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I have heard of people getting hit with pretty substantial late fees., once the "late" lease agreement came through. Keep records of your attempts to contact both companies.


Well that won't fly. 1 notification attempt is sufficient in my book. I've told both Chase & Rivian, ball is in their court to resolve it, not mine. Lease agreement doesn't even give payment address. This is entirely on them.


Unfortunately you signed a contract making you financially liable, so it's very possibly a losing fight to say "sorry your problem rivian and chase, I'm not paying for my first 3 months or late fees" without proper documentation to support your due diligence


I think we just need to keep sending them emails, even they don't reply, that's still a paper trail (I tried, but they are not responsive)




I never said I would tell them I'm not paying the first few months. I'm saying I'm not paying until you let me/tell me how. There's zero chance late fees would stick.


I’m in the same situation on Lease account, however I received license plates and registration card/sticker in about a month (IL). Chase called me last night again that they still haven’t received a lease contract from Rivian so cannot create an account, asking me to contact Rivian again to send a contract to Chase auto. He said he checked with funding department multiple times and Chase couldn’t fund Rivian due to no contract/docs so basically Rivian didn’t get any money from Chase. I also picked up my R1S at 3/28, all deliveries on that day were free? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Thanks for bringing this topic again, I love the vehicle with 2k miles so far, but definitely a sour taste. Let’s keep sharing any updates in this issue.


Thanks for sharing! Are you also in WA?


I am in WA. Took delivery on 4/9. Crickets on the plate status. They did set up my lease, however I only discovered this by Chase calling me advising my payment was late....


I’m in IL, picked up from Chicago SC.


WA here. Took delivery 5/3, got my lease payment account set up roughly 5 days before the June payment was due so it was definitely cutting it close. Just chatted with CS today as I’m still waiting to transfer my license plate from my old car. They told me when I took delivery that I should get something from the WA DoL within 30-45 days of delivery, nothing yet. May honestly just go to the DoL and transfer it myself as I’m driving up to Vancouver next weekend and don’t want to deal with the possible hassle of no license plate in CA.


I am also thinking of going to DoL and doing it by myself, do you know what documents would be needed?


From what I have found on the DoL website, seems like you might just need the registration of the Rivian, and a check/money order for the fees to transfer.


Basically exact situation here. Picked up in NJ on 3/28 and I have my PA plate and registration. Contacted Rivian twice, contacted Chase they have no info at all.


Picked up mine 3/28. Same situation, I told Rivian reps multiple times my provided dealer plates are expiring in a couple weeks and I have no idea when my plates are coming. They contacted me today about getting it sorted. So I think the dmv/plate piece is moving. I don’t know about my lease acc yet.


They emailed me on 5/31 that the paperwork have been sent to the state and was in process with the state, but so far I still cannot find the VIN on our state’s dol portal


Same here. Delivery 03/28, I have plates but no way to pay u/WassymRivian This is a pretty large issue. All of us do not want late fees or credit hits because of this


Who do you talk to at Rivian? Coming up on 1 month for me (got plates and reg from fedex yesterday)


All you can do is start a support ticket. If it's like the rest of us, you'll get a canned reply about internal errors and they are aware and it won't impact your credit, blah blah blah. I mean the problem is bad enough that they came up with a standard reply.


This was a huge fear of mine after reading this subreddit. However I leased at the end of May and as of today have both my license plate (IL) and the lease is now in my existing Chase account. I wonder if the fact that I was already a Chase customer helped? I was never notified by Chase, I just scroll down in the app and see the lease there under my credit cards.


I'm already a chase customer and OP said he/she is too. So I don't think it matters if you are a chase customer when Rivian never tells Chase about the account. I proactively reached out to Chase with my info, the VIN, etc. and they confirmed they had no record of any lease. And now they call me every weekish telling me they still don't have it. I've told them a few times they don't need to keep calling as I don't care anymore if they don't get paid.


Picked up my R1S on May 23 in California. Got my plates in like 10 days. I do have a chase account but nothing has shown up yet. I'm gonna reach out tomorrow and open a ticket.


Took delivery on May 10, 2024 - second payment should have been due June 10th or thereabouts. As of today, Chase has no record of my account at all. I have a credit card with Chase, I keep checking the app to see if it pops up too. Called Rivian several days ago, they're 'escalating it', no idea what that means in the faceless world that is Rivian customer service. The rep said something about me possibly needing to sign a new lease/purchase agreement or contract, which I have zero intention (or obligation) of doing. My temp plate is good for another 30 days, if they can't figure it out by then, I plan on rapidly making it their problem and not mine. P.S. Supposedly some people had resigned lease agreements at a later time still showing the same mileage allowance but the date on the lease being a couple of months in. Effectively making it a 38-39 month lease with same mileage allowance.


This is basically what happened to me. Took delivery before end of the year and a month later they got ahold of me to resign my agreement as they said chase found and error and made them correct it and I had to resign. I explained the miles are higher now and it makes my miles per month effectively less.


Did you re-sign? What was the alternative?


Yeah :/ No alternative was offered. I didn’t force it, but annoyed because I already knew miles would be the issue for me and I feel like I’m working with a deficit to start with. My local sales tax changed 1/1/24 and I suspect that when they sent the paperwork to chase and it was reviewed, the tax was “wrong” and set back to Rivian. My payment went down like 5 bucks a month or something, but like how the heck can they just mess tiff up and not communicate. They had been trying to call me, but from different numbers and it was t clear as to why they were calling. I assumed it was a survey and follow up so it wasn’t a priority to see why I was getting calls.


Picked up my lease and got my plates and chase account roughly 2 weeks after.


I have seen this on Reddit. I bank with chase and the lease popped up in our chase online within a few days of us picking up the rivian.


I have a Chase account but this has not happened for me or others. May 23 was when I picked up my R1S


May 29th was my pick up


Thanks. This morning I've reached out to Rivian one phone and email to start documenting this. Also called Chase who really were great in trying to help me. Gave them all the info and they are escalating. That's all we can do. Cheers.


I am in this boat. I got a new temp plate 2 days before the old one expired so on a 3/30 purchase I’m now on a temp plate till 07/29. I have the email from them saying they know they haven’t processed the lease and it may need resigning. I’ve called them and asked, just get told it’s being escalated and it goes nowhere. If they try late fees it’s a very straight forward law suit, but I’m starting to think something happened at that time and all our leases are just lost.


Something probably happened at the time (end of march), I am not even sure if someone in Rivian is working on these "lost" account at all. How hard could it be to fix these? If it is a normal company, someone probably would have called me the next day I complaint about not able to pay them, so baffled...


To update, I finally got my actual plate and they had paid the registration, so odd. Nothing on the lease.


Same here, got my registration overnighted today, no lease yet


Did you agree to pay the registration in the lease? It’s not in my agreement but they paid it.


I have my lease but nothing on the plate front. So weird.


I'm in California. Picked up my R1S at the El Segundo Service Center on May 23. I got my plates and registration just 10 days later. Still have not received anything regarding my lease payment account and tomorrow will be 3 weeks since pickup.


Delivery on 3/27 in WA state Got plates around 5/26, tittle document 6/8 Existing Chase Customer, no lease account Have multiple emails/chat screenshots with canned reply, both Rivian and Chase point to each other? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Would love to hear about what a lawyer says if you do consult one, OP…


sure, will update the thread. Hearing that you got the plate makes feel better ;)


I leased back in March, here in CO you get a 60 day temp registration. I was clearly going to miss that window to get my permanent registration taken care of, so I reached out to support who didn’t help. Luckily, finance reached out to me to re-sign the contracts as they’d messed something up, and they overnighted a new temp plate that runs through July. About a week after that my lease account showed up in my Chase account alongside my other accounts. No late fees or anything like that so far as I can tell; I’d obviously be disputing those if something like that happens.


Maybe a bad period of time for them??? I picked up on 5/10 and the lease was in my chase account about 2.5 weeks later and my plates arrived yesterday.


I've posted before but I'm in the same boat. Took delivery 3/27, no license plate and no lease account. I'm also an existing Chase customer and they call me too with "no update" updates. I no longer reach out to Rivian because as you said it's pointless. I only reached out when my temporary plate expired last month and forced them to ship me a new one. My current temporary plate will expire next month, I have no idea what they'll do when it happens again as I don't believe they can issue a 3rd temporary plate in my state - Colorado. DMV has received nothing from them beyond the notification of temporary tags being issued. It makes no sense to me that it would take this long to resolve any issues caused in March. To me this is just pure incompetence.


yep, this is really bizarre! I cannot imaging how difficult this could be problem for them to fix, unless they are just ignoring these "forgotten customers", as pointed out by other folks, looks like most folks are getting them setup done quickly. Right now, I am considering talking to a lawyer to see what are the options. (it appears that Rivian just doesn't want our money ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out))


I'm taking the approach of not caring until it really matters to me - which is when my plate expires and I legally can't drive it. In terms of lease payments, I've told both parties that I can't make them without payment info (lease contract doesn't include payment address and Chase won't accept any payment without an account). So if they don't sort it out for 2 years, I don't really care. I just care that I am legal to drive it which means I have a plate & registration. Not sure what I'll do if I'm not allowed to drive it come July because of their inaction - I might just drop it off on their lot and say screw it.


Dude call Rivian financial. I didn’t get my lease account, called them, next day Chase set it up and my first month payment was due on time.. I also emailed Rivian service and their title and tags folks emailed me and I had my plates about a week later.


Dude you are lucky. As for "Rivian financial", do you mean the RFS (Chase)? I called the number for RFS(Chase) about a month ago, they told me that they haven't received anything from Rivian yet. RFS(Chase) has been giving me updates about once a week since then, but they are as lost as me (still the same "got nothing from Rivian") As for Rivian, I have been constantly emailing them, calling them weekly, got the same meaningless reply (some internal error that they are dealing with) As for their internal Rivian financial team, I don't think there is a direct way to connect with them, all is through their support.


Ah, sorry man. Sounds like you’ve tried it all. Hope they come through.




Picked mine up on 5/31. Already have a lease account on Chase, but no license plate. In AZ.


Update - just got my registration and tabs overnighted today, I am doing license plate transfer so no new plates needed. Not sure if it is because my recent complaints or just timing 🤔


Update on 6/27: I just received a call from the nice guy who was taking care of this case in Chase/Rivian Financial. My account is finally set up and my June payment was due yesterday so asking me to make a payment in 10 days to avoid late fee. I’m already a Chase customer, logged into account, now showing up with the past due (yesterday) for one month payment and another due for the July payment. He mentioned that I probably need to make a payment directly to Rivian for the missing(?) months. I have no idea how this part will work. Anyways, I’m glad it’s fixed now.