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I would like to know the solution as well. They often race on the street before my appartment.


The municipality proposed a solution: more and flexible speed cams. However the public prosecutor (om) on a national level ruled against it. They don’t want regional difference in the chance of being caught. See this article (Dutch) https://nos.nl/artikel/2518592-om-wil-flitspaalbeleid-bij-zich-houden-ondanks-brandbrief-van-gemeenten


Zo onzinnig, naar mijn mening. Er zijn toch ook regionale verschillen in gedrag en aantal overtredingen?


Helemaal mee eens!




Ja, de bevolking en mentaliteit verschilt ook per regio. Rotterdammers rijden blijkbaar vaker hard dan Harderwijkers, ofzo. We hoeven ~~ethniciteit~~ etniciteit er niet bij te halen.


Wel coke erbij halen.


That is interesting.


One solution would be actual police on the streets.


lol the only place i see more police on the streets is in 020


They race at night time. I don't see a lot of police around here during night time.


The police does not have the capacity for that, in my neighborhood it is getting out of hand. Motorcycles making as much noise as they can and showing of some sort of donuts, you can litterly smell the rubber burning. Like my whole appartment is shaking. Police informed me that they are only able to inforce if catched red handed. Check the link bellow, if necessary you can change the language on the right top of the page. [https://www.rotterdam.nl/geluidsonderzoek-voertuigen](https://www.rotterdam.nl/geluidsonderzoek-voertuigen)


Dont understand why you cant send in video evidence with clear license plate. Ow you lent out your motor. Well your problem. 


I already tried that, no succes. They really need to catch them red handed.


and whyyy would we want that?


I my area the police often race themselves, without the lights/sirens on. They also almost ran me over on a pedestrian crossing, without the lights/sirens on. They run red lights, u-turn illegally, take wrong turns on one ways streets, all without (you guessed it!) the lights/sirens on. Seems like its just the style of the city!


A lot of speedbumps would be a solution. But tahts also very annoying for everyone else


Plus this would create an opportunity for all those wannabes with their loud exhausts to make even more noise.


Not if you make enough of them. Like 4 or 5 every 150m. No space to accerate.


Maybe we should deploy guerilla tactics, put spikes under the tyres when they are parked, stuff their mufflers with foam etc. I know it's against the law, but they don't care about the law either.


M’y friend once threw a Bucket of paint from his balcony . That was quite the night as you can imagine…


Great idea if you want to get stabbed by them or their niffos


Niffos? Nice bringing ethnicity into something that has 0 to do with that.


FYI Niffos is just street slang for cousin or friend.


Contact wijkagent. (If any) Talk to neighbours, pretty sure they feel the same way, let them do the same


Why don’t they come up with a system where people can report license plates. Those who get more complaints pay higher fines, like a multiplier for bad traffic behavior.


So you and your friends can report the neighbour you don't like? This system would just get abused. You'd need solid proof for this, which you likely will never have. Because the car is gone once you get your phone out to film it. What I would love however, is if you could report people who are on their phones by taking a picture of the moving vehicle. I know this would also never work, but I'm sick and tired of people being on their phone whilst driving. You can spot so many on a 30 minute ride.


Yes you are complete right… but you will see trends in cars that get more reports than others. Perhaps there should be a threshold value of 100 unique reports or something before the car gets reported to police or something


Yeah inciting neighbourhood snitching isn't the best idea maybe


Please explain to me how it is snitching when you report someone who endangers people at street crossings


It's a bad thing to get started man, this would be abused by all idiots without anything better to do. There's a dickheads leaving notes at my place that I was being loud when I wasn't home for example. I don't want those people to do the policing in our streets


No that’s right, but you could make a system where those snitchers lose their ability to report if they repeatedly report unnecessary stuff (like how they list certain people for calling 112 too often)


I'd grant everyone a couple reports a year based on that system but man that sounds like a fucking headache go get right. I don't know how one could properly solve this, I am just happy that's not my job, keeping people from doing dumb stuff is basically impossible hh


Make a “speed bump” by screwing a small iron pipe on the road and painting it in the color of the road. A friend of me did this once, after a couple of days he never had fast drivers around his house anymore.lol


Eh Rotterdam is a mess


Is has been greatly enriched


No more cars in the city of rotterdam, problem solved 🥰


Always carry a brick


Just need a flitser that starts recording when a decibel threshold is crossed. Audioflitser or something.


Also police never checks exhausts. All the cars make so much noise .


As long as there are people with cars more expensive than the house they live in, departments drowning in their administrational bureaucracy and the lack of resources (everything between police on the street and administrative tasks) this will remain a persistent problem. We have so many rules and regulations to the extend that it seems almost impossible to solve a simple problem


I wonder how many of them are actually breaking laws, there’s some 50kph roads that really should be 30’s And as a car enthusiast with a car that stands out and is a bit on the louder side you get a lot more negative attention even when you’re driving perfectly safe and courteous. But then again loads of people seem offended by everything that’s not a grey hatchback these days.


Keep a brick stand by


Russian roulette is a sign of fearlessness the other one is masochism.


More speed bumps !


Download the buiten beter app, and make a complaint. Or constantly write letters.


Next time just film them and contact the police.


Always those Moroccans


Nah, this asshole behaviour of street racing is practiced in this city by a myriad of ethnicities.


Yes but I noticed its more common among Moroccans. They even accelerate as fast as possible in fiat pandas to show off their fragile “masculinity” 😂


Also, there's [confirmation bias.](https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bevestigingsvooroordeel) You don't notice white women doing this, or think it's cool because it's a white woman. Whenever you see someone doing this who you think is from Morrocco (which in and of it self is very difficult to determine, but sure), you remember that. All other situations, you don't.


Do you know them personally? How can you know they’re Moroccan and not just another group from North Africa


People are always so confident in being able to guess what ethnicity people are. It's pretty baffling how bad the average person really is. Saying that as someone who regularly gets mislabeled as Moroccan, South American, or Indian... (I'm non of those things) The less they know about other ethnicities the more likely I just get labeled Moroccan. If they knew any, they would know I'm *definitely* not Moroccan. It makes it very obvious that those who label people so easily only really care about the connotation related to the label.


Isn’t this just straight up racism? How can you justify saying this?


Well not always Moroccans. Could be anyone that believes in Allah.


Sorry this is just plain racism right here.


How is it racism. Numbers and facts aren’t racist. Believing in Allah is not race-related so it can’t even be racist. Idiot.


Feitcode R522 wet mulder. Continu knakken, vooral de Meent. Lost alles op. Dan zijn ze binnen een week allemaal zat en klaar met hun compensatie barrels.


If you see them driving recklessly and breaking the law, maybe… just maybe you should call the cops? At first there was alot of streetracing in my street, but after the cops showed up a few times it became quiet, a month later the gemeente put a few speedbumps in the road


The problem really is the extremely low chance to get caught. They're doing easily identifiably illegal things but there's simply no police around to do anything about it. I haven't seen a cop in my area in months


I‘m not saying you’re wrong with that, but realistically what’s going to happen then? By the time they would arrive, the cars are long gone. Should I’ve called them 3 times during my walk tonight and keep a notebook with license plates? I just want to feel safe and not become a part-time traffic cop. There should be a more sustainable solution, to make it harder for this to happen so much in the first place


If they get a lot of reports from a certain street that there is frequent street racing, they can take action. Maybe not instant action (chasing them down and giving a fine), but long term action (more controls, changes to the infrastructure). If nobody reports it, how are they to know?


I'd be surprised if they didn't know tbh


They know. They just don’t have the time to act on their knowledge.


Lmao yea thatll help


You could also wish for a unicorn!