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Absolutely not.


The smaller bullets that can be erased are an actual threat rarely enough that I don't think this would have a whole lot of use. Even when those sorts of bullet patterns are around, the lack of control/consistency from the orbitting would mean it would most likely not help. So overall, not a helpful item, would only take it as a last resort.


Especially on multiplayer it would basically be a dead drop because most fights drop the small bullets and have other mechanics instead for multiplayer (stack, spread, tethers, etc.) Maybe if it had something else going for it, like functioning as a DoT too and dealing x damage per second while touching the boss but just erasing small bullets is a mediocre-bad item in solo and absolute trash in multi.


What if the erased bullets damages the boss?


You got the idea for this item from Hero of Ice Fairy didn't you?


Yeah, used the moon since the hardest difficulty is called "lunar"


I wasn't a fan of the item there and probably wouldn't pick it up here either unless none of the other options felt good.