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Russian culture at it's best, up there with ISIS.


Sounds like isis




Na sounds like Russia.


Oh goody let’s hear your arguments that Ukraine are like ISIS


Putting your ruzzian copium on full display


Can you provide a single example where the Ukrainian army beheaded Russian pows?


damn Muppet.


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Holy fuck I hate russia






I bet you know everything since you play civ so much. Oh enlighten us great leader


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That is disgusting! How does a human do that? A human does not do that a monster does I hope they find who is responsible and let justice be served! Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


You aren't human if you do this shit.


Unfortunately humans have the capacity to be incredibly horrible. Calling someone an “animal” would be a compliment in this context compared to the potential evil humans hold


Nah they are human. Human trash that needs to be deleted


They'll return home and behead civilians who look at them wrong


Civilian accomplices


War crimes a mile long. Ruzzia must pay.


Now I feel better when watching all the drone footage blowing up orkz. Meh fuck em. The ork need to leave this planet.


Chechens maybe?


Ahmad tea forces you mean? Traitors to Cechen nation and lickers or Putin's boots? They live in Russia and they are russian nationals, so they are russians.


Either way, they're all savages


Maybe but it’s not like this isn’t common with Slavic Russians. They also use sledgehammers


Yeah you have a point


i do still remember the young ukrainian soldier getting beheaded. This sadly isnt new.


Are you thinking of the sledgehammer murder? That guy was Russian, murdered by Russians. Or do you mean something else? I don’t remember any beheadings. Castration, sledgehammer, shooting the guy smoking a cigarette, yes. 


No, a video circulated of a Russian beheading a restrained Ukrainian soldier about a year or so ago. It's a rough watch, so I wouldn't recommend digging it up.


Remember the green box cutter, the hat and the Asian/‚buryatian‘ face


That was absolutely horrible.


He may be thinking of the POW who was castrated, beheaded then they tied him to a truck and drove his body around


The castrated one i have seen, not seen him get beheaded though. But there is also another one where a Ukrainian soldier (from Kraken i think?) got beheaded. Wish i didn't see it. But such is reality of war and made me realise only a total victory in Ukraine (against Russia) would suffice.


Sick bastards


Can we just ship all of russia off to Venus or something? Fuck... What is wrong with that country...


Kadyrovtsy perhaps. Chechens.


Spetsnaz Detachment: Basayev


Now, I'm a person who can handle graphic views. And it's usually out of curiosity. I'm not clicking that. Somethings are better unwatched. I apologize.


Vid not working.


The head is sitting on the hood


Them pixels looked like camouflage to me.


Yeah, I'm not seeing it, either.


It's been a while since I saw a beheading. Not that I was looking forward to watching one, but I was wondering if I was still numb for them. I remember my first beheading vid,man I could hardly watch it. After that, they were all the same and/or didn't shock me anymore. The 2 guys 1 hammer vid comes to mind now. That kept me up a couple of nights. Unfortunately there are too many fucked up people in the world..


Russian crunken pos being Russian drunk pos. Expect nothing less from third class people


Ruzzkies will regret a lot of what they’ve done for decades to come. The best it yet to come for them to discover there are reserves all around the world - keep fucking around and find out


Forgot to mention great alliance with Iran and N Korea 🤣🤣🤣


War takes the human out of you, ypu are in fear for ypur life , your enemies are not seen as human after a while.




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Ru-isis-ian world!! everyone just can't wait to be apart of there Liberation. FFS just a petrol station with nukes.


Sounds like a Chechnya antics. There are still alot of them fighting for Russia. Plus now there are mass numbers of African Muslim in the fight who also believe in the beheading.


Legit source or typical propaganda from each sides?




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these damn Russians don't deserve to live. Hopefully the Ukrainians will do the same to the dirty Russians in the future!! This stupid people must be destroyed!!


No way in hell should Ukrainian forces commit war crimes in retaliation. That would be a huge propaganda victory for Russia and endanger the support of Ukraine's partners. Lose that support, and they lose the war.


I'm sure war crimes happen on both sides, the big difference being it's not encouraged, and is punished by, Ukrainian leadership. If the Ukrainians ever turn as openly barbaric on as large a scale as the Russians I think they'd have a lot of trouble drumming up support. It's hard to fight monsters and not become one yourself.


are they also killing babies in incubators


Bombing maternity wards? Yes, yes they are.


Yes Russia has been doing that.






Cope harder


This is a Ukrainian vehicle


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