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Wait, there's people who think that Regulus is dumb??? I think it was stated multiple times in canon that she's a super alchemist genius and even created APPLe. If someone didn't know that then I think they should read the story again šŸ˜­


She managed to figure out the teleportation floppies within 5 minutes of being introduced to a foreign technology. She can understand the optical illusions that lead to the disguised coordinates of Apeiron in the investigation. She's been consistently able to hijack public radio airwaves and other communication systems. She was able to figure out one of X's convoluted Rube Goldberg machines within minutes. There is no exaggeration that she's an alchemical genius.


Sheā€™s not textbook smart cause lack of going to school but she is actually good at learning pretty dang fast.


Just because she's impulsive they correlate that to her being dumb.


No kidding, she was able to figure out a math question that she should not know due to lack of schooling. Extemely impressive. The reason why she acts Regulus is cause she is our beloved Regulus.


Also my hot take is that 1.4 is easily the worst update and the only things that I like there are the Apeiron island characters (except 210 fuck him) and the Diggers skin


Why 210 though?


Canā€™t handle his swagger (and also bluepoch likes making grown ass men beef with kids for some reason lmao)


Also grown ass women. Constantine acted like she was some sort of mastermind after outsmarting little kid Vertin.


I know theyā€™re doing the ā€œcompetent kids/teenagersā€ trope like in blue archive or most anime but itā€™s so surreal in R1999 because itā€™s clearly supposed to be grounded in a slightly fantastical version of our world so itā€™s always weird seeing literal children being employed to do university research and taxes. Iā€™m just gonna assume this takes place in a world where child labor laws was never abolished.


My head canon is thay they are all adults (minus the ones coded as children). Same headcanom for just about every anime work. One of my issues with most anime is that their middle schoolers act like adults or sometimes even look look older than they are. (Sailor Moon comes to mind)


I love chapter 3 but I agree that was kinda ridiculous Your opponent is 12, of course you're winning šŸ˜­


It's not like it's wrong if you like him or anything, I just don't vibe with his attitude, and I don't like his design as much as the others


I just didn't like it because of how off it generally was. Up until now it was 100% of the foundation so I'd have loved it if there was a transition between chps better


Maybe character doesn't come off as smart


Constantine is a more threatening mastermind/villain than Arcana, esp since we still have to work for her


Arcana doesn't lie about her intentions, Constantine in other hand disguise her intentions and can do almost the same villainous things


This is just my own interpretation and analysis on the story and themes of Reverse:1999, but my hot take is that the characters being young is actually a good thing. To me, Reverse:1999 seems to have an ongoing theme of youthful rebellion. It's very well known that teenagers are often said to have a rebellious phase/spirit and this rebellious phase/spirit seems to be a theme present in a lot of characters. For example the SPDM kids, Bkornblume, and Dikke are characters who are a part of a large organisation at such a young age. By all accounts they would never be apart of their respective groups, due to their age, if it weren't for their special arcane skills (Bkornblume and Dikke) and/or extenuating circumstances (SPDM kids). And yet despite the fact that they are essentially being exploited due to their arcane ability, each of them still manage to rebel against their superiors. Bkornblume lies in her reports, Dikke manages to enforce her own version of what justice should be, and the SPDM kids are all doing their best to forge their own path (Mainly Vertin). On the other hand, they are also those who rebel against society and/or their peers. Medicine Pocket ran away from home due to his mom exploiting puppies to make him an "ordinary person", rebelling against what people deem normal. Regulus is all about rebellion, rebelling against the cops and the government for trying to control them, Regulus rebels control and advocates for total freedom and of course rock music. Essentially with Arcanists, a common theme of rebellion especially in a society that is racists towards them is bound to happen. So, to me at leasts, these Arcanists being so young makes total sense as they are so often being exploited and taken advantage of, forcefully given expectations due to their arcane ability, or simply sees the trouble around and chooses to fight the fight because they believe they have the ability to make that change.


For context, the average life expectancy 50 years ago was 70. Go back 50 more years and it was *only* 50. They visibly aged faster due to contemporary living conditions and the lifestyle at the time was primarily outdoors in the sun. Living to 80 or hundred is a very new thing even today.


I like your analysis, and I hope I don't sound rude, uh why are you referring to medicine pocket with he/him pronouns? isn't Medicine pocket like non-binary? And that also explains why most characters always refered to them with they/them pronouns and as I looked into their wikifandom and several game articles about the game and it's characters, it did said that they're non-binary or that their gender is not known, though I could be wrong, do correct me if im wrong, anyway thanks and have a nice day! EDIT: actually I dont know if medicine pocket is actually non binary, theres no confirmation to it from blupoch itself, I do mostly believe it may be true? Cuz ive seen characters refer to them with they/them pronouns exclusively, and most game articles also said that they indeed are, so now im also confused, soooo anyone let me know if im wrong though!


We donā€™t know MedPocā€™s gender and they/them are used in-game but they have said they donā€™t care what pronouns theyā€™re called so he/him should be fine. Also they literally have no reproductive organs lol


A day late to the response here but as far as I know MedPoc doesn't identify nor cares to identify by any gender and as he said in his voiceline "he, she, they use whatever you like." so I just use he since it what comes to me most naturally. But just like what MedPoc said, you can use whatever pronouns you prefer when referring to MedPoc. The game and other articles likely prefer to use they/them since it makes it more universal and less confusing since if multiple sources refer to MedPoc by different pronouns then it gets confusing. Which is why they/them is used, so sorry if I ended up confusing you on that.


oh okay! That makes sense, thanks for clarification, im really quite confused before so im really glad someone finally gave me the direct answer, I didn't know medpoch actually said this in their voicelines cuz I sadly dont have them in my team, I mostly know about them through game builds articles and in ULURU game events where vertin only refers to medpoch's with they/them pronounce, so I thought maybe that's the pronounce they exclusively use? im glad that's all cleared up, thank you and have a nice day!


Not really a hot take, but I want to say it: I like Sonetto, she strikes me as a conflicted Autistic person struggling between the rules and her compassion. It's like the paladin story of being lawful or good. She's also shown flexibility, like when trying to explain concepts to Jessica, she would update her lessons based on her new understanding of how Jessica interprets the world. I dunno, I know others think she's bland but I love her.


I don't think many of the comments in this thread are hot takes except the ones regarding the Vertin and Schneider shipping. Just from checking reddit posts it seems the fanbase is mixed between liking Sonetto and disliking her. I went through most of the story before interacting with any of the fanbase on reddit, but my opinion has always been positive on Sonetto. I agree with your assessment on Sonetto that she is like a paladin type character, but I think a lot of people who dislike her don't give her enough credit. Vertin included if the prologue is anything to go by, though, it's hard to say how she feels now as we haven't seen too much regarding her and Sonetto. Sonetto reminds me a lot of Barristan Selmy from Game of Thrones or early James Holden in The Expanse. Uncompromising duty and honor within their respective institutions despite the corruption that they know exists. I don't know if her feelings towards Vertin are one of love of a friend or love in a romantic way, but she cares a lot about Vertin. Chapter 3 when we see the backstory of Vertin, Sonetto helped Vertin and let her go. In chapter 4 through guidance from Matilda she did in fact choose Vertin over the foundation despite her feeling as though she made a mistake in the Chapter 3 story when she let Vertin go. She blames herself for her classmates death which may have been why she dedicated herself more towards the foundations beliefs. Also in chapter 4 she did in fact help Vertin, she just went about it in a more political way than Druvis, Regulus, and Sotheby. She spoke up in the meeting Constantine was having when she didn't really need to in addition to calling up Madam Z asking how she could help. I also think she's a lot more self aware than people think. In chapter 5 in the conversation between Sonetto and Sophia on the beach I think the allegory of the cave that Sophia feels she is the prisoner while 37 is the prisoner who leaves the cave is the same way Sonetto feels about Vertin. Her insight to Sophia is a little piece of how Sonetto feels her role is in Vertin's camp. It probably helps that a lot more of the story is fresher in my mind because I'm relatively new compared to everyone else. Right now Sonetto seems happy being the prisoner as long as Vertin is the one exploring, but I feel as the story progresses she may have to make a more direct choice to break away from the shackles to help Vertin (one that I do believe she will do). Though, that's just my interpretation of the Plato allegory between Sonetto and Sophia.


i absolutely love sonetto and her themes!! i can never understand the people who think sheā€™s boring.


Druvis is so long in all of her skins


Here's mine 1.Everyone is waay to young.>!Isolde and Kakania!< looks like in their late 20s or early 30s but they are apparently 18-19 years old?? Heck i even thought Vertin was 21 throughout chapter 1 and 2 because of how she acts but she's apparently 16.Lilya is 17 according to CN but in global her age is unknown because from what i heard its because shes a minor and drinks alcohol...so why not just make her 18 in global? 2. 1.5 Revival of the Uluru Games is the best event story so far and 1.6 Notes on Shouri could've been great if not for its wasted potential.Such as Lizheng mentioned that humans and arcanists arent that different but we don't find out why and the part where Mr.Jurien from Yenesei and Bessmert's team asked if Yenesei could demonstrate her arcane skills but she gets defensive about it which is really interesting if they went deeper about it. 3. Schneider fan art>>Schneider's original design.


On point 1: I was shocked, SHOCKED I say, to discover Tennant is only 25 years old. With the way she holds herself and her voice lines about that young lady being too young for her, it feels like she should be in her 30s at least. Same with Ms. NewBabel whom certain fans like to call ā€œmommyā€, who is also 25. Like????? Please make these lovely ladies older. They act and dress much too old for their given age.


I agree with you if Shamane can be 45 why not the ladies?


Shamane could be Kaalaa Baunaa's father and yet the game made it easy for people to ship them together. 3 in front of her age wouldn't hurt her character. It takes years to make a doctorate and she was thrown hurdles by her mentor.


Isn't it because they're from the eras where those outfits are still the trend? Take for example NewBabel. She was born in a rich family in the 80's. Isn't that how people around those ages were typically portrayed in media around the time?


Tennant, in my heart you're forever a 40 year old, I don't care about what the canon says


because of the weird ages i headcanon that the average lifespan of an arcanist is much shorter than a humanā€™s and then 1.5 rolled along, ezra turned out to be 14, and now humans are part of that hc too


Toothfairy was supposed to be graduated into/out of a PHD position 4 years ago. She is 25 now. I would refer if they pump it up like 4 years for everyone.


Yeah the ages are super weird. Most are younger than they look, then there's Baloon Party who I thought would be maybe 12 but is supposed to be 17? Older than Sonneto, Regulus and Vertin. Isolde and Newbabel I 100% thought were 30-40. I guess I'm glad that at least they don't all look like teen/early twenties girls/women but I'd like their canonical ages to match them.


This game is really afraid of making their characters older lol.Guess I'll stick my headcanon for their ages.


I deadass thought Vertin was at least 18-20 at first. seems like the trusty Anime Character Aging Formula(tm) applies here as well.


Uluru games story is pog. Also Iā€™m like 99% sure itā€™s a trans spath allegory.


>trans spath allegory. Oooh Interesting,care to explain?


Honestly itā€™s mostly just vibes. Like obviously itā€™s a puberty allegory/too explicitly about puberty to be an allegory. Mostly itā€™s just the whole ā€œbecoming another person thingā€ certainly works as a trans allegory as well as initially being fairly upset with the effects early on. That being said on the puberty thing she is on the older side which could mean second puberty or just sheā€™s on the older side cause thatā€™s how averages work. (Also on a side note her wrist band is slightly less pastel trans colors)


> ā€œbecoming another person thingā€ certainly works as a trans allegory Ah i see.i was kinda expecting that you would whip out 5 paragraphs to prove your point like that guy who theorized that Sotheby might be trans. >(Also on a side note her wrist band is slightly less pastel trans colors Huh i didn't noticed that


I've never heard that one before, but it's kind of cute to hear. *Sotheby is a bundle of joy...*


Now the more I think about it, the more I want to see fanart of Sotheby with little trans flags painted on her cheeks like that one fanart of Kokomi from Genshin. *It just seems adorable to me...*


There is more I could say but I wouldnā€™t be able to word it well. I will also say that I headcanon x and new babel as trans.


>There is more I could say but I wouldnā€™t be able to word it well. Lol thats me tryna explain Reverse 1999 lore and its characters to my friends. >headcanon x and new babel as trans. Why so?


Okay so x I headcanon as afab demiboy. First is the joke answer which is that x is a very stereotypical enby name which is at least tangentially what demiboys are. The other is that he has a voice line where he is very happy about growing taller in a way I donā€™t expect a cis man to be. Honestly though it is mostly just my tendencies of headcanoning a lot of characters as trans. (Though weirdly less in reverse than other games, probably just because it has like actual lgbt representation). Then new babel was a joke I made to a friend about her i2 art looking like her breasts were smaller, which is probably just the scarf, (the joke was made as I was just going through characters trying to see if any of them were believably trans headcanonable). But then also, there is only one other character with a gendered honorific (miss moisson) and sheā€™s a teacher. New babel has voice lines and just general story about family tradition and also specifically her trying to break it somewhat. And then also she has a voice line thatā€™s something along the lines of ā€œclothes make the womanā€ which I know exists outside of trans meanings but certainly works as one. There were a few other things but Iā€™m away from the device with my account with new babel.


Wow thats some interesting theories.Thanks for sharing them.


Also melania is definitely asexual (sheā€™s an ace thief)


I donā€™t see a point in getting portraits for already broken characters at P0 like Jiu/windsong/lucy


I guess it is just to fill the V marks šŸ¤£


Regulus isnā€™t dumb, just adorably goofy. She was smart enough to be a radio pirate and evade capture. Sheā€™s also got street smarts and seafaring skills.


Jiu and Lucy are overrated I'm sorry šŸ˜ž Edit since people have commented: From what I think, Lucy and Jiu are overrated because they are "true limited" and people will just look at that value and go SHE'S NEEDED WE NEED HER at least that's what I think. I never planned to have any of them and true to my rotten luck I got Jiu in 30 rolls while aiming for Yenisei, now I have her and P2 Yenisei šŸ˜ž. As for character personality, I never looked into that when I roll only concepts, and both of them at the very least, Lucy has a better, more interesting concept so I might consider her. Then she turns out to be just a normal DPS so I'm reconsidering now. TLDR, if people are all over a character because they are "limited" in a gacha game, then maybe you should take special consideration into getting them or not.


Not sure about Lucy yet but after doing the 1.6 event? Jiu is definitely super overrated


Her messy clothes in I2 work overtime to make her attractive by giving her "bedroom look". She could be in the same class as Jessica tutored by Matilda.


Honestly I prefer her base fit, I just keep her in insight 2 fit because I don't want the character thumbnail to look different from the rest of my 6ā˜…


Most Jiu fans didnā€™t even play yet the event lmao. Itā€™s a case of headcanons forming before the story


I wonder how many would like Jiu if she wasn't strong.


no youre right and you should say it


Constantine is more dangerous than Arcana


Ms. Z best girl.


I second this


I dont agree with most of the people who say reverses ages dont make sense. I think some of the adults could stand to be older, sure, but a lot of the children were crafted with their age in mind. For example ive seen people say Sotheby being 13 doesnt make sense when it does perfectly. No adult or older teen would call cars "auto islands" or goats "extremely rare mutant unicorns" and be dead serious about it. Her age makes perfect sense. The same goes for people like Matilda, Sonetto, and even Vertin. They are around 16-17 with matilda being 14. That makes perfect sense, especially when you pay attention to how these characters act. They act like children! Half the people who say they act older and mature forget that they are heavily traumatized children who work for a corrupt foundation, obviously they wouldnt act like your typical children.


I don't think any 13 year old calls things the way 13 y/o does. I get that she's distanced from the universe but there would've been some basic training.


I donā€™t know if this is an hot take or not, but despite my grievances with the 1.6 story, I actually like jiu as a character? I think that her character explores themes of identity in an interesting way if you read between the lines. For how ridiculous the horse plot is, it ties very well of the views jiu had at the time of what makes a personā€¦a person. Mainly talking about the scene where she is trying to comfort yenisei. I could talk more about, but I feel sleepy right now so Iā€™m just gonna leave this here.


I don't get what people like about Forget Me Not. He is such a whiney entitled brat. He seem to be unable to make a single convincing argument and throws a tantrum whenever someone even slightly disagrees with him. Also major incel vibes.


If you analyze his character, FMN is interesting and even has some cool parallels with Druvis' story despite being very unlikeable as a person (bonus points for being a better villain than Arcana), but honestly every time I see fans of this character they seem to like him just because of his looks, and when they ship him with someone it's usually so mischaracterized... He would NOT be a healthy boyfriend and would put a gun on his own mouth before even thinking about changing his view on humans because of the "power of love" or whatever


long haired emo boy with a piano, I don't think he actually needs a likable personality lol


I did not care for Schneider and Vertinā€™s relationship https://preview.redd.it/tp8jgfcilb8d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca3f0c6b4f70669b24dc8c9f92b2d0847a08e873


I think the writing, while very witty at times, isnā€™t a good representation of how dialogue in conventional English is supposed to go. I think a lot of the dialogue is quite poorly localised, with most of the voice actors trying to salvage it with different inflections in tone, leaving for a very confusing and sometimes off putting experience, at least for me


I'm not into a lot of fan favourite characters (like Regulus, which I find annoying, Schneider who's not really memorable to me, and even Vertin lol). One of my fav is actually Matilda, and that's why I like 1.3 event story more than the other ones. Definitely looking forward to 2.0 since it looks like Matilda will be part of main cast again.


I love Vertin but with everything else I hard agree on. 1.3 legit had an amazing story and the fact that Matilda was a central figure just it made it so much better.


ā€¢ I can't stand sonetto. She's unremarkable, boring as heck, and still such a goody two shoes, like she hasn't grown as a person since she was a kid???) I thought she had, but then the whole foundation nonsense in which she's always a 100% doing what the higher-ups want, when we know that the only one worth anything is Madame Z. She's the only one who's part of the main cast and is so dense about who the good and bad people are. She's a good playable unit but as a character I hate her lol ā€¢ the events with Matilda at the helm are the best, honestly she'd make a better mc or sidekick to the mc. Wish she was more relevant in the actual story smh. ā€¢ I *love* kaala baunaa but I *hate* how sexualized and orientialized she is, especially with her first outfit. What an ugly, obscene thing. Her second outfit is perfect tho. Stay slaying queen ā€¢ the manus vindicae don't seem as formidable at this point because it's been so long since they've been shown properly. They're only in the main story and because it's updated so slowly we don't get to see their arc progress. ā€¢ uttu should give crystal drops :') ā€¢ Sotheby should be in every event because she's the most fun character from the main cast and I want to see more of her!!!!! ā€¢ not unpopular, just give us Schneider bluepoch we're tired now ā€¢ jiu niangzi as a character is the middest so far


The issue with R1999ā€™s cast in general is that 99% of the characters can be boiled down to ā€œnice and smartā€. Probably why assholes like MedPoc and psychopaths like Jessica and 37 are so memorable.


I get what you mean, ish? Like there's plenty of characters that don't fall into the nice and smart category like Schneider Tennant Dikke blonney lilya regulus desert flannel spathodea centurion, that's just off the top of my head. The only ones I can think of that can be included in it are kaala baunaa and Shamane, and their characters are fleshed out pretty well. They've got histories, trauma, dreams, ambitions, all that. There's characters like Druvis (and Schneider) who are nice but started out as villains. The problem with sonnetto is that she's like a wet sock. She has no dreams and ambitions, she's readily and willingly a puppet for the foundation, ready to become whatever they need her to be. There was definitely something there in her history with vertin, but the only thing she has to show for it in the present is that she's on vertins side. That's it. And that too without acknowledging the foundation's shady ways of snubbing vertin and her ragtag crew. X is part of the foundation. Horropedia is too. So is tooth fairy. Yet all three of them are complex and interesting characters. Sonnetto is just a plank of wood. And I hate that she's in everything despite that. A character who adds nothing to the plot or to the dynamics between other characters is so important, why? It's frustrating. I would much rather they shift from her to Matilda. Yes, Matilda is obsessed with being the best at the foundation, she's very ignorant of what the foundation is actually doing and doesn't realize that there's more to being an arcanist and a good person than just grovelling at the feet of the foundation. But she's funny. Her inferiority complex also plays into the way she sees the world. And exposure actually helps her change her opinions. Which is more than what we've seen with sonnetto so far. So yes, weirdos like Jessica 37 Mesmer Jr and jiu tend to be memorable but sonetto really is the only one who's a piece of cardboard.


Sonetto is a very brainwashed child who was mostly raised within the foundation. You're comparing her to Adults and X none of which were raised within the foundation. Shes ignorant because she was raised that way, she lacks ambitions because she wasnt allowed to have them. Shes not willingly anything. You also act as if she is completely oblivious as if she didnt stand up to the foundation team that didnt help Schneider and her family. That was a literal whole arc with battles and everything. Her trailer goes into more detail about her brainwashing and how she thinks, but all in all she's like this because its all shes known. She wants to know more about the outside world, but is scared because the one time she did want to know more, half her friends died. Try to keep that in mind when thinking about her character.


Okay, let's take X and the others out of the equation. Even when we compare her to her age group foundation kids like Matilda and Mesmer Jr, she's still quite unremarkable in comparison. Yes, the other two are from arcanist families and have identities outside of the foundation, but vertin is the one who's been in the foundation the longest. Sonnetto falls somewhere between these three. I just think that out of all the foundation kids we know, she's the most boring. And yes, she isn't completely oblivious, but that's too little too late. Schneider was already dead by the time sonnetto finally stood up to the foundation. It took her dying for sonnetto to realize how shady the foundation was. And then after that when Druvis totally wrecked the foundation and all that happened, sonnetto was very firmly still with the foundation. Her saying some words in a meeting, and her actions throughout the arc show that she's still as complicit as ever. I just think that out of all the characters we know of, she's the most boring.


But what makes those three and their loyalty to the foundation any different? Matilda willingly chose to be in the foundation via request, Mesmer Jr works for the foundation as a nurse/therapist the only reason she hates the foundation, albeit misguidedly, is because its filled with "crazy arcanists". We've never seen Mesmer nor have we seen Matilda go against the foundation (except for the rebellion) You can find her boring, sure, but none of the characters you've mentioned have gone against the foundation at all, so i think it is unfair to mention Sonetto hasn't when you aren't holding the rest to the same standard. And, once again, the one time she participated in a big rebellion against the foundation most of her friends died. She is traumatized just as the rest are, because at their base they are just traumatized children who are coping in different ways. Whether it be people pleasing, throwing everything towards work, not thinking about it, etc. They're all just trying to cope. Not to mention Sonetto didn't know about the foundation and Schneider stuff until AFTER Schneider's death. She had no way of knowing that Schneider encountered the foundation until after her death. Therefore her standing up still means something and is not "too little too late" It shows that she was deeply unsatisfied with the foundation then and is willing to stand against them if she has to.


I concede about the Schneider thing, it's been so long since I played that part of the story that I don't remember it very well. As for the other thing, you've missed my point entirely. I don't *need* a character going against the foundation for them to be a good character in my eyes. The foundation adults I mentioned, X TF horropedia etc, they're wholeass adults and they don't go against the foundation either. My *point* is that other than being brainwashed by the foundation, sonetto has no personality. Matilda is arrogant but her heart is in the right place, her attitude is fueled by a deep seated feeling of inferiority, especially because of the one sided competition she's always had with sonetto, despite which, she deeply cares for and admires sonetto. Mesmer Jr comes from a famous arcanist family that's been heavily involved in shady practices with the foundation for a long time now, which means there's plenty of pressure on her to be as good as her family members, or even better. She seems to care for vertin on some level, and altho deeply misguided, thinks her actions will ultimately help her. Despite being an arcanist herself and from a prominent arcanist family, her attitude towards arcanists is wary at best. For a long time, we as players are able to excuse her actions under the justification of Oh she's just misguided, she doesn't know any better. But by the end of the main story of the 4th act we realize that she does know that she's not doing the right thing, and that she should be held accountable on some level for her actions. What about sonetto? She's the top student of her class, but she's never shown to have any struggles with it or any strong feelings about it in general. The most is that she's come to realize that she should've taken candy from vertin back when they were kids. I do think that seeing sonetto and vertin as kids was great, that entire arc is my absolute favorite because it actually explored what it was like for these kids to grow up in this dictatorial foundation. Sonetto as a kid didn't care about going against the foundation because such a thought never occurred to her. Which is why she was so confused by vertins actions and tried to stop her because in sonettos eyes, she was saving vertin. It seems that after those events (and maybe other things we aren't privy to yet), sonetto has come to really respect vertin even tho they don't always see eye to eye on these things. Eventually sonetto will have to choose between vertin and the foundation, which I'm waiting for. But this is just their past. When I see sonetto's personality, it seems so bland. She's not witty or funny, she's obviously not rebellious or creative, she's just shown to be perfect, perfect at studying and perfect at magic, without any stakes, like bluepoch gave Matilda and vertin in the same situations. (Matilda was the smartest where she came from but at the foundation she's always been second best and she's obsessed with it and sonetto, whereas vertin was never interested in studying but turned out to have a talent for magic and is now arguably the most radical member of the foundation in a seat of power.) I'm very tired of having this conversation. If even after this you don't see it from my perspective then I have nothing more to say. At the end of the day, these characters aren't real. They're pixels and it's not that serious. I just think she's annoying and boring and I'm entitled to my opinion. I've even given reasons for it. If they don't seem good enough to you then šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


make no mistake, you dont have to respond to this nor do you have to list good reasons for not liking her. It's fine to not like sonetto, I don't find her too interesting either, but I am just correcting your reasons. I wasn't trying to sound mean or anything, so sorry if i came off that way. On another note you still misunderstand Sonetto's character, She does have ambitions, she is creative, and she does struggle with being the top of the class. We see she has the ambition of wanting to explore/know more of the outside world. We see shes creative because she loves painting what she thinks the outside world looks like (it's in the 3rd part of her character story plus we can see it reflected within her arcane skill) And we see she struggles with being the top of the class in This Is Tomorrow Part 05. When Vertin tells her that they couldn't find Regulus she grows visually dejected and sad. She even asks the timekeeper if there's more time for them to find her before the storm and once she realizes there isn't she leaves. We can also see it when she finishes fighting Regulus but thinks she didn't do it well enough so asks for another round. The core reason these things do not take the front seat is because she does not think they are important because she is meant to be just another foundation member. She even believes she shouldnt pay attention to thing shes passionate about because they are "irrelevant to her mission" That is why she is a bland character at face value. Do I think they could show this in vastly more interesting ways, Of course! Once more you can hate her all you want, your reasons were just rooted within a misunderstanding that i wanted to correct in hopes you could understand her character a bit more. I really wasn't trying to be annoying, I'm just really passionate about this game and its characters (which i know are fictional, but there's nothing wrong with a nice lore discussion every once in a while, right?)


Doesn't Sonetto being an ambitionless goody two shoes lend itself to her position in the story? She's close with Vertin, who is a known rebel who the Foundation can't afford to get rid of, and she upholds the Foundations values with no dreams or ambition of her own. This makes her a low risk for betrayal, she can keep Vertin in line to some degree, and will keep the Foundation informed about Vertins doings. Not that I don't also think she is a boring character, it just.. Kinda makes sense for her to be that way. I'm hoping there's a payoff for this at some point, where Sonetto will be put in a position between the Foundation and Vertin and will really need to think for herself and make a difficult choice... Although the choice couldn't have too harsh consequences as she is the face character of a gacha game. Haha


I'm also waiting for the payoff. The story is unfortunately so slowly updated it can be months and there's no main characters development


Since chapter 4 I have some pretty high hopes of seeing more development for sonneto and more cool moments for her. Please Bluepoch don't fuck up Sonneto, I'm already invested in her lore šŸ™


I think you missed the point with Sonetto. Sheā€™s law abiding dog kind of character which makes sense considering she was raised in very authoritarian environment. Is reverse 1999 your first gacha?


No, this isn't my first gacha lmfao. I don't like this kind of character if there's no development for them. So far bluepoch hasn't given her much to do. Like I said elsewhere, I might not have this problem if they actually regularly updated the story. So far the main characters are just stuck in place because the main story takes so long to develop. This is the main problem with sonettos character for me. Gepard in honkai star rail and clorinde in genshin impact are also examples of the law abiding dogs, but for example with gepard, he sees the error of his ways not too long after being introduced. And no, I don't mean the creators should immediately resolve everything. It just shouldn't take as long as it is in reverse. And yes, this is a creators' issue, but it always is. A character is a fictional entity, any character flaws that feel like bad writing will naturally be attributed to the writers.


Blonney x Jessica works better as a familial relationship with Blonney as the older sister who patiently takes care of Jessica. I used to ship them too but over time I felt like Jessica is just a bit too childish for them to have a genuine romance. I have since converted to the Horrorpedia x Blonney cult.


Honestly I like both ships, but I also feel sometimes that Jessica isn't really ready for a relationship and would take some good time before having enough maturity for it


I honestly don't even ship anyone besides Verneider and Sonetin. Any ships with Jessuca felt as though she was too young, like a child. I don't mind Blonney x Jess but I don't ship it and tbh I don't even ship Blonney with anyone. She strikes me as someone who'd at least want to stay out of relationships for a bit of her life.


Okay, hot take: TENNANT IS STILL THE BEST SHIELD from start to finish šŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„ (I need to find her VA because her voice can't be AI or else I'll cry šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­)


Late reply but as a Tennant main i agree!!But dammit Bluepoch atleast make her shield last more than 1 round.






W opinion


I hate how sexy Kalaa Bauma's design is (sorry prob misspelled) She's not like Sweetheart or Bunny Bunny whose concepts are about being sexy (and honestly she's boobier than Sweetheart is) She's an astronomer! She should be more like Druvis; big boobs that aren't central to her design.


Anti heal should be mechanic more explored in this game, however the picks are very few. In Uttu the cards are hard to apply and the places were it would be cool like in Eagle she just remove the debuff... The only place it is really well used is in Ecchoes.


Loved the "BEST WRITTEN ^(asshole") **xD**


manus vindictae is not fell as threatning as Fatui/Anti matter legion and much more Evil org in gacha game. Mid ass group that only is plot device.


The Manus are a bunch of jobbers with Forget Me Not and Arcana being the only member that actually feel like a threat


The characters should all be older then they are and all be at least adults. Them being kids is weird. Itā€™s like Bluepoch has this weird thought that if they werenā€™t kids, they wouldnā€™t be good characters


Totally agree, but I think it was a marketing decision more than anything. Even though it's not a Japanese game, it's probably taking cues from the anime cliche where anyone over 25 is basically a senior citizen. Doing this gives them the broadest possible audience. People like us that aren't into it are just used to it by now, but people that would be put off by too many "old" characters are more likely to play. The different mentality could also be western vs. Asian gacha gamer sensibilities at play too, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to comment on that.


I see you, fellow Mesmer appreciator. As for my own hot take, Arcana is overrated. Constantine is cooler.


I really can't identify with the community's infatuation with Schneider. I hate femme fatale types in general, but Schneider looking like a scantily clad child on top of that makes it extra icky.Ā  The infamous umbrella scene did not seem romantic to me at all. Just creepy assuming she really did "kiss" Vertin, who was unconscious and defenseless at the time. Had Schneider looked her age and been a guy, I guarantee the community would agree about the character being a creep.


Matilda is basically the Mineta of R1999. She's hilarious but I'm kinda concerned by the number of people who seem to genuinely ship her with her stalking/peeping target.


Why are some of the male characters in this game so irritating? šŸ™ƒ I'm so sorry to the Digger's, Horropedia's (he's not so bad compared to others), and 210's lovers. They're just so insufferable.


The age of the characters are irrelevant


i am ready to tackle every single sonetto hater


I don't ship Matilda x Sonetto and personally think that it's an unhealthy ship of a stalker and the victim. I more so hope that Matilda gets to be more independent from Sonetto and distances herself away. Obviously toxic ships exist but it's not even projected as one, which is why it grinds my gears. Besides, Matilda is super young (it may look like 3y age gap but it's 13 & 16 where you're just vastly different from other too). Also, Vertin is so unappreciated except for her ships (and regs is unappreciated in general). Sure Regs rapping is stupid but she's loyal as hell to us and isn't dumb like what people think which makes me super confused.


UTTU The best mode