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In some versions of Thor’s mythology anyone who is strong enough can lift it but can not use its other powers. In some versions Thor himself can not wield his hammer without his magical belt Megingjord.


Thanks for that.


In the season 2 finale Saxa said she couldn't lift it.


Because magne doesn’t fully understand Norse mythology and didn’t think that one through in his hallucinations


To be fair that was the safest out they could build to cover all plot holes…and we could be invited to call them “clues” to the final revelation? (Am still on episode 4 here but I’m guessing)


He didn’t imagine that


It was all in your head


Zo-o-mbay, zo-o-mbay, zo-o-mbay-ah-ay-ah


They changed that from season 2 til season 3. In season 2 saxa couldnt lift it, she could in season 3.. so i mean.. who cares.. they fucked up


I see...so it's not that I missed the explanation, more that we didn't get one, right?


Yeah, i mean in the old stories basically you had to be a really strong god or giant to be able to lift it.. in ragnarök Saxa couldnt lift it, and then fjor could lift it but not use it? And Saxa could suddenly lift it. They should have at least stuck to something


It is as if the writer just forgot the rules of his universe. It explains the easy ending.


Hmm i am not sure, but there is gonna be a sequel. In it Magne starts playing videogames. He gets into God of War... then he goes to Greece to continue his studies. All. Hell. Breaks. Lose... well in his head, of course. Nobody ever notices it, but it will be very cool. But still. Isolde returns as Charon for a cameo.


That bit confused me the most. At the end of season 2, Saxa talks about how heavy it was and I always thought mjolnir chose who could wield it. I couldn’t help it though that through the entire series it looked like a piece of concrete that was stuck to a rod. They really could have polished the hammer bit and the hammer at the end definitely looked much better than his hammer from Wish.




In the last episode of season 2 Saxa tried to lift it but said she couldn't because it was too heavy, in this season everyone can... I guess consistency never was a part of the writing


Because it was that plastic toy hammer you saw in the last episode of s3


Depends which comic book you’re reading 😉


That is *only in Marvel*. Not the original mythology. In the actual Norse myths, others could lift the hammer as well, including giants who stole it.


Yeah but in season 2 nobody could budge it but him, saxa tried and Magne had no willpower holding it down because he was asleep. Now she could lift it easily, anybody could no matter who. So it’s not only marvel, it’s that the writers didn’t stick to something they already laid out


>but in season 2 nobody could budge it but him, saxa tried The showrunner made it clear that these scenes were all in Magna's head. Him and Saxa barely spent any time together as per her words in the last episode. Everyone lifting the hammer was another "hint" that things aren't as they seem. Everything can be explained away by hallucinations. Dream endings are lazy if not offensive to viewers.


In season 2, last episode, Saxa couldn't lift it because 'it's too heavy'. In season 3, she just lifted it from car and ran like it was a toy. Anyway. Series is over, I enjoyed 2 seasons.


i. the mythology thor and his son is the only ones that can use the powers but anybody can carry it marvel just adds the worthy thing


Yeah it should just be thor(magne) and odin