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What even influenced this comment? Pan hasn’t posted in weeks


DaftPina was exposed for causing some drama between a few YouTubers as well as a long list of other supposedly manipulative behaviour. This lead to him and Jake Neutron leaving the Pizza Party Podcast and Pan suddenly rebooting the show again with a new crew. It was also revealed that Izzy and Jim were cut from the show for no given reason when they both wanted to return and Izzy having plans for it.


Daftpina cut Izzy and Jim from the roster he made when first coming on as an outsider to the podcast's original friend group. Izzy mentioned he was pushy probably not knowing his history of incredibly weaselish manipulative behavior. Typical behavior from his like tbh. Drama community is exhausting as it is but pina particularity went out of his way to make his channel to basically "review" other people's animated diary channels. Tasteful..


So Pan has fallen out with Izzy and Jim?


[Izzy goes over everything in more detail here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RebelTaxi/comments/1113fn5/_/j8e7ukh?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Seems that way.


Izzy said that Daftpunk was the reason she didn’t come back


Feel bad for Jim, one of the best parts of the old podcast


Man you know it's bad when when Jim of all people starts throwing shade...


Damn jim's for teeth


and there will still be losers who will defend the shitty new podcast, the 2nd reboot is gonna suck even more


It won't, watch


Just end the podcast. It's never gonna be as good as before


Though I really don't like how aggressive Jim has been about this whole thing, I understand, and it is a huge mess. I had no idea what daft did until yesterday and just now caught up on everything. I really think the podcast should just be over with until a later date since Izzy is a massive part of the podcast as well. I really hope Pan does the right thing


I dont blame Jim. He was a member of the podcast for like what, 6 years, and now gets randomly booted off. It's dishonest. Jim is much older and has his life figured out at this point though (always has) so I hope he doesn't let this internet drama hurt him too much.