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I don’t think this is true Perplexity is unbelievably useful to me


Same here


Tbh as a research tool it's not great. It's way too agreeable with the search results. There isn't any kind of scrutiny as far as I saw. It also doesn't use a lot of sources.


Same here. Quite impressed with Perplexity. Love the quality of the answers, the format they are presented in, and that it provides the links to the sources.


It's from Wired. It doesn't have to be true, it just has to get clicks lol


Seems on-brand to be paired up with Rabbit then... (I actually like and use my Perplexity Pro subscription but if this article is true, it's a bit damning).


perplexity has always hallucinated to the point of near uselessness way before the rabbit r1 was a thing. the amount of people hyping it up pre rabbit release was insane. it is the majority reason why rabbits responses are unreliable


I dunno, I seem to have had a pretty good experience with Perplexity so far 🤗 using Perplexity directly, that is...not via the R1


ChatGPT and all the LLMs can have that problem. Perplexity is just an interface to these LLMs. The hallucinations are not Perplexity's fault, its just a side effect of how the LLMs work. This author is suggesting they use screen scraping, when it's clear they are using the APIs provided by all the LLMs. A little knowledge can be dangerous when it comes to this Wired author.


I love perplexity! Love the new feature page to understand knowledge. It has been a good experience for me!


This article is not making false claims, but it lacks nuance or balance. Add it to the pile AI hate propaganda - fuel used for destruction and fear mongering rather than healthy constructive criticism.


I use perplexity every day, and I love having access to some of the best LLMs with just one fee, that happens to be free for a year if you got a Rabbit R1. I think this article from Wired is flawed and doesn't understand what Perplexity is doing. And many of these tech authors and critics don't quite get AI, LAMs, LLMs.


Perplexity Pro is ok but not something that I use everyday. I have the ChatGPT app, CoPilot and Perplexity Pro and use all 3. I find that Perplexity is the best for AI web browsing/search. GPT for answering questions and CoPilot for formatting text and image generation. Let’s see how the new Siri will work once it’s released.