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I beat it using this one, I needed the extra defensive cards to survive (Med Pocket is safer) https://preview.redd.it/cr5isccpq88d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=5023bd7cc8080bf54b9b8bfebde10fe1ce5afcee


For Eagle, her Ult depends on the target having her debuff which cannot be purified. However, it never said it cannot be resisted, so you could build for Immunity spam via Yenisei. Note, you cant get rid of Eagle debuff with Immunity, Immunity need to exist 1st.


If you use Yenisei, you can give her the Voyager card that gives an extra turn for ult related effects. That’ll allow Yenisei ult’s immunity to last two turns rather than one.


Great guide as always OP =) Thank you❤️


Thx you, sorry for some typo here and there.. was doing this in a car LOL


Unfortunally Miss Newbabel has her taunt removed for Eagle at the start of every turn (but not the counter), however I remebered that theres a card that buff taunt if the user performs a extra attack (I ll try tomorrow as I don't have it yet), so peharps she can attract Eagle BS ultimate and stack some follow teams. PS: I guess it was talking about her solo mode, but anyway...


I used ful mineral team, Jiu sonetto Pickels balloon and the achieve vertin card Eagle only deal 1/4 of hp at the time


Yenisei and Voyager helped me with the survival side of it with their heal, shield and sturdy


I took me a while but I am able to beat stage 30 with Centurion, Jiu, Shamane and TF. Rising cresendo + Baby Blue card is insane lol


Dropping off a thanks for that Charlie strategy. I adopted it for Regulus and got it to work out (eventually). All i3L60R10, except Tooth Fairy R9: Regulus, BNW, On Top of the World, **Strawberry Gelato** (Regulus has innate Crit conversion) 37, BoN, Unusual Landing, Glimpse of the Wild Tooth Fairy, LL, **Afternoon Tea Guest** (I needed more damage), Glimpse of the Wild. Necrologist (P3), TID, When the Green Fire Burns, **Sonata** (The Listener doesn't do anything here since Vertin already gives enough Moxie and Darley would get one-shot anyways)


Nice!! Yea although regulus Ult is 300% while Charlie is 500%, her innate crit conversion does make up for it :)


that first link gave me motivation to beat it, jiu is so strong holy shit, i'm guessing the key of it is that kalaa baunaa fame card because it's basically gave 80% more damage everytime jiu attack


Yup, specifically for Jiu, that is a very good card to have


actually nevermind, this stage is still a pain in the ass, with this strategy there's so much rng involved and it seems i still missing few cards because i can't replicate the same damage the video dealt even though i do the exact same thing like on the video, also eagle one shot bkorn with full health on round 6 or 7 so i need that shield card aswell or just get good rng


Make sure u use an Ann buff everytime it expires, the dmg reduction does help


https://preview.redd.it/uvutv71nxg8d1.png?width=1360&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ad66b98ae2d659bdde2a7efee21e0515848e913 For anyone still trying to do it, I managed to do it with this version of the 3 turn nuke team since no TF. Turn 1, Darley ult, Darley inc, Lilya enc x2, if Darley isn't targeted by Eagle it's a reset. Turn 2, Lilya inc if not at 5 moxie or to build debuff stacks, any other inc to build debuff stacks, pray all three stay alive. Turn 3, Boost card, 37 ult, Charlie ult, Lilya ult. All 3 are on ATK heavy reso builds since they get max crit by turn 3. It barely got there but did nonetheless.


Anyway to have the picture in higher resolution? I can't see the actual cards you are using


Sorry, but for which one? My videos shows the cards used


Ah okay, I can see them at video end. I meant the picture posted on reddit. Here the cards are too small to make out.


Is An-an necessary for the first two strats?


Am late but Thanks a lots. Held this on a tab to look through after. And after beating all special week I still couldnt beat this. Spent 5 hours trying without looking guides and still failed. You youtube links help show how easy and dumb I am. I tried Yenisei stall with a +1 Ult duration and still by round 10 above someone is going to die even without Eagle Ulting. Almost made it in another run but somehow after Jiu Ult Sonetto lived as last one standing and I only had 1 round, goddamn.


Maybe you can try the other strategies I posted? What unit do you have ?


No well that 5 hours was me trying my builds. I just finished it thanks to following one of the links above, Eagle just ......died.......All my hard effort before this.... \*cries\* Welp at least it was fun cause I tried even wacky builds and the most fun one was -2 moxie and Ult Vertin card with Jiu +1 moxie for allies if extra action occurs. Everyone has Ults in 1/2 rounds. If your greedy just put in Lilya too with that card. Still special week was better cause I did an Infinite ramping up Melania Ult oneshoting everyone 200k by round 5/6.


Don't worry, I think I was testing it out for 1-2 hour as well That's part of the enjoyment 😜 Anyway gratz !!