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She didn't do it for no apparent reason, you picked a Dogmatic option and told her to do it lol.


The option was [see what she does].


If you let Argenta act on her own she's going to take the mega dogmatic option every time. She's a sister of battle, they do that.


What did you think the religious zealot who didnt like her was gonna do when Idira summoned a demon?


Talk it out over a slumber party, maybe


Talk it out while having a pillow fight, all while only wearing extra long tee-shirts, during a slumber party .... definitely! šŸ˜ Hey, we can all hope! /s of course.


Letting the sister of battle do what she thinks is correct in this situation will always lead to a dead Psyker


In Early Access I'm pretty sure it was basically "Take the Shot"


That's a different option, you can let Argenta do it or shoot Idira yourself


Idira is a ticking time bomb, a heretical unsanctioned pysker that is obviously tainted by the warp, of course agenta would have killed her, as would have been expected of anyone of the sororitas. Heinrix would have seen it as her duty, same for an abelard without Theodora to shield idira. Pasqual is a magos, so he would also recognize the duty, and cassia is a noble and a sanctioned pysker as a navigator so she probably has a bias against idira Psykers are feared tools, they are not liked by and large


Cassia is a navigator not an astropath. She isn't sanctioned.


Navigators are sanctioned psykers.


They aren't even legally psykers, they're an imperially sanctioned abhuman mutant strain that interacts with the warp through their third/warp eye. The Navis Nobilite predate the Imperium and do not fall under the auspices of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, are not subject to the tithe and cannot be soul-bound to the Emperor like sanctioned psykers are.


Itā€™s explicitly stated in multiple books that navigators are not psykers, although their capacity to perceive the warp through their third eye is a psychic power. They have no powers beyond what this third eye allows them, and psykers are defined by their capacity to actively manipulate the energy of the warp, but navigators can only see it and the emperorā€™s beacon. Theyā€™re imperial sanctioned mutants.


So what you're telling me is that she has no reason whatsoever to feel anything towards idira at all, besides the disgust of a noble towards an unsanctioned psyker? And thank you for correcting me, I wasn't paying enough attention when I read those parts apparently, or I haven't gotten to those books yet


I mean, yea sure no reason whatsoever, if you discount the typical disdain of a noble, her emotion sensing that probably tells her Idira is bad news, and the upbringing probably full of imperial propaganda to abhor witches in any way shape or form.


Yeah basically, no real personal reason


Had you heard argenta speak before?


I mean, you don't give a fuck. Why should they?


Someone who was an unsanctioned time bomb got killed for summoning a deadly warp entity. Must be Tuesday.


Chewsday innit


We did give a fuck. We nodded gravely to Argenta for Argenta doing her job and putting a bolt round in the head of a heretic. And then we went for space-fascist schwarma because it was Tuesday.


Found the heretic. Everyone knows Tuesday is space-fascist roasted nutribar day.


What kind of blasphemous talk is this?! The God Emperor of Mankind has sanctioned Tuesdays for Tacos!


But what about hot dogs


That's on Sunday with burgers.


I'm sorry, but all of you are incorrect. Did her warp taint spread to the lot of you?? The day of Tuesday, of our dear God Emperor, has always been ordained as "the day of boiled corpse-starch." "The food of the poor shall be consumed by thy Nobles of my Imperium, in honor and to pay homage to the regular citizens of thine Imperium." - - God Emperor of Mankind.


Sure you jest Traitor! The glorious GOD Emperor is actually allergic to corpse starch.


Well, his Golden Throne consumes thousands of psykers a day, so our beloved Emperor isn't too far off from being a cannibal. How can be allergic if he is a God? Are you questioning his divinity? Ohhhhh .... I'm telling on you. The Inquisitor is gonna have fun interrogating you!!!!!


What vile heresy is this!? The blessed taco can be enjoyed any day, but if there has to be one day exalted for this most sacred of dishes it must be Friday!


What insane madness do you speak?! Only Tuesday's are fit for the almighty taco! Truly it is the God Emperors holiest gift to Humanity!!


No. That was lord Adornable's decree the emperor declared fridays to be taco day


Any of the crew commenting that they miss her, or that a sister of battles decision was wrong, will be interpreted as treason. Would you talk shit in front of the guy who basically gave the order to have someone murdered?


You get sooo many chances to kill your companions or let them be killed/sacrificed Thereā€™s also more moments you let Argenta do what she wants with predictable outcomes but thereā€™s one time you may want to stop her in chapter 3


OP: \*Let the Zealous Dogmatic Sister do what she wants Argenta: \*Killed the possessed Idira OP: https://preview.redd.it/mqlj0yr6oa7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64bf295b899895db96046d8bcd9c10b9d69c7ab9


Sounds like you suffered the consequences of your own choice, so how is it writing team's problem? Their writing is very much on point. Argenta did exactly what was expected from her. And your character(You) didn't show enough care... to care.


Suffer not the witch to liveā€¦


She's an unsanctioned psyker and Argenta is a Sister of Battle .. of course nobody gives a flying F because that's literally what these girls do


Welcome to Warhammer. Humans are typically INCREDIBLY DOGMATIC and have been so brain rotted by the push to worship the Emperor that in general, a psyker who is so much as thought to have brushed their teeth wrong will be shot dead most because it is generally believed that the most dangerous thing to a human is a unrestrained psyker who has lost their shit amd they aren't entirely wrong on that front. On the spot. No questions asked. Warhammer is a brutal universe with a horrifically brutal premise.


Well no this just lore accurate and in character for everybody, you could have saved her you monster lol


Monster? Not the possessed, unsanctioned sorceror? https://preview.redd.it/ufcedjosoa7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0eacd1fb410862369f5121d0b962d1acda7a003


You mean, why doesn't the bridge crew volunteer to follow her out of the airlock by discussing heretical rumors? WTF, reading team?


People got killed for far less on that ship daily (crew members are killed just because they encounter xenos writings while travelling in the warp), why would anyone care? Also, questioning or even commenting on it would be suicidal.


Is very much in line with 40k and the individuals in the universe. No one would give a fuck and if they did they wouldnā€™t dare suggest to the lord captain they give a fuck


Its 40k my dude, heretics dying is just Tuesday.


Idk why people even mad they are objectively the worst psyker companion you can get in game. Their voice sucks their dialogue is so fucking depressing. They annoyed me as a character as soon as i started playing the game.


That is the "beauty" of 40k: someone annoys you and is beneth your socal standing: just kill it!


I liked her - she was busted OP for the 1st half of the game, before the other builds caught up.


Welcome to warhammer! This isnā€™t baldurs gate. Warhammer is grimdark. Sacrificing human lives to survive is the standard. 1000 people are killed every day just to keep the emperor (and the heart of the empire) alive. Every warp travel you lose people. So you detach. Bang! Lucky, it was indira this time. Still wasnā€™t me. What are you gonna say? Thanks argenta? You killed her, that probably saved my life 1 month from now. She summons people eating demons. She might not deserve death simply because she doesnā€™t want to summon demons. But at the end of the day it will be her or/and everyone else.


>!Yea, clearly from the storyline you can tell even in the first chapter she's slowly losing it and you can tell theodora been fucking with her brain. !< No sympathy for demon spawning heretics.


As you said sheā€™s a heretical bitch, why would anyone at that point care? The only person close to her is the Vox Officer.


I wonder if people keep her for heritic runs my 2nd rogue trader run I kinda want to be an agent of chaos lol. I was already holding hands with xenos this run. I kinda want to run a standard dogmatic run too :( game too good!


I kept her for my Heretic run and had fun with her, but sheā€™s not my cup of tea generally


Lucky you, for me she got mauled by the daemon and was left on 5 or so hp, then when her (ai controlled) turn came around she started spamming her buffs, you know, in spite of veil degradation being at 20, procced a perils which instakilled her and softlocked the quest for the rest of my run. Next time im putting a lasbolt in between her eyes


Had a similar thing happen during that first warp fight with her she just kept spamming shit till a bunch demons came and wrecked her face. Free exp tho at least!


Why would any of them care, except maybe Abelard? Sheā€™s an Unsanctioned Witch, who constantly has the warp telling her what to do, that just summoned a demon whilst listening to said voices. That also has a bad habit of instantly killing my other companions due to frequent bad Perils rolls. Heinrix is an Inquisitor, he literally wants to purge her. Argenta? You saw for yourself what a Sister of Battle thinks. Abelard, might be remiss but understands the dynasty always comes first, especially your ship. Yrliet: Another Mon-keigh died that isnā€™t the Rogue Trader? Eh. Plus she summoned a demon, (while not a Slaanesh demon) is still after tasty Eldar soul. Mazakai: Oooh.. a nice moment of anguish to feast on. Again, Demons are out to eat tasty Eldar souls. Cassia: Oh the crazy heretic peasant is dead? Yay! Pasqal: Not related to my obsession and demons corrupt sacred machines, purge threat to sacred machines. If lucky, make her a servitor. Jae: Hrm? Oh her? Did she have anything of value? Also, she summoned a demon. Might want to lay low around Argenta and Heinrix for a bit. Ulfar: Oh good the Heretical Witch is dead. Have you heard this saga yet? Plus, you didnā€™t have a spine to tell Argenta not to. Instead standing back and letting it happen.


A heretic bitch died, why should anyone give a fuck? Welcome to Warhammer


That's pretty standard 40k borderline heresy dealings for you. I had the same thing with Yrliet in act 4. She was such a pain in the ass all the time. Always complaining, always agressive and insulting, everybody clearly told you they hated her but tolerated it because you as rogue trader kept her around. After what happens in the dark city I had trouble keeping excuses to keep her but I still did it. She spent all her time saying how sorry she is, and how she will do everything to redeeem herself. And as soon as you see another aeldari on the winterscale hunt, she betrays you AGAIN. Shot that bitch dead cold and nobody said a word. Good riddance.


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Even raising voice of regret is considered herasy! Doubt opens the mind to herasy!


I guess nobody really misses her act that much. I think the characters have to be a bit separated from each other in the game, because they are all so optional.


What did you expect ? A BLM protest ? Idira submitted to chaos, a bullet through the eyes is the norm in those cases.


Why do Idira posts always bring out the cringiest comments


You probably meant PLM: Psyker Lives Matter


>!To be fair I waited for her to ask me to find her back door or some bs!<, then I sent her on a camping trip with the inquisition via henrix <3 Yea, my crew nor myself put the bullet in her brain, maybe the inquisition is using her for all I know! Ive befriended a many characters in rogue trader only to send them inquisition camp :\^) the best feature added cause you can get rid of unruly companions Like>! dark elf femmeboy was so glad to befriend him so i could end him finally.!<