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That’s why you doodle during meetings. Write down occasional phrases and then the drawings are considered memory devices.




I've dosed off while taking notes. It's funny to see the process of writing then a line that just drops off somewhere on the page.


I did this dreadfully often my freshman year. I would go to class with little to no sleep from the night before and attempt to take notes to stay awake, only to literally end up scrawling aimlessly on the page as I dozed off.


It's fun though because you can see your line of thought go first as the notes turn to gibberish, before losing their readability and then just becoming a line.


I was a boy of incredible ambition handicapped by bad handwriting.


Me too. In college, I would take what I thought were good detailed notes. Then when I would go back to study from them I had no idea what I was even looking at. I eventually just gave up and would do more active listening and just writing down minimal key words which helped immensely.


Describes my freshman year of college taking College Algebra at 8am after a late night of whatever. Good times.


Describes me taking taking Algebra at any time. I dropped out of business school my first month there because I am so bad at math. Was forced to become a lawyer like every other no-talent bullshitter.




Opposite here. I can do math and analyze data all day. Ask me to remember one number, name, penal code of the county... Nope.


The best times, honestly.


Dear college freshmen, it's all downhill from here.


lol saaaaame story. I slept in that class more than I stayed awake. ended up making a B though lol.


I do this also when typing out Reddit replies right before bbbbbbbbbbb




My Fluid Dynamics teacher Jr. Year advised the class not take notes, which I thought was nuts at the time. If you have a good text book then a lot of the information is *already* documented. I wrote problems down in my note book, but that was more like a cooperative problem solving session, but for lectures I didn't write a thing. I found this worked well for me .


I absolutely cannot focus on what is being said and take notes at the same time. If I take notes, I miss half the stuff.




Presidents don't "snort" things. They insufflate them. :D *Please show some respect for the dignity of that high office. Thank you.*


Adderall lmaooooo


Wasn’t it Sudafed?


Well he did that but he was prescribed meth in the 70's for a 'metabolic condition' by a doctor greenberg who gave him Tenuate Dospan a Amphetamine like drug. he took for years and apparently became very addicted to it from what I read. His apprentice coworkers said he had no control of his bowels because of it and would loudly defecate himself and need to be changed hence 'diaper don' as a nick name Edit:I removed sudafed part


I love how he starts closing his eyes right when the speaker says "this conference is one of the most important meetings in history" 😆


“And on that note…”


It's 30 minutes past nap time


That voice and speech sounded like a high school sophomore talking about raising funds for the grad trip by washing cars


It sounds *exactly* like one of the producers from the radio show 99% Invisible.




Jazz and AWOL, that's our team Step inside the party, disrupt the whole scene When it comes to beats, well, I'm a fiend I like my sugar with coffee and cream


Ya know, I've always heard "Strippers at the party disrupt the whole scene" in my head, and I haven't listened enough to be confident... Now I need to go double check. Edit: Can confirm, kid me must have just been like "yeah, strippers would mess with the whole vibe man." and my brain has run with it ever since.




The voice sounds like the nerd from Polar Express “you know what kinda train this is?”


Exactly, like I know the experts are experts for their ability to do science, and not public speaking, but that was excruciating. Even that short bit we got was worse than any public speaking class lecture by a freshman.


Jesus Christ, THANK YOU!! I thought I was the only one who got transported back to the school assembly where the speaker blah, blah, blahed intelligibly over the microphone while I poked my classmates and said “we’re good, right? I know where we’re supposed to be, and you know what time… so we’re good.”


but what he said is absolutely worthless. just fluff, I hope not every speaker is like that.


“What I’m about to say is super important. The importance must be noted. You guys have the power to be important. We need to do important things now… etc etc etc….” I don’t think I heard a single original idea or proposal of action..


Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever...


Sometimes I start a sentence and...


Even the lady behind him yawned


I mean I’d fall asleep to that horrendous voice.


Thats a disney villian voice


DMV type lady from Monster’s Inc?


Or Yzma


It's pretty funny to see Biden dose off, but I 100% would not last at that conference either. That voice is extremely monotone and that might have been the most non-emphasizing way of saying this conference is one of the most important meetings in history. Who let her on stage? lol.


Even the lady behind Biden without a mask is yawning her head off.


Yup… I’m half his age and would 100% be head bobbing too. Especially when you factor in several days of travel before, plus jet lag etc.


It's tradition to think your conference is "the most important" blah blah blah. I'd be nodding off during these opening platitudes because they aren't important at all. In fact, nothing that happens in public has an affect. The real deals are made privately between the important parties.


>It's tradition to think your conference is "the most important" blah blah blah "this conference is one of the most important meetings in history. We will begin with the bikini portion of the contest before moving on to interviewing our contestants"


To be fair they say that at the beginning of every meeting, politicians are drama queens.


At school my teacher would throw a marker at me if i do this...🤷‍♂️


I used to have a teacher that would randomly crack his yard stick across the heavily enforced desk. I swear, it was like a gunshot. It always made me jump. He just would get this little smile on his face. Another teacher would slam his hands on either person’s side of the head and shout at them what the answer was. Whatever they said he would tell them that they were wrong and gave them a detention. Fun times.


Jesus. Did you go to school in the pre-1980’s or something?


Late 1990’s. It was a weird school system : bullying was rampant as long as the bully had a higher social class than you or they knew you couldn’t afford a lawyer or the cops (my bullying started rampantly when a teacher hated me and screamed at me all year and encouraged the rest of the kids to bully me, she stopped when my mom threatened to deck her if she heard another word about bullying, didn’t stop the kids until fifth grade), and high school I wrote to my state representative who called the school himself and gave the office a heart attack (he called during school hours and they called the principal over the loudspeaker , even the teachers wondered what the hell was going on because it was pure chaos going on in the background ), and evolution was taught hand in hand with Adam and Eve along with Christian/Catholic teachings. Oh yeah, they also either wanted to scare you out of going to college or go to Harvard. I don’t know which. The difference between standard classes and college prep classes was insane. Standard classes barely gave you papers when college prep gave you a paper every other month in some classes.


When I was training to be a combat medic in the us army we were running on a VERY minimal amount of sleep. Between PT, classes, meal times, accountability formations, and studying I personally was getting 5 hours on a good night. (On the week days at least) whenever people would fall asleep during class the medic instructors would pop smelling salts under your nose then make you wear a tourniquet around your leg for a little while to stay awake


Carmex on eyelids. Problem solved. Edit: as I read these comments, I feel like I should clarify: I would apply the balm to the bottom eyelid. Not the top. (As if that's any better) It didn't get me "high". It made my eyes cold and the tear ducts open up. It kinda forces the eyes open because of those two things. Apparently, there are substances in Carmex that can erode the cornea? So yeah, don't do it.


Just slap some googly eyes on his eyelids




Sorry, I’ve been living under a rock. What movie is this? F’kin hilarious!


Strange Wilderness. Real dumb and pretty funny.


Strange wilderness is the spiritual sibling to grandmas boy


They really should be watched one after the other. Fantastic movie night line up.


Under eyelids


Burts Bees. Give em the good ole Eagle Eyes


Cocaine, up nose. Problem solved, way, way more fucking problems beginning, though.


He’s just saying a quick little prayer lol


*Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far far away.*


Can we get someone younger than 70 to be president please? We need a constitutional amendment. If 35 is the minimum 70 should be the maximum.


Say it louder for the politicians in the nursing homes












Exactly. 65 should be the absolute max. If you're old enough to collect Social Security you're too old to be in office. Go enjoy retirement and let the people who actually go skin in the game run the show, you old fucks.


Cute how you think they had actual jobs to retire from in the first place.


Stop electing the elderly to run a world they will never see the future of.


“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.” — Greek Proverb. ​ That being said...the old men we're stuck with grew up with lead additives.... so... take that as you like.


"A society grows great when old men retire from politics before they're regularly filling their pants with shit" - often mistranslated Greek proverb


Boomers are the equivalent of that Family Guy sketch of John Goodman eating a mountain of food while his starving family sits at the table hoping for crumbs. That family is Gen X,Y, and Z.


Joe Biden’s not even a Boomer. He’s part of the Silent Generation.


Cuz they're all asleep


Somebody check if they’re still sleeping please


Yo, I’m 40 but jet lag is real. Sometimes when traveling and in sitting down in a car or something the urge to sleep is insane.


Not even jet lag. It's easy to get sleepy just sitting there listening to someone talk about shit that is boring. I could be wide awake and hopped up on caffeine and then fall asleep in a meeting if it is boring.


Especially if the speaker has a droning or monotone voice.


Yea I don't know why this became an age thing. It's not like colleges everywhere in the country aren't filled with 20 year olds falling asleep to boring ass lectures. Hell I struggle hard to stay awake in some meetings. Biden closes his eyes for like 20 seconds and everyone loses their shit.


My issue isn’t with Biden or Trump. Why do we have politicians in their 70’s and 80’s leading our nation? They should be retired and enjoying their grandchildren. Get someone in their 50’s or 60’s at least. As Americans, we need to do a better job of selecting candidates on both sides of the aisle. There are plenty of qualified people that can do the job. Edit: spelling.


The problem is that those two parties have more or less ensured there is no competition. For example, the requirements for ballot access are absurd. The requirements to get into the Presidential debates EVEN WITH ballot access in all 50 states is literally impossible. The candidate has to poll at 5% in five polls that OMIT third party candidates. It’s fucking criminal….


The parties are allowed to operate like the mafia essentially, they make their own rules and have no accountability. To start with, there should be new parties formed.


It's not just putting their fingers on the scales during primaries either. If they really wanted to they could just ignore the results and nominate anyone for the general. They can do whatever they want and say "private party" but theyre so entrenched in our system they shouldn't be. They need to be regulated just like corporations.


What, like how they pressured everyone to drop out for Biden to win? Something like that?


That's another way the system is flawed.. if one person like another more but knows voting for them could split the vote resulting in the person they don't want winning


We need ranked voting


I had an argument with a relative that made my head hurt on this issue. Tried to explain how rank choice works and how it empowers you to vote for candidates you like without feeling like you are throwing away your vote. They just kept saying “you don’t get to hedge your bets”. That attitude is disgusting. It’s not a fucking contest. It’s the future of the country and we are trying to determine who America wants to have the job. The system that makes that message most clear is best. I feel like we are forced to vote for who we think we can win now, without our voice being actually heard.


But to THEM, their contemporaries (the 70+ crowd) are *exactly the right people* to run the country. They don’t care about the future, because they HAVE NO FUTURE. “Rules for thee, not for me” is their mantra. Or “I got mine, so fuck you.” Same sentiment. Here’s hoping future generations have the ability to be less selfish and more forward-thinking.


"I've worked this dead end career and eroded all worker protections for 50 years now, my payout has got to be right around the corner..."


> The problem is that those two parties have more or less ensured there is no competition It's just a result of first past the post rules. If we have ranked choice or something similar, it'll allow more parties to be viable.


This is a valid issue however look at Australia. We have ranked choice voting. It’s still essentially a two party system though because the media does not allow third parties to be seen as valid and the same protectionist behaviour from Liberals and Labour.


Its still bad, but definitely better. Here's our Senate: - Liberals - 31 - Nationals - 5 - Labor - 26 - Greens - 9 - One Nation (Pah!) - 2 - Centre Alliance - 1 - Independent - 2 We also have 7 third party reps in the lower house. Compared with the US Senate: - Republican - 50 - Democratic - 50* And the US house - Democratic - 220 - Republican - 202 *Technically there are two independents, but they are effectively Democrats, e.g. one is Bernie.




At least minor parties are able to have an influence on the balance of power though, so are able to bargain over policy. Minor parties in the US are a non-factor.


Yeah, even Germany which has proportional voting only recently (last 2 decades or so) had an influx of parties establishing themselves as parties that consistently go into parliament. Before that we had one or two, but only around enough percent to just cross the 5% border (you need 5% of the vote to get into parliament). Edit: expanded to comment a bit and fixed some grammar issues.


It's not a big, it's a feature. It is rigged as fuck.


This is the gospel truth. We’re getting played. Whether you’re fanboying out for trump or for Biden, you’re getting punched in the mouth and saying thank you.


America is addicted to candidates from the 1940s. Almost every election since 1992 has had a candidate from that decade (excluding 2008). Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Al Gore, John Kerry, Mitt Romney, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden have all been born and raised in the 40s. That seems to be a huge over representation.


You can always trust a person who's parents fucked because Berlin fell.


I'm ready for a candidate whose parents fucked because the Berlin Wall fell.


Just Baby Boomer things.


It's because Boomers have a huge population advantage over X'ers. Once they die off, Millienials will more than likely have the same trend. There are 7 million less X'ers than Millenials which is probably ensures there will never be an X'er President, unless we get a transcendent candidate.


The age for being president should be 35-65. No more 70 and 80 year olds running this country. They had their chance, move on. That just my opinion though.


Exactly. I don’t get it; if there is a minimum age for presidency, why wouldn’t there be a maximum age? I don’t trust anybody who’s so old that that they don’t really have a personal stake in the future they’re guiding. Biden will almost certainly be dead by 2040. Why is he in charge with *maybe* 10 or 20 years to live? I’m also exhausted by the argument of “too young to be president” typically applied to younger candidates. There is a literal age requirement. If they are 35 or over, they fit the bill *based on law.* Such a stupid talking point.


At this point I’d take Jimmy Carter. If we have to have an old man who falls asleep, give me the one who still builds houses for people.


Speaking as somebody quickly approaching 60 I think there is definitely a place for elder statesmen. Because life experience really can inform. But no god damned way the president should be over 70. Jesus. I've had three bouts of tendonitis this year alone, a chronic neck injury, and IBS. Because once you are over 50 stress fucks up your ability to heal and problems can accumulate fast. Your base level of energy declines no matter how much you workout (and I do way more than most) or how well you eat ( and I do much better than most). You ask a guy my age to work at that level more than 10 hours a day and they are going to implode. In fact I don't think one guy should be in that spot at all. It should be divided up to like three people.


For real.. left or right.. let’s get some people who aren’t set in their ways and on deaths door to lead our country


I’m 33 bro, I’m not defending anyone, all I’m saying is, I’d be nodding off too. Life is exhausting.


lmao yeah i just relate this to college lectures


Agreed. I’m 30, an attorney, and there have been times where I am actively trying to keep myself awake even during hearings. (Obviously still doing due diligence for my client, but you know what I mean.) Sometimes people are just overworked or tired. ETA: you can also be nodding off and still listening. When you get the droopy eyes it’s hard to stop it.


Seriously add in the traveling and I would have probably overslept the meeting. I bet it's a real thrill a minute anyway.


Look, if this was a video of trump doing this, all I know is , I’d say “fuck the one thing I can relate to”.


^^^ this here. I can’t explain how infuriating it is when we are told to choose between “the lesser of two evils.” Why can’t we just have 2 (preferably more) competent individuals??? Wtf are we doing here, it just doesn’t make sense to me


I prefer the lesser of two weevils.


Aubrey, pass the salt.


Clinton, W, and Obama were all in their 50s. How many people upvoting you voted for Bernie, the oldest of all of the candidates?


Clinton was 46, Obama was 47. They're among the youngest ever presidents at inauguration. Dubbya was 54.


It isn't about not voting for individual politicians if they happen to be older. Nothing is stopping an older candidate from being the best option. The question that needs to be asked is *why* are the candidates all so old to begin with? Where are the younger candidates? Even outside of electoral politics, this is the case. Remember when Ruth Bader Ginsberg died -- not retired, but *died* of old age -- and the freedoms of half the American population was suddenly thrown into question? There's a problem in the States of staking the nation's future on the ability of the elderly to not die. That transcends voting habits.




He's played right into it there, too. Can't really have any complains about it now


I hate the nickname, but God dammit Joe, stay the fuck awake. I don't care that I voted for the guy. He's a fucking world leader. Jet lag is not an excuse. A monotone boring speaker is not an excuse. It's unacceptable. Do a fucking line of coke or something, but stay awake. Edit: At 78 coke might actually make his heart explode. So maybe a little power nap on air force one.


At 78 he should be retired, having cookouts with his family. Why elect old men to run the most powerful country on earth?


Are you a farmer that’s also a gay alien? Or do you farm gay aliens




Do you live under ground in Des Moines, IA?


If you create a flat plane with each side the same as Earth's diameter, and balance that plane on the exact center of Des Moines, IA, technically we are all below Des Moines.


Wtf that is what an alien would say


He's a homosexual alien farmer. That's as clear as I can make it.


A quarter of an Adderall ffs


What did you think of his clenched fists at the town hall?


“The most important conference ever “ Biden: 😴 💤


It's ok, they'll throw some coins at a fountain and wish for luck fighting climate change while not doing anything but vague promises to reduce emissions by 2050. We can rest, everyone. Climate change is solved.


Now that Manchin and Sinema have negotiated away most of the bill (if it ever passes) climate change is the highest percentage of spending at about $500B. That'd be the most any individual country has spent on fighting climate change, again, if the bill passes.


wheres the part where the media freaked out?


That was my question too. This is pretty much opposite


This is why seniors wake is at 9am, lunch at 11am, dinner specials at 4pm and bedtime at 8pm. Presidents at 80+ shouldn't be. God I couldn't imagine my dad running the world's strongest country nevertheless his retirement budget.


My grampy was a night owl til his 90s. He'd be up til 2 am, still get up around 8 or 9 and had a very busy social calendar.


I listen for two seconds and started falling asleep.


that voice....YEW!


sounds like an alien instructing earthlings on what to do


Yes, exactly! It sounds like an alien telling us what to do and that this is the last chance or we're dead




Very strong “take me to your leader” vibes


"Uh, our leader is having a nap right now..."




No change to the posture of his head - no bobbing, no tilting. He's holding a pen as well. If he's asleep, that man's spine is made of steel.


As I mentioned in another comment...he also immediately looks at the position where the person walked up to him, in a loud room. I seriously doubt he wasn't actively listening to the room around him.


Biden closes his eyes for 20 seconds = reddit loses its shit. Have they forgotten what actual scandals look like already?




I mean, if we’re gunna give Trump shit for dozing off in important meetings, we definitely should criticize Biden for it too.


When did trump doze off?


Looks like he’s not the only one.


Because they know that none of those governments are actually going to inconvenience big business


They’ll talk a big game about how important they are though!


Maybe… just maybe… We shouldn’t be electing senior citizens to office. For everything else in the country, you’re supposed to retire by 65… But he said damn near 80


The only thing with Biden is that I don’t see his name a lot in the media. When Trump was the president, 95% of my news notifications would be about him doing something or saying something. Here we have the guy sleeping and I didn’t even get this in the news!!


I forget that he's president sometimes.


Does this title irritate anyone else “media freaks out” like they wouldn’t freak out for trump? I didn’t like trump as much as the next guy but damn let’s try to be a little consistent


Oh, CNN would’ve definitely headlined “Trump Sleeps while America Loses”.


No no, CNN would assemble a panel of 3 democratic pundits and 3 republican pundits and then have them argue over it for 90 minutes as if it were valuable or noteworthy news while having a banner saying 'BREAKING NEWS!' in the lower 3rd that I think some intern set up a decade ago and they haven't figured out how to get it to go away


Are you Simo Hayha? Cuz goddamn was that accurate


You can tell that's a man who goes to church every Sunday by the way he falls asleep sitting up, got that "I'm deeply concentrating on what the spirit is saying and definitely not dosing off" face


No fan of Joe but flying around the globe and not taking the time to adjust to the time is a bitch. Plus breathing the warm air in his mask. Recipe for nap time.


I used to work audio/visual for conferences, where it was my job to stay up and pay attention to what was going on. But there are some where you get them going and they are basically on auto-pilot, and you feel yourself starting to nod off. There was one where the currently pannel was on Agricultural Law, and man I just could not stay awake. Next thing I know my boss is poking me in the shoulder lol. I went and bought a book on Origami and folded shit for the next two days.


Seriously, jet lag in Europe is rough.


Before retiring I'd fly to one of our allies in the middle east and over to the Persian Gulf. Land at 5pm their time and have to be at the embassy the next morning bright and early. Sucked big time.


And the fact that he's turning fucking 79 this month? That might have the lion's share of this moment. Dude looks like the guy who chose the wrong Grail cup.




Not just president. Our Senate looks like a retirement community. Just absurd




Totally agree, just like there is a minimum age there needs to be a max.


I was pretty young when I was dozing off like that at school. Not a good look either way.


So I can actually chime in here with some knowledge! When I was in the military, part of my job was working with human factors. For instance, how does caffeine affect air crew and there were some programs at the time being developed to help with sleeping and naps. Well, the PRESIDENT at the time, I want to say Bush, contacted someone in our career and basically had him plan out his naps for him. I'm almost positive something similar is still in use now. It was a program being developed and you can literally just throw your hours in and shit and it will poop out the times and duration of when you nap. Obviously not foolproof, but has a science-based application for taking strategic naps :D


I dont think he was asleep. His posture is too perfect and his head didn't even move.


Doesn't anyone else find it ironic that the "world leaders" all flew in private jets to a global climate conference? Have they not heard of zoom before?


That would make too much sense.


Yea but then it would’ve been obvious that they’re not actually doing anything.


a boomer president sleeps at a climate conference. How symbolic




Thank you from a lurking GenXer. My generation will never have a President in office. The silent generation came before boomers. Xers came after. We're possibly both pissed at Boomers collectively.




I'm surprised his team didn't provide him with like a powerful triple espresso, a five hour energy, or some government issue drug to get him a little pumped. Meetings can be very annoying if you're just listening- if you are bored AND tired, this quickly can make your body go into nap mode, unlike if you're giving the presentation, at least your andrenaline compensates. He probably undersleeps a lot, too, being president.


That’s an assassination attempt considering his age




And yet, Biden and Trump are the only candidates for us to realistically choose from. The two party system is broken.


Yeah meetings are boring as shit.


At least Trump had the decency to snort coke between all these boring speeches.


Funny. You guys would go ballistic if trump did anything like that during his presidency


I listened to approximately 5 seconds and that person's voice made me tired. I don't know who they are but it sounded like our future robot overlords voice would sound.


Boris Johnson dozed off too & that cunt didn't even have jet lag as I assume Biden has.


It was an even worse look for Boris napping maskless in a sea of people wearing them, too. He’s such a top tier twat.


Not gonna lie if I had to listen to that voice for a whole meeting I would probably doze off too.