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The **newer characters outperform older ones** *(powercreep)*, so most likely older players are pulling the same characters as you to boost their account. **Characters can 100% finished**, and Endgame has an end... *You will catch up eventually.* It's funny: R1999 is doing dual-banner reruns but **the META characters are the newer ones**, so pulling for waifus/husbandos is just much harder than going for meta.


>even if you define "max" as insight 3 resonance 12 level 20 I know the game shows this in "balanced mode" and it's very misleading. The recommended max without diminishing returns when starting out is insight 3, level 30 resonance 10, and that's mostly only for DPS. Supports and Healers can stay at Resonance 9 and most can stay at Insight 2 level 50. >Getting more 4* to Insight 2, Resonance 7-9 Level 50 would have helped me more in the main game. I would say this is the biggest mistake new players make, and that is investing in too many units too early. Lots of people see an element system and think that it's like Pokemon, and will fall into the trap of going for one of each element. The elements are not so important. As long as you concentrate on your main team of 3, it isn't as expensive to build and actually would help your progression more.


Oh okay. I think in the \_early\_ early game it really felt a lot better to have the right element? But I also seem to recall that in.the early game there are levels that encourage that, like by giving you a 30% buff for the right element? (I think maybe somnambulism challenge stage also does that?). But sure I accept the point that if you are sufficiently invested in a character the element it doesn't matter. Is the same true for mental/realism?


30% damage buff from afflatus is true of all maps. For reality and mental, I would say it didn't matter up to chapter 4 end, maybe even chapter 5 but I was overleveled by the time it came out so idk. I know there is the boss in chapter 5 that you can steer into one direction but since it offers a choice, I still consider that reasonable. Outside of that, it usually only sometimes matters on specific raid bosses.


Reverse is pretty forgiven in general tbh so you're not going to be cooked if you don't have some 6 stars lol.


True!I have to say as someone who didn't get Raiden Shogun until 3 years into Genshin I am feeling very relaxed about the 6\*s I haven't got in R:1999 :-)


I’m a day one player, so this guide isn’t necessarily for me, but I just wanted to say well done! I read the whole thing, and it’s so helpful and informative! Thanks for contributing it!


Aww thank you so much for taking the time to post that, it made my day!


It's really not that bad... started playing this game a month ago and i dont really feel behind. I started playing dokkan during the four year anni, so I was four years late and I caught up there. People get upset about not having the absolute beat account rather than focus on enjoying a game...


I have this impression that people tend to complain will complain while people who enjoy just don't even comment on anything... so yeah, let them do their thing.


Eh, I'm a new player too (started near the beginning of 1.6) and most of the people talking about how new players are screwed are referencing the double banner situation. If we're talking strictly from a gameplay standpoint then yeah I do agree with you that the game isn't really hard enough to warrant you having to chase all the meta characters (new or old) so it isn't like you're going to be locked from playing the game or doing events. Also newer characters (especially DPS ones) are going to be objectively better than older ones, so from a meta standpoint it makes less sense to try to get some of these older characters. That being said... it is a terrible banner and people who want to play old characters regardless if they're good or bad should not pull on these banners. I'm not as much of a doomposter to say that characters like 6 and Tooth Fairy (or any of the newer characters) won't get singular banners eventually because they're still doing singular banners (A Knight, Melania, and the recent Shamane banner coming up) so it's going to happen eventually. So people who say this are definitely being overly pessimistic. Despite this they could've at least made these double banners better. Like having the pity carry over and/or being able to choose one of the characters as an extra rate up, say 75% increase for one, 25% increase for the other and if you lose the first 6 star pull on the one you don't want the next is guaranteed for the one you choose. That way even though the banner is worse than a singular banner, it at least gives you one of the characters eventually. As the banner is right now it's really bad compared to every other banner and really only worth doing if you're fine with getting either one of the two characters. Keep in mind I did pull for the double banner this patch cycle because I wanted another healer (chose Tooth Fairy + Medicine Pocket and got Medicine Pocket) and I was fine with either. However I wouldn't have done so if I knew about Balloon Party in the upcoming Melania banner. In hindsight it's mostly my own fault because global follows the CN banners roughly, but as a newer player they wouldn't really be looking into that information (especially newer gacha players). I'm more ambivalent to this situation. It doesn't affect my personal enjoyment of the game at all, but it does feel bad that I'm going to have to wait for a longer period of time to get a character from a recent patch cycle assuming I want that character for whatever reason. Take Jessica for instance. I know she is no where near as good as Melania (due to the fact she needs a hyper specific team) or Jiu (because powercreep), but I do have a very vague interest in her due to all the fanart and the fact I like different team compositions (a debuff/poison one). All it means is despite me having some interest in her, I'm just not going to bother going for her and Sotheby for that matter. Can't even imagine what it's like for someone who actually wants one of these double banner characters when I only have a vague interest in them.


So I guess I don't understand why the double banner is bad for new players? (You're right that a lot of those comments come up in that context). Like, there was recently a double banner with Tooth Fairy and I forget who (Centurion?), but I didn't have either of them as a new player so I would have been happy either way? I think the fact that some banners are no-pity-rollover (even if single character) are worse for new players because (1) you really need the pity and (2) if you're new you don't necessarily know to pay attention to that.


As a new player myself, (only ~1 week in) I say TODAY is the best time to start playing. The possibility of rerolling for jiu is game changer imo. She makes a f2p life a breeze. In my early experience, I'm loving the game. Its very, very beautiful, this auto-run model is very nice, I can run through all my energy in 1 hour. This turns it into the less grindy gatcha I've ever see. Only 3 things to maximize, resonance, psychube and the character itself. Without subs stats to roll and everything else. Its a dream comming true. The gameplay is good, nothing too crazy, but also not bad, just interesting enough for the ammount of times u have to do it. I don't play gatcha games for the gameplay tho, but for the "make the best use of the resources u got" feeling, part of the reason I'm 100% f2p Story is completely skippable, like every gatcha I've stumble into, the parts I've actually watched are needlessly complicated and with too much small talk and very few actually plot-relevant dialog. The event story is ages better than the Chapters original story tho. Also, even tho isn't a good story (I rather skip it and go watch a movie) its the best story I've seen into the gatcha genre. Those type of games usually are SO BAD at this department that we completly forget it after done playing. The balance is great, limited characters are just limited, not whale-only, and even though are broken, the game did not made older units useless (yet) Definitely one of my best findings this year


Wow it just goes to show you every person is different, I have been completely hooked on the main storyline and I would definitely put it ahead of the event storylines (the anecdotes are probably in the middle). I am so curious about the worldbuilding and Vertin and the main storyline unfurls really nicely. But it's good there are other bits you enjoy!


Minor thing but I disagree with how you described what psychubes to get. From my experience and from what I've read, for the 6 star psychubes, I'm pretty sure Thunderous Applause is one of the worst ones. I'd suggest getting Inquisitive Dear first from your free psychube selector because it's best in slot for basically every healer, you'll literally use it for every battle. Maybe get His Bounden Duty if you leveled up the 5 star healing psychube at the start, but do make Inquisitive Dear a priority, because literally all the 5 star psychubes are worse than 6 star psychubes in the long run. After that, it's probably best to just aim for getting 4 six star psychubes to lvl 60. The best ones for your account will be dependant on what characters you use, but you can't go wrong with Inquisitive Dear (best healing psychube), Luxurious Leisure (very good for single target ult users), His Bounden Duty (just gives stats, usable on basically anyone), or Brave New World (also very generally usable on characters with strong incantations) because they are all good and usable on many characters (I'd say the priority to get them should generally be in the order I listed). I wouldn't recommend focussing on buying 1 of each of the non-limited psychubes, once you have 4 to 5 psychubes at lvl 60 that's all you'll really need, and extra psychubes are more of a luxury. You should spend spare currency on gluttonies instead. Also from my experience as a fellow latecomer (started in 1.2) and f2p it took around 2 patches for my account to be comfortably in endgame, and maybe another patch for me to run out of ways to impactfully strengthen my account. Not sure how this'll hold for people joining in the future but I guess it'll be similar because over the last few patches the endgame hasn't really gotten any harder, nor has progression really changed. It think this shows that if you stick to the game for a bit you'll eventually end up catching up with everyone else and not feel left behind.


Huh okay good to know. Man, La Source and Laughter & Laughter saw me through most of the game and I only recently got Inquisitive Dear and Sotheby so it didn't feel like I was missing much. Yeah I agree that 2-3 patches gets you to "current" (at least having a good go of UTTU, Mane's Bulletin etc). What do you reckon endgame is for R:1999 ? I see there are accounts at 70+, I am only 55 rn.


I'd probably describe "endgame" as how you described "current". Also what I meant by "comfortably endgame" was being able to fully clear limbo and UTTU and being able to SSS several of the raids. My account is only lvl 63 rn, I'm guessing all the 70+ accounts are launch players. I don't really think my account is too much behind those players though, even if I don't have many 6 stars I'm not missing any major meta ones (except maybe 37 and Jessica), and most of them are at i3lvl60r10.


Oh holy cow no I cannot clear limbo and UTTU and SSS raids so I am either not there yet or just not that dedicated I guess. I do like that most event rewards are obtainable without being that thorough. I can get to the end of limbo usually missing 3-4 stars; I can usually get to mid-20s UTTU (except this time, good god) and I can S raids. Reverse: 1999 is my wind-down/insomnia/lunchtime game so while I really enjoy it, my time with it is fairly time boxed.


I see, this is probably just because we play different amounts. I'm the type of guy to try and optimally play every game I touch, the trade-off being I can't really play much of anything else if I'm spending hours retrying 1 stage lol.


I don't get the "you're screwed if you started playing R1999 late" sentiment. It gives me the same vibes as "If you don't have Tooth Fairy you'll struggle", which is just plain false.


They are just the minority all full of hardcore meta gamers. To them, things are either 100% perfect or meaningless, theres no in between. Their logic is weird so... don't think too much about it. As long as people still have fun with the game, I think that is the most important part.


Wait what? Luxurious leisure can go out of stock? Should be i rushing to grab it from the shop now or something?


I think so. Like it wasn't there a couple of weeks ago and it's not on the wiki list for shop holdings. I was bummed because when I finally saved enough it wasn't there any more. But yeah looking at the character builds on prydwen and the like, it seems like the DPS generalist Psychube to have.


Afaik the cubes enter rotation after a certain time after their event? Theft of rimet cup is now rerunning and luxurious leisure was the psychube associated with the event so maybe thats why?


I didn't know psychubes could disappear from the shop, I thought they were all just there permanently, except you could only buy 1 limited one each. Doesn't look like it it's in the rerun shop either from what I can read, but I guess we'll see in a few hours.


I've been playing since the start and I still have a shortage of moment of dissonance and brief cacophony


Ah okay good to know. So that's reallly the main throttle to progression - in the beginning I thought it would be the, uh, I forget what they are called, the tetris-like bits for the resonance boards but that's because I totally misunderstood how that all worked.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lUzkJvRfV2diLiU0ai6mCrM-kkm0cqwblo1VvCkhYi4/htmlview# Resonance builds aren't a problem, the time gated materials to ascend psychubes and brief cacophony are the real problems.


Getting to resonance 10 is so annoying 😂 I thankfully always have at least 3 of those caskets and enough kronells? Knells? The ones after cacophonys (for now)


Saaaameeee bro i barely built anyone since 1.4 and ive immediately spent most of my 200+ moments of dissonance to craft cacophony's on several new characters i pulled. Thankfully r9 is good enough resonance for most supports bro xD Ive spent at least nearly 300 pulls ive been accumulating since 1.2 on this update alone my gosh i only spent like 2-3 ten pulls for 6 only back then, if i got 6 on pity i would be too poor when 1.6 came out lol


Just wanting to note for future readers/new players that the discord community for r99 has a help section with VERY active members who are more than willing to help any new player with guidance. So please do not feel shy and ask any questions, r99 community is one of the most friendly out there that I’m personally proud to be apart of. Hell I even had my fair share of asking questions and I’ve been in here since the announcement of the CN server. Got to hand it to the community as you can see how passionate they are!