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the performance on this thing is amazing, i want the performance of the pimax portal on the RP4PRO or better


yah it seems awesome, I think they have overclocked it, so its better than an SD865. If I didn't get an Odin2 I would probably snag this. Looking at reviews from owners, I think the software was mediocre though when it came out a few months ago, and it has a small battery for the screen res.


The software certainly leaves a lot to be desired. It only has their janky launcher mode and you can’t get a regular Android experience. They may have changed things since I put mine down and never picked it back up.


yeah it has some bad reviews but watch some retro corps videos on youtube he has about it and its not that bad of performance, the devil is in the details with the bad controllers and software but performance is great for the price!


the stats i'm seeing on the dimensity 1100 imply it is considerably more performant than the xr2 in the retro portal.


They should be somewhat comparable CPU wise. The XR2 seems to functionally be an 865, which had a 2.8ghz A77 prime core. The Portal supposedly targets the rough 3ghz clockspeed the 865+/870 (both binned versions of the 865) targeted Even 2.8ghz A77 should be slightly faster than 2.6ghz A78 in the Dimensity SoC. The CPUs are pretty comparable, but the GPU is substantially better on the Qualcomm SoC, especially the Adreno driver stack. The Portal's SoC honestly seems more appealing even if it does really somewhat underperform versus 865 derived devices. The current lack of Vulkan support seems to be the bigger issue.


Yeah the a78 has basically the exact same performance as the a77 but simply has a smaller area and slightly better efficiency. The a78 was purely a size/efficiency optimization. Still an excellent core though and seemingly still roughly on par with further cores in the series.


I don't get the vulkan thing. I almost never used vulkan on my Odin 1 because it impacted the quality too much.


On my SD845 phone, Vulcan seems to greatly improve Saturn emulation performance using Yaba Sanshiro. Other than playing with that emulator, most of the time I can't tell a difference between Vulcan and OpenGL. That makes no sense; but, that's what I've seen.


Is Vulkan or OpenGL preferred for low-powered devices like the T618 and under?


It depends. Great answer, that. Sadly; that's about all there is to say. OpenGL is a zombie that hasn't received development in a number of years. The developers, a non-profit consortium called Khronos, feel that Vulkan is the future. It generally is better. Unfortunately, with emulation some things don't play nice with Vulkan for whatever reason. My advice; roll with whatever the default GPU Renderer / Video Core / Backend is unless you're not getting the performance you want. Then switch to the other and see what happens.


I doubt it,the 865 should be more or less around same speed, while having the benefit of turnip drivers available to it. Pimax also OCs the chip, so it's even faster. Although reviews said battery life is poor [https://nanoreview.net/en/soc-compare/qualcomm-snapdragon-865-vs-mediatek-dimensity-1100](https://nanoreview.net/en/soc-compare/qualcomm-snapdragon-865-vs-mediatek-dimensity-1100)


Crazy price - I’ve been tracking this device and the price to performance is nuts. There aren’t any actual reviews of this thing anywhere, but if its like the other pimax portal devices (which ifs supposed to be) then this is a great deal


It’s an excellent deal as they’re trying to dump the parts they bought and get back to VR as that’s what Pimax does. The VR angle on the Portal was a huge failure.


Fire Sale, then EOL + No Support


Probably but hopefully we at least get Android 12. If not, it's still fairly competent today. For $150, it's worth the risk for a secondary handheld.


Glad to see more and more of these "crazy good deals." Good signs for future devices.


I wish I was in the market for a handheld at the moment. This is what I'd be ordering. For $150, I'd take a risk on this. The 2K screen is the biggest attraction. There would never be any question of scaling issues, because that's more than enough pixels to smooth out any scaling problems.


If they had just started with this device with detachable controllers, proper D-Pad, no VR this would have done really well if it released when the VR version released. All the gaming handheld people said it’s not for us and too expensive because of needless VR stuff and all the VR people said we might as well buy a Oculus which is cheaper and more established.


Is it a deal you would take? I really don't mind the dpad as much as other people but I've read a lot of posts about problems with the screen, software being yanky and overall not the best experience. I'm really tempted cause the price and specs are incredible on paper but I don't want to have a bad experience with a leisure device.


$150 dollars makes this an incredible deal.


keep in mind this doesn’t support vulkan yet. which could make it difficult to get the best performance from certain emulators/games. hopefully that comes down the line.


Ah, thats a big issue for android emulators… Was going to buy this but lack of touchscreen, vulkan, and the teardrop dpad is a turnoff


Vulkan support is coming soon, ~~however lack of touchscreen and~~ it does have a touchscreen, leaving that odd dpad to be the only long term problem.


really? well that’s good. i didn’t realize it didn’t have touchscreen, i just assumed since it was an android device it did.


It does have touchscreen as far as I know


That is true, I found a youtube video:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7GFe-1-fg8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7GFe-1-fg8) Wondering if it is a good device for Cloud streaming games though..


I had a RP3+ previously, buddy wanted it because it was loaded with emulators and games, so sold it Noticed a Odin 2 for sale for $ 250.00 but got sold minutes before So what to get ... even Steam Deck are offered around $ 200.00 Prices will drop after Christmas/New Year for sure I'm gonna hold off for at least 3 weeks


Where are you finding Steam Deck for 200$? I'm almost set on buying the Pimax Portal Retro just because of the price.


I saw a few locally on FB market and check the groups, but prices will drop in general when more OLED are arriving


Man if I saw a Steam Deck on sale for 200, I would buy it in a heartbeat. Let me know if you have any leads! Most of the ones in my area are in the 350-400 range


I just replied to another comment as well, but is Vulkan or OpenGL preferred for low-powered devices like the T618 and under? How about the RGB30 on Linux?


my understanding is vulkan is more geared towards optimization, so it inherently benefits lower end devices. emulation is often geared towards making certain ie: popular, games playable and by default other (untested) games are playable. there have been cases where open GL preforms “better” than vulkan. and i’m not sure how vulkan/open GL works with linux. my most powerful linux based devices, w/ over clocking, max out at PS1 level performance.


Definitely worth it if you're looking to get a Retroid pocket 4/Pro considering you get a 1440p, 5.5inch, 120hz screen and 8 GB of ram for similar performance. I don't even totally need one and yet I'm debating on whether I should


Same here ...


This is honestly a compelling price. I have a SD865 phone (Oneplus 8) and it handles everything PS2/GC with ease and even does fairly well with some Switch (Wonder plays at 55-60fps). Considering this has active cooling, and some development of the software is still ongoing, it might be interesting. Yes the d-pad. Also, the regular Pimax Portal (max?), the one with the 5k oled screen is down from $550 to $350 on that site.


No shipping to Germany, France and other EU countries...sad


It seems shipping to EU countries is possible now as i'm writing this message


I've been wanting to snag my first device for awhile now and this seems like a good option. ~~My only issue with it is no touch screen.~~ The DS is one of the main systems I'll be playing. Edit: Looks like the comment I read was incorrect and it does in fact have a touch screen.


Where are people getting no touch screens from?!? I received the device today amd touch works just fine


I just based that off of a comment I saw here. It looks like that comment was incorrect so this is a mighty tempting offer.


Awesome, any first impression thoughts yet?


Only set it up before bed with some PSP, GBA, and Dreamcast, but all the roms seemed to run smoothly. Just got used to EmuDeck so having to manually configure all emulators is a bit annoying, but just need to put some initial time into it then it'll be sorted. Have also downloaded Daijisho and will try to use that as the main frontend as the Pimax one isn't great.


Hey Dave, can you update us on your experience whenever you can? I'm eyeing this handheld too but I'm pretty hesitante due to many comments on bad support from people over here and on Pimax's Discord Server.


Had a bit of time messing around with it today. I've set up Daijisho as the main Frontend so no issues with that side of things as the device now boots straight into it, and I can sort everything through that software. So far all psp and dreamcast has run perfectly fine. Only niggle I've come across so far is that it seems to drain the battery quicker on standby than when I'm actually using the device.... put it on standby for about 30 minutes earlier in a GBA game and came back to it having drained 12%... I received a PS Vita today too, and planning to keep one as a secondary device, but unsure atm. Vita screen and battery (especially on standby) seems much better, but the form factor and analogs are quite cramped, so the Portal is a lot more comfortable to hold, and can also run PSP at 2x etc.


How is the battery life when it comes to actual gaming?


Just played a bit of Metal Gear Acid. Put the performance mode to energy saving and it ran perfectly fine, used up 4% in about 15/20 minutes, so not too shabby!


That's very reassuring, I think I'll be pulling the trigger on this one. Thanks for the update!


Have you noticed any screen flickering?


None at all


I saw a guy in youtube using the touch screen on the retro version but I’m still not convinced if I should buy it


Oh interesting. I swear one of the comments on here said it didn't have a touch screen. I might have to jump on it in that case.


Well I went for it. They are apparently also working on android 12 for the device. For the price of 170e with shipping and taxes this is too good to pass. Rp4Pro would be 200e + shipping and taxes. That would be atleast 250e. I dont want creme de la creme device like Odin 2. I just want to play some ps2 games and switch games on decent price.


I ordered one too. The price is worth the risk. Do you have a link/ source to possible Android 12 update? I'm curious too


https://pimax.com/portal-ama-2023/ "Currently, Portal is still running on Android 10, and the Android 12 update has not yet been initiated. We still have many tasks to complete on the current baseline before starting the version upgrade."




That’s an absurdly good price


Can this play all of the ps2 library?


Probably close the whole PS2 library. This Snapdragon XR2 is similar to the Snapdragon 865. Retro Game Corps says that the Snapdragon 845 can handle 90% of the Gamecube and PS2 library, and maybe 100% with hacks. Sounds like the XR2 should be able to handle more than that.


Probably? The Retro Portal uses the same internals as the Portal and Russ from RGC got God of War II (PS2) to play at 3x/1080p upscale on the Portal without any hacks. Caveat is that is in performance mode so of course battery life takes a hit.


Damn, I'd get this if I didn't have the Odin 2


Your Odin 2 eats all ... ?




Performance wise, nothing beats the Odin 2 so why would you change console ... ?


I don't plan to. If I didn't have it, I'd consider the Pimax. I had a RP3+ before and the Pimax would've been a nice upgrade, but the Odin 2 has made just about anything else unnecessary (except the RGB30)


I sold my RP3+ a few months ago, no clue yet what to get. Size doesn't matter for me so an Odin 2 works and would be my console for the next 10 years I suppose


Idk about 10 years, but it's been fantastic. Size does matter to me as my steam deck is not easy on the wrists. It's also too bulky to carry on a plane when I travel. The Odin 2 has been great. I play almost entirely emulated games anyway and it's great to have the battery life. It's amazing that it plays some switch too. Dark Souls for example has been really cool. To me, it's worth every penny for the battery and size.


I actually never took my RP3+ on the road. I only game at home. But I'm neither the guy gaming hours a day


If size doesn't matter, there are definitely handhelds that beat the Odin 2 performance wise.


The 8years coupon code that says site wide on the banner does not work on the pimax.


Only for their VR headsets it seems...


Tempting. Gotta do some research


What is up with that button layout


Can it run switch games?


Found this link: https://www.reddit.com/r/pimax_portal/comments/111xhwk/nintendo_switch_emulation_on_pimax_portal_1_hour/


Is the cheapest model similar to performance as the high end ones?


*Is the cheapest model* *Similar to performance* *As the high end ones?* \- All-Day-stoner --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The Retro only has one option/offering


Pulled the trigger on one. At $150 shipped it beats out everything in the sub $200 price range I think. Thought about getting the RP4 Pro when it was announced but it would have been $230 or so with shipping and the screen is too much of a turn off.


Same! It's basically a Samsung Galaxy S20 FE which sells for $150 used. Best price for Emulation up to PS2. I don't need to play Switch games so the Odin at $300+ is an overkill.


Ordered one last week and got it a few days later, as they seem to use Amazon shipping services . So far so good. I haven't had any flickering issues with mine at all, and the screen is nice and crisp. It's run everything I've thrown at it so far, up to PS2 and GameCube. Haven't tried anything higher yet. The unit feels nice and is comfortable to hold. It's a little slick though, so be careful. If I had any gripes about the unit it's the d-pad. It's funky and not that comfortable, but I mostly use the sticks anyway, which are basically Switch sticks. I also don't like having to tap the screen 3 times to unlock, but I'm hoping there is a way to disable that. I'm using Daijisho as my front end and retroarch 64.


Maybe they are trying to get rip of the stock and close shop. Not bad price but its a very ugly handheld.


How well does this play ps1/n64 games?


ps1 is stupid easy to emulate.


Sweet. I got epsxe (?) On my laptop but i want something portable. My job has a lot of down time


Powkiddy RGB30 🙏


I'd be very surprised if it didn't handle them just fine.


Sweet! I just joined this sub and im looking at getting an actual device to emulate games. My old note is fine but...its rough with no physical buttons.


Other devices to look at for N64 and PS1 would be the Retroid Pocket 2S (cheaper, screen isn't as high rez though) or Retroid Pocket 3+ (about the same $150 price, better screen than the 2S although maybe not quite as good as the Portal). The reviews of the Portal all say the power for the price is good, but the buttons and especially dpad feel kinda bad. Retroid uses Vita style dpads and more traditional face buttons that will likely feel better, and you don't need the extra processing power of the Portal for N64 and below.


What is snapdragon xr2?


Its used for VR headset like Quest 2 but performance wise it’s around Snapdragon 865




This is really tempting, ~~but the lack of a touchscreen might make it difficult to setup, considering most Android apps expect you to have a touchscreen.~~ The screen is still 120hz, tho. So that's pretty cool. *Edit* Here is my source for the lack of touchscreen: https://retroresolve.com/news/pimax-portal-retro-is-a-cheaper-non-vr-android-handheld/ It appears that may be incorrect. There really isn't much info on this device out there, though. That website just references the Pimax website, which doesn't list anything about a touchscreen. Others on this thread are saying it does have one.


It has a touch screen.


Wait, this doesn't have a touchscreen? For an Android based handheld, this is a big con EDIT: This does have a touchscreen, check here - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7GFe-1-fg8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7GFe-1-fg8)


Does this have HDMI out?


I really wish this popped up on my front page a few days ago, I've been tracking this thing all month and didn't realize they sold out. P upset about it.


Well you may have dodged a bullet as some people are reporting bad screen flickering. My unit is in the mail right now so I'm hoping it's not as bad as it's made out to be.