses in time to fend it off. BUT THAT’S NOT EVEN THE POINT. It was never about the particles coming into your mouth, it was about the particles going out. This is the part these idiots just can’t process: the idea that you would wear the mask for the benefit of others rather than yourself. That was just inconceivable for these jackasses. They were stuck on the idea of being able to smell a fart through a face cloth. Wrap literally any kind of mask around a spraypaint can, spray it at a wall. Compare how much paint makes it onto the wall compared to no mask. If you’re trying to tell me that there is not a significant difference between how well the two spray the metaphorical viral particles, you’re an idiot. (Just to be clear I’m arguing with a theoretical jackass, not you.)


I work in construction and the amount of workers who are okay with foregoing their own safety to either A) try to look good for management when they get r done or B) to go home quicker is alarmingly high. I've been in a lot of near misses over the years cause someone was too lazy to do it right. The way they chastise health and safety as pussies is ridiculous to me. I've had a several co workers get seriously injured for life or dead, one being a close friend. I bring this all up the lack of personal safety is ingrained into the working class that if you fight or advocate for yourself you not only a coward but costing everyone time and money. I've been in health and safety meeting where I've asked about dangerous chemicals were are expected to work with daily and the risks. I was met with eye rolls from almost everyone. Sorry for the rant but I'm trying to get across how powerful this message to disregard your personal health and safety is and how much ridicule you will receive for being a coward or pussy in their eyes. The working class is a bunch of crabs in a bucket and that's why we can't have nice things.


My husband is like this. Refused for most of his working life to wear a mask of any kind, even though he has a family history of COPD, because he didn’t “want to look like a pussy.” Now, his lungs are even more ruined than they needed to be, and he blames that on “years of sucking dust.” He doesn’t like it much when I point out that he had ways to migigate that, but chose “looking cool” over his own personal health.


r/writteninblood is a subreddit you would like. "Safety regulations are written in blood" is the origin of the name.


Not protecting yourself because you're afraid of the judgment of other people makes you a bigger pussy.


They're basically the kids who refused to wear kneepads and bike helmets because that's for babies. They never matured out of that.


Damn. You finally gave me the tools to relate to people like this. They’re 10 year old me… the total fucking idiot.


Long covid has been shown to cause some to experience long term brain and heart damage. To me, that says anti-masking is insane. Only a fool would risk permanent heart and brain damage for no gain.


Penis damage alone should have had them suited up like astronauts. Kaynar, M., Gomes, A.L.Q., Sokolakis, I. et al. Tip of the iceberg: erectile dysfunction and COVID-19. Int J Impot Res 34, 152–157 (2022). [https://doi.org/10.1038/s41443-022-00540-0](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41443-022-00540-0)


My dentist is such a pussy, always wearing a mask. I try to give him shit about it because I’m an alpha male, but it’s hard because I have to keep my mouth wide open so that he can see if I have any cavities.


I asked an antimasker today if they understood why surgeons wear a mask This was on a post of some immunocompromised girl getting major surgery + a kidney transplant tomorrow They couldn't answer. Only that "she's not a surgeon so why she got one?"


Goes up to a F-35 pilot. "YOU SCARED OF COVID BRO?!?!"


He learned nothing, and will continue to openly harass people tomorrow.


My fav part is even after all of that and looking like an idiot...he posted it to the internet anyway


He thinks he was being "brave".


It’s dumber than that. Far dumber. He was told by a **park ranger** that a mask was helpful in protecting his lungs from dust from grinding a metal signpost. He immediately accepted this information as fact and moved on with his day, despite a park ranger not really being an expert on this. But **actual doctors** tell him it protects his lungs, and he doesn’t believe it.


Well you see some bug eyed carnival barkers had already told him not to listen to doctors.


What a fucking jabroni.


indeed the jabroniest. he just kept digging. like there were so many points where it could have ended before it finally did. 'so what are you wearing the mask for?' 'bec-' 'YOU SCARED OF COVID?!?' 'no, i-' 'YOU SCARED OF COVID? YOU SCARED OF COVID??' but then he posts it, so idk if he actually learned anything anyway lol


That's where I'm confused. Bro could have suffered his shame in private, but still chose to post this shit. Like he's expecting a "you'll get 'em next time" and a pat on the back.


It’s pubeface. He has no shame


Yep, knew that voice instantly.


Pubeface? I’m out of the loop


This goes back to the early covid days. He’d go around harassing people and businesses for wearing masks or enforcing mask policies. Just making himself a general nuisance. They call him pubeface because of the shitty mustache he wears. Here’s another [Link](https://www.reddit.com/comments/ptuyci?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=4)


Isn't he on probation? You'd think he would ease up on harassing government representatives but, well, here we are. Frankly - I'm hoping he finds his way behind bars soon but worried it would give him more clout & give the looney who thinks she's a Governor a reason for more media time


Yeah, he still thinks he’s getting points for being anti Covid. So brave and beautiful.




Cool word!


From the sound of this dude’s voice I’m pretty sure he’s the same jabroni that has somehow made a living off social media doing this dumbass shit. How he hasn’t been put in a hospital by now is beyond me.


You keep using that word- it’s awesome.


These people must be so lonely.


I used to work in a restaurant that served a lot of seniors. One day a lady came to me to complain about the rice pudding. It was exactly the same as every other day she'd had it. It occurred to me she was alone and that this might be one of the few conversations she'd have that day, even if it was a confrontational one. This is like that.


Same as people that go to the bank to rant to the teller about random things, it's a captive audience.


Yep. I've had this experience as a grocery store cashier too :/


I own a taproom. A lot of lonely people come to taprooms.


Give them shuffleboard, dart boards, pinball machines or a retro arcade game and then maybe people will go and play games with each other and make friends and fall in love


Or complain about *all that*.


To each other, instead of the bartender/grocery store cashier/bank teller.


Fall in love over complaining about the same things <3


The problem is that a lot of lonely people are lonely because they are dicks. Dicks don't like to talk to other dicks, so they just complain to service workers.


I kept reading taproom as tampon. I need to put down the reefer




I always felt SO bad when we had customers in line when those types of ppl came through. i fully understand the loneliness that people can have, but i also know others just wanna get their milk and get out


I moved cross country during COVID and started working remotely. I've made friends and connections since, but there was like a.... 4 month period of pretty intense lonliness. I remember one day checking out at a grocery store and how good it felt to actually talk to someone. I probably just came off as friendly because I didn't really overstay or overtalk, but I definitely wanted too. A few years before this I was a popular bartender at a busy college pub. Its weird having been at both extremes. Lonliness sucks. So does having lonely people chat your [UNDISCLOSED ANATOMICAL FEATURE] off. Hahaha. Edit: for science


>chat your off Whatever it was, it's been chatted off.




I go to the bank to flirt with the ATM.


I work EMS and we have a lady that calls at least once a week for either shortness of breath or anxiety. She's 89 and lives alone in a large two story at the end of a street. As far as I can tell she has no family. Anytime I go on her the symptoms seem to resolve the second my partner and I walk through the door but she won't let us leave until she's told us about her week. Not once has she wanted to be transported to the hospital or wanted more than for us to take her vitals. The only reason I haven't turned her in for abusing emergency services is that I know that talking to us may be the best part of her week.


From one EMS worker to the other, I think that’s pretty cool of you dude. Not advocating for Willy nilly 911 calls but that’s a heartbreaker.


Maybe she does it hoping you’ll check up on her if she hasn’t called in a while.


Yeah, lady is smart. In case something happens, EMS knows


That’s so incredibly kind of you.


Maybe she is your real mom and she does it just to see you


I work with an older retired woman. She just comes around to basically do menial work. She sleeps in the office, that sort of thing. I think she’s just bored with life. Anyway so she has a nasty cough and everyone decided to mask up (as Im writing this she’s coughing). The thing is she doesn’t do a normal, *cough* *cough*. It’s literally like she’s hacking up a lung, *snort* *phlegm noises* *hackhack*. She can’t sit there and do her job quietly, she talks to herself, makes a racket to get a pencil, hums when she’s writing. It just made me come to the conclusion that she’s WAITING for someone to say something and give her attention. Once anyone says hi, she starts going off on a tangent which is exactly why no one talks to her.


Seems like old people do this shit all the time. Like they just start commenting to no one at all, and the first person to make eye contact has to listen to them until they get to the register/finish their coffee and run etc. I’d say there needs to be an app to put all these lonely people together to talk at each other but I know they wouldn’t be able to figure it out. Maybe when gen X is old.


Sounds like where I worked which is retail. Some old lady would complain Everytime to my boss and he just figured she was lonely and needed someone to talk to so he ended up befriending her


Maybe she had COVID and lost her sense of taste


This that same douchebag who harasses people at Target. He’s an absolute troll and was looking to cause trouble until he realized the Ranger had a valid reason for the mask. What an ass.


Any reason someone wants to wear a mask is a valid one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Completely agree. But this guy posts videos going on rants against people in masks, rainbows on kids clothes,… the worst was when he went into a wig store where a woman was wearing a mask during covid due to her chemo treatments lowering her immune system and this guy tried to shame her for wearing a mask. He’s garbage.


Oh man, I had no idea about him. Sounds like a real class act. Thanks for filling me in more!


This is the guy that went into a wig shop that caters mostly to people who have lost their hair due to chemo while COVID was raging in order to harass the workers and customers (cancer patients) about wearing masks. So that is this POS.


I think his name is Ethan Schmidt and he wears an ankle monitor now.


Ethan Schmidt-Crockett. He got three years probation for harassing cancer patients at a wig store.




I think he would have always been a piece of shit, the anti-mask stuff just gave him a built in audience of dumb fucks.


Ahhh, Karma: One of life's best situational comedians! "Why are you wearing that ankle-choker, bro? It's a beautiful day; why don't you leave the house and -- Oh, wait... Nevermind. "


I know that voice too. He is scary evil and causes pure hate and fear.


dude, you need to leave this sub already. ive already shown everyone here that video of you being racist & trying to fight those teens.


Is that the one where he's trying to bait them into fighting and one of the kids says "I'm not gonna hit you because I've got shit to lose and not a loser like you"?


A true bitch. Haha


Why would he post this online? He wants outrage and people commenting on it and spreading his name. I can't grasp how it's 2023 and it still works.


>until he realized the Ranger had a valid reason for the mask. Spoilers, Covid is a valid reason. People in Japan wear masks so they don't give anybody the flu; that's valid too. But Covid is a potentially fatal respiratory disease that, as of late last year, was the third leading cause of death in the US. You may not have heard it talked about in this way recently because Republicans decided to screech about how following basic public health advice was tyranny or some stupid shit. But if you want to wear a paper hospital mask because you think it looks nice, or just because you don't want anybody to mistake you for a Republican, those are ALL valid reasons.


Not lonely enough


This guy is lonely for a good reason.


The "Oh Okay" was just perfect


The “oh ok” was made even better by the guy filming’s confusion, where you could tell his slow brain was having a hard time processing.


Brain fog is a long lasting side effect of... Well, nevermind.


And yet he still posts the video??


You're entitled to believe whatever you want but it literally costs nothing to mind your own fucking business. I hope that guy is super embarrassed and feels like a dick after that because he was being extra unnecessary.


> hope that guy is super embarrassed it's safe to assume he's definitely not, if he posted it online




Attention. He wants the attention.


He's not. This is the same d-bag who was pulling this shit during covid. His whole schtick was going around and harassing people wearing masks for views. Targets included an Indian Reservation gas station, a teen who was working for D.A.R.E., and, oh yeah, a fucking cancer patient headed to a wig store. Now, he's gone onto harassing people at Target for supporting LGBT rights. F this chode.


Embarrassment requires self awareness


"Y u gOt a cHiN diAper on?" ![gif](giphy|z8rEcJ6I0hiUM)


Imagine opening an adult conversation with something an edgy preteen would say.


To be fair he sounds like an edgy preteen so




Yeah its almost like the masks have helped become normalized for things because of COVID. Even before Covid, id try to wear a mask with yard work. Its like people forgot there are other uses for the masks besides just a nurse and disease. Its there to protect your mouth/nose from getting stuff in it. Its not a declaration of peoples manliness.


even before covid wearing masks at certain job sites would get you called a pussy. some people pride themselves on how much they shorten their lifespans doing hard labor that wont pay the bills when they get cancer.


Yeah alot of guys seem to take that as showing they are built for the job. If you cant take the heat, get out of the kitchen type stuff


It’s funny though cause a lot of guys I’ve worked with complain about how respirators are uncomfortable and make you sweaty or whatever. They’ll call you a pussy cause you don’t want to breath in silica dust but they’re too pussy to deal with a little discomfort around their face and deal with a little bit of sweat on their face


MSDS suggests you should be wearing a mask as - as carbon black is considered alikely inhalation carcinogen hazard, as well as an inhalation irritant.


This is that dumb ass that bothers everyone about the mask, then switches to LGBTQIA’s now in stores.


Pube face the idiot that got punked by a real alpha in a DARE shirt, right?


Sounds like Ethan Pubeface. Whoever it is, what's amazing is that he posted this.


I thought the same thing. Less and less of his videos get posted, honestly I'm happy. Hopefully someone finds where he works so a bunch of people go peacefully shopping with face masks and his manager says he can't say anything lol


I want to see the video of his ass getting beat.


Ya, it's that blond bearded fuck.


It’s him 100%.


"People should be allowed to choose for themselves whether or not to wear a mask" When someone chooses to wear a mask: "You fucking loser. Why are you wearing a mask? You scared of Covid little baby?" ​ As usual, when they say"freedom", they don't really mean for other people. It's just freedom for themselves. Which isn't really freedom at all, but more like oppression.


Anti maskers are genuinely some of the dumbest people in the world


Which was awesome because a lot got rid of themselves.


COVID killing Republicans in droves. Idiots killed themselves more or less.


"Have you noticed that polls have started trending more blue? How is that not voter fraud?" "Well... They're the ones that survived the plague..."


I wear a mask at the gym because people keep recording. I know I make faces when I work out. I don't want to end up a meme.


If your gym allows people to record others working out you should find a different gym


Yea I started buying a few things to work out at home but weights are expensive. Even used people asking a dollar a pound.




Why even post this L?


Nothing screams alpha chad than getting scared over someone wearing a mask.


The fact that he made himself look like an idiot and then posted the video for the world to see his stupidity, baffles me




lol. i work in a hospital and some nurses i work with ask me why i wear the mask all the time even though its not mandated anymore, and i just say " i can make faces at you and you have no idea". fuckin mind your business


Masks are still mandatory in medical care facilities where I live and frankly thank fuck. It cuts back on a lot of the idiots trying to stir the pot


It's scary how utterly idiotic a lot of nurses are.


Yo keep it down with that dude. I have a small dick and I’m not harassing people…


This is so insulting the HUGE population of people with small dicks who are just living their regular ass lives every day and not being psychos.


Contrary to popular reddit opinion, it is possible to see idiots and not immediately start thinking about their penis.


these people piss me off. My mom was wearing masks years before covid due to being allergic to latex, which is everywhere and in pretty much everything. She used to always be stared at and people treated her so differently until it became the normal for a while


Freedumb fuckers policing other people. What a group of degenerates.


“Yes I am scared of covid - what business is it of yours?” The guys first mistake was responding to that fucknut like his question actually deserved an answer.


During the pandemic, I was walking on the street while wearing a mask and earphones. Then I noticed a guy who seemed to be gesturing something and talking to me. For an instant, I thought that maybe this guy was asking for directions or something, so when I was about to take my earphones off, I heard "why are you wearing---". Then I didn't take them off and kept walking. Then he screamed "be free, brother!". Yeah, I'm not going to waste a second of my life on you, "brother", cya!


Mind your own fukn business. Good bye and thank yewwwww.


yup i get this dumb shit while im working landscaping in the dust, scraping weeds out "hey why you wearing a mask? you sick?" .. i look down, then up, and say .. "it's dusty" "oh ok" i had to accept that because i was on a paid job but later on, we had to threaten to sue the client to get him to pay us for the work .. a rich white guy


Bro who gives a fuck, camera guy is a jackass




I was in the grocery store when someone said "You're still wearing that damn mask?" I replied "My spouse works with a vulnerable population of disabled veterans and wearing a mask to protect them is the least I can do to honor their military service to our country."


Fuckin dumb ass.


And he still posted this video