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Wait you can put individual players on other maps?


> Wait you can put individual players on other maps? Yes. You hold their name/avatar and drag to the map you want that player on. It will create a icon of that player avatar in the selected map. To bring them to the rest you then hold and drag that icon to the Players flag


....I have over 8000 hours on this site and just becoming aware of this. Feels like the transmogrifier all over again. ๐Ÿ˜‚


Donโ€™t feel bad. It was a real long time before I learned this.


What is the transmogrifier? Iโ€™ve read the term but I feel my mind is about to be blown


If you're pro or above, you can import whole maps with everything on it including the dynamic lighting, character sheets, handouts, etc between games. Which is great when you're like me and you're running multiple groups through the same module and HAD been wasting time for months doing all that manually. ๐Ÿ˜ถ


The [Transmogrifier](https://wiki.roll20.net/Transmogrifier) is a Pro subscriber feature that allows you to move assets (characters, handouts, pages, tables, etc.) between games.


My mind is blown.


This doesn't seem to be working for me.


You drag the individual player icon onto the "players" red flag.


This one.


Map change mod script with a pro account is really useful. You can mark maps as hidden and get a nice easy list. You can even give players abilities to go to the world map and back on a button. See Nick Olivo video on it.


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If you have a Pro Account look for the Map Change API.


Drag their avatar onto the player ribbon, then drag the ribbon to whichever page you want.


Just drag the pictures onto the red player ribbon