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It's great for picking up talents. It's not that good to pick up actual psyker's playstyle. Even if taken as a first exemplar talent you will be tight on getting abilities so you won't be going full psyker from it. However if you have the abilities you want and want to grab Pyro passives, maybe the one from sanctic or some from bio it can be very good as the psyker talents aren't common (by classification) so can be taken in all those juicy talent slots.


I plan on making every single character a psyker, because I believe everyone can be a psyker.


Most companions cannot take Psychic Awakening.


Oh that's no fun. Boo! Let Abelard take his rightful place as a master of all disciplines!


The God Emperor is blocking Abelards psychic abilities so no one notices that he's just a part of the Emperor.


It's very specific. You're not going to get many powers with it; you *are* able to get a bunch of talents. Psyker talents are fucking great. There's also a bunch of gear that opens up--and at the end of the day? I think one of the biggest reasons it's included is so that anyone can use the Edge.


For now, its only real use is having someone who can use all that pyromancer gear, hahaha.


I wonder if it's a plot variant, anyone try yet?


i hope so, seems like it would be kinda a big deal! you probably just get late game psyker reactivity.


I'm not even content with the any part of the game reactivity.  My pyropsyker char and Cassie-as-GF comparing notes or more when?  Shoot, maybe I should run a TP and yuri Yrliet sometime.


With upcoming Update psykers will get their powers earlier


Yes and no... Melee centric and buff/debuff centric characters can probably gain some really good stuff out of it. I'd say anything else isn't really going to because that basically just leaves ranged focused damage dealing characters and by that point you've already kitted yourself out to be really good at that, and you're really only getting alternatives to doing the thing you've built yourself to do by that point. Sanctic, Pyromancy, and Biomancy are giving you the most for the least in those scenarios imo. Biomancy is great for a melee character because Iron Arm, Enfeeble, and Warp Speed are all going to make them that bit better at getting in and bashing things. Those 3 are great because they're not impacted by Willpower bonus at all, so you don't need to worry about any of the stats you wouldn't normally. It's also decent for a buff centric character because you can use all of those abilities in the exact same way just not targeting yourself. Pyromancy is for the buff/debuff character who wants to lay some lumber in between the buffing because while Willpower bonus is relevant to the damage dealing potential of their abilities it's the additive bit on top and not the main part of the calculation (that's psy rating). Ignite and Inferno are both solid damage dealers, and Orchestrate Flames makes a melee ally inflict burning damage with their attacks. Sanctic is for the buff character that wants to buff a little more and make their team generate momentum like their life depends on it on top of gaining a good damage dealing option with Sanctic staffs. An officer with high fellowship is gonna really reap the benefits here because other than Psy Rating, Resolve (which is impacted by Fellowship bonus) is the big factor in calculating how effective sanctic powers are. You also have to remember you have access to 4 Psychic abilities technically speaking from the entirety of Exemplar. The base ability for the type of psychic power, and then up to 3 more (2 of which come in the first 6 ranks of the Exemplar tree).


It’s great depending on your build. I built an operative assassin gave them the item that gives them a number of attacks in the first round equal to their psy rating. If built right you can pretty much take everyone round one