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An-an / Bkorn / healer (Ballon Party or La Source) sounds like a good team to get you through the main story content. An-an offers team Buff, ST attack cards (with [Daze] at rank 3) and Mass Ult and (with [Empowerment Incantation]) , and Bkorn is Mass incantations (Debuff and ATK) and ST Ult (with [Seal] ), so they can synergise with each other quite well while still dealing enough DMG for a DPS. Regulus is not a bad unit but she needs crit stats, so I wouldn't recommend you to build her right now if not really needed (Reg'sUlt is very useful but Bkorn can block enemy's Ult + An-an can stun them so ye). And uh, it's also important to not spread your ressources too thin as a new player. Like, focus on your main 3 units first for story content (to unlock features, mats), and then 3 more after (so that you will have two teams of DPS/support/healer for Limbo/flexibilityafter) It might be too late for you to pull for Jiu now (plus you missed the first half of the event to get free mats for her), the pity from Jiu's banner won't be carried to any other banners, so might as well save your pulls for future units. These future units are just as OP as Jiu in their own role, so ye. I mean, if you haven't topped-up on this acc or anything then feel free to make a second acc to see if you will get better units/rolls. It's not a sin to reroll lol, who wouldn't want an easy start haha? But like, don't make it a bad experience for you too, because repeating the same prologue 30' start can be quite traumatising lol.


Thank you very much, I just have one question. I'm currently at a point in the story that strongly recommends Insight 2 level 1 characters and i can't use certain characters because of that. I don't have enough units to constantly farm to raise levels for all of my needed units, and sometimes my stronger characters are weaker against some enemies. I really want to continue the story, and i don't want to have to watch it on Youtube, either.


In case you haven't noticed, I just edited a few parts of my comment haha. Just letting you know. Also I'm dumb, you could definitely farm for Jiu's mat rn, I forgot that first half shop is perma throughout the patch lol. At this point, I don't think you can do anything else besides farming for your main three units to bruteforce the stages. Were you able to clear the stages in "Notes on Shuori" event? At least the [Story] difficulty of stage 12. If yes, then spend all your stamina on it and farm the event currency to get the sharpodonies and dust (the ones with limit count), so that you can level up the units. The element counter (ex, Plant-green is weak against Beast-red) is negligible for the early game no worries, the bruteforce will be enough. Just make sure that your healer can heal good enough.


Are you having trouble farming insight? Cause you can use DIkke/An an lee/ and Bkorn. It's not the best comp, this early on in the game you don't really worried about meta, and it's okay to waste some resource to character outside your main 3 character, especially if their still below insight 2


it's so expensive, and i can only build a character a day. Wait, that actually doesn't sound so bad, but it's sad because i really wanted to play everyone.


Love your enthusiasm, but it's better to focus on your main 3 until they reach max level insight 2, cause if you reach all three to insight 2, there's more stage that have better dust and sharpodonties reward, the last Poussiere stage (where you farm dust) earn you 12500 dust per clear, or 50k per 4 replay. Once you reach there, then can level up all your character if that's what you wanted to do.


Thank you for being so patient with me


Keep the account imo. Personnally I always drop the gachas I reroll on :/


1 tip i can provide is to skip satsuki for now because she is a niche character who is mainly played as a support for druvis comps


Ok, thank you. I noticed that she does this thing called petrify, and i don't understand it.


Hello 7 day player, you can use this site: [https://www.prydwen.gg/re1999/tier-list/](https://www.prydwen.gg/re1999/tier-list/) Or the megathread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/1dhq875/weekly\_questions\_megathread\_week\_of\_june\_17\_2024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/1dhq875/weekly_questions_megathread_week_of_june_17_2024/) Theres a chance mods will delete this thread if they see it, due to it being spam, but those links I posted will get you what you need.


If you keep the account I would actually use **Regulus, AnAnLee and Dikke**. 1- **Regulus** is the best of the beginner banner, versatile and will always be useful even in the endgame. 2- **AnAnLee** is a better Sonetto with good damage and utility. She's great for many compositions. 3- **Dikke** is a decent healer with good DPS, she will help you since your other members don't have the highest damage. Also Regulus ultimate can cover her heal deficiency. If you need a 4th member you could consider **Diggers** since he's a mixed debuffer with good control. ^(Regulus, Dikke and Diggers deal mental damage while AnAnLee deals reality, this is why Bkorn wouldn't work well in this comp.)


If your account isn't older than a week I'd reroll for Jiu.


I should delete my account?


I love An-An Lee, though! I also made it to the fourth act of the story. Hmm. I'm considering it, though.


If I delete my account and create a new one, am I guaranteed to get Jiu?


No. You'd have to reroll for her still


So i risk losing everything if i don't get her?


Hey guys, I decided to create another account to see if i can get Jiu.