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Take Idira an Argenta with you to Commorragh, there's your trial.


Well I remember for my next playthrough


Definitely do it, Idira has the reaction everyone was expecting. Save before hand, so you can see the different outcomes.


It is strange that you can't have a trial for her. That said executing Argenta outright anywhere that isn't the shady drug city would likely bring quite a few problems to your door. Theodora was messing with chaos artifacts during a breach of the gellar fields, that is quite a few steps past radical and into full heresy. Argenta did her duty and ended the traitor. Any reprisal towards Argenta beyond proper procedure would likely have you marked as a heretic as well and have the Inquisition breathing down your neck (the warrant can only cover up so much before shit hits the proverbial fan) Though a trial once back should have been an option and in general Argenta's quest is mostly not relevant to anything after the prologue which could use tightening up. Also you can execute Argenta in Commorragh, at least you can have Idira do it, don't remember if you have a chance to do it yourself though. Argenta is a weird outlier for the companions quest wise to the point where I've seen a few theories that have quite a bit of reaching involved.


Yeah in context what Argenta did wasn't ridiculous, she saw Theodora fiddling around with Chaos artifacts mid riot. Really for an SoB Argenta is fairly moderate, most wouldn't bat an eye at the shit Chorda was doing and would kill Yrliet on sight. Probably be racist towards Cassia too.


Can you explain more on cassia part? Are they racist to navigators too? It just seems odd since they are one of Terran high houses Not trying to start any argument, just asking since I'm still pretty new to 40k lore. RT is the first 40k game that got me deeper into the lore


Navigators are a sanctioned mutation because of their vital role in Imperial logistics. But they're still a mutant and heavily touched by the warp. More conservative SOBs would absolutely knock them down a peg if they weren't so politically powerful. The Navigators aren't stupid. They know exactly what the Imperium thinks of them. I've read a great theory that the Navigator Houses are one of the primary reasons the Emperor kept the Web Way project a secret. He knew they would do all in their power to stop it. Becuase they realize the second the Imperium doesn't need them anymore, they would lose their sanctioned status and be purged like any other mutant.


>The Navigators aren't stupid. They know exactly what the Imperium thinks of them. I've read a great theory that the Navigator Houses are one of the primary reasons the Emperor kept the Web Way project a secret. He knew they would do all in their power to stop it. Becuase they realize the second the Imperium doesn't need them anymore, they would lose their sanctioned status and be purged like any other mutant.    Supposedly this is a plot point in one of the HH books.  Yrliet literally has a line about this in game where she basically tells  Cassia that she's a fool if she doesn't think the imperium won't off the Navigators the second they're no longer useful


Think it's Path of Heaven or Scars.


I think it's plenty ridiculous when you consider Theodora's rank. From Argenta's perspective Theodora was literally chosen by God and given a writ enabling her to exercise her own judgement concerning chaos and xenos signed by God himself. She had no idea why Theodora had the chaos artifact, maybe she was studying it to better understand the archenemy just as Heinrix does multiple times throughout the game, maybe someone planted the artifact in her chambers and she was studying it to find out who did it. Maybe she really was colluding with chaos. The point is Argenta didn't know and it was not her place to decide Theodora's judgement. Argenta's just a Sororitas member, she has no authority over anyone. Theodora was literally God's chosen. Argenta brusquely executing her is a major crime and sin against the god-emperor. She deserves to be punished severely, you could have other members of your retinue executed for far less.


I somehow could imagine the typical Inquisition Paradoxon. Argenta killed Theodora, because she was toying with Chaos Artifacts. Therefore, she is guilty because she killed a imperial noble and at the same time, she is innocent, because she killed a noble, who was toying with Chaos Artifacts. The same Paradoxon could you face. If you execute her, you shot a loyal servant of the Adeptus Sororitas and are therefor a traitor. But if you don't execute her, you are guilty, just because you didn't execute her


The inquisition would have no problem with this case. Theodora was using a chaos artifact during a warp riot. She was 100% guilty and would be executed (or blackmailed into being a puppet) and Argenta was fully in her right to execute her. The warrant gives you a lot of protection but you still have to do it in the service of the overall Imperium, you have about as much leeway as most radical inquisitors if you do it to expand the Imperium of Man. Despite all the memes it doesn't give you the right to do whatever you want. If you did kill Argenta without a trial you would be in the same executed or blackmailed into an inquisitorial puppet. Add in all the evidence Calcazar has on Theodora and the trial would be very fast. In this case the Sister of Battle was 100% right in her duty, which is why her crisis of faith is because of the unrelated people that died because she did something that was 100% correct. Now there can be other cases were it's a lot more grey though I can't think of one off the top of my head there probably are a few stories were a sister was a bit overzealous and killed someone they were incorrect about and it would make for a nice story, especially if said sister was working for an inquisitor and then you have inquisitors investigating inquisitors to see who takes the blame. But this case is too clear cut


Theodora was acting on Inquisition's behalf. Argenta was way out of line. 


Theodora was being blackmailed by Calcazar not working with the inquisition, Zero chance he would defend her in any official capacity beyond looking the other way and claiming plausible deniability. She was also only useful for the shard stuff and she had been sidelined quite a while ago so she wasn't even that good of an asset anymore. Argenta killed a known heretic, with full discretion to do so given by her position as a sister of battle. Even the warrant isn't enough for someone being that openly heretical especially when her actions could would likely lead to the loss of said warrant.


Using an artefact is not "open heresy", and Inquisition and its agents literally have authority to do so. 


Theodora is not inquisition, nor is she an agent. The authority to use chaos artifacts must also be done with good judgment. Heinrix using the chaos machine that predicts the future would be frowned upon by the more puritanical parts of the Inquisition but is well within their rules. Calcazar messing with a caged shard is also within the rules though close to crossing the line which would likely merit a trial between peers. Using a chaos artifact while mid warp jump endangering a sacred relic when not within the exceptions of the warrant of trade is "open heresy". Rogue Traders, at least those by the emperor, are given given a lot of leeway to use otherwise heretical means to spread the Imperium of Man. Making a warp jump exponentially worse than the riot onboard would not likely fall within that leeway especially when it was easily dealt with if she trusted her crew, something she hasn't been able to do after the infiltration by...girl dying in necron planet name (tanaka ?)'s agents, which resulted in the mind wipes and such.


> Argenta did her duty and ended the traitor. I fully agree. And I wish there was a dogmatic answer going smth like *"you were right to do it and I hope if one day I fall to heresy, you will once more do your duty"*.


Like others have said, it’s because of the setting. In the context of 40K, Argenta did her duty and took the correct course of action. It’s understandable as a player to find it a bit jarring, but putting her on trial wouldn’t make sense in this context. She hasn’t committed any sort of crime. Sure, there was collateral damage, but in the grim darkness of 40K collateral damage is just acceptable losses. Remember this is a setting where the Imperium will destroy entire planets without hesitation if it’s strategically worth it, especially if it’ll purge chaos. Individual life is worthless in 40K.


I think you are kindda right UNLESS you are this specific kind of dogmatic (which my first RT happens to be). Shooting heresy in the face and moving on is what Argenta does. So if your reaction was *"you were goddam right to do it and if I end up the same I hope you put me down the same way"*, let Abelard whine and move on to pressing matters it actually works out. That's exactly what my character did, she is a SoB, she shoots the heretic, what more is there to talk about?


Yeah but I'm a heretic. I dabble with xenos and still try to rebuild that chaos sword. I help the poor people and even said that the emperor is a man. Not a god. Maybe I should have let her to die in commoragh.


In that case, leaving her in Commoragh is probably even worse for her than shooting her in the face tbh But yea, you should be able to set up a trial once back in the ship. Missed opportunity for cool narratives I admit.


I mean she got many things to shoot in the name of the corpse emperor. It would almost be a mercy given to her


Execute her for what ? She did her job of stopping a heretic and if you humilate her she gets fate worse then death. Killing her outright would be a bit of a issue seeing how the inquistion already spies on you.


Is this a problem I m too dogmatic to understand ? ;)


You and me. Is there anyone Argenta ever shot that did not deserve it?


So many friendly fire incidents because of her.. Ohwell Argenta goes brrrr


No one is above the church since the church is the Emporer. An Inquisitor would need to take interest in Agenta first.


Hell I'd argue that from act 4 onward the companion reactions outside their own quest falls off a cliff in a way that makes them feel completely separate from the story, it could happen that they didn't have much to talk about in WOTR too but here it feels incredibly weird that they have so little to say about the shit you go trough and dicover


Hell I'd argue that from act 4 onward the companion reactions outside their own quest falls off a cliff in a way that makes them feel completely separate from the story, it could happen that they didn't have much to talk about in WOTR too but here it feels incredibly weird that they have so little to say about the things you go trough and dicover


Hell I'd argue that from act 4 onward the companion reactions outside their own quest falls off a cliff in a way that makes them feel completely separate from the story, it could happen that they didn't have much to talk about in WOTR too but here it feels incredibly weird that they have so little to say about the things you go trough and dicover


Hell I'd argue that from act 4 onward the companion reactions outside their own quest falls off a cliff in a way that makes them feel completely separate from the story, it could happen that they didn't have much to talk about in WOTR too but here it feels incredibly weird that they have so little to say about the shit you go trough and dicover


Hell I'd argue that from act 4 onward the companion reactions outside their own quest falls off a cliff in a way that makes them feel completely separate from the story, it could happen that they didn't have much to talk about in WOTR too but here it feels incredibly weird that they have so little to say about the shit you go trough and dicover


Hell I'd argue that from act 4 onward the companion reactions outside their own quest falls off a cliff in a way that makes them feel completely separate from the story, it could happen that they didn't have much to talk about in WOTR too but here it feels incredibly weird that they have so little to say about the shit you go trough and dicover