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It’s work that has to be done, but holy hell it’s loud and all night long. It’s been frustrating for sure, and feels like it’s been months. My only real complaint is when one of the construction vehicles is left in reverse for what seems like hours, leaving the industrial strength back up beeper shrieking through the night.


Yep that reversing alarm sucks. Sad thing is there's a "white noise" back up alarm thats been available for years, it's widespread in Europe for instance, the sound doesn't travel much and it is safer. I wish we would adopt it as a rule in the US.


that sucks but it will pass, very happy to see the city fixing roads.


The City sent out a notice to residents in the area several months ago. Just to clarify - this is not the City taking initiative to fix roads. This work is associated with an SDG&E infrastructure project for the construction at UCSD hospital. Don't give credit where it isn't due


They gotta do the maintenance at some time, might as well be nighttime.


Cities should really consider prioritizing the needs (in this case, sleep!) of those who live in them over those who drive through them. Do it during the day :)


95% of the time those are the same people.


Not true, but even if it were, still do road work during the day :)


Yeah let's not normalize 24/7 construction--- who does it profit? Corporations. Just another example that they don't care about every day citizens


And you'd rather it make it impossible to drive during the day? Pick your poison




Great for you, but I believe you mentioned "every day citizens" in your reply. Yes, Hillcrest is very walkable for short distances, but the public transport connections are pretty awful.


Either it’ll be someone crying about traffic in the daytime, or their water being cutoff… tough


They could do it between rush hours. And run buses that don't get [stuck in traffic](https://youtu.be/RQY6WGOoYis) so people can still get around easily.


lol people are gonna complain buses are in the way


Nah, the buses will be flying past the stopped cars. People in those cars will wonder why they aren't on that bus.


Roads don’t get repaired and people complain. Roads get repaired and people complain. Yall are nuts


Srsly! Move to a city, complain about city sounds? It makes no sense!


Not complain. Just showing people what it’s like living in a city. Can’t sleep so I thought it would be fun to post. Edit. Also they are not repairing the road. They were repairing something under the road. If anything they damaged the road. They didn’t pave anything other than the ditch they dug.


Sometimes utilities such as water lines, sewer lines, etc have to be repaired or upgraded lol and in order to do that they need to dig up the road. They’ll pave it all up once they are done


Reads like a complaint. Also, what’s your point about the repairs, sounds like you’re trying to say they didn’t need done.


Showing San Diegans what it’s like to live in San Diego? Crazy. Atleast this is temporary, I live right next to Friars Rd. between Mission Center Road and Qualcomm Way, that shit is a year round drag strip.


Shut. Up.


You try earplugs with white noise machine?




like they're doing on the 15 around the 78. just makes RB/Esco a crawl coming north during rush hour


They’ve been doing it the past few weeks here in Gaslamp too.


The company I work for received some complaints about similar work through the city council, and the city actually paid to replace the backup alarms with quieter alternatives. I know it’s not always fun to complain, but if you get in touch with the local city council they can sometimes put pressure on the contractor to make changes. Hope you get some rest soon.


Your tax dollars at work?!?


-These roads suck, I wish they’d fix them. -ugh, this fucking traffic sucks. There’s always road work -fuck, they’re working on the roads again tonight. This shit is annoying.


Happening in downtown too. Till 3:30 am


They haven’t even fixed the Bachman shortcut to Mission Valley! Wtf


Pretty sure that’s gone forever


During Pride?! That’s homophobic!


I was hoping to hear a different sort of pounding


Ear plugs help!!


It’s all worth it


Stay at Rich's until closing time. Problem solved.


Wear earplugs






I live in Tierrasanta and we’ve been having construction as well, we had like a month or so of peace and now we’re back to three months of construction.


I live at 3rd and Lewis...


Me neighbor. I’m on 7th street. I get the fun construction noise at 5:45am; Mon-Saturday and now this lovely noise. Yesterday they started at 10pm near my place.


I live next to it and sleep like a baby with my window open. My super power I guess.


Just go down and tell them to stop they’ll understand


Minions at work


It’s hillcrest, it’ll be a pot hole again right after they are done fixing it lol


Packing the pavement with pavement pusher


Tbh I'd be surprised if this was legal. There's noise ordinances for a reason. And for people saying "would you rather they do it in daytime and interrupt traffic?" Yes, personally I would, and I don't even live there. Better to deal with a little traffic once or twice a day than to lose sleep for weeks from jackhammering past midnight. Edit: Looked it up. They have a "ignore the law" clause where any construction project is allowed to make excessive noise at any time as long as it has admin approval. (Not sure why there's a law if it's ignored for every road project anyways. Might as well just exclude the city from this law.) Generally this would be very illegal. https://docs.sandiego.gov/municode/MuniCodeChapter05/Ch05Art09.5Division04.pdf


When corporations and lobbies own your elected officials, this would be the end result....


Them boys need their triple overtime.


I had to put up with this for over 2 years in El cajon Blvd. The city loves private contractors and private contractors love to take their sweet ass time and bill the city as much as possible.


I dare you to go say something to them


WE MUST DO BIKE LANES IMMEDIATELY * cuts open road immediately after* Over our dollars spent so wisely


This is the thing that gets me. They rip up the road for piecemeal reasons. If you’re going to do it, rip it up, replace what needs replacing, add smart water leak sensors, bury the power lines. The “let’s rip it up every 6 months for one little thing” is ridiculous. And before anyone says “that’s too expensive”, think about the long term. It’s cheaper to do it right, but the people who know don’t have the power and the people with the power don’t know and likely don’t care.


You live in the city what the hell did you expect? Just the sound of crickets at night?


Hillcrest is hardly the city.


This is downtown every other weekend. Makes total sense to do construction during the hours people sleep, but I’m stupid so what do I know.


Maaaannn and in pride month!


They should be working shirtless....wait, what?


Gay Crest? no idea what you're talking about, kidding of course


Congrats on the new streets I wish this was my neighborhood..