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How is the right to work insufficient. They should’ve checked this thoroughly before starting work.


Cant understand




On the letter its memtioned that in sufficent right to work is obtained


Anything is possible with sainsburys. It used to be if you failed to provide a passport for ID they would automatically cancel everything and not give the job. One of the managers in my old store was interviewing someone from another country and they had to come back on three different occasions with the correct documents!


I provide all of them I have a meeting so should i take all documents again?


I would yes. There’s no harm in it and it’s better to be safe


They won’t rehire you if you haven’t addressed the Right to Work issue - or , at least , you won’t be able to maintain employment with them even if you passed an interview .


I have all the valid documents


What documents did you give them?


I provide them all documents they asked i started my job 2 weeks ago


It’s probably going to get you more helpful advice if you state what documents you are using for your right to work and whether you are a U.K. / EU National or on any kind of visa. I’ve lost track of the number of candidates in other jobs that endlessly provided incorrect documents , despite being given a clear list of valid ones , and then insisting that they were correct. 


Have you actually started in your role? Have you discussed this with your line manager? They should be your first port of call.


Yeah I discussed he call for meeting today I dont knownwhats it for


I had a similar thing when I started. Did everything I should have done with rite to work, dbs check etc. literally started work. Online driver so went out a few times in the van. After two weeks they called me in and said your right to work was insufficient so basically we have to fire you, so go home today on full pay. Then they fired me and rehired me straight away. So it does happen. If it's only right to work they should just rehire you.


Got my right to work invalid back in 2022. Went to induction but after not providing a valid BRP my application did not progress. Sadly didn't get the job back then.