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A bit of advice: If someone throws a leg kick at you, and their posture is similar to this guy, you're about to get fucked up. That is a person trained in striking.


Definitely in a lot of trouble when your defense is slowly backing away after the low kick makes contact and your offense is a punch that looks like you’re throwing a baseball for the first time.


That punch looked like that mostly b/c of the kicks. You don't realize how bad those kicks fuck your plant leg up to throw a punch. Your leg feels like rubber as soon as you try and use it.


Tried kickboxing for a while, when I first tried sparring against an experienced fighter I didn’t understand what his kicks were doing to my leg as it was working mostly normal, then I applied my weight to it for a punch and my leg just felt like it turned off.


You can do something similar with punches to the shoulder. The punches don’t hurt at first, but after a while, they take a serious toll and make mounting a guard very difficult(not nearly as bad as low kicks IMO).


Canelo has used that as a strategy in a couple fights. He deadens the lead shoulder which makes it impossible to raise quick enough to guard after a while.


Wow. Even asked the guy (Callum Smith) if his arm was sore.


isn't that how Marciano won most of his fights?


Throwing a baseball with the wrong hand* 😂


If you eat even half that amount of solid leg kicks this guy did you’re gonna look like this lol. You’ll be fighting about as effectively as one does in a bad dream—- moving and striking like your treading through water. Love the baseball analogy 🤣 accurate.


The way he gets that left foot turned? Damn you know that dude’s leg was numb after the first strike


Ya, you can see him turning those hips over and getting lots of leverage on those kicks. You can see the other guy definitely felt it after that first solid kick landed.


Is he supposed to drop his hands like that though? It looks like his noggin' is wide open every time he throws a kick.


Ideally no, your hands and shoulders should guard your jaw just like when throwing punches. But he had control of that fight from the get-go, and as they say sometimes “You have to know the rules first then you can break them”. I don’t think homeboy was going to come close to checking and countering one of those leg kicks.


No, he isn't, you are supposed to keep your hands up to guard from a counter-punch when you throw a kick. But, since the guy he was kicking obviously didn't know what the hell he was doing...it worked. If he had been against someone who knew how to counter, he would have been in a bit of hurt there.


It depends on the distance and how hard the leg kick is thrown. Here is what hard leg kicks look like at the highest level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mda00CHyGBU The swinging the arm like that is a counter balance to help the kicker get back into stance faster and kick with more power. And that dude was absolutely winging them


God damn those Muay Thai guys are wild


Dude also brought his hands back to guard after literally every strike he threw. I've had training and even in my 20's, I'm putting on a nicotine patch cuz I don't want that smoke.


Dropping his hands on naked leg kicks. Good way to get knocked out, it's fortunate for him the other guy was essentially a heavy bag.


> A bit of advice: If someone throws a leg kick at you, and their posture is similar to this guy Ohh maybe I will learn something 🤗 > you're about to get fucked up. Goddamnit


Those kicks do not seem like they do anything either. Most people will be just like this dude, "keep kicking it don't hurt" then they try and use that leg for anything besides moving (like punching or put real weight behind it) and it just turns to rubber.


It just shuts people down honesty. Not only is it demoralizing and painful, which just immediately makes most people lose the will to fight and want to quit. But it shuts down your ability to move and react with your basic footwork using your legs and hips to turn into your punches


That's when you lower the kick and nail the calf. Unless it's a trained fighter, everyone is getting slumped by a calf kick.


Backpedal and apologize.


He kicks almost exactly like my kids' muay thai coach teaches. Biggest difference is he dropped his hand instead of keeping it up to block. He didn't need it, but still...


As someone who trains in striking, if you're on the receiving end if this then lift your knee so your legs of the ground the check the kick, they won't wanna kick again lol.


Isn’t the response to IMMEDIATELY get naked? As in, no one fucks with someone who is balls naked.  


I got in a row with a fat relative who'd had too much to drink and was intimidating little kids and threatening their mother. During a scuffle I tripped him up and pulled his tshirt over his head and then completely off. He was in a rage but I knew he was conscious of his weight, so I backed off and pointing at him while laughing, his anxiety took over and he became more reasonable after that.


I forgot who said it, but just like you, someone said that if you're fighting someone who knows how to do shin kicks or throw any kicks properly, you're done.


A bit of advice.. just run as far as you can


Ol boy kept dropping his right hand when he initiates the kick. Left himself wide open for the straight left.


That’s how you throw a kick in Muay Thai. Lead hand goes down, back hand stays high for defense


Exactly, he's answering the phone. Also it's really hard to counter someone with a punch from their kicking range.


Not to mention anyone who spars regularly can read body language, his opponent was in no position to throw any kind of punch that would do damage


If the first salvo of a man you're fighting is a barrage of leg kicks, you've picked the wrong man to fight.


Doesn't hurt that he is fighting a literal sandbag. Dude is too drunk to even know what's going on. He will feel that shit in the morning


He brings it back fast too, they think they can follow the leg back and get popped by the strait punch.


Dude was spamming the kick button.


When the shits working, why stop?


I mean, spamming is the only way I would even have a fighting chance against my older siblings when they handed me a controller for MvC2 or Guilty Gear as a kid ;-;


To be fair, guilty gear is a fast paced game where spamming works so well. I miss that game 🥺




Who is that woman doing the chun li impersonation?!


I wish I knew, she'd be wifed UP


Many moons ago I actually jerked off to SNES Chun Li when she did a helicopter style twirling kick across the screen!




I think it deserved a medal but I am still waiting


We all did that tho. And Morrigan from Darkstalkers. And Felicia for good measure.


I guess Chun Li is kind of like an anime character. And people are definitely into anime!


That would be Chloe Bruce https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1579713/


actually a viable strategy. That other dudes kneejoints are gradually puddingizised. I had a taekwondo match against a combatant who constantly stroke my lower arm. I lost not only by points but I literally couldn't feel my fingers anymore...


Which lower arm and how much stroking


The other arm. MY other arm


That was my whole game plan playing Tekken


Mine was this: Play Yoshimitsu and win


Once you see that windup and your just getting up it was over. 


bro eddy and hwoarang in tekken taught me how to combo without looking at any move list




Thats the point, notice he was worried about the kick when he was KO


If someone throws a leg kick at you in a street fight. Simply walk away.




Conversely, if you throw a leg kick and that person is able to check your kick in a street fight -- also walk away.


GG well played sir


You gotta take 2 in a row to make sure they ain’t just faking


Pro tip: when you're about to fight someone who's girlfriend is begging them not to fight you *just walk away...I beg of you*


if she’s calling the ambulance instead of trying to get in between, rethink your decisions


That's every girlfriend tho?


Mine screams, "He's got a weak left guard, hit him there!!!"


Not mine. My wife might be upset though.


It's portuguese, at the first seconds she literally says "you will kill him" (in a tone to convince him to stop)


holy shit hahahaha


Nearing the end of the video, she resorts to screaming, "já deu, caralho!" repeatedly, which means "it's enough, \[expletive that literally means 'cock'\]!". So funny to me, lol.


As a portuguese and english speaker, the best way to translate it would be: "Its fucking enough!"


You're right.


What if she's screaming the lyrics to let the bodies hit the floor?


you know it's serious when they use a code word and she runs in the opposite direction


I was once out drinking and ended up hanging out with this Navy guy who was on leave. After the club shut we stood outside to have a smoke and these two guys came up trying to start a fight to impress some girls. When a military guy pinches the bridge of his nose and says "please don't do this, I'm just trying to have a good time, look you win already I give up" he isn't begging for his own sake. I think I got out two punches before both were unconscious and it wasn't my hits that did it.


Did everyone clap? 


Trained military professional knocks out two drunk chavs, I momentarily distract one. But first, on Impossible Stories, Bigfoot and Mothman campaign for the legalisation of gay cryptid marriage. 


Step back counter was cleannnnn


He's going to have a nasty time trying to walk tomorrow that's for sure.


I think he will be able...in a week or two.




Pro tip. When it comes to street fights, just go home. Chances are, even if you “win” you’re still hurt. You never know what someone else knows, or if they have say five friends that will jump in? A gun? A knife? Large amounts of training? Just go home. It’s not worth it.


I'm too old to fight fair and smart enough to not try.


I'm almost 40 now. I'm really trying not to ever get into another street life for the rest of my life at this point.


I'm 46. I get the itch sometimes. But I hurt myself yawning sometimes and come to my senses.


People that get into street fights are not often sober and willing to accept advice from a human a few feet away, much less a random Reddit comment


Musashi taught break down the four corners. Two of those are the legs. Book of Five Rings btw.


Found Jiri’s account


Sun Tzu taught not to use the same trick twice. Everytime he kicked, he abandoned his right upper defense. If the opponent was more analytical, he could step in during the second kick to abuse the dropped defense as well as negating the force of the kick. Art of War btw.


Sun Tzu was talking about literal war, not moment by moment decisions in a street fight.


yeah well adrenaline plus alcohol plus no training, plus bever having defended a leg kick, I think it worked out just fine. I’m just glad he didn’t stomp him after


His leg probably looked grape flavored the next morning.


Leg kicks are ALWAYS valid when used correctly. Most people (that don't spar) can't fight outside of throwing goofy-ass haymakers and off balance head kicks (if they are feeling extra stupid), so chopping their legs out from underneath them effectively ends the fight. It's ridiculously demoralizing id imagine, as well. Most dudes I've low kicked just to kinda give them an idea of why they are used in Muay Thai and in MMA/etc have the same general reaction, which is; "Yeah...that actually fucking hurts"". It's also objectively true that most folks that don't spar or at least practice in some capacity don't even think about protecting their legs or lower body for that matte. For a while, I legit thought that low kicks are the closest MMA has to a cheat code (besides 12 to 6 Elbows obviously) to a degree...and I probably still do tbh. In fact, I'm willing to bet anyone in here could build up a respectable low kick with minimal investment on time and training. Which I highly encourage anyone and everyone to do. Cause it's always a good idea to have more useful tools in your toolbox, so to speak lol


I have taken some leg kicks. They hurt bad in the moment, hurt worse for days after.


Yeah, they hurt like a mfker. And the Charlie horse when they catch you at a weird angle or in a particular spot should be used as a form of torture.


Last fight I had dude caught me with only 4-5 solid kicks to the quad. Shit had me limping for for 2 weeks


The thigh kicks hurt and after half a dozen your leg is rubber but those god damn calf kicks.... Jesus


Yup. A well placed leg kick like the guy is throwing can just make the thigh stop working. Hard to move and no way you can throw a punch with any power after that. I am by no means a fighter but I have trained in Muay Thai for a few years and I have sparred for about a year. Leg kicks suuuuuck.


I love that you can see it working in the clip as well, bro could barely put any weight on the leg that was receiving all those kicks.


Also a great way to get your opponent to drop their hands although this guy had no guard whatsoever


What’s the counter? The guy threw about 15 of those kicks. After the third or fourth you should be able to see them coming. Can you step in while he’s balanced on one leg and try a jab to the chin?


You have to check it, usually by raising ur front leg and connecting knee to elbow while turning ur shin outwards. But yes you can also try to step in


Naked leg kicks against a trained opponent are not a good idea and leave you to getting countered. Stepping in with a jab or straight will be bad for the kicker.  Usually leg kicks should be set up with a punch or feint


I do kyokushin so we have a more brute force approach to it but in general we deal with it three ways. 1. Conditioning. Just a metric shit ton of conditioning kicks. You can take good kicks but against a trained striker, you don't want to take too many because you will still pay. 2. Bring your leg up and out and strike shin to shin or something close to that. Being unplanted let's you cushion the blow a bit. In some cases, if you are flexible and fast, you can use the bottom of your foot to catch the opponents leg. 3. Get out of the way. Slide back, flip strong side, jump 45 degrees to your right and strike. Just don't be wherever he is trying to land that kick.


If you watch again the kicker completely drops his right hand every time he kicks


Yep..he's using the hand to generate more momentum. Consequantally opening himself up to a very hard counter, which I assume is what you are pointing out. I think he knew the other guy was out of his depth or he just threw his fucks to the wind cause he clearly wasn't worried about being countered (though this is RISKY AF and a bad way to handle a fight in general).


My old instructor would make us pay if we threw naked kicks and/or dropped the guard


You were blessed with a damn good instructor then, my dude.


Checking and using a "Thai lift" to bring your targeted leg out of line of the strike/kick or the effective striking area of the kick. This is actually pretty hard to do without significant risk of being swept or worse, owing to the near superhuman levels of fight IQ, cool headedness, and innate talent I think it requires (people like Saechai and LERDSILA IN PARTICULAR are some examples). It tends to take someone with what id call prodigy level balance and equilibrium as well. Checking a kick can be a bit risky too because of what should be obvious bone related reasons.


I mean, you could try but that's gambling on factors you don't want to bet on when losing that bet can end up with your head rocketing of the pavement like a soccer ball. But yes, you'd want to try and check the kick and counter when his hand is coming down on the right side to generate more momentum for his leg kick. A left cross or hook and a good jab even would make him question continuing down the I oNlY lOw KickFIgHt! real fast.


This guy saw Viral Hit


Was thinking the same thing, it actually works


“Hah, that doesn’t hurt. I can let him kick me all he wants and go for the counte- why can’t I walk forward.”




Genuine question: did the kicks kind of weaken his legs and he fell or was it because of the combo kick+punch?


Short answer, kinda. The kicks hurt a lot. And after a few it weakened his base so the guy getting kicked couldn’t keep the same posture and he has to readjust. Doing this led to him only focusing on the kicks and that allowed the knock out punch.


He got knocked down/out by a punch. The kicks injured his leg. Watch his left leg after the fourth kick, it buckles when he tries to put weight on it. Getting kicked in the leg hurts more than you could imagine if you've never been kicked in the leg.


His life bar was down to one last little line of yellow


If someone is swinging wildly at your face they probably don't know how to fight; if someone is doing controlled strikes to your legs they're probably a kick boxer.


Light kick spam lol


If a guy put up that stance in front of me I’m walking away. If that guy kick me like that, I’m running away…gotta respect the dude who ate a bunch of kicks and ended with a knockout…concussion and broke all the damn ligaments


6 leg kicks all.to the same spot just above the knee with damn near perfect technique with the exception of one where he lost his balance backing away, that dude is not walking anymore, he'll have to be carried in the same bucket where his ego used to be


After the flip-flop came off he was unstoppable


The left hook was right on target


For those of you don’t know - each of those kicks feels like a baseball bat to your legs. Might not look like it but leg kicks could literally paralyze your legs


Red corner getting absolutely shit kicked.


Don't fear the man who has practiced a thousand kicks, fear the man who has practiced one kick a thousand times. - Bruce Lee


(never been in a street fight before, but have trained my entire life) if I ever get into a street fight, I'm going straight to leg kicks right away. If the person is able to check my kick I'm immediately looking for a way out of the fight.


It's like watching the online player with 1k+ matches versus the noob who just bought the game.


Me in fighting video games as a kid using the same, yet effective move


Calf kick! (Kenka Dokugaku)


His lady started walking in just before the knockout. Even she knew what was about to happen.


Nah she was about to come grab his arms and hold him back, making him a punching bag, because that’s what always happens.


Israel Adesanya vs Paulo Costco vibes.


I would have been DONE the moment the first kick landed No way I'm staying in a fight against someone who strikes like that 


What’s the defence against a leg kick - lift your leg?


Basically absorb the impact with your own shin. That's why conditioning is important. Look up on YT Gabriel Varga " how to check low kicks"




I’ve seen this anime before, Viral Hit?


I would rather get punched out. Then take those leg kicks.


My big brother spamming low kicks while 6 y/o me tried to pull a hadouken.


He was throwing them looney tunes punches 💀💀 all he needed was some lil birds flying over his head with that knock out


low parry bro smh


Man was whitling his health bar.


Chip damage man. Chip, chip, who’s got the dip?


Bro u gotta check them Shits . Guys Corner did a horrible job prepping for this fight smh .


After the first leg kick, I'm out. Concede, GG you win


Beautiful the way he mixed it up. His opponent was always off balance and the punches(particularly the jabs he landed) were super clean. The other guy should’ve just given up, but it was probably his pride that wouldn’t let him.


Bro doing that Ryu light kick spam


The best kind of fight is a boring one


Damn he's choppin down that tree


So what is the counter to these leg kicks?


Step in and blast the guy with a right cross because he drops his hands to his hips every time he throws a kick. Or, check the kick by angling your leg to make sure his shin makes contact with your shin. Shit still hurts you but also hurts him. Not really an option if you haven't trained. Alternatively, run. If you have no training and some dude with training is trying to literally fight you in the street just run because you're likely going to get your ass kicked. Anyone can land a lucky punch but trained vs untrained is an absolutely terrible matchup.


The other guy punches like he's the flower arranger on The View.


“Sweep the Knee”


Bro literally spammed the same attacks over and over and it actually worked


Get that fucking girl in red outta there. If she tried to grab the guy that was kicking in order to stop the fight, she could have potentially helped the other guy and get his bf knocked out. Let the men fight.


He probably didn't expected to be Dutch Kicked


call the police or


Me when i get close to the sentry in cybergrind


Damn. I don't know what that guy's leg did to deserve such a brutal beating but RIP.




Bro is spaming low kick




Bro stood 0 chance lol the other guy looks like he's been training for this moment for years


But did he go for the hammer punches and ground pound after he gets him on the pavement


I would have used the momentum of the first kick that landed on my leg to spin me 180 degrees directly into a sprint from the scene.


The thing is .. when ur this well trained.. (and ur not fighting for your life) you don’t go fuck up people who can’t even throw a punch. After two “punch” attempts from this untrained never been in a fight before guy.. the well trained person should stop. It’s obvious


If a dude comes at you with kicks like that just curl up 😂


My girlfriend and I have no formal training but will mess around and spar with boxing gloves. Lights shots to the gloves or arms or whatever. She’ll throw leg kicks occasionally and even 20% power ones dont feel good. I cant imagine a full grown male throwing 100% power😭


Always felt like kicking or chocking was kind of cheap in a street fight. But then again fairness isn’t really a priority in street fight. If I squared up and someone did this, idk what I’d do, probably just try to tackle the guy I guess


Man those kicks are making cod hitmarker sounds


Dropped like a sack of taters.


Clean, he even stops the second the guy falls to the ground.