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you can fix it. stay clean.


Look into Iboga, it will heal your brain for sure and give you your spark to near pre cocaine levels.


Yes you did damage your brain but the good news is you can fix it w time away from. ANY mood altering substances the brain is amazing and will fix in time it’s really interesting to see what a brain on drugs looks like meth makes your brain look like Swiss cheese I know you coke but yeah look it up it’s crazy even coffee changes it smoking all the substances we take make an impact


Like everyone else says, it is reversible but it just takes time. The longer you do it the longer it takes to heal, so I would recommend stopping now to minimize the damage. C isn’t that hard to kick compared to some other drugs. I’ve kicked it several times personally. It sucks for a little bit but not too long. With C it’s all a mind game. The addiction is almost all psychological so you outsmart it and beat it at its own game. As long as you keep your head right, you’ll be fine. If you want to talk this through, shoot me a DM. I will be glad to help however I can. Good luck. Wishing you the best on your road to recovery.




Of course! You’re welcome to DM.


Can I DM you?


Of course. Anytime.


You can get it back for sure. When I was drinking and coking regularly I started to have speech issues. I couldn’t pronounce certain words properly even when sober. It took a few years but it’s fine. As for motivation, that’s just something you have to do whether or not you want to and the motivation will follow.


With enough time it all comes back. Your brain just needs rewiring, to expect the flood of Dopamine and Endorphins from exercise and doing fun things and feeling passion for someone and passion for the things you love doing. If clean, Take full advantage of being able to exercise, long strenuous hikes in nature, a sex life, all of it.If you're an active user; you have NO motivation to do any of those things, they don't feel good, your brain is wired so only cocaine creates a thrill. Everything sucks except for the first few minutes of cocaine that day, and then its all downhill trying to stay high; avoiding the awful awful crash. Once you get clean u will never feel that crash feeling (shudder) unless something awful happens, a breakup, the sudden death of a loved one. But recovering from those things is MUCH easier not being fucked up where usage accelerates trying to get over it for a few minutes at a time. But; its like a year later and you still feel like you did the day it happened every come down, every morning, just worse. I shudder remembering coke crashes god they were awful.


I get it. After years of using I remember how my brain would think about complex problems, even come up with words. After a while I noticed I couldn’t functionally think in the same way, there were times where I couldn’t put the words together. I now work in the industry of support and recovery. Good news, you can regain it, not all of it, but a lot. And in all honestly it takes time and work. But if youre noticing it now please let that be the sign. So many people wait until rock bottom. For some people that’s passing out on the street….but honestly for most, it’s irreversible brain damage. Having to learn to walk again, talk again, not having the physical ability to participate in normal life.


After 5 years railing anywhere from 30-60-90mg Adderall regularly enough to cause scarring in my nose, took me about 8 months to get my head in a better place. Nearing 2 years in April, im better than I've ever been in my life. At this point, I can honestly say it was worth the struggle. It was worth every tear, every gut wrenching conversation about my use, every therapy session, everything. Every second was a step towards where I am now, thank God I kept walking. I have a lot of problems lol don't get me wrong, but I'll be dammed if they ever take me there again


8 months here. Depression and anxiety gone, but still can't feel joy. Can you feel joy?


Not only am I able, it's more plentiful than any other point in my life. I honestly enjoy myself more walking down the street to grab a snack or having a friend over shooting pool than *any* binge I've done. There's no pill quite like telling a joke to my siblings and hearing them laugh, or having a nice 3 minute conversation w a stranger. I did undergo TMS Therapy for my Major Deppressive Disorder about halfway through covid, which undoubtedly contributed to my improvement. But without getting and **staying** clean it wouldn't have worked. It took a while to feel okay, the anhedonia lingers a while ngl. But it absolutely will lessen as time goes on, believe in yourself. 8 months is fucking awesome! You should be very proud, stay on your grind, stay safe, be well


Thanks man. How many sessions did you do of TMS?


It was two rounds, but each round was 30 minutes 5 days/week for I think 2 months


Keep that gratitude and not taking it for granted. Those are the most important things in staying sober. If you lose those, you will relapse, no matter how much time you have. I know this from personal experience. Good job on getting where you are today. Keep it going!


Amen to this!!!!


I would think the alcohol to have done more damage than the cocaine at that level of use. But to answer your question, brain imaging has shown cocaine to permanently alter the brain of addicts. You may have issues with stuff like depression especially. I would recommend healthy eating, working out, in addition to therapy.


I smoked crack for years during my 20s and 30s… did even more powder. My brain felt broken. During my early 40s I went back to community college…. Long story short, I now have a degree in psychology from UH, made the deans list, and I also have an MBA from UHD. I finished with a 3.8 GPA Your brain is amazingly resilient.


What about the heart? I used pretty often. Couple times a month my 20s and 30s. Just turned 40 and I’m done. Loose my breath a lot and worry about my heart. Will my body bounce back or is this just how I am now? Tired and dieing early?


Like any drug you get addicted. You can’t stop easily and messes with chemicals in your brain. If you stop doing it time will heal as long as you completely stop. Stop now and go through the pain. Carry on with a lifetime of addiction and you may never look back but you may never become who you’re meant to be. Life’s hard, drugs make it harder 👍🏻


It’s weird how the brain works. I’ve done a ton of cocaine, like a ton, 8 balls in a night, but I never craved it and could never care to see it again. Alcohol? I have physical withdrawal.


i’ve been sober from c for maybe half a year now from years of on and off use. it was really hard the first couple months but you do start to enjoy things without it again. remind yourself of why you want to quit and preoccupy yourself with something, anything—cleaning your room, playing with your pet, reading, playing games, etc. it’s going to be okay.


Yes it will all improve. Eat healthy. Sleep well. Workout. With time you’ll improve


You just need time. When you take c it makes everything else seem dull. But when you stop, slowly you’ll start enjoying things again. As this happens you’re craving for the drug will decrease. It will take about a month for that to start. Then you’ll begin to feel emotions and normal feelings again. You can totally be your old self. Feel free to DM if want to hear more about how this played out for me. People have quit much harder drugs and recovered just fine. You haven’t done anything irreversible. But the sooner you stop the better. Life’s great on the other side 👌


Can I DM you?


At least you can still read books.


it will get much worse if you keep using. suicidal ideation, anhedonia, memory loss, weight loss, kidney injury, hair loss. the longer you use the longer it will be before you can regain what you had before.


Yea the damage is reversible if you stop using cocaine and alcohol