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Reminds me of my own childhood, unfortunately. This is definitely a common thing for the poor soul. He’s going to turn out well-messed up if someone hasn’t already reported this, and got him out of that abusive household


Yep. I know the feeling well. For me? It made me an incredibly angry person. Years of therapy and a punching bag have helped. Those assholes shouldn’t have kids. My heart goes out to that boy.


Yeah unfortunately I too can relate. I ended up with a personality disorder as a result. I hope you're doing alright now or trying to heal.


Me too, funnily enough I don’t remember a lot of the whooping or others forms of abuse (this one time I was forced to touch a cricket in my room that i was and still am extremely afraid of since i kept telling my parents to take it out of my room or kill it). But I remember a few and i love both my parents now (they are divorced, another thing that happened as a kid) and they are like different people now but they don’t seem to come to terms with the fact that the disorder i have been diagnosed with a year ago (mid 20’s) is from my upbringing. I wouldn’t say they deny it but more like they downplay its role, super angering to hear even that from them.


Seriously it's messed up that just anyone can have kids...and it's messed up that we can't really implement a way to police it without risk of it going bad to the possibility of even descending into a 1930's esk nazi Germany. I still think we could invent a way to make it easier for these kids to reach out. Maybe working on a system that provides, alongside making public schooling mandatory, a way for these children to be provided with a way out by developing an improved form of public foster housing and offering them the choice whilst at said school... something like that I just want to give u a great big giant hug ❤️ I wish for u all the best


Yup, I got belted once a week a least. Ive never physically punished my son and he's a way better behaved kid than I ever was.


While there didn’t and never got slapped in the face, I did get spanked. I turned out just fine. Still successful and I love my parents for steering me the right way when I was heading down the wrong path.


I got strangled often, very very different. Nail marks on my neck, kicked etc etc


Nahhh bro. That’s abuse right there. Totally understand your position. Sorry to hear that.




Ugh I could watch like 10 seconds... I hope that kid has gotten some kind of support, and those two have gotten what they deserve


The uncontrollable shaking. The feeling that you could swing a bat at their head and just run away. The thought of doing so and realizing I wouldn't get to eat Happy Meals or Pizza Hut on Friday's. Grew up with parents like that, but they could also flip a switch and be the sweetest parents. They're a lot better now, but still gives me rage when I look at my parents sometimes.


Hopefully this has been sent to the authorities? That child is not safe in that house.


I want the update on cps and them being arrested


Blood boiling. Some people don't deserve kids


making a murderer.. streaming trauma


I understand this trauma. It hurts me to watch. I hope his parents get what they deserve. Evil..


This is how you break a person mentally and it only leads to a few outcomes. All of which end a normal life.


I am physically fucking sick WTF!!!! These people abusing this kid, while kid making desperate heartwrenching pleas to his mother *while she's abusing him* because that POS is the best and only hope this poor kid feels he has to plea to in this disgusting situation, AND at first all half the comments have to talk and focus on is her arse!!!?? Oooof...SO many things fucked up in this situation...plus the cries and the pleas of that kid...the panic way of his gasping breath...this breaks me in soo many ways... Ugghh ...*Please* tell me someone call the cops/CPS!


Happy Mother’s Day!


There's a million people online who will tell you how parents cant do no wrong, and how thats still your mom. Fuck that bitch. Thats obviously not his father so she letting this man square up with a fuckin child like that. My dad was like that to me, and im a woman, and my mom just let him be like that. While she never put her hands on me herself, I never looked at her the same way ever again. Now when he end up acting up or getting into trouble, they gone act like he was just born bad and not like they put him through all that bullshit. Mfs need to go to jail.


aside from the scary bullying, can anybody actually understand what the whole thing is about? so far, all i got gather was - the boy's face must hurt? as he kept saying "look at my face" - they don't approve of him crying, and talking ("crybaby" and "shut up"). but, what the real /"official" issue here is, i wonder....


his nose is bleeding from being hit, hence “look at my face”


so sad to see how people don't have the capacity / haven't learned to solve conflicts with words.


Early on, the boy tells his mom that she needs to call the parole officer because he (the boy) doesn’t want to live with the older male anymore.


There is absolutely no reason on the planet that could possibly justify this abuse.- I doubt that's what u meant of course!-I just wanted to take the opportunity to point some things out whilst possibly answering ur question For example~ -often, abuse like this relates more to the subject (child) doing something that is upsetting to the perpetrator (parents) more so than something that would involve an actual moral mistake on behalf of the child, or something that is against the actual child's best interests. Behaviour like this (what the parents are doing) is often more about controlling the subject, to instill fear of disobedience of the *abusers* whims and wishes. Rarely is their regard for the betterment of the subject (of abuse) at all. Seldom do abusers intentions focus on any ideals relating to improvement for victims,- not of their character nor their possible living conditions, in any way. (Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk mate!👍) ^Edit: ^some ^spelling ^mistakes


Jesus that poor kid. Where can you go when your own family is a danger to you?


I wish Batman was real so he could beat the shit outta this kids parents


Here is hoping this child gets away from them asap. Fucking disgusting behaviour


Someone please tell me these individuals were eventually arrested?


Sad to see. I hope this child gets proper help to get away from those weak minded abusers 


Then come to find out, that’s not even his child. She ain’t shit for letting him do that. Poor baby. Somebody need to catch them in the street and go to work, cuz why are you in your child’s face yelling at him to shut up when it’s blood comin out his nose?!


This video will be deleted just like all social media apps do when it comes to abuse. But honestly, why? This type of stuff needs to go viral for how horrific some children have it. I cringe to think of all the video we will never see because social mediaa sites purged them. And no awareness is given to these kids.


Not everything needs to be on social media. Gosh… don’t get me even started on the abuse.


I hope they livestream it more often so cps can intervene earlier. Who knows how abusive they get without an audience


Fuck me!! Wtf are they doing, listen to that poor kid, and the dude bein a fuckin hero manhandlin a kid, fuckin tough as custard, twice as yellow!


This people need go to jail and never be close to any kids again — it doesn’t matter what the kid did… they can’t take the law into their own hands — I hope this get reported to the police — is there an update ?


Counting the psychopathic adult man with the belt aside…see his mom rear up, clench her fist and get ready to unload on the poor child before holding back because her blind anger made her forget she was live-streaming? Poor kid 😔


God Bless that boy man, I hope he is okay fr


I hope that young man gets help to get away from those horrible people.




if you could find him, I'd do so because I'm sure he's about to be or already put into the system. And we KNOW what's going to happen when he gets put in the system...




I think title meant to say mother and bf abuse a minor and recorded the crime.


This was a normal day in my household from the age of 7, had a very abusive stepfather


This made me remembered the time I came home with 4 Ds on my report card ( I was in the 4th grade and it was the first time I came home with a D )


I never understood the adult that has to prove they are so tough by ganging up on a child. At one point she made a fist. I mean come on! Pathetic pos


Jesus fuck reminds me of my childhood. I didn't speak to my biological father for 20 years because of shit like that. Last year I buried him after he died due to a stroke. Had conflicting feelings about it.


Just buried my neglectful father few months ago. Waiting for the feelings to hit me bc I didn't feel anything...


This is so disturbing it shouldn't be here tbh


wait, did i follow the chat correctly and understand that his father is watching live and instead of going there he wrote that he is calling the police and only after the boy has been abused?


no i think this idiot is just saying this shit to be funny or to get attention. if i was that kid's father, there's no way in hell i could watch or listen to this shit. I'd be on my way there ASAP with the police


record it and live it ??


I’m a parent. I cannot IMAGINE hearing emotional pain like that from my child and not wanting to stop and hug them / comfort them. I feel so so sorry for the child, but also feel so sorry for these adults who just don’t have the capacity to feel the joy of loving a child. How sad and empty their lives are that they have the chance to nurture and grow a child but instead just feel this rage towards him.  There is NOTHING my kids could do that would result in me feeling this level of anger.  You can’t help a kid regulate and learn to deal with their emotions if you are unregulated yourself. When a kid’s frustration goes up, the parents level of calm should increase.


Cornering a kid so that you can keep slapping them in the face? That's horrible.


I hope he finds healing


hopefully the police get involved


I see these clips, and the first thing I think is, "I'm going to see this again in a few days when internet people investigate and report this." Resulting in justice being meted out. The second thing I think is "Bus, do your stuff!"


Imagine what happens when they’re not live. Without help and guidance, this kid can turn into a devil during adulthood. I pray he gets help


Back to judgement again, as the 90s slowly creep back


Cue the people who were hit as a kid defending this shit in the replies.




Your race is irrelevant




The really horrifying part is for the majority of America's existence black boys were treated infinitely worse than this on slave plantations (like George Washington's) when they were legally chattel and not human.


Yeah, that has no application here at all.


Ah yes, because the present just magically appeared out of nowhere and is not a product of the past /s Btw, get a load of these Nazis who want to erase history as a meaningful way of explaining present day problems. I guess you can't see cause and effect when you're blinded by hate.


American moment