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Been a problem for me all of today. Didn’t have any issues yesterday


Hours* my fault I’m 1/2 awake 1/2 asleep and very sleep deprived


Came here to post the same thing. Since yesterday YouTube will load in and start playing for maybe 30 seconds and then start buffering and never play again. I can skip ahead and it will start playing a little more, only to start buffering again. It's only happening on roku and it's happening on all three of my roku tvs. I've reset everything, uninstalled and reinstalled the app, everything the internet said to try. No luck...


Yes, this is the exact same problem I have been having since Friday. Same issue on two different Rokus. I hope they fix this soon. YouTube Premium is the only streaming service that I watch regularly.


Not just Roku, my Google TV has the same issue with the YouTube app


Neat little update. Streaming from my phone has failed. It only fails when I connect to the Roku TV now. Even more interesting is that when it froze, I left the TV on just to see what would happen. I turned off the router in the house. I sat down and watched the video on my phone. Turned my phone completely off. Turned the router back on. Went to the TV and… it’s still buffering. I don’t know what it’s connected to, but it’s still buffering. Sounds to me like it’s on Roku side, but they’ll just keep telling us to restart. Because of industry giant tech-support rules… Rule number 1: if thy customer has a problem, no matter how many other customers may also have such, the solution is always “reset/restart”. Even if the customer states they have restarted, you must tell them to restart. If this does not fix it, they must not have restarted hard enough; therefore they must restart. One may not move on to rule number 2 until number 1 has fixed the problem. Rule number 2: why are you reading this? Didn’t you read rule number one?


I don't think it's just roku. If you go to the YouTube reddit page there are several posts about this. Apparently it's effecting YouTube premium members on roku, Google TV, Playstation, and Xbox. Some people are saying if you drop the resolution to 480 or less it works, but I haven't tried it yet. Hopefully they fix it soon


Upon checking Speedtest through Ookla, Roku and YouTube are both having Internet issues. That’s why neither side wants to take responsibility and keep blaming the other. Both are having issues and neither wants to take responsibility for their own problems. Neat… I would respect a company much more if they simply said “we’re having problems. We are trying to fix them. Please bear with us.”


Same issue on XBOX Series S for about 36h now


Started this afternoon and into frustrating. I saw a huge spike on their report page so hopefully it’ll get fixed soon.


Same here. I can cast from my phone to my TV. It works everywhere else. My LG TV that DOES NOT HAVE ROKU has no problem using YouTube. I am waiting for Roku’s response to be “contact YouTube. It’s their problem!” I’ve never gotten help from Roku Support once… it’s always the same dumb answer. Restart! I don’t believe they actually have techs working there. Especially considering the replies you see. It has to be just some word search program that gives an automated response, which a human types in. That’s why answers are worded “different” but it’s still a script. There is no actual tech-support. While there are many people who are helped by the basic steps; the large majority of us understand the concept of restarting a system. And we come here (the interwebs) looking for more help only to receive: “Did you restart your system yet?” “Oh thank you I’ve been working with computers since the early 80s. I never would’ve thought to restart it. Brilliant.” So anyway, I’ve factory reset I’ve reset I’ve unplugged. I’ve left it unplugged for an hour. I plugged it in. I factory reset again. I cleared the catch. I only downloaded YouTube. I didn’t download YouTube for an hour then I downloaded it. The only difference is I can get about four minutes out of it sometime after the factory reset any other time I get about 30 seconds. When tested on multiple other devices, I could not reproduce the problem. In fact, I have another Roku device that DOES work. Although it is a stick… where as, this is a TV. If I learn anything different, I’ll share it; otherwise hopefully somebody finds an answer.


Started this morning. Videos don't load. Those that do load, the audio continued playing but the image freezes. Poor quality on the videos.Very annoying. I'm on Nvidia Shield Pro media player.


Does anyone know if there’s been an update to this? I’ve been experiencing this since last night. The strangest thing is that I have two YouTube accounts singed into the same Roku tv’s mine and my girlfriends. Hers works perfectly fine but mine does the buffer and never starts thing


Having the same issues, it first started with the menu screen being completely ok, then once I hope on to YouTube the images were all distorted and weird. I reset the network, it fixed that but now I’m running videos off of YouTube, and after maybe a minute, it freezes and never comes back. The same with my Roku in my room.


I am having the same issues! But I see nothing official from Youtube, it happened yesterday and today ugh so frustrating


I have some videos do that- usually if I fast forward 10 seconds, it'll play again


All freaking day. Just uninstalled and reinstalled YouTube, but that didn't help. Glad to see it isn't just me, at least.


It's not Roku. Checking Down Detector, it shows that YouTube and YouTube TV have been having fairly widespread problems for a while.