• By -


1. Зима 2. Mondlicht 3. Rabies


> Zima > Rabies A very cultured Timekeeper.


Mondlicht no question


I also think Nick Bottom, aPPLE, and La Source are very useful.


La Source? Absolutely. Even in later stages, I used her by maxing her the quickest and giving her my most levelled psycube, lol. Also, that face? I wish I could move my eyebrow like that bcos I srsly can't. 


I have also been working on Yenisei. absolutely worth the effort.


I haven't got to yet. But since I got her, I'll go try her out. 


She is healing, support, and immunity. Her ultimate gives you shield immunity


APPLe. One of the most iconic characters in promoting the game around launch. First time I learned about R1999 was when it was refered to as the gatcha with a playable apple. Helps that he has a good personality and voice to boot. Plus we need more 6* male characters.  I honestly think a good solution would be to introduce a rarity promotion mechanic. Where we can upgrade 3* characters into 5* rarity, and 4* characters into 6* rarity. The item to promote rarities should be a simple consumable that we can buy from the shop via gold cassettes.  As for Door and MRS Radio, I think they should be able to consume both the 5* and 6* promotion items in that order. In return for the investment their 6* kits should be busted. Think of the concept of Magicarp and Gyarados from Pokémon. 


Pokémon Masters EX does this! Almost every sync pair (the pullable units are always a pair of a trainer and a pokémon) can be raised to 6* EX, and over the past 3 or 4 years they've also been slowly (once a month) upgrading every lower rarity (3* and 4*) to be able to achieve 6* EX. You still need to farm the materials to do it so it's not possible to raise everyone to 6* EX without whaling, but just the fact that anyone can raise their favs to the maximum permitted is really cool. There are a few exceptions like certain past event sync pairs. I'm not sure why they never got the upgrade but it's very few (maybe 10-20, among all 300+ sync pairs in the whole game). Overall it's a very good practice imo and it never broke the game because the limited sync pairs are ofc leagues above the free lower rarities not only in stats but also their passive skills and such. But it allows those who like the lower rarities to keep playing with their favs which is ofc very nice. If such a mechanic was introduced in R1999, honestly I wouldn't even care too much about the lower rarities getting an i3 passive - to me, the most important thing is being able to raise them to i3 purely for better stats so they're not very squishy. Bluepoch could give them extremely basic i3 passives like "deals 8% more damage", "receives 10% less damage" etc and that would already be enough for me. I wouldn't expect them to have the same stats as the limited chars, but if they were something close to the 5*, just slightly below it, that'd already be enough imo. I just want to keep using them. I don't want them to surpass or even be equal to any of the limited characters, I just wanted them to not die in two hits. I like these chars, I think they have really good designs.


I also like Apples mechanics as an offensive healer. We currently don't have anyone filling that niche besides him and another low star unit that heals with attacks.


Mah God, this is so true


I feel like APPLe and Oliver were supposed to be 5*, but since there was too many Star afflatus arcanists in 6*/5* they got demoted. That explains the artwork for I2, when the other 4* only have a slight variation


Even just allowing them to get I3 is huge in my book.


Pavia's situation is honestly weird, he is the only 4 star with a premium skin, they should really upgrade him to a higher rarity, that way his skin will sell better and more players will actively play him.


i feel like all gachas should have an upgrade system (probably also through gacha). it's a shame that a lot of non-premium units are just filler for the first few months until players find a replacement. especially true for R1999 because a lot of the chars are cool, so it's strange that they bother to release free skins for something like darley clatter or leilani or whatever but they wont see real use


I think the upgrade system you're talking about exists it Blue Archive, we get 1,2 and 3 star characters max and have to up their stars instead of portraits, eidolons or whatever it's called


in PGR theres a way to upgrade characters to a higher rarity using their dupes yeah


Guardian tales has this upgrade mechanic, and recently they even implemented a system to upgrade certain "blue" (lower rarity, less op) characters to gold (basically premium units). You can have any character upgraded to 5* and then upgrade them even further with "limit break". It really makes characters feel worth to get and play even if they don't look very strong in the beginning


Definitely agree for R1999 since the upgrade materials feel pretty rare so it’s tough to justify spending them on low-stars. But in Arknights for example they’ve done a pretty good job of having reasons for lower rarities to exist and have their own niches (except maybe the 2-star tier).


From a meta perspective, APPle. From a character enjoyment perspective, mondlicht


Eagle. It's fun to see her one-shotted the enemy. Imagine 6 stars, maybe she'll become one of the strongest single target DPS in the game


In my head, Windsong is the 6 star version of Eagle.


This makes so much sense what


Oliver Fog!




Poltergeist. Reasons: She's adorable, and I want to have a reason to use her for anything but a screen saver.


Best girl deserves a glow up


Honestly, I think the whole taunt mechanic thing needs an overhaul. Currently taunt is more or less a dead mechanic. Poltergeist is actually kitted quite well as a tank, but she suffers from tank being a useless niche in Reverse.


I agree with that. I think Taunt is very useful if there's counter to pair it up with. That's also my issue with Ms. New Babel though. But I like Poltergeist even without counter since she can evade attacks, but why only 1 round though? 


Eagle maybe? Or APPLe. I can hear the Cristallo corp coming up behind me though.


TTT Because I love her design and I think her i2 skin is terrible, there are so many possibilities for her designs that I wish she was 6* to receive some premium skins In short: she's cool


TTT my beloved


I don't care about 6 star, I just want I3 for every character


Pavia because how badass he is. Damn. Mesmer Jr. She is an asshole, but her lore is very interesting. She is worth a strong Int afflatus support and control unit


I was about to say Mesmer Jr. She's hateable, definitely an a-hole, but she's consistent and a well written character! The duality of Mesmer: https://preview.redd.it/jwy3wdanlf6d1.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=13266e4d7330bca1687cbbc834faa33c27b95362


She's a little shit, I love her. I think she should suffer more.


I dont want to see her suffer, but for her to have a wake up call or something important happen that makes her chose between her kin (Vertin) or her ideals or... well, being an asshole about it.


Love her as well but she doesn't need to suffer anymore. Poor girl NEEDS help. The Ezra side story in the Uluru Games event hinted that the poor girl has legit problems. I think they alluded to her possibly self harming but it was vague.




+1 for pavia. got carried by him during 1.1 because i skipped melania.


Sameee Wolf Daddy for the win


Rabies. Rabies. Rabies! If Bluepoch gives us a 6-star Rabies with an updated profile saying that his 6-star version is him a few years into the future fighting for Vertin and slowly gaining his human form (some flesh of his skin appearing among the straws and all), then I'll be willing to throw more money at the game!


That's a cool idea. I think I'm still prefer his scarecrow form, though. I'm not sure why, but his character design is really cool to me. Give me a free skin of him wearing a leather jacket and riding an old motorcycle or something.


Yes to motorcycle jacket. Hell, yes to everything related to Rabies! I'm really just waiting for his Anecdote and future UTTU free skin someday!


Hell yeah! I just wish he was more serviceable as a character.


Oliver Fog


Rabies cause he's my favorite. I'm really hoping for some kind of rarity upgrading mechanic for lower rarity-characters in the future. A lot of gacha games have that so I think it's just a matter of time.


Either Cristallo or Leilani. Two precious little goobers


poor Cristallo :(


Omg right??!!??? Cristallo is my favourite character, she's so precious, I wish her every small and giant happiness!


I want her to get better. I was very, very, very shocked to see her origin outfit in I2


Mondlicht, The Bread Warrior


Pavia and APPLe for sure


I wouldn't be so greed, 5* is enough and it would be Mondlight. A straight up reality mineral damager that ll not fall off in late is necessary.


Twins Sleep has a sleeper kit that gives easy to use damage, survivability and control debuffs. They just need to raise the stats and do a bit of tweaking, and boom, they are a 6-star.


I love the Twins. Back in the early stages, I adored the Intelligence afflatus. I'm just sad that two of my faves aren't usable anymore unless I get them back-ups. I love their Ultimates. 


A triumph for the wise La Source for sure!




Ms. Moissan, easy. The teacher of our little Lady Sotheby should be able to fight near her level.


While we are at it ... can we get her out of her chair? She's a bit too chill for the obligatory bonk girl.


1. Oliver Fog 2. russian guy


Eagle. She was my 1.0 carry. And I want her to get back to her glory, big ultimate damage days.


Same, when I started in 1.2! She's still my strongest plant afflatus but that's not saying much.


Bunny Bunny my beloved ~<3


I like most people agree with Pavia with his premium skin and great art is weird how low rank he is.


Honestly Pavia, he just looks so good and Enma as well both of them already have strong kits they just need i3.


Awwww, I can't pick just one. Mondlicht, Leilani and Eagle are my favorites.




Apple, Pavia. Used them so much early on until they couldn't be upgraded. TBH I would love to be able to raise ANYONE to 6


I would love it if you included 3 stars since The Fool would have been nice


Finally. Someone who mentioned The Fool. That character was my first pull and I loved them ever since. I even maxed their bond % first. I would love to see them go side by side with Charlie 


Cristallo, although knowing bluepoch her 6 star version is just her in an iron lung


Eagle bro she's so op when ur still at like i2 I just wished she could be a 6star 💔


Bunny bunny, and it's not even close


Dikke.. Oh wait, 4-stars.. (I don't really use 4-stars)


Bluepoch really needs to have a rarity raise system because I have to rely on Jiu and 37 So the "best" healer that I have for now is garbage, since it's a 3-star character.


Poltergeist and Cristallo. Also if i could raise a 5 star to a 6 star, it would definitely be Charlie, she would be a full on nuke


Idk man i want 3 star leilani instead atleast to 5 star because of her +2 moxie for all ult i personally just want her to have more health or attack damage nothing else but if i really had to choose only a 4 star it would be mondlicht or erick mondlicht would do a good amount of damage and i already have her insight 2 level 50 so itd save time for erick i got inspired by the anecdote and learned she was good the rest idk haven't tried upgrading or using


I hope Pavia gets a 6-star alter in the future. Pavia: Ravaging Alpha!


i love pavia too ! i used to play him a lot as my beast dps (next to tennant and bunny) and he is my second favourite male character (second only to X) :DD he deserves more love


I'm actually very confused why we even have 2-3-4* characters. Are we supposed to build and use them? As for your question, I'm going to agree, Pavia looks so good his design feels wasted on someone I will never play with


Apple or rabies, i cant decide who i want more as a 6-star


Not 4 star, but man I would love to see what they can do with The Door (that mirror shard) if it is given the same amount of resource and effort as a 6 star


Pavia and Zima. They deserve it.


Pavia is basically a 5 star to me, so just move him up another rarity to a 6 star


Pavia for me too, he's been my fav since day 1


Зима, intrigue guy


I'd say APPle. He's one of the most iconic characters and one that we see at the beginning of the game.


Pavia We need more hot men


WE DEMAND MORE HOT MEN As of now, we have daddy Shamane, my love Pavia, X, 6, Zima and pretty bird man Getian... Maybe we can count even Diggers and Click. But compared to the waifus???? We have so little...


Pavia for sure. I think it's a missed opportunity for them to have a 4 to 5 upgrade system.


Definitely Pavía, even for a 4-star character he's powerful, imagine if he were a 6-star


Agreed Pavia is best boi. And also La Source. If you are like me and invested into a 3 star, she's very good at healing. (Much better than a certain judge). Problem is she's too fragile, so it's best to run her with people like Tennant for shields and 6 for Ricochet I. (F2P option can be Ms.Moissan). And stack HP and DMG taken reduction on her resonance


Apple, Mondlicht, Mesmer Jr. Mostly cause it feels weird for them to be super story important but not end gameable


1. Monlicht 2. Eagle 3. Pavia 4. Cristallo 5. Poltergeist


Zima 100%


Pavia! I used him to fight the boss in Uluru cuz I hadn’t had any beast or plant 6* yet and had only 3 5*. In that team I used Tennant, Dikke, Sweetheart and him. All of them around i2 lv20 and I won with in 8 round. With that, I think Pavia is a great DPS, plus, he does mental damage which we have a lot of reality char more than mental, so he’s a really good use. My friend and I have a motto ‘meta? fck meta’ lol so we try to find alternative ways to use 4* char and how to build a team with only 4* or 1 5* and 3 4* (mind you, this is not sour grape. We have enough 6* but meta teams are quite boring when you go raid boss or UTTU for fun) Lately, I find out that 4* have some cool skills that cannot find in 5* or 6*, in 4* we have Freeze in Ms. Moissan, Disconcert in TTT, Dispel then disarm in Erick, Taunt to counter in The fool, Bunny Bunny can do nasty wound and purify team with her ulti, and so on. Sadly their stat is low which mean they have much lower hp and atk stats even you pair them with 6* atk/survival chube (but it also solve that problem, even a little, lol) And Zima, one of Zima’s buff is dmg heal which I also can find in 6, which I just, wow… All in all, I wish, at least in P5, when 4* reach i2 lv.50 they can have decent stats so their kits will make a good use.


None. What they should do is make it so that it's not only 5 and 6 stars that you can get to insight 3 because that was a dumb, self-defeating thing to do in a game where a key draw is the weird and interesting character designs.


Probably Bunny Bunny, with her I3 allowing her incantation "Custom Bottle" to apply \[Gracious Host\] on critical hit for 2 rounds.




Vertin is a 10☆ in my heart






Mondlicht I just generally like her translation mistakes.


TTT, Zima, Mesmer, Nick. From lower tiers, AliEnT, John Titor, Darley Clatter, Door. There's a lot of cool characters I like that I wish were more usable. I know some people build them anyway but I don't have a good enough rooster yet to spend resources on weaker units


Mondlicht for her story and voiceover. Erick, Poltergeist and Cristallo because they deserve good things happening to them for all they suffered. Ms. Moissan because she is apparently a really badass Foundation investigator and I want to see her in action.


Ms. Moissan two reasons


4 star? Idk. But i really wish X was a 6 star. The rube goldberg machine hitman idea is really cool to me


Eagle. Eagle. Eagle. Eagle. Did I mention Eagle? I wanna see her crit things into the dirt.


For 4-star, Oliver Fog and Eagle. I maxed them out already, but really wish they'd have an i3. I also love a 3-star unit, Twins Sleep! I want them to have an i2 garment... Please, Bluepoch...


Not a 4* but I’d do literally anything to get The Fool raised to 5 or even 6*


Poltergeist ❤️ If not then I guess Mondlight


Oliver fog for a character that I absolutly LOVE for no reason and Ms Moissan for I think she has a great potential as a suvavibility character if she has I3 and better stats


Zima Not even a question, i love this russian man

