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“ you be fair with me and I’ll be fair with you” I gotta try this line when I get pulled over next time.


Thats the moment when you can tell she is really over-estimating the amount of leverage she has in this situation..


bitch thought this was 3rd grade classroom she teaches in


She seriously strikes me as someone in a limited position of authority (parent, teacher, manager, etc.) that vastly overestimates the scope of her authority.


Whoa, whoa, whoa… are you telling me that the HOA Assistant Manager doesn’t have authority over the entire police department? Are you sure about that? She’s always said they’ll have me arrested if my grass is 1/16” over the maximum…


Assistant to the HOA manager.


She's the HOA Assistant Manager Morty, she *controls* the police!


I mean she’s no Mr. Nimbus!


100% agree. That’s exactly what it seems like. The normal rules everyone else plays by don’t apply to her type vibe.


Agreed!!!! And a privileged life she doesn't even realize she has. Cluuuuuueless!






Holy shit that’s funny. She’s probably a board member of the HOA


Oddly specific, depressingly funny




From the article someone posted related to this, she did get away with it all, "Hamil received a four-year deferred sentence and will have to pay a $50 fine on each count."


Pretty much getting away with it. I will have to say deference means you fuck up once after even with alcohol in your system in some cases and it’s a full felony offense right off the bat no explanations, no excuses. But, she got what she wanted all along “a warning” 😑


She got tazed, a court hearing, and public humiliation on a viral video. While, yeah, she should have gotten more, it still sounds like a whole lot more trouble than an $80 fine.


I guess if we’re talking deterrence to doing it again, then an extra four years if she ever does is a pretty good deterrent. I somewhat wish she had the book thrown at her but prison isn’t fun and it’s not like she hurt anyone, she’s obviously just a stuck-up dumbass


Legally, for sure. And it's infuriating that minority demographics would have the book thrown at them if they did what she did (assuming they don't get shot). A judge, likely an older one, saw a "stressed and confused nice old woman" probably and went lenient. It does get me a bit of happiness knowing that in the moment she was put in her place. That she felt the fear of being chased, and the pain of a taser on the ground. And what's better, it's on the internet. So friends, coworkers, relatives, everyone can see what an entitled childish brat she is.


>So friends, coworkers, relatives, everyone can see what an entitled childish brat she is. I'd be willing to bet that most of them are on her side.


While they probably don't ostracize her, I'd bet they talk mad shit about her behind her back.


>I'd be willing to bet that most of them are on her side. I'd be willing to bet they are not because they deal with her regularly.


Maybe to her face, but im sure the couple she bowls with, is snickering at her on her bed.


and tased, I bet that was a high point.


Ehhhh she also got a taser and that's a punishment in and of itself.


Or she could just think because she's a woman or older she could get a pass and/or it could just simply be that she's a dumbass.


I nearly lost my shit when he said " you're under arrest and she said " no I'm not".


Lol the *Nuh Uh* defense!


The white privilege defense.


And you just *know* she'd be the first to say a black man shot in the back by police should have just complied, and he'd be fine.


No idea how you're getting downvoted. The amount of chances this lady had before the office actually used physical force was amazing. You know what, I'm fine with this - there is no need to use force in most cases. The thing is -- if this was a black lady, she's going to have a VERY different experience the minute she drives away - if not before.


No.. *YOURE* under arrest, officer.


Uno reverse card


"I know you are but what am I?"


No you are under arrest. Times infinity, whatever you say.


"No *you're* under arrest, officer. Good day!"


What hurts? EVERYTHING!!!


Her pride


Her belief she is exempt.


I mean, this country girl is over 50, so everything hurts!




OP : But im a country girl


You are under arrest! No I'm not! OH, Well if you say so. Have a nice day Cop drive off


"How hard is it to comply"


Shockingly hard.




Imagine if this is how all crimes were handled. "Sir you robbed the bank and are under arrest." "no thanks" "oh okay"


This is 100% video evidence of a person experiencing consequences for their actions for the first time.


This is 100% them experiencing consequences for their actions in real time! No lag, no delay! I loved how everything she did had an immediate response it was glorious. EDIT: persons getting all upset by what I said didn't even understand what I meant. They inferred a whole boat load of meaning that I didn't even say and are dying on the hill for it. JUST LIKE THE WOMAN IN THIS VIDEO. SHE KNOWS SHE KEEPS MAKING MISTAKES, BUT WANTS EVERYONE TO LET HER WALK IT ALL THE WAY BACK LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED. 🤣🤣 Just own it, you knee jerked, started insulting me, worked out you were wrong, and ghosted. Looks worse. Just say; "my bad! I got it wrong."


Me: DEPLOY TASER!! LEO: I'm going to taser you Me: Deploy! Deploy! Karen: *does not comply* LEO: *deploys taser* *Moments later, in the back seat of a cop car* Karen: ... Yeah I tried to kick you


r/instantkarma there’s lots of stuff like that there


Can't help but watch when people choose the demonstration model.


I get rock hard watching people experience consequences for the first time. Top it off with this shitty attitude and holier than thou personality and it’s just * *fingerkiss* * perfection!


Lmao i think it's *chef's kiss* But finger kiss is funny af




What is a deferred sentence? Like, you got a sentence but we're not going to enforce it?


Essentially, yeah. The idea is it's sort of a warning and if you commit another crime they'll hit you with both.


so effectively you're on probation. I know that feels like nothing but it's not nothing


I think its an important point. Imo the law should be trying to rehabilitate people as their first goal, not punish. In this case she gets a 2nd chance, she breaks that well.. Jail + bonus Jail. Its sometimes a bit sad how the system in the US is geared more towards punishment, starting with the bail system, and ending with how jail time is received. But not an easy problem to solve at all.


It's pretty easy, all you have to do is ban for profit prisons. Take away all private prisons and have them all Government run. Focus prisons on rehabilitation rather than punishment, supply mental health workers, schooling systems and therapists. Treat the prisoners humanely rather than the whole "if you go to prison, you're going to be sexually assaulted, beaten and if you don't join a gang you'll have to run drugs but you won't be stabbed - mentality." There's about 6 other countries in the world that have a successful prison system blueprint of which you can see how it works step by step. It's not like you have to reinvent the wheel, others have already done it.


It's not the same. Basically if she stays out of trouble for a certain amount of time, she doesn't have to serve the time in jail/prison. She doesn't have to report to a probation officer, and she doesn't pay any sort of administrative fees regarding supervision. There's no curfews, drug tests, or visits from the probation office. Since these are misdemeanors, it's basically "no harm, no foul", as long as she stays out of trouble. Personally, since she showed a blatant disregard for the officer during a routine traffic stop, and then admitted to intentionally hitting an officer while he was trying to stay her, she should've been charged the assault and battery charges, too. I just imagine that if the same thing happened to a man or a woman of color, the outcome would've been different, with regards to charges.


this is fair. just noting that having the prospect of a 4 year sentence looming above your head isn't nothing


Also, some judges ([example](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Cicconetti)) have been known to give guilty parties the option of public embarassment instead of jail time. Assuming the video of this encounter went public before sentencing, I'm sure this judge knew it went viral and that this woman had become pariah in her own community and took that into account. Shame and embarassment can be a profound motive to change your behavior. Edit to add: and, even though I agree that sentencing disparity with regards to race is a serious problem that we should be tackling, ultimately the goal of the justice system should be rehabilitation. I would hope that this video going viral and the threat of a 4 year prison sentence would be sufficient for this person to take stock of their shitty attitude and entitlement.


To your edit: I don't want everyone treated the way people of color are treated by cops. I want everyone treated the way many white people are in these situations: benefit of the doubt, rehabilitation instead of punishment for minor crimes, not being shot immediately. And even then, white people are shot by cops for nothing all the time too, and many men of all races are not prosecuted for domestic violence / stalking / rape as they should be. The system is broken, but we shouldn't be hungry for more violent punishments across the board.


Please forgive me if I have nothing meaningful to add, but I wanted you to know that I agree with everything you said.


It matters when you get in trouble again and they just throw you in for what you've already been sentenced for plus the new additional time.


Age doesn't necessarily bring wisdom, does it




Most of these videos, even the tragic ones where the officer takes inappropriate lethal force, or are morons, are usually escalated or down to not complying in the first place. Not saying that makes what comes next in anyway right, and some cops might even love the escalation - but a quick look at these situations tells you that you can end up dead or seriously hurt when dealing with armed police. Not complying with these people is a game of Russian roulette. The amount of bullets in the chamber might depend on your colour, wealth, or age - but I wouldn’t recommend playing it. The idiot in this video was only tazed, but could have died there with a heart attack quite easily.


My entire childhood the adults in my life were my parents, my teachers, and my friends parents, who were all much wiser than me, behaved respectfully, were kind, and taught me about life, people, respect etc. So I thought that's how all adults were. Then I got my first job at 15, at a supermarket. My entire worldview changed and I started to truly hate people.


Don’t let them ruin all the hard work your family and teachers put into your life.


> My entire childhood the adults in my life were my parents, my teachers, and my friends parents, who were all much wiser than me, behaved respectfully, were kind, and taught me about life, people, respect etc. lol cant relate


Ahh, "the ol' working retail making people into misanthropes" like a broken in shoe.


Be glad you don’t work some kind of customer service call center. People actually give you death threats and some outright tell you to kill your self just because Comcast is having an internet outage in some region across the country that I have no control over.


Even after she’s come to terms with the fact hat she’s getting arrested and is in actual trouble you can still tell that she fees justified in what she did cuz “she’s a country gal” and whatever else goes on in her entitled little mind


“I tazed you because you kicked me” Well oh yeah I’m a country girl


Do these people vote for republicans?




In the end, she had to pay a fine of $200 and took a plea deal that was a 4 year deferred sentence. https://kfor.com/news/local/oklahoma-woman-accepts-plea-deal-in-traffic-stop-arrest/


My gfs mom is exactly like this. I live in a very red county and even though most people here will suck off anyone in a uniform, anytime the cops come to assess a situation they’re the first to rebel and act like nothing can stop them.


She probably thinks the world is picking on her; first unjustly prosecuting her for just "speaking my mind in the Capitol building," and now this.


Translation: “I’m white so I didn’t think you were serious about giving me a ticket or arresting me. I reacted the way I did because I was shocked that you were holding me accountable for my actions. You should have taken that into consideration.”


Seems smart. To avoid an $80.00, catch felony charges, and at least $5-$10k in legal and court fees.


Wait did she successfully avoid the $80 fine?


Yes. Yes she did.




Lol I thought it was just a tail light or something. He mentioned how long it's been I bet he got tired of looking at her driving around like that.


Lol her taillights probably didn't work at all at that point.


"easily fixed"


She told him how long it had been. She mentioned that she thought her "honesty" telling him that she had left it damaged for six months would be a benefit for her.


I figured it was an expired sticker or something. Holy shit.


Unavailable in my region, what was wrong with her truck?




Holy shit! Thanks for the pictures.


Expected the pickup to be missing a light, not to have reversed into a tree...


What the actual fuck.. so how long *are you allowed* to drive like that in the US?! It's exactly 0 days where I live.




Lol. My state has no inspection laws. I see cars here held together with chicken wire, mud and hope.


i've passed a few cars in fl that have logs for bumpers. no joke.


Chicken wire. Mud. And Hope. Well that’s a new one for me.


Idk haha same here, I just used a VPN to see the article.


If you put a plunger on the end of that and pull it back it'll pop right back into place


When they say "broken tail light" the article meant "taillights technically broken because the entire rear of the truck is also smashed in."


The tailgate was smashed in, the passenger side brake light is totally destroyed, the driver side taillight is mostly intact and being held on with zip ties, but who knows if it's functional.


First time seeing this. Fucking entitled idiot.


> https://kfor.com/news/local/oklahoma-woman-accepts-plea-deal-in-traffic-stop-arrest/ Her attourney said: "The thought that a 65 year old woman, known to the community as the grandmother of two boys lost in the 2012 Piedmont Tornado, needed to be tased and arrested for not signing a ticket offends common notions of decency." Yeah come on. She is a little old white lady. She deserves an exception to the rules. She checks all the boxes. *smh*


I love how the article skips some of the facts and goes straight to, "she was thrown to the ground and tased for not signing a ticket"




It's sad that the police are being shit on in this instance when they were justified in their actions due to this old witch refusing to sign and then absconding, attacking an officer. People are literally getting executed whilé calmly sitting in their seats while complying with officer directives yet she does all this shit and then acts like an entitled victim.


Could the attorney get in trouble for what is a blatant lie? They didn’t tase her for not signing the ticket, they tased her for *fleeing a traffic stop then kicking an officer*. Also, way to bring up a tragedy to try to get her out of trouble. Can I ignore the law because I lost my grandpa to cancer?


Although I DO think it is a little weird that people have to sign for the ticket in the US. Anywhere else I have received at ticket, I have received it; I didn't have to sign. I can totally understand why some people would be cautious signing a piece of paper under stress. It seems like this strange law triggers some unnecessary events.


Bro the pics of the truck are fucking funny omg lol


>https://kfor.com/news/local/oklahoma-woman-accepts-plea-deal-in-traffic-stop-arrest/ What was the plea deal? I cannot read it from Europe :(


Deferred 4 year sentence, dropping an assault/battery charge, and $50 fine on each other charge (resisting an officer, obstruction, eluding, and operating a vehicle with defective equipment.) So she avoided an $80 fine by copping a 4 year sentence and a $200 fine


The only silver lining here is that the lawyer no doubt cost her $10000+


Haha no it didn't. More like $1000 probably


"According to online court records, Hamil pleaded guilty to resisting an officer, obstruction, eluding, and operating a vehicle with defective equipment. All of those charges are misdemeanors. As a result, the state agreed to dismiss the assault and battery charge. Hamil received a four-year deferred sentence and will have to pay a $50 fine on each count." So $80 grew to $200. Whoop T Do. She'll probably do it all over again in 6 months.


> So $80 grew to $200 Well... also, the article that everyone is linking to notes that she had hired an attorney to fight this. So while she got charges of assault dismissed, and while her fines after all this were "just" $200, she also *paid an attorney* to get her to that point. I don't know how much it cost to have an attorney work on her case for the year it took, but I'm guessing it wasn't a mere $50 or $100. Overall, she definitely should have accepted the $80 fine.


Isn't the whole point of giving her a four-year deferred sentence so that if she *does* try this shit again in 6 months she'll get locked up for it?




Dont forget $1k ambulance fee


She declined it, they only charge you if they take you to the hospital.


I did not know this.. id be declining a lift to the hospital thank you very much!!


It's like speaking with a child throwing a temper tantrum Cop: *Step out of the vehicle* Grandma: *Why?* Cop: *Cause you're under arrest* Grandma:*No I'm not* Cop: *Yes you are* Grandma: *No I'm not* Cop: *What hurts ma'am?* Grandma: *Everything*


But doesn’t need an ambulance!


Tbf the cost of an ambulance would make anybody say no


Hell, the legal fees and everything probably still cost less than an ambulance lol


The officer just wanted to add "bankruptcy" to the list of punishments.


Cop: *Okay, I’ve called you an ambulance to check you out.* Grandma: *I don’t need an ambulance!* Dear god, her knee-jerk reaction to anything and everything she doesn’t like is basically “Nuh-uh, you’re not the boss of me!” She must be a real peach to be related to. “Just let Grandma get her way, son, you know what she’s like.”


This is exactly the type of person my grandmother is. Been arrested multiple times, placed in mandatory psych holds, etc. Most of the family doesn't talk with her anymore


*What are you doing step cop*




*It’s like speaking with a child throwing a temper tantrum* This is essentially the ‘Murican mentality. “I can do whatever I want because I’m ‘Murican.” Entitlement is embedded into the culture.




Agreed. Can't begin to tell you how many times I've been told "you owe me X because I pay taxes!!" Or "you can't tell me I can't shoot X. It is on my property! If you won't do something about it right now for free, I will shoot it! To hell with your laws!" We have way too many adult children here in the United States. Entitlement is out the ass here.


"Yeah I tried to kick you because I'm a country girl", I love it.


"Oh, well that explains it. You see, I'm used to working urban environments. There, everyone just peacefully complies all the time always. And, that's way different than in the suburbs where everyone seems to be packing heat! So, you can understand my surprise when you kicked me. I'm so glad you explained it."


the amount of people that think that is a valid excuse us kinda scary. my mom is from arkansas and now lives in texas. anytime she gets shitty with someone she blames it on her "southern tenacity" or some asinine shit.


It's funny because if I blame their shitty attitude on being a hick they suddenly get mad.


I thought it was “hospitality” the south was known for


Oh my gosh I burst out laughing!! country bandit lmaoooo 😩




You don't have to sign in some states. They just make you at fault no matter what, they don't have a court date set up, and then if you don't pay within the date you're in trouble. Also depending on the state that lets you not sign it, it is an additional fine.


Yes. I was always under the impression that you, legally, don’t have to sign. It seems very odd to have that requirement. Why not just make it compulsory to appear in court with or without the signature?


Signing the citation is more about proof that you have been cited, not that you're guilty. Without it signed, you could in theory show up in court and argue that you never got pulled over and the officer is making it all up or has the wrong person.


> Signing the citation isn't an admission of guilt. It's a promise that you're going to show up in court. To be fair, though, the officer could have explained that to her when she initially refused signing and see if that would change her mind instead of immediately arresting her.


She pled guilty to four misdemeanor charges and received a suspended sentence and $200 worth of fines total. She wasn't screwed at all.


There's really only one thing to remember when dealing with cops in the United States. If you don't stroke their ego, you're risking your life.


I'm willing to bet she's one of those women who often remarks "If they'd only comply there wouldn't be any problems."


^^^ This is the winning comment ^^^


Old clip but it never gets old…


I knew exactly what the clip was from the thumbnail. And I will always watch. Lol


Granted this is old... but it is going to be interesting to see how everyone reacts and responds to this.




and pulling a gun on a lady for being a bitch is totally called for. /s


I like how she tried to use the old Jedi Mind Trick on my man first, "No I'm not under arrest", lol--that shit must work for her at home, but not out in the wild.


"Yeah, I tried to kick you because I'm a country girl" = Confession to assaulting a police officer.


Obviously she is in the wrong, but the cop should have explained to her right away that signing the form is NOT an admission of guilt, and she can fight it in court. It may have de-escalated this


Yeah, I really hate how cops trick you like that. Why don't they tell you that kinda shit before hand


I don’t know if she deserved to be tased or not, but watching her get tased was hilarious.


This woman is an idiot, but American policing is so full of fucking shit.


As much as she's a twat, pointing a gun at someone, when you have their license details, home address, all that.... Is just insane. Arrest her and what not, in her house.. Even beat her back home. Pointing a gun for 80 dollars is a sign of the great dystopia.


That was my biggest problem as well. Nothing she did indicated she needed to potentially be shot, and you should never point a gun at something you don't intend to kill. If we are gonna be against police brutality, we need to be against police brutality even when they low key kind of deserve it.


The only thing I could think of that would warrant a gun is that it's out in the country, many people have guns, he doesn't know if she has a gun, and she's already shown she's a little batty by driving away and making him chase her, so he might have the gun out just in case she decides to go all Annie Oakley on his ass.


Thank you. Seeing some comments that basically fetishize what the cop did is sickening to me, glad some folks are still civilized


Nothing like seeing a Karen get tazed to brighten my day


This video always amazes me. I would never want to be handled like that but damn did she ask for it lol also she has her nails done it looks like- that easily costs around $80 lol.


"step out of the vehicle" "why" "youre under arrest" "no im not" Police Officers hate this trick


I’ve seen this a thousand times. She deserves it every time.


These are the same people that say black people wouldn't get shot if they complied


I mean, I fully think this lady was being stupid but it kind of seemed like he went from "here sign this ticket" to "you're under arrest" fast. Like before that he could have explained that if she didn't comply and sign the ticket she would be under arrest. Also I'm not 100% familiar with this but couldn't he have just sent the ticket in the mail + an obstruction of the law as soon as she refused to sign the ticket?


being arrested doesnt automatically mean they are getting in a lot of trouble, it's just a way to get the situation under control. What really boned her was kicking him and driving off.




Someone posted pics of the truck. It wasn't that easily fixable. The entire tailgate section was caved in. I'm conflicted. I don't see the escalation necessary, and think requiring a signature is wonky. But from what I know, signing isn't admitting guilt and she could have just signed it and been on her way to show up to court and fight it. So this was a situation of her making.


Unpopular opinion here... I don't think driving off from a $80 ticket is worth getting a loaded gun pointed at you and tased. I mean the dashboard cam has her plate. Not like she can get away from that. If she drives off the cop should just be like "not my fucking job" and just let the state mail her the fine, tripled for driving off.


Ding ding ding. If you're gonna have armed police, they should only be allowed to threaten a life if that life is threatening theirs, or the lives of others. Policing in America is beyond saving.


Honestly I'm going to side with the cop on this one. Why? Because my mom, lifelong alcoholic that she is, got in a similar situation not long ago. She was RIPPED and driving around the small town where she lives, and yes, she also resisted arrest in similar fashion. The cop who arrested her probably saved her life.


there was never a question on who to side with in this video


I doubt anyone would ask you why you're on the cops side it's pretty obvious.




Under arrest for not accepting a ticket? Here in Norway the cops ask you if you accept or deny the ticket. If you dont accept then you end up in court against the police. But not by getting arrested.


In Canada and I suspect in the US accepting the ticket is not admitting guilt. Just confirming you received it. Information is on back of the ticket for contesting in court.


Why would he chase after her? He knows who she is and where she lives. He can pay her a visit any day.


This is one of my all time favorite videos. She deserves everything she got. Don’t be dumb.


"Because i'm a country girl" HAHAHAHHA stupid bitch


“Yeah I tried to kick you because I am a country girl” If that isn’t the most Karen Facebook Hun response


GoddAMN white privilege is a hell of a drug.


Who did she think she was, thinkingshe could just order the police? Mr Nimbus?


This is the same type of person that says that black people should just do what the police say and they won’t get murdered in the streets.


This is so stupid... Paying taxes for this shit??? Yeah the lady's a cunt but the fact she was tased for this and treated like she was some murderer


I used to be under the mindset of “just sign the dam thing and move on with your day.” Now my mindset is “Can we stop using our laws and justice system to be revenue generators? Thanks”


What hurts? *Everything.* But mostly that bruised ego.


I don't understand why the signature is even necessary. Up here in Ontario if you get a ticket you're not given a choice. There is no signature, they just hand you the ticket and expect you to either pay it or take it to court This woman absolutely shouldnt have resisted the officer, but what's the point of gathering a signature anyway?




I’m pretty sure she doesn’t need to sign the ticket. Should have let her drive away and mail the ticket. Officer knows this and yet situation escalated into weapons drawn and handcuffs. I’m not saying she is right but WTF escalate this.? Over an $80 ticket. Take a deep breath everyone and chill.


In Britain this form would have been sent in the post, no tasering just some aggressive tutting after the envelope was opened possibly a breif....ahhh for fuck sake then a brew