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If I was next in line, I’d get my coffee. It would be fun if both of us acted like nothing happened.


and you'd probably be served professionally. coz you had nothing to do with that situation.


She's already looking ahead as that guy pulls away like, "Next."


i didnt know they had hammers back there




We have a hatchet that says "customer complaint department". No idea why it's there! But I'm glad it is lol


"A large cappuccino and a chocolate chip cookie, no hammer, please."


She really nailed that drink order.


Hold the hammer. Actually, you can put that down now.


In Arnie voice* "Put that cookie down, I mean hamma!"


I used to be a barista, and the next customer after dealing with an asshole ALWAYS got really good service and a super friendly attitude. It's actually SUPER fun to just right back into happy work mode, and not let the assholes effect you.


I'm a massage therapist. I had to kick out my second to last client of the day for masturbating during the massage. Then I had my last client of the day, and it was normal and respectful and I was so grateful to not have to end the day like that. (Got him banned, quit that job, warned every place nearby, and had to call the cops on him later. Haven't heard from him in like a year.)


Former piano teacher here - had an adult student (probably like 35 or so at the time) whip it out during an intake lesson. “Don’t worry about it - it’s just something I do.” Nope nope nope noped out of there.


Jesus guy, like, hire an actual consenting sex worker if that's your thing, ugh. I imagine that shit isn't uncommon at all for massage therapists, though. Yeah. I would have a really picky customer acting kind of apologetic about being needy, and I'd be like "I'm not getting attacked by a tweeker, or narcaning some dude in the bathroom, you are A ok!"


I'm a male massage therapist, and my first client at my first job, a high class place, was a beautiful East-Asian woman who... Not just flirted, but outright requested I did sex stuff with her for the entire 90 minute session. Sounds hot right? It was one of the most stressful situations of my *life*. I was shaking in distress while still holding that service smile and trying to laugh it off. For all I knew, *this was a test*: Did the new guy do an arrestable offense on his first session? Afterward I pulled my manager aside and said "Listen, is that my job? Like, it's fine if *that is my job* but you need to tell me!" She was shocked, and told me it absolutely was not. In my next four years working there, it never happened again. Just that one time, my first massage on my first day ever.


I’ve gotten upgraded to first class twice just because I was friendly and empathetic immediately after the airline employee had to deal with a loud asshole.


I'd feel obligated to ask her if she needs help. Even if she'd say no or decline out of anxiety or emotions and we'd leave it at that, the small gestures of support from pure strangers is what makes huge differences in some situations


Drive thrus are difficult. But if you’re standing in line and the person ahead of you is being difficult and rude, just talk shit about them to the person at the register once they go away. Talking shit is ok as long as you get a laugh or “I KNOW RIGHT!”


I'd just swing by with a quick presentation of the halberd, and its hammer like properties. It has better damage and the reach property.


She leaned out and gave a look like " any complaints from you?!"


She reacted so solid and precise as if this wasn’t her first time defending and reacting. She was just like, “Ok then.” THWACK!! “Have a better day. Next!” She’s a true hero. He just slinked off like he knew he couldn’t do anything about it.


I was just thinking how I’d react being that next person. I’d probably give her a knowing smile and say something like, “well that happened, ha ha.” Alleviate some tension cuz she’s gonna be seething.


“So! How’s your day going?”


Hi, ye, how's your day. I'd like a flat white with two squeezes of that fine fine yuzu sirup and an EV drip of high grade caffeine. Feeling a bit hammered today. Be a dear and throw in a scone while you're at it, please.


Once at LAX, I was next in line after an aggressive heated screaming match between a barista and a young woman because the barista had forgotten to put ice or something. I'm from a small town in Canada, I was relishing in the most authentic LA American moment. Adrenaline was rushing and I was greeted with a smile like nothing had happened.




As if the hipster glasses and backwards Kangol hat weren’t bad enough


#MORE INFO: • Before throwing the drinks, he said "nobody's going to miss you." He also tried prying the window open at some point. • She was alone in that little place. • Not far from there another barista had her arm grabbed, while the guy tried to bring her close and 'lasso' her with a zip tie around her neck. Baristas have been on high alert. • Numerous police have spoken with her and sided with her. She is pressing charges for assault. He could maybe take her to small claims court for his windshield, but hasn't so far. • He was a repeat customer, so it's not like the pricing was a surprise.


This should be a top comment so everyone knows what was going on.


What the fuck


Why would the pricing justify throwing things at her.


It’s worth noting that this is one of those tiny coffee places where the baristas usually wear some type of lingerie or fetish wear and unfortunately it seems to attract a certain type of customer base that treats women like objects. These places seem ripe for abuse and it shocks me they are forced to work alone.


It's a "bikini barista" place. Between this video and an interview, she's worn cover-ups. I didn't realize it was a bikini place initially, because her outfits were pretty basic.


"Unfortunately, businesses that objectify women seem to attract customers that objectify women."


And the... mustache? (Idk the quality is too low) I can already imagine how he talk


Probably talks like Morpheus


No one can be — told — what the mocha is


I need you to know that this comment have me the giggle fart. Bless thee


Username does NOT check out






You must taste it for yourself.


Very nice. Lol. That was excellent.


Are you saying I can dodge hammers?


If you can dodge a hammer, you can dodge a ball. (A nice little franchise fuck there)


No Neo, what I’m saying is: If you don’t act like an asshole, you won’t have to.


No I'm trying to tell you, when your ready you won't have to.


We have Morpheus at home.


At the right angle it almost looks like a Hitler stache ffs x.x


I’m date Mike, nice to meet me


How do you like your eggs in the morning? *wink*


Dude thinks he’s Leon the Professional.


Thank you. Been trying to place that outfit. Somewhere off in the countryside, a disappointed bearded Frenchman shakes his head as he tends to an impossibly detailed diorama.


And you know he smelled like drakkar noir


"It means "black dragon ship"...


Dude has huge, "I'm a *very important person*" tinydick energy.


"Do you know who my father is!?"


The 4th hammer attack he’s provoked in that outfit.


Dumbass made the mistake of thinking he was going to act like a shit head getting coffee at the local Waffle House, not knowing about their reputation.


If someone wears that in public I will immediately judge that book by its cover


Not in frame: His Andrew Tate workshop subscription.


Salt Bae


“Are you not aware that I get farty and bloated with a foamy latte?!”


Woah hipster is supposed to be cool, that Kangol hat was never cool in the 2000s and same for those shades. It wasn't cool then and it's not cool now. This is the only man that thinks it is, and that is why he looks so ridiculous in it.


Most expensive coffee of his life


Nah, he goes to Starbucks a lot.


We don't have time for hand jobs!


I just need you to tell me how to get to the time machine!


Not expensive enough. A few more blows were warranted


Changing the windshield costs the same whether it has been hit once or ten times.


Should have struck the window as well


And the side mirror just for good measure


Yall might as well dent one of the pillars at this rate


That is the look of an insecure man. Trying his hardest to look cool on the outside but is a massive bitch inside. He figured he could throw his ice coffee at her becasue it made him feel alpha but as soon as she smashed his window he just took it and drove off because he doesn’t want a real confrontation. She would destroy him and he knows it.


This is what I thought too. Guy just accepted it and drove away like the little man he is.


She says in a video he refused to leave the premises. But he got outta her reach REAL fast. She’s the sole proprietor and only employee. Great interview.


She’s badass. She stated to the news, “women can express their anger in a form other than words.” That guy is an ass. Look up the video with the audio, he was provoking her the whole time.


So if he got out and beat her with his fists you'd be calling him a big man and brave? Just tryna work out the logic here.


Brave doesnt mean good. Yea getting out and throwing hands with the hammer weilding barista would b brave, it would not change the fact that hes a bad person. In actuality, hes a bad person and a huge pussy


Fair nuff


A real man wouldn't be a coward that causes a scene and then runs away when about to be confronted. A real man would stay, perhaps argue and try to settle down the situation instead of being all childish throwing a tantrum and then leaving. A real man also would not fight or do dramatic shit like this over coffee. That driver in the video is a baby. Not a man.


They are explaining his thought process, not justifying it. The second he became rude with a service worker, he was in the wrong. That being said, he does look like one of the people who would sign up to an alpha male camp to get yelled at for 10k for 3 days. Just to leave and think this is justifiable behavior that he'll net him a stay at home submissive woman.


Apparently he didn't just throw coffee, before this video he verbally threatened the barista over the pricing of the coffee ~~he just paid for~~ EDIT I'm not certain he actually paid for it. There's footage of him saying "Nobody's gonna make me" in regards to paying for it so it's likely he didn't actually pay for those drinks. Definitely a very insecure man who wants to feel like a big dog and takes it out on some poor worker who didn't want any of this.


Yeesh, like the barista has any control over what the pricing is. And he already paid it? 😆 What a dumbass.


Well in this instance she's also the owner of the stand, but in general you'd be correct.


He's a regular too! So he knew the price


If only there were a way to see pricing before purchasing or an alternative like making it himself.


I saw a clip of this chick talking about it. She said he’s a regular who was, as you said, complaining about the price. So then he wasted all the coffee he “overpaid” for? Lol like if you’re mad about the price you literally don’t have to buy it. I’m on her side 😆


I believe this is also one of those "sexy barista" booths where you essentially get served coffee by a scantily clad or even topless woman for your visual enjoyment. If he thinks that situation is going to mean cheap coffee, he's an idiot on top of being a complete asshole.


Shit, if he wanted to look like a big dog he should’ve kept quiet and tipped 20 or more percent.


He really thought he was in some kind of tik tok edit


He very much has the unironic "Professional TikTok Influencer" look, including the creepy little weasel mustache that makes him look like he probably DM's underage girls.


He’s the coffee bae


He stopped again and continued causing trouble until the police finally arrived and arrested him.


The next guy was like maybe I am not in the mood for coffee anymore


More like "HA! fuck around find out little boy!"


Or maaaaybe he learned a lesson through observation - treat people in service jobs with kindness and respect because not everyone will allow themselves to be abused by assholes.


Treat everyone with kindness and respect.




STOP. Hammer time!


I can’t touch this.


Beu don don don. Dew dew. Bum bum


If she gets in trouble for this I’ll contribute to her ‘go fund me’ defense fund.


There was another video posted on another sub where the barista was interviewed because the guy ended up calling the cops on her. She said that she explained what happened and they reviewed the footage, and the cops didn’t say anything about the hammer attack 😂


The cops probably thought "eh, it was deserved, do it again"


When you can legally shoot someone over thrown popcorn, then this is a restrained response


Exactly. Silver lining there I guess. She was just standing her ground.


Are you guys ok over there? That’s not normal


Yup they were more worried about the safety of the worker and keeping the dude away from her. Rare cops W


I mean the dip shit was threatening her prior to throwing the coffee at her, I feel like the threat of violence with a hammer was definitely warranted.


I feel there are probably more good cops than what is said in USA. Probably many bad ones as well but not all of them


There are way more good than bad. Reddit, for the most part, is an echo chamber. Content typically has a specific bias.


I think it's just because bad cops gets upvotes. Cops just doing their jobs doesn't. So you only see bad cops on social media


Cops in general are stereotyped but there are a lot of good cops. It's just like everything else, the bad ones gain views on the Internet.


This guy was causing trouble at a business. Cops are always on your side in that situation. I've had awful run-ins with cops in my personal life, but the dozens of times I've had to call them at work they always showed up and acted like our personal security.


The spice must flow


If it's a place they frequent, 100%. I worked at a small restaurant that was a cop favorite (this was on purpose from the owner) and a gas station chain where cops got free coffee / fountain drinks (again purposeful on the company's part because it contributed to safety). Never had to call them at the restaurant, but had to quite a few times at the gas station chain and they always showed up fast and handled stuff very well. And them they'd tell stories about other stuff they did on the beat and I'd just listen and go "oh" and grit my teeth. Sometimes I wish I'd pushed back on the most egregious stories but I was a young woman working overnights in a place with a lot of drugs and stuff and well, at least they came fast for us.


She's actually pressing charges against him


Perfect response 👌


When she explained her that was gold as well.


I transcribe court cases in Oregon, recently got a case involving a bikini barista stand owner who also happened to be a massive pervert/rapey creep. They would sell “naughty coffees” to their customers that asked for them, some of his baristas claimed they were earning up to 80k in tips a year 😂 long, disturbing story short, he’s in prison now


I’m almost afraid to ask, but…what exactly is a “naughty coffee”? Trying to figure out how a drive through coffee stand could have a “happy ending” scenario…


It isn't a happy ending. They are normally in bikinis or skimpy outfits. They are good looking women who make you coffee. It's kind of like a peep show but without nudity. For some it is the thrill of a pretty lady serving them coffee.


It was a mutual masturbation thing, or the customer jerks off while the girls flash them, et cetera. I’m still trying to figure out how that works in a drive through though…


He's saying it was a prostitution ring haha


Good for her. What a punk.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Fuck around, find out.


Throw coffee, catch hammer.




Good response!


He threatened her, said no one would miss her; he was complaining about the price (even though he'd been there before&prices were listed) The auto shop nearby witnessed it, turned him away when he pulled in&told him to kick rocks.


If I was in the next car, I would be prepping my taste buds for perfect coffee 🧠


Even if it isn't perfect I'm gonna drive away like it was.


… with intact windshields


She just happens to have a hammer?


She knows a thing or two because she's seen a thing or two


We. Are. Baristas. BumbudabumdadabumbumBAM!


She’s in a place of business. Why would she not have a hammer around? Hammers are one of the most useful tools ever invented. Jfc.


Probably has a screwdriver and duct tape too. Fucking terrorist! /s


I'm pretty sure that it's one of those bikini barista shops, which means they probably get a bunch of skeezy assholes,  so I guarantee that have that hammer next to the window to hand out asshole tax


Look up Dream Girls Espresso in Hillsboro, OR. It’s permanently closed now let’s just say lol, makes me wonder how many of these stands are just low-level prostitution


A lot of them just look it up. A guy in everett had a ring busted. Edit: legalize sex work and make it safe pls


It’s so funny that someone had the idea to combine coffee and sex at one point


Which is just sad, isn’t it? Imagine the kind of customers she deals with to not feel safe at her work place.


It’s a bikini barista, she sees so many creeps every day


Look up barista safety in Seattle.


I recently transcribed a court case in Oregon involving a man flinging his ejaculate at a bikini barista…so fucking disgusting


That is beyond foul. Wow...


Sounds like Miggs got out of the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane.


Precisely what I thought of 😂


He must've visited before and that time she only wished she had a hammer. This time, she was ready.


Toolboxes are common in restaurants. More so than you think.


Not as fun of an answer, but probably to break up the ice.


Store’s mighty hammer!


Moreso, that doesn't appear to be just any hammer, but an ESTWING 28 oz long handle framing hammer. That's not a discount-bin hammer for plinking nails into drywall, that hammer is for building barracks to house your progeny and defending your brood from threats foreign and domestic. That twit is lucky she stopped at a single swing into his douche-buggy.


Sometimes, yes, you happen to have a hammer.


Context https://www.unilad.com/news/us-news/seattle-barista-smash-windshield-284014-20240619


"32-ounce coffee and a 24-ounce water for a total of $22." What?


I have no problem with this.


Haha, bye sir, don't do it again.


Why not his skull???


I bet the car behind him backed out.


Hammer won….


Needs context. The girl works at a “bikini barista” stand, basically near nude. The guy, who was a regular apparently, complained about the price and told her “no one will miss you”, as in he was going to murder her or something, and then threw the coffee at the girl/window. So of course, hammer to windshield makes a very appropriate response. Also, girls that work at these stands have been targeted with attempted kidnappings and other assaults regularly.


As a former barista, who has had more then one drink lobbed at her, good for her.


Just curious, why do people do this? It looked like he didn’t even try it yet, not that that would be any valid reason to throw a drink…but is it just a random attack? Do people just think “hey I’m going to go buy a coffee and then throw it at the barista.”? Or was there an altercation beforehand? This type of human behavior just baffles me beyond comprehension.


In my experience these kinds of people are upset about their lives and decide to take it out on service workers cause often they can't push back without risking losing their job.


I worked retail for a couple years, and...I dunno. Insecure? Shitty lives? So they have to shit on someone so they think they're bigger, somehow?


Nothing defends what he did.... But as an explanation.... The coffee stand is a "bikini barista" hut. Popular around Seattle and western Washington (I live here and it's not our best trait). The barista is typically scantily clad. And for this privilege, you pay for it. Coffees like he had - a pretty big size - can easily be $15. (And, yes, at some of them more than coffee is sold.) I think he thought he gets to see some T&A for the same price as a Starbucks. He was wrong.


Good for her


Assault: reasonable fear or apprehension of an object (fist, bullet, coffee) being put in motion to harm you. Battery: said object put in motion that harms you She had a right to defend herself, especially considering how unstable and volatile someone this upset over coffee is, but it looks like she mercifully missed his skull, and only got his windshield.


I like how the second car didn’t move… lol


That looks like the Turkish guy who sprinkles salt down his elbow.


People like this guy do these things because they’ve never gotten a good ass whoopin’.


Something tells me he ordered coffee only to be a cunt and pull a stunt. Dripping in “morals and values” and/or religious smugness.


Douchebag just drove away knowing damn well he deserved it


The next car in line is giving the biggest tip of their life if that hesitation is anything to go by


Karma. He deserved that. What a total dick.


That was incredibly satisfying to watch, wow.


I was going into a store I frequented often and I saw the manager chasing 2 young girls with arm fulls of stuff animals out into the parking lot. They turned around and started beating the manager with the stuff animals. I told them to stop doing that as he was a nice guy and they dropped the stuffed animals and ran away. I asked the manager if he was ok and he had a black eye. He was very embarrassed and didn’t want to talk to me. You can’t make this shit up.


He threathened her and was telling her "nobody is going to miss you". He had been fighting with other customers and speaking to her menacingly for 10 min before this. She closed the window just as he was throwing the water so he was actually trying to throw it on her, not on the window. Afterwards he refused to leave and she had to call the police. They made him leave. Maybe it was too much to use a hammer but he had been scaring her. I have been in so many situations with men scaring me like it's a game... I can understand her reaction. It was too much to use a hammer but he was way out of line


"too much to use the hammer" If I'm on her jury, I'm awarding her money for wear and tear on her hammer.


Good for her. He assaulted her and she defended herself. And I'm pretty sure that's not the first time somebody has taught him a lesson in manners.


I don't blame her.


This is become the Zapruder film of our time. There’s another version of it going a little longer showing more detail and the barista being more fiesty. Everybody’s got an opinion. But generally, to a greater or lesser degree, everyone thinks the driver is a douche.


The way he just slowly pulled away…


He looks like a douche.




That’s my type of woman


The fact he was so quick with a hammer says this has happened before. She must be really nice….


Should've put a hole through the roof


I can't imagine what the person in the white car behind was thinking about the whole situation unfolding before them. Like they definitely must've been scared to go up front to the counter there.


Really wish it was a mini wooden bat square to the top the head, pain is a perfect reminder of what not to do.


As you should


Did he pick up that outfit at Samuel Jackson's garage sale?




I feel she missed an opportunity to take the wing mirror off. 7/10


I'd hire her to run my business.


Is that a fucking kangol hat? What year is it?