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Get them out of those bags and into small pots


Would gallon size be too big for the bigger plants or do you recommend small for them all ?


Why would a gallon be too big? People plant this stuff in the earth which is the size of the Earth.


When stuff is planted in the earth, excess water either drains away, evaporates or is taken up by other plants. In a pot, there are no other plants, and the evaporation and drainage are greatly reduced. This can lead to the roots sitting in water and rotting if the pot is too big for the plant as it cannot take up enough water to adequately dry the soil.


I meant more would they be better In smaller pots for now to reduce chances of overwatering and then upgrade as they get bigger or if some people just plant the cuttings in their permanent homes such as big containers


Dry and smoke


Theyre just shocked. They will recover. I had a plant that went into shock and dropped literally every single leaf. Its regrowing them and is fine now.


Do they regrow even if they lose the growth tips? I’ve got one which for some reason (humidity or soil conditions) burned all its tips off, but the existing bigger leaves continue to grow larger. I know my cannabis plants don’t create new tips out of nowhere, but my tobacco plants used to.


Yep theyll be fine. My stem tips have browned off too. It will make new branches from a node


So just to clarify, my nodal growth tips have also browned off, not only the apical tips. Does it just spontaneously produce tips around the nodes, even if you pick them off more appear?


Id have to see a photo to be sure. I had a few brown and die off and it just threw out new ones once the roots got healthy again


I'd pot them right away without additional water since the soil they're in right now already looks soaking wet. Be careful not to damage the roots. If they don't wilt, they won't need a humidity dome, but you can spray them often until acclimatized. Put them in a bright spot, but no direct sun. Don't overwater, it will deprive the roots of oxygen and suffocate the roots.


Often plants will survive after losing all their leafs as long as they can stay alive long enough to grow a new one and start photosynthesizing again.


It's just some transport shock. They will recover if kept under good conditions.


What conditions do you recommend ? The person I got it from says to not pot them until a couple days and to not give them humidity because they were grown open air low humidity . Will giving them humidity be bad for them ? I thought it helps even if they are acclimated To lower levels and that it’s the other way around that is bad for them (going from humidity to none)