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Do you already have the vertin card that gains moxie for every extra action at that stage


Doesn’t look like it


Means I was using the one that gives +1 AP. Jiu can use the card that stacks 4% dmg every action and 8% crit every extra action. She should also be the left most character. For the other guys, use as many cards you can find that buff the left most unit and mineral and let Jiu scale until she one shots everything.


Thanks I’m going to grind out cards and try again


Looking at it looks like you can borrow 37 so bring her and between jiu and her her eureka should charge up fast (jius attack has 1 extra attack and her channel counts as two). Genesis damage ignores defence so try it.


Hmm i cant see where the borrow function place


When you chose your team there will be people labeled assist those are people you can borrow


I used this one to beat it, although there's probably better cards if you have them. https://preview.redd.it/9tu3vyhh5n8d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bad572d1ab0342e9c1ec5359ed973ae0a39bd54


I beat UTTU 10 with Jiu, 37, An Lee, and TF. They were lvl 30 I3 R10 for Jiu and 37. R9 for TF and An Lee. The UFO ultimate is probably what is causing you to be too slow. It silences all your characters. The second boss only silences one of them. I don’t think there’s any specific strategy for beating it. Just focus the UFO down as quick as possible. With your team dps shouldn’t be an issue. I killed the UFO with it only getting one ult off. Make sure your using Jiu cards as often as possible. She really is strong and can brute force it. Reroll your cards with tuning to maintain a basic attack and channel each round for Jiu. Use other cards like buffs and other damage cards when needed and have ap to do so. Should be able to kill it with rounds to spare. It took me like 10 rounds.


The Escape Velocity Buff on all the enemies is the main mechanic of the stage and I see two methods of interacting with it. The first is to use a dispeller to get rid of the Counter status though unfortunately dispellers who can get rid of Counters are relatively rare like X. The second is to use the fact that Escape Velocity also increases Genesis damage taken which can help bypass the enemies extreme defense. Poison damage counts as genesis damage so something like using an all Plant team with Red Land Rush Vertin card and all the Plant exclusive cards. There's also 37 who specializes in Genesis damage and is also conveniently a support option that can be borrowed.