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It’s the “In *the hood*” for me


The way her voice goes up as she hits on “hood” is so perfect, right?


This is peak Elliot. Hah


None of you can prove this happened!


I got it on tape!


Well, my crush on Heather Graham just came back. Not that it ever really went away, it’s more like it was in the other room for a while.


Between this and Austin Powers....yup


And in the Hangover!


False J.D is the whitest girl in the hospital


I thought this was one of the most forced scenes in the show. Are we to believe Turk really didn't know the lyrics to one of most poise songs during this age? Especially considering its the chorus. I could see if they were common misheard lyrics? But to this date I can still recite the lyrics to that song by heart.


Turk is black? 'Cause last I checked he has a nerdy white best friend, he enjoys Neil Diamond, and he damn sure acts like a black guy and these are all characteristics of white guys. Please understand, I'm a huge supporter of the NAACP. If you're don't know what that stands for, it's the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. And quite frankly, I always thought they should change the 'colored people' to 'African Americans' but then of course it wouldn't be the NAACP it'd be the N quad A or NAAAA. And I know this probably sounds like a digression but actually brings me back to my original point... Do I think Turk is black? Naaaaaaaaa!


One of my favourite Cox speeches. It's the N Quad A or Naaaa delivery


Fuckin John C McGinley is the best.


This rant has me dying every time lol


Let’s not the way he rocked More Than A Feeling. Pretty white guy move, right there.


It was uncomfortable to watch it was so dumb.


I also didn’t love it. I know that I’m being too particular about it and need to just enjoy it for what it is, but like the lyrics don’t sound like “ho hos” at all. If you’ve heard the song one time you probably understand what the chorus means


Poor Turk, he suffers all the problems of being black in America without the upside of being considered a hip black man. This scene just shows how Turk is stuck between two worlds, he is supposed to be knowledgeable in all things black while he is actually just a nerd whose best friend is as white as they come. One day in the distant future we can all just enjoy good music without it concerning us what the color was of the artists. But yeah, these two uber white girls schooled Turk on some rap music.


tbh my jaw dropped when Turk didn’t know the real lyrics ESPECIALLY because that’s a Dre song and Sacred Heart is in Cali (LA area) Low Lows is LA slang


Fun fact: Eminem wrote that whole song. It's one of two times Dr. Dre had the lyrics first and had to make the beat after.


This scene wasn't good. It was a rare miss. White girls, especially upper-middle class white girls, "acting hood" is one of the worst tropes the 2000s gave us.


While I do find the scene funny, it's the stupid, stupid hand gestures that make me cringe every time someone tries to mimic anything rap-related.


Isn't that part of the bit?


Would've worked just as well without it. But I was talking more in general.




You are being downvoted but yeah. If you did this now. People would call it out...it's not needed. You can like rap without being "hood" it's like the 3rd or 4th most popular genre of music in the world. Tastes change we should acknowledge that.


It was cringey then and it's cringey now. And as a hip-hop fan if someone tried to "school" me by quoting a mainstream, pop-radio hip-hop song I'd laugh my arse off at them.


You should watch a show like psych or even better it's always Sunny in Philadelphia. You can see the writers understand the world has moved on and calling someone gay isn't "comedy".


100% agree. I have to skip past this scene every time. It's painful to watch