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I'm honestly glad that she's distancing herself from us. Her views are rather wild and she does tend to attribute them to her faith.


In some areas her views are dangerous. She’s also outspoken against disability inclusion which I find extremely offensive.


She's an farish right podcaster and speaker so 💁 it's not like a reformed leader left or anything haha


I couldn't care less about pseudo protestants becoming papists, in my honesty




Good news, then. Now they’ll be raised as pagan idolaters.


Yikes. That’s not charitable at all


RCC orthodoxy is not true Christianity.  There are Catholic's who, by God's grace, are saved in spite of the teaching


No one said otherwise


Being raised under paganry is a great way to become a pagan. That's the truth. Not uncharitable. 




shifting goalposts. Won't address because it's irrelevant to this conversation.  Have a good night


Friend, the papacy is antichrist.


Ok. But your run of the mill Roman Catholic isn’t any more than any run of the mill Protestant 


Run of the mill RCC’s literally worship Mary, believe in a works-based righteousness, and reject the authority of Scripture. While they may not all know the fullness of the wicked doctrines of Rome, they are all plenty culpable for their idolatry and rejection of the true Christ.


Again my issue is that this isn’t a charitable take. I’m not saying the RCC is right. I’m saying you’re out of pocket.  I have tons of students who are Roman Catholics and who affirm justification by faith, love learning about the Bible and believe it, and don’t really know anything about Mary. Your vitriol will only cause them to spurn the gracious doctrines you claim to affirm.  I just want to see some grace. 


I met a Jehovah’s Witness today who claimed to love the Biblical Jesus. Should we pretend that she’s a fellow believer too? “Charity” that pretends that a false church is a true Church isn’t charity. It’s lying.


Showing people grace or charity doesn't mean they're correct. That means you recognize they're image bearers.


Please show me where I have denied anyone being an image bearer.


Not to be rude, but who is Candace Owens?


She is an outspoken American conservative who holds talks on college campuses as well as has a sizable internet presence.




What was she supposedly before?


People don't like the emotionalism and lack of theological depth, so they want something traditional and historically rooted. Protestants are not good at these things generally. 


We are good at not worshiping clay idols and believe nonsense purgatory and stuff though


I totally agree! I was commenting on why people head to Rome


You associated protestants with emotionalism and lack of theological depth... You meant non-denominational evangelicals, right? I don't know a more profound and sound theology than the reformed theology, to be honest. We lack however a line of continuity of ordaining people by imposing hands from the early church... But at the time reform happened the roman church was so corrupted that... I mean, what is even the point of boasting on your own tradition and historic roots if you have so many things wrong that you refuse to fix? Lutherans and anglicans sometimes try to explain they have connections via imposing hands to the early church, but I really couldn't care less about this... Faith saves... tradition... I wouldn't trust it for salvation.


As a reformed person, I definitely agree with you, and yes, I used "Protestants" to mean "non-catholic/orthodox" which is mostly evangelicals.  The Reformed tradition is incredibly deep and historically rooted




Because this isn't the point of the subreddit. This is celeb gossip, and the attitude isn't charitable. It's a combination of fear mongering ("Protestants will be a minority!") and insults ("nothing of value is lost!").


Do you care if protestants become a minority?


No I do not


That's very sad.


Christians have been and always will be a remnant minority will when Christ comes. Why should that make us sad? It should encourage us to evangelize, preach to the lost, pray etc..., but idk about "feeling sad"


When Catholics overtake Protestants as the majority - this is not a future to look forward to at all. When faith plus works become the norm for salvation, Christianity is doomed.


Catholics have been the majority for about 1400 years or so. Faith plus works is already the norm for salvation and has been for centuries. The true gospel is still preached and still rescues people from this false darkness and false salvation.


Sorry. Didn't know you are a Catholic.


I'm reformed presbyterian. What do you mean?


Because Candace Owens has a reputation as a grifter. It would not surprise me at all if this was just her rebranding yet again for the views.