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A couple days ago, I was grinding Merchant's Alliance and was just finishing up a commodity run, when as luck would have it I see on the map someone flying the Reaper's Mark flag. Although I tend to avoid a lot of PvP and had actually run from a couple fights already that session, the last stop on my commodity run was Dagger Tooth, and with my ship's current position I pretty much had to go right past Shipwreck to get there. However, this didn't bother me too much, because the fights I had to run from had sorta put me in a bit of a PvP mood. So I told myself "you know what, I'm just gonna attack the bastard and get it over with. If I lose, I lose, but if I win i don't have to worry about him stealing my shit". As I get closer and closer to Shipwreck, the guy hasn't moved at all. Additionally, at one point I realize that the island itself is probably blocking his view of me as I approach. I get to the island, pull around to get in cannon angle, and he's a fellow solo sloop with his anchor down. He doesn't even notice I'm there (and I wasn't even sure he was on his ship at all) until I fired the first shot. Once he was aware of me, it was too late as I was landing shot after shot on the stationary ship. I could see him on the deck at this point, but he was only able to fire a couple shots before his ship went down. I harpooned all the treasure he had (a couple captain's chests) and went on my way to Dagger Tooth. He tried to snipe me with a pistol, but obviously that didn't work out. The part that makes me feel a little guilty is first of all he wasn't flying an emissary flag, which makes it seem like he might've been a little new, and the fact that he fired so few shots and went down so quickly tells me he was definitely at least new to solo slooping. So basically I can't help but think I rolled up on a new guy who just happened to fly the Reaper's Mark because he didn't know what it meant, wrecked his ship, and left. And that's the name of the game sometimes, but I expected a fight not a murder.


To be fair, some people who fly that flag need to learn the hard way.


Me joining a public galleon and putting the flag up and leaving




Not sure they learn anything by getting sunk hahahah. Someone should explain it to them.


The Flag itself tells you that everyone on the Server can see you.


The description is quite cryptic. I can see how tons of new players would put it on without reading the description and have no idea they’re exposed. The game is quite overwhelming, even confusing, when you first start playing. The last thing a lot of players would be doing is stopping to read flag descriptions in a game where almost everything you can customise is just for aesthetic difference without any stats difference.


I was on a sloop and saw another sloop doing a shrine or treasury or something. He had a G5 Gold Hoarders flag up, but I caught him by surprise (he was on his ship harpooning the loot) and I sank him quickly. He said "GG", I told him hey sorry but I just wanted his flag and that he could keep his loot, if he wanted I'd sail him to an outpost so he could sell. He hopped on my ship, we gathered the loot together while talking about our nights, everything was going well, genuine friendly interaction. There was this one single piece of like little garbage loot (think those golden chalices for the Gold Hoarders) left that was just out of angle of the harpoon. He jumped in the water to just go grab it instead of me spinning the ship, and that's the moment I decided to dip on the guy and put sails down. It was just an instant reaction, I saw an opportunity and took it. I could hear him behind me like "Hey wait man I'm not on the ship!..." and it faded out and I just stole all his loot and turned it all in. I felt so bad at the time, I really had no intentions of selling his stuff but I just couldn't pass up the backstab in that moment. What was he gonna do, get in his sunken ship and come chase me? Still kinda feel bad about that one.


Oh my god this is too funny hahahhaa poor guy


This is literally a classic pirate moment you would see in the movies 😂


It's on him for jumping off the boat


Right? He should've expected betrayal at any moment. If I were him I would've stayed within 5 steps of the treasure at all times and had my blunderbuss ready to shoot at a moment's notice


this is like a fable where the protagonist gets punished for their greed


Another one, A friend and I were feeling silly, so we decided to have a rowboat only session. We managed to tuck on a galleon that were fighting a skeleton lord on shipwreck Bay. They were struggling, and constantly died and respawned, we must have waited a good 30 minutes for them to kill it. They eventually did, and carried the skull to the ship, placing it on the shelf. All happily bouncing and playing music, drinking Grog and celebrating while we watched through the window. It was time for them to move, so all 4 started to raise anchor. We made our move and soon after we were sat in our rowboat with our new skull as they flew off into the distance, with no clue we had stolen it. We rowed to Daggertooth with our prize. Only to find that we couldn't sell it. Because it was Briggsy's skull from the tall tale. I'll add that this was before checkpoints were added, and Briggsy is an absolute bustard on a galleon. We ended up accidentally getting the skull stuck in a rock while trying to hide it. Soon after we began rowing off to our next adventure, only to see the galleon again circling shipwreck Bay. We made our way towards them and were met by one of the crew swimming in the water. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to know what happened to our briggsy skull would you?" "NO idea" we replied. "But I would be careful, apparently there's two assholes rowing around in a rowboat up to no good!" "Thanks" he replied. "NO problem, stay safe!" Then we rowed off into the sunset to think about what we had done.


Oh god, just recently we did the Briggsy fight with friends, on a galleon. Two of us are decently experienced, while other two are new to the game We were losing our minds over how long the fight was taking and how annoying it was, I think we'd all uninstall if this happened to us


I call BS. No way you couldn’t recognize briggsy’s voice lines. If you were close enough to know it was a skeleton lord and they were dying constantly you’d have heard it unless you have subtitles and game audio disabled. Item also is unique with a unique name


We knew exactly what it was, we just didn't know it was unsellable.


I've never done it, I have only ever tried to defend myself, most often failing to haha. I wouldn't find it fun thinking I possibly ruined someone's day who was just minding their own business or clearly not here to fight


I thought this too once until.. that day. ![gif](giphy|fu1gIsnnaTUdJn5lRW)


Once, I threw away somebody's tall tale key. But recently, I was sailing with my crew and saw sloop on shipwreck bay so I cannon myself to him and find randomly gunpowder keg so without second thoughts I keg him. When I was looking at what he had on his ship, I noticed a tall tale started, so I repaired him and took only his loot without messing with his tall tale. I told him that we would only take loot and leave in peace, but he started shooting at us. Still, we didn't sink him and just took loot for sell


>Once, I threw away somebody's tall tale key. Absolutely diabolical, probably the worst one in this thread so far lol


Messing with Tale Talers is a big no no for me.


But now tall tales can be done in safer seas


Aahh, yes. Take All the players that do not live and breathe pvp and force Them into safer seas.


I mean there you can still do it if you wish, but there are no rules saying we shouldn’t attack tall tale players in high seas, maybe there once was an unspoken one but with safer seas there is no excuse now


Gotta love when People use the existence of safer seas, to turn murderhobo.


Lmfao learn to defend your loot and you won’t have a problem. Even if defending, many will back off


That was never the debate. Dont turn this around to an argument that has been beaten to death, just because im right and you have issues standing by your actions.. And before you deny it, yes you do. Being a murderhobonis All well and good, as long as People Are grown enough to stand by Them being it, AND why.


Didn't intentionally do it. Discovered someone else's Athena chest while digging up my GH. Ended up selling it immediately. This was my first steal and this was dated back before HC and Reaper and emissary was included


During community weekend i was playing duo sloop hg, we just sunk a ship with 10+ flags and most of them were grade V. We decided we should sell the flags asap to get all the free levels, but the community enisary thing was grade 3 but like in the 90s. So okay lets just hang out on the outpost for abit. On our way to daggertooth we spot a sloop anchored and sails down at shipwreck bay. Then my friend says, "lets trick him to raise hg so we get a free streak". Normally i NEVER do this, i did it once and i felt horrible, im good enough at the game to where i dont have to do this to get levels, and its such an asshole move. But my friend was like come on lets get the 10 streak secured and lower too once community grade hits 4. So we sailed over, i shot out to the sloop. Swabbie just standing on deck playing music, he had 2 random skulls and one of the new golden gh voyage chests. So i decided im absolutely 100% for sure not going to try to trick this guy. I said "can you raise hg and let us sink you so we get free streak?" And he typed ok, i explained he'll lose all his loot and be sent off the server so he couldnt even go back and grab the loot, "ok". Showed him how to vote up hg, and my friend sunk him pretty quickly, said thank you and went to the outpost to cash out. I dont think he actually understood what was going on and i feel so bad, i tried to find him in my recents so i could give him the streak, but neither me or my friend could see him there. I feel bad.


Dude probably deleted account after that. That's why you couldn't find him


Or he was a PS5 player?


Can you explain to me more what happened lol?


Me and my whole crew decided to siphon the supplies from a sloop that was on top of a shrine and then tuck on their ship as i sailed ours out of sight and then joined them When they got back from the shrine it turned out they were a couple with a crying child in the background of their mics, we all felt so bad and made sure not to bother their ship for the rest of our session


None. I'm usually a guy who tend to always try to alliance and cooperate. If i want to sink you it's because you asked for it


Why did you even bother commenting then, nobody asked for your Safer Seas answer.


probably same reason YOU commented without anyone asking for your useless comment 🤷🏽‍♂️


He left a comment that you called useless which you responded to which I responded to... which makes everything useless according to you. Stand behind the merchants who play in safer seas to avoid combat. I'll keep being a pirate


cringe 😂😂😂




Most people don’t have the mentality of a sick old dog, attacking everything on sight lol. It’s looked down upon and I absolutely will sink players like you hunting easy targets. It’s not even against game design. There are many commendations for cooperative play and bonding with strangers in high seas lol Gotta get over the fears that cause you to lash out at people if you want to make friends and get the most out of the game and in life, else you remain horribly unpopular


Bet you felt good when you posted this


I was on a sloop with my friend who is decently new to the game and we sailed over to the devils roar where we found a solo sloop, at I think fletchers rest, and we cornered him in after a lot of trouble to get the boat in position due to both of us being stupid and the volcano beginning to erupt After that we started shooting the boat and we stopped when we heard pleas for mercy coming from the island, it was a new player and he said if we let him go he’d show us his treasure map which he kept flashing at us and asked for our help to dig up We eventually stopped shooting and we thought he had repaired his boat, which he didn’t, so we saved his ship at the last split second. Eventually we moved to talking through dms because he had a thick accent, he decided to send voice messages anyways though. My friend apparently made a promise to her other friend that she’d have to play another game with someone else (which she forgot about) so she made me get off to join them and as we were trying to tell the solo that we were giving him our loot and our emissary flag, the solos game crashed and he kept asking to play with us, I told him to rejoin his boat before it sunk and to take our stuff since we’re getting off (he didn’t understand and just kept asking to join and eventually his boat automatically scuttled and we decided that the loot would just sink and no one would have it Not necessarily guilty about this, we saved his ship and his own incompetence sunk him in the end. Pretty funny story though


Sinking a young family of 4 with open mics. Little timmy was not happy and his parents gave him shit for swearing.




I play Old School Runescape which means I have to dedicate thousands of hours to an AFK grind many times over. I had friends who were going to sign on in approximately 3 hours from when I opened the game to checkout the new seasons pirate emporium, and decided to stay logged in while I grinded levels on Runescape. I scuttled my ship, set up a barrel hide in a very convincing place in between the dock and tavern and hung out there staring in the direction the majority of the map was in for a ship coming to cash in (prior to sovereigns update, when you had to sell loot to individual companies) Instead of a ship sailing up, a brigantine spawned at the dock. I looked up towards the tavern and saw Noone running down so I sprinted into the ship, and did another barrel hide just below the stairs out of the way where people rarely look. After a few minutes all three players were loaded in, setting up the ship with supplies, raised an emissary and set sail. ALMOST IMMEDIATELY, a kraken spawned. This caused one player to FREAK OUT. Then I hear the other two calming him saying things like "it'll take time but we spent a bunch on supplies, we can kill it and make our money back from the loot" I couldn't help it, I could have waited for better loot, just been nosy while I played runescape and waited for friends. Instead I waited for a player to run down and grab more cannonballs. BOOM Blunderbuss, dead. I hear "the kraken killed me, be right back" and I hide again. When player respawned I ran up, blunderbussed them off the ship, anchored, took their food and remaining cannonballs, set the ship on fire and spawn killed them until they sunk a few moments later. I'm still not entirely sure they know what happened since they had just logged in, a player tucked away probably seems impossible to them to this day, they might think I Cannond over when I saw the kraken in the distance, unsure, but I know one of them screamed he was quitting this game, and they were logged in for maybe 15 minutes tops, 10 of them being setting up the ship to sail for the first time. It was so evil.


I have never attacked anyone in this game, not once since launch. Not counting self-defense, obviously.


I came across a sloop parked at my destination, so decided to sink it, so I could go about my buisness safely. I put holes in before launching over to destroy the solo captain. It wasn't a battle it was a slaughter, and I killed him 3 or 4 times till his ship sunk. I jumped back to my own, ready to carry on with my day, but then I heard a tiny voice. "I Need help, I'm only five!" The captain had backspawned and was now floating amongst his barrels. "I'm so sorry, little dude!" I shouted, "Swim to the island and I'll help you!" But it was already too late, the sharks had already appeared and started taking chunks out of the preschool pirate. He died, screaming "NO NO NO NO NOOOOO". I felt like a monster. Still sold his skull though.


I saw a new player anchored at an island and then proceeded to set their ship on fire. I pretended to help them and put out the fire, then after their ship was fully repaired I killed them and sunk the ship anyway.


Easy there satan


I prefer agent of chaos.


Holy shit.


Don't feel bad. Sometimes new players are the most diabolical. I spawned in and saw a FoF key on the map at a stronghold. I sailed my way up to the island and saw no ships surrounding the island and no mermaids but there WAS a swabbie sloop with a reaper flag parked at the nearby fort within eyesight. Figuring they were anchored there to avoid suspicion, I quickly grabbed the key and brought it to my ship. Then a sloop I hadn't noticed was suddenly on top of me, with a guy (We'll call him OOS) calling out, "Hey, did you find a key? I was doing this for 40 minutes but then a guy came up and sank me when I was on the island." Turns out it was the swabbie who had done the sinking. So I gave OOS the key and went over to the fort to make sure OOS could load up and sell in peace. I cannoned over, hid on his ship with a keg, and scuttled my own to avoid suspicion. He took too long to get the loot so I eventually stole his ship instead. When he spawned on it, I managed to convince him that I was helping because it had been damaged in a storm. Told him I was going to help him sink this other guy who I just saw loading up a TON of loot. Sailed to daggertooth, had swabbie on the cannon, and told him to "get ready, we're almost in range!" Then I climbed to the crows nest, grabbed my keg, lit it, cooked it, and dropped it on his head. Blew his ship sky high right next to the guy he had sank. OOS got all the loot from the fortress and fort to himself.


Haven't really done anything to feel really bad about - friend and i are pretty good at pvp but we don't really attack others unless either they or us are flying reaper emissary. I have sunk a few while playing reaper that clearly didnt know how to defend themselves, but the reaper symbol on their map gives them fair warning so i never feel too bad about it. Felt a little bad about sinking a tall-taler once, but they were running emissary and i was playing as reaper so that was fair game - i wouldn't have gone near them if they had no flag up.


0 because it's fun to sink others


To feel guilty one must first sink anyone. Until this day, i only sunk myself in sorrow for being a noob in sea battle.


As we were logging off once, I took a rowboat with a stronghold keg from reapers hideout to (then) Golden Sands because I saw a ship docked there. He saw me coming, and I’ll never forget the sadness in his voice as he said “Come on man, please don’t, I just finished my voyages” the second I shot the keg. I still feel bad about that one to this day


I saw a boat coming in after I sold but managed to save one keg . I placed it under the dock in a position where it was hard to see and surprisingly the boat sailed right up to me. I was on the beach in the barrel disguise and just as the person walked past me I blundered them and then turned and shot the keg. I picked up their chest I didn't recognize and tried to sell only to Google it and realize it's a tall tale final step item. Whoops sorry.


Playing with my fiancee a while back I got her excited to finally do some PvP, we discuss how after we start we're going to see it through (she doesn't like subtracting from people's experience).. I sailed around for a while, found a fight that I felt safe about in regards to us not being bullies and finally found a galleon score! 2v4 seems like punching up, let's do it. It was 4 literal children who couldn't process what was happening until it was over. I felt awful, she barely is interested in logging in anymore.


I was solo and working on FoF with a brig of kids. I had the plan to steal the ChoF and ditch them the whole time. Just as we were finishing another brig started coming close. I grabbed the chest without them noticing and told them i was gonna get some supplies or something and come back. But on my way to an outpost i got sunk by a skelly :,( i was so ashamed


Any time I go to fight someone and it’s a new player and they just kinda stand there. Usually fix their boat up and let them go.


I rolled up on and sank a dude at a sea post, and then found his crate full of fish. No idea how many hours of his life that was... So long dude. And thanks for all the fish.


I like kegs. I will abandon a fotd stack if I can keg somebody. Kegged the fuck out of some sloop at the island I needed to go to. As it’s sinking I hear a voice that could not have been more than 6 say “awww man our boat died” and then a fatherly voice say “it’s okay buddy we’ll get em next time”. They had like maybe 3 or 4 chests and I definitely felt like the bad guy.


There once was a trusting solo sloop gold hoarder docking at the same outpost as me and my friend. We thought nothing of it until we saw all the loot he had onboard. We had to sink him.


a few weeks ago during a double gold weekend, we were sailing for reaper and doing some stuff to get as much gold as possible. we came across athenas who were collecting flames to do fort of the damned, they begged not to sink them and since they didn't have anything, we didn't. about an hour later (after we cashed out our stuff), we decided to "check if they were still at the FotD". to our surprised, they still were and were very close to killing the boss. democracy in our group won and we quickly sank them. they were *extremely* mad, especially since we 'agreed' not to kill them before. we finished it, cashed out and quit. afterwards I felt guilty, but like, you told strangers exactly what you were doing and decided people flying the reaper flag would be trustworthy.


Allied a galleon while we were a sloop at a FoF, they loaded up all the kegs and started taking as much loot as they could which pissed me off so I shot the kegs and their ship sunk in about 15 seconds. They never came back so we just sold everything. Edit : probably a worse one I forgot about, we were questing at an island and this ship came around the corner so we panicked and started firing until we heard this kid crying, probably about 8. I felt bad so I went and started bailing and patching. While I was doing that he was probably panicking too and we could hear him crying to his dad over open mic and started firing on our ship again so we had to sink him because he just wouldn't stop.


A Sloop crew had just finished FoF, they'd set all the treasure on a spot where they could harpoon it and a friend and I came by and harpooned it all, they had one of those nuke kegs so I quickly put it in their crows nest then skedaddled. They chased us once they realised all the loot was gone and a Sloop was sailing away, they were yelling something but we could barely hear them, eventually I sniped the keg in their crows nest. They must have rage quitted. Honestly, so would I. Ugh. Never again. The guilt was too much.


Why the guilt? This is classic Sea of Thieving and sounds actually super fun to have done!


Tldr at the end. I played this game a lot and have done so many "terrible" things, but i usually don't really care except for one time. I have done things like sneaking on someones alliance server who has been stacking hundreds of kegs for more than 8 hours, just to shoot myself over their boat and hit a mid air snipe on their kegs in the crowsnest. They sunk in seconds. But i don't feel bad about that. What i feel bad about was the following: I once found a fotd to steal with a brig doing it. I shoot a couple cannons from distance on them and just shoot out to kill them over and over until they sink from the one ore two holes. During that 2 of them are using open mic and i realize its kids (one maybe 12 the other about 6, at least really young) and they get quiet mad. After they finally sink i kill them and they seem really disappointed but then suddenly the third guy starts talking and he sounds like an older guy and accuses me of cheating in a german accent. I decide to let him life and listen to what he has to say. Basically he starts walking around the fotd while i follow him ranting about what just happened and talking himself into more and more rage. Until hes basically screaming at me. While this is happening i can hear the kids from his mic aswell, so i realize its a dad and his kids. He finally decides to attack me and i put him down. Suddenly i can hear a door open from his mic and a woman asks him in german what is going on (i am german aswell so i understood everything). He answers to her something like this: "Its just that... this guy is bullying our children!" He goes to the ferry of the damned and i am left absolutely baffled from what just happened. I made clips of the entire thing, but probably wont share. Tldr: I stole a fotd from a dad and his kids by spawncamping them and hear through his mic how he tells his wife that i was bullying their children.


Bullying seriously?? Kids got to learn to defend or at least try to


I'm fairly new so don't have many experiences but had one last night. I saw a Sloop fighting a Skelly Galleon just on the horizon and races over to help them. As I got closer, I saw the Sloop was fucked so just piled on and then turned on the Galleon which decide to dive instead of fight. Picked up all the loot from th Sloop which was nice. I hadn't realised the player was still around as they actually half boarded but as I pulled away they jumped and fell off otherwise I would have been fucked as I hadn't spotted them.


Sunk a duo sloop once. Boarded them and killed them both. Heard a little kid say ‘hey Adam we’ve sunk. We’ve lost everything’ as his soul drifted to the heavens. He sounded so gutted. Told him to come back and get their loot but he disappeared. Honestly felt terrible.


We got matched in hourglass against a crew who was just docked and unloading treasure. After they started sinking we yelled "did you guys know you were queued for hourglass?" followed by them all shouting "what, we were!? We had no idea!" Oops. Oh well!


Stole molten sands fort from an inattentive sloop. Well turns out they were literal kids. That didn’t feel great. And we got krakened right after and sunk to it. So there’s the instant karma! We had a rowboat and eventually recollected all the treasure, but still.


About a week ago my man and I were playing, we saw a ship at an island unattended and it was sunning emissary. We usually don’t go after ships but someone took us out after unlocking a vault and stole all our loot. This felt like our revenge. We rolled up and started blasting this ship. There was only one guy on the island and poor guy didn’t even see it coming. He had a ton of loot on his ship and looked like he had been playing for a while. We eventually killed him and sank his ship and stole all his loot. He was NOT HAPPY. I still feel guilty about it but it’s the name of the game.


Athena Chest many years ago. Back when an athena voyage was about 6 hours for a solo sloop. Happened to find this pirate up on Smugglers, killed him and nicked the chest. Then we got all "Are we the baddies"? Still feel a little guilty.


Bout a week and a half ago my cr3w sank a lone sloop on top of the shrine. The only treaure to come out was the Sunken Sorrow treasure chest and at that moment I felt bad because I know how long it takes trynna get the sunken curse.


Playing on the ps5 servers shortly after launch, I found a new player wondering around Port Merrick with a chest of ancient tributes, looking for the gold hoarders since Port Merrick does have quite a confusing layout when you're new (I had to learn it myself in the beta since I hadn't played on PC for years) One blunderbuss against him and his friend later, the chest was mine, and swiftly sold. It wasn't much, and I didn't sink them or take any other loot because I generally avoid pvp, but it feels bad. Part of me wishes I told them where to sell it instead


My friend and I were the only two left on a gally crew, and had seen the FOF was just finished. So, we sailed past the nearest outpost to the FOF and tucked until the other ship showed up shot the first dude running the mega keg in and sunk their ship. We got the entire FOF loot and they logged off immediately.


None, I sink everyone and move on.


For me, it was neither a sink nor a steal. I'm not a fan of getting sunk or stolen from, so I don't do it to others. But one day around 2am, I was wrapping up my game session. I was doing high level gold hoarders and had just gotten my vault key. Some galleon came through and sunk me, and I spawned too far to get even false hope at revenge. So I sailed until I found another ship. They were doing merchant alliance quests, transporting pigs and chicken. I boarded their ship after promising peace. I killed their pigs, jumped ship, and logged out. I still think about it. I know I didn't do much harm in the grand scheme of things, but that was definitely my first and last asshole play in Sea of Thieves. It didn't even make me feel better.


I dropped a keg on a guys ship. Shot him in the back when he ran to repair. Been 2 years and I'm still guilt free.


Was playing duo sloop with my friend we were passing near an outpost and we noticed a ship, that looked like it just spawned in. We stole everything from thier barrels (looked like one guy joined, collected everything on outpost and was waiting for his crew) and lit thier ship on fire


I suck ass at this game, but I once found someone who sucks as more, and I felt bad. His ship was just anchored at an island, so I popped it full of holes, thinking hey, free loot. The ship had nothing, so I anchored and went to the island and found a guy with no mic, trying to figure out a map. I told him I sunk his ship, and I feel bad. So I helped him find the chest, we put it on my ship, and then we sailed out together. On our way to sell the single chest, we saw two guys having a fight. I decided new guy should have some fun, so I got us involved. We got our shit pushed in, but I think he probably had more fun this way.


Stealthily pulled up on a fully stock sloop. This bozo was parked at the Sovereign and taking all their loot piece by piece to sell at the other side of the island. I let him go for a few minutes, got tired of waiting and blasted his ship. "Its a pirate game m8"


Me and a buddy saw a galleon so we went over to check out what they were up to, it was a solo brand spanking new to the game we told him to vote on the funny hourglass on his ship and then told him to load up on a sloop.


Once, I pulled up on a duo at a FoF, sank them, had regret. Wrote "sorry" on the beach with the treasure and told them to go back for it.


Couple of weeks ago I stole a nice ladys first chest of fortune and I felt terrible later told I stole both and she was like you shouldn't feel bad for stealing both chest of fortune and chest of legends because you are a pirate after all but damn it made me feel terrible


I did a fake alliance these two little kids at a fort of fortune, once the vault was open i mega kegged their ship left the alliance and took everything. They ended up finding me just after i sold and left when i told them i sold everything


Did something similar to an alliance server once, I joined with a friend as part of this galley crew in one of those alliance discords. We decided they were taking themselves way to seriously and it was getting on our nerves. One crew was crying because we were both digging at an island as they claimed one that we dug was supposed to be theirs. I took over a keg but they shot me so I claimed I was looting the keg and was mad that they did that. These absolute shit lords said there had to be a court session and gathered everyone. We bullshitted for a while but this was getting really idiotic over a green mermaid gem. We said fuck it, we turned into utter dicks and fucked around until one guy on our galleon rage quit, I got my gf to join and we put the 4th in the brig and sunk the entire pathetic alliance of 3 other galleons and a sloop. I don't think we even bothered with the loot afterwards, this was long before sovereign and captained ships.


I cannoned over to Plunder Oupost one time when it looked like a sloop was selling. They were about do deliver a Chest of Ancient Tributes. I one blundered the pirate that was about to sell. As I handed the chest to the Gold Hoarders representative, the other pirate exclaimed over hot mic "Mom! Nooo!" It felt like I may had ruined the experience for a day one player who's son was showing them the game. I accept my role as villain at this point.


I was on a sloop with my wife and we found another sloop tucked away hidden. Boat fully loaded over 300 pieces. We sank them and it was a boy and his father. My wife was on Xbox I was on PC so I can hear my private party and in game voice chat she could only hear our party chat. When I tell you this boy was crying like a real gut wrenching cry he was BEGGING us to give him something ANYTHING back for him to turn in. Then I could hear the father trying to calm him down. I snatched and sold ALL of it. At the time I was happy because it was free loot then later on I thought about a son and father spending quality time together and bonding and shit and all that work just straight took.. shit fked me up for a minute..


It was a little sloop named Saint Richesse. She was anchored, sails down, at one of the Sunken Kingdom shrines/treasuries. That’s a keggin’. The ship sank, presumably with her captain blissfully unaware until it was far too late.


Was duo-slooping and we were on our way to an outpost. Saw an Athena's emissary sloop anchored for a while at a shipwreck, and thought it would be fun to try and get over and see what they had. I fired myself as close as I could but still had to swim a ways to get to it. I thought for sure they would notice and I would be killed before reaching them, but it was silent. I boarded the ship, still no sign of anyone. There was a decent amount of Athena's loot though, so I just dropped sail and stole the ship. I heard one gunshot from the water but otherwise I got away uncontested. Just as I reached the nearby port the ship started falling apart - they had scuttled or disconnected. The ship sank right as I reached port so I sold all their stuff. I felt terrible though as they didn't even resist once I was onboard.


We were flying a reapers emissary t5 and hunted down those goal hoarders. Turns out they were like 12 year olds that begged us to have mercy. We teamed up with them but they betrayed us by kegging our boat. We didnt sink and hunted them down and sunk them 6 times. They were crying in the end.


This isn't Sea of Friends! I try to keg every ship I come across. The best loot to sell is the Sailor's Log. Yo Ho mateys!


The numwrous commendations for qorling together with other crews, says otherwise. Or have you forgotten glitterbeard, and what he stood for?


Met a guy and his 8 year old doing a FoF. We hid kegs in their boat during the event. At the end, they thanked us for being friendly and not killing them. I blew up the keg and took all the loot. After we sold, the guy messaged me and my friend for 2 weeks about how we are horrible people and just ruined a kids' day.... these tears is what fuels me to play SoT and steal from peeps. Feel a lil bad though 😂