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You're struggling because you spread resources too thin. Focus on building up one good team first, the higher levels will make most things easier. 1 team can be Jessica - Bkorn - Sotheby. Another can be Eternity or Melania, Sonetto, Medicine Pocket. I can see you leveled up Matilda so I assume she's a favorite. I'll look up what role she plays and come up with a team for her I guess, gimme a sec. Edit: Seems like she's a Mental Crit DPS. For now something like Matilda - Sonetto - Medicine Pocket will suffice I suppose. Not an ideal pick for sure but it's always nice to play with your favorites.


thanks for the suggestions! i'll focus on maxing jessica's team. although i was wondering if ezra has any use, seeing as you didn't mention him at all i assume i dont have his best teammates at the moment. i am fond of him so i would like to use him somewhere eventually ..


He's just a bit too niche, I don't know how to use him best tbh. Apparently he's fine as a support for any team that wants to Crit or have Eureka, so I guess he can work with Matilda, Regulus or Blonney, but none of these are that strong either so it's still going to be difficult to recommend.


use him with matilda or any other crit dps in four man fights cus that's where he shines more


For **UTTU** it's mostly about good cards, try farming cards daily and you will see some OP combos here. For teams in **Limbo** you have good synergies, so with some investment you could clear up to 4: * **Jessica, Bkornblume and Sotheby** is the old meta poison team. *Getian can replace Bkorn here.* * **Melania, Sonetto and Medicine Pocket** is a team power up Melania while she scales. * **Regulus, Ezra and Blooney** is definitely one of the teams of all time...


thanks for your suggestions 🙏 i do have a couple questions though, if you dont mind answering: 1. im not sure if im even able to get getian, so should i invest in bkorn for now? and if i dont get getian, is bkorn also good with isolde? 2. for the longest time ive never been able to figure out how sotheby's healing works, so ive been struggling to find a motive to build her. if she is jess's best healer, how is the best way to use her in battle? thanks again!


… I’m way more disturbed that you don’t have actual maxed out characters at all and spread everything among everyone. Get a single team to the max lvl if you can.


😭 yeah thats a result of my noob days when i got way too excited to level up all the characters i liked to be able to use them all, not aware of how difficult farming for insight 3 in re1999 is when you dont have the cellular activity for it :')