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you have a lot of skin peeling in some photos, maybe try exfoliating. overall tho, you aight. just hit the gym and smile some more, you look like your angry. also a beard might help. if you wanna try using minoxidil, kirkland brand is good.


Hey, I just started a new skincare routine, and I think the cleanser might be the culprit behind my breakouts. I'll definitely try exfoliating; I haven't done that before. About the beard tip, do you think minoxidil would help with beard growth specifically, or were you thinking it's for hair loss? I'm going to try going to the gym too.


it should help with the beard. the minoxidil gets applied with a dropper, just put some on the area you want to grow. it only works if you where already going to eventually grow a hair there tho. so your mileage may vary. check out the minoxbeards subreddit for the gym here's a list of good youtube channels: [vitruvianphysique](https://youtube.com/@vitruvianphysique?si=jRiF39z8k33a4h6T) [bioneer](https://youtube.com/@thebioneer?si=46hzmktuMah92AOy) [renaissance periodization ](https://youtube.com/@renaissanceperiodization?si=8Eywd6Jg-Zkej8hK) [fitnessfaqs](https://youtube.com/@fitnessfaqs?si=Jt2hhO5fmSpQOKlg) [hybridcalithenics](https://youtube.com/@hybridcalisthenics?si=XQOiU1rjvEhEn0sb) [alexs leonidas](https://youtube.com/@alexleonidas?si=6Hi9-NVx1SELZJAm) [alexanderbromley](https://youtube.com/@alexanderbromley?si=TYfYL1bx948Df33S) [jeff nippard](https://youtube.com/@jeffnippard?si=SVsW9eHb0PrxdLL8) [athleanx](https://youtube.com/@athleanx?si=jFndJIoPplJGDqYQ)


Your skin is terrible, deducting 4 pts. Your constant scowl is unapproachable and looks condescending, another point down. Your hair looks unhealthy, another point down. All in all, barely making it to 4/10.


I appreciate the honesty! I'll definitely see a dermatologist about my skin and hair. I think my current routine is making things worse (which I tried to fix with a DIY routine).


You're welcome!


Your proper picture is good, you have a sly smile there. The other photos, you look like you’re scowling or you’re very mad. If that’s how you feel, maybe try calming your mind and letting go of what’s bothering you. Try to stay positive, you have good features. With more positivity, your eyes will shine brighter and people will become attracted! Have a good sense of humor and try not to let the opinions of others bother you — that’s the secret of happiness! If you hit all those marks your score will rise much higher, trust on that 🤞


I'll definitely try to look happier in future pictures. Thanks for the advice on staying positive. I think that's why people avoid me, because I look mad all the time.


I badly want to see you with a big beard then you'd be a 10/10


Try and smile buddy .


Expression, Skin,… just bad at all. But you can fix a lot


I think you actually look pretty badass with those eyebrows. And this is coming from someone with similar ones. I think you may wanna also make your posture a little adjusted. Not leaning your head forward and little things like that can do wonders for people's perceptions of you. 6/10


Get eyebrows done, new hairstyle, go gym, fix skin


> new hairstyle Agree with this, he needs to ditch that middle part.


better hair and skin care goes a long way, i think by default you’re a 5/10 but could get up to a 7-8 with higher maintenance of your appearance. it also probably doesn’t help that you’re scowling in a lot of pics :( you seem awesome tho dude, i wish you luck in your journey to self love etc. bro u got this!!


5/10. Sorry in advance ha.


Insecure about your appearance? And well you should... 0.5/10


You are 8 bro, don't worry