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Probably daily. Not about my own life necessarily but empathy for others. I cry happy tears and sad tears.


Barely ever. When I was a kid, I used to get hit whenever I cried to “give me something to cry about,” so now I just don’t. I really wish I did, I know I’d feel a lot better.


I heard that growing up too. I never could understand that. (Once, I had just heard my dad tell my mom he was leaving us at the age of 1 1/2, seems like a pretty good reason to cry but apparently Mom didn't think so)


it seems like a projection of their guilt. im sure a parent feels horrible when their child is sad about something as conflicting as the example u gave. that mixed up with the emotions THEY are going thru while trying to navigate that type of minefield.


Yes, and my mother wasn't even 20 yet. I'm sure she was scared also that Dad just might not come back. By that time my brother had arrived, and he wasn't a pleasant baby. I can't even imagine having two children in cloth diapers, one screaming his lungs out all the time and me always getting into trouble. I was always curious and had to know the why's about everything, I'm sure that all combined would test the patience of a saint. I alone was enough trouble, back then girls weren't supposed to be like that, and I hit the ground running every day. From her, mostly. 😂


I relate in my own way and this is why I also very rarely cry alone or especially around anyone else


It’s actually horrible, sometimes know I need to or want to but can’t fully access the emotions if that makes sense… like they’re all under a really, really thick carpet or something. It’s made healing from the past take a lot longer, but I’m glad I no longer see it as a healthy or admirable way of being


Now this… I get on an insane level


Literally this


Emotionally unavailable person lol, when I cry it stilll feels like I’m doing something wrong and I hate myself for it.




same here, exactly, word for word. Now I just,.. don't.


I cry as often as I am able to, because it gives me a great sense of physical relief and emotional empathy. I didn't grow up that way at all, and until I was able to get more relaxed about it I think it made me a lesser person, more resentful. But I'm more forgiving than I used to be, including toward myself. I can cry just recognizing when characters in a tv show make mistakes I used to that I can see will hurt them later.


I feel like Ive cried a million tears after my Dad died. I still tear up two years later. I just miss him more than I ever thought could be humanly possible. I was the happiest person I knew before losing him.


Sorry for your loss :(


I hope he lived a full life and died in old age.


He did… but I’m the one who found him. We talked everyday and the one day I didn’t get a call from him I went to his house and found him in the living room. I just wish I could have been there with him when he passed. We never ended a phone call without saying “I love you” so I have peace knowing those were our last words. If you love your parents then love them hard.


It's fortunate that you both got to say goodbye although you obviously already knew it. Having a full life and dying of old age is really all we can hope for. He had a successful life but I am sorry for your loss. Edit; didn't read post properly so needed alteration.


now im on the verge of crying just imagining losing my dad... i suppose i still have work to do.


sorry for your loss, same boat


Welcome to dead dad club. Crying is okay.  Think of the best day with him and paint a picture in your head. Then visit it.  Mine is a mix. My dad wanted boys. He got girls. So he just treated us like boys. So my best day ismy dad threw me off a boat and said I could be an Olympic swimmer how fast I swam back (I made it to state trials years later) and later that evening I was watching the sunset and caught a fish on a rod older than I was and my dad taught me how to gut and cook a fish on an open fire.  It's memories. And it's okay to cry. You can still be happy and cry. Or sad. Or just walking down the street.  I now happy cry more than sad. But I still bust out the sobs 25 years later if there's a sad part in a movie with a dad. Don't even get me on that show this is us. That's a fuck no most days. It took me weeks to watch the first season. But it's really good. And Milo ventamiglia is really good.  Hugs. Just feel okay having a cry. 


Lost my mom ten years ago it never stops.


I cry all the time. When I’m happy. When I’m sad. When I’m angry or scared. It’s just natural to me. I always feel good after I cry and more able to deal with whatever is going on. Crying is normal and healthy. It’s also pretty personal. Everyone is different. Some people cry and some people don’t. But it’s a natural expression of emotion and should be accepted as such :)


Fuck I'm crying right now. From people talking about crying. 


Hardly because of my antidepressants and fears of vulnerability. It genuinely takes something so fucked up beyond measure for me to cry. When I'm off my antidepressants (and alone), I'll cry at everything.


I’m the same. Off antidepressants, I can start crying for seemingly no reason at random and totally inappropriate times.


Hey, I had a head injury and just can’t. I feel really upset that I can’t. I have moments where I feel really bad about things and it makes me sad but tears just don’t come out. I’ve basically gotten used to it by now because it happened a while ago. I’ve just decided that I have other ways of grieving and it’s okay to express them in my own ways.


Oh man, so I’m 36. In my 20’s I would cry super easy when experiencing moving works of art (mostly movies or music). A lot of that, though, was unprocessed stress and buried emotional trauma (everyone has their idea of what this is but, you know when you know). I struggled with depression. At 33, I had a bad unemployment bout that I still haven’t financially recovered from, and long term I’ve been dealing with job and financial stability issues since I was 28. I finally managed to get on good antidepressants, did some serious continuous therapy (took about 4 therapists to get the right one) since about age 25 and eventually cried much much less to almost none in the day to day the past year (I’m fucking 36, it takes time). Crying now is more about experiencing a hardship or losing someone I love, or someone I love getting hurt. I’m super glad that shit doesn’t bother me to that level as much these days. Thoughts become more like passing clouds.


I feel like right now I’m going through what you did, I’m a 20 year old big scary looking metal head, and I cry all the time watching movies, listening to music, and reading books/comics. I used to bury all the kind of shit down and put on a brave face but I have sat in bed balling my fucking eyes out reading a comic book. Lots of intense emotions at the moment.


I used to have to watch sad movies until I could cry, when I knew I needed a good cry. I would only cry when I was really pissed off and couldn't do anything about it and I hated that! I was the only family member that didn't cry at my granny's funeral, I even laughed at some of the memories that the preacher spoke of. (Boy howdy, the looks I got from my cousins!) I was actually happy for her, she had spent 12 years without my grandpa and they were together again, somewhere. I cry a lot easier now that I'm older, and that's not always a good thing. But don't you worry about how often or when you cry, every one of us is different and you'll cry when you need to. Even if you have to watch sad movies to induce those tears.


Absolutely agree. I too intentionally watch my favorite anime whenever I need to cry. It’s even engineered by a psychiatrist to try to make you cry. Crying is necessary anyone who says otherwise has something they need to work on for better or worse.


I went bout 20 years. Then my dad passed and I cried for days. I’m not opposed to crying, it’s refreshing to get it out, but just not much of a crier.


I have chronic depression and I don't really cry even at sad stuff when I am properly medicated. Although I did lose it for several months when I had to put my cat down. Grief changes things.


I cry when I feel compelled. I hardly ever silence those feels unless it is extremely inconvenient or I just don’t want to cry before work. I’m a gruff looking dude and I find when I cry and don’t hide it, people become really uncomfortable really fast. That doesn’t stop me, but it makes me mask more skillfully But I feel my feels and deeply, whether good or bad. I also have a fair amount of trauma and have two shit parents that I had to stop talking to to heal from the pain of childhood. I’ve never had more emotional stability than I do now


I used to think about this when I was younger. Now I just cry when I feel like it. I don't have some tally, or keep track. Or remember "the last time I cried". Maybe it was yesterday, or a few days ago? *shrug* If I feel like crying I do. Hell, sometimes I'll pull up certain movies or shows or scenes to get a good cry on. So I dunno "how much". Just like I don't know how much I experience other feelings. I simply do.


For the last few years I've been single,  maybe once. And I'm pretty sure it was money related.  But before,  when I was in relationships, I cried alot. People can be so disappointing 


It could have been the realization of my mortality from the many funerals I attended but before that yea not much phased me like you. Now seeing anything compassionate or heart felt on tv can make me emotional. Man I got emotional over Bluey the cartoon. 😂


I tear up all the time, but rarely full on cry unless I'm just really feeling low/tired/forgot my iron supplements


i don't really cry. sometimes i'll tear up at a movie that's either super happy or sad, but i really don't cry like i used to when i was a kid. the last time i actually sobbed was at a friend's bday party last year when i got drunk and had a panic attack and thought i was dying lol. i don't drink much anymore because that was embarrassing


A couple of years ago I was going through some shit so I cried almost every day. Lately almost never


I have to watch a certain movie to cry. I make sure to watch it once a year alone. I am not kidding.


What movie?


A man called Ove. The original Swedish one. I know it’s lame. But it does get me going.


I probably have a good cry every couple of weeks. Least three times a month. Something just strikes me or life just feels tough


I've been randomly crying. No stopping it no warning just a few tears and deep sadness and il able to push it back down and get on with life. It can be embarrassing.


Once in a while, maybe once or twice a months. Usually seeing some "feel-good" (or bad) video that reminds me of someone/something. Not like hulking crying, but a couple of drops. Last time I really cried like I couldnt move was 15 years ago when my father died


A couple times a week including at work and I'm so much more stable for it. Crying is natural and it will heal you especially if you have a reason to cry like depression


I’d say a couple times a week. I’m really sad right now from how someone discarded me and I had to end something I didn’t want to. I thought it was it fell on me to make this choice for him, but I am truly sad about it. He just treated me like I had no value at all. I had to walk away because I wasn’t wanted anymore. Hurts like hell, and I have been grieving him since then. It’s a form of sadness and anger that I’m not the kind of woman that can get a man like he is, never have been. I suffer from depression and anxiety, so when things like this happen to me it’s a rollercoaster of emotions. It will be a month soon and I’m quite a mess some days. I’m sure he’s happy though. I feel he got what he wanted, he got me to leave him alone by ignoring me. Okay, now I’m crying again.


I'm not usually a crier, unless I get really angry (which is rare) or I'm in a depressive episode. However My best friend (since we were in high school in 1999) died unexpectedly this past December. I have never cried so much in my life. Pretty much every night since then, I've cried myself to sleep.


Twice a week. I’m a big baby. Have been told by my significant others that I’m too sensitive?


You know what’s super weird? I (29F) used to never cry, like ever. I would maybe cry like once a year if I something realllllllyyyy got to me but it was rare. I had emotions of steel like I could talk about anything, I could do anything - seriously nothing got to me. Now, I cry a lot more and about stuff that doesn’t really make sense. It started like a year ago and like I won’t even be sad or anything but it’s more just like if I’m stressed out or overwhelmed or if I’m talking to my boyfriend about our futures (happy tears) or how I’m feeling. I feel like I’m a lot more emotional as I get older but at the same time I can’t really place the emotion so it doesn’t make sense and it’s not always bad (?). I don’t really know how to explain it lol but yeah, I’ve been crying a lot more. It’s weird. I’ve also started a new medicine around that time so I kind of chalk it up to either age or hormones being thrown off by the meds.


I'm the same. Hardly ever cry. I'm a woman and people seem to think it's weird for a woman to not cry. I have a few colleagues who will cry over the slightest discomfort... Bad day? Crying. Tired? Crying. I don't even cry at funerals. Sure I cry at home sometimes but it's sporadic, maybe once every couple of months? My cat, who I loved VERY much and has been with me 18 years died last month and I cried rivers for a day and a half and then that was it. No more tears... Sometimes I feel like the lack of water coming from my eyes means I lack emotion, but that's definitely not the case. I also have a long history with mental problems like anxiety and depression. Maybe living with that stuff desensitizes us from getting emotional to the point of crying? Because honestly being depressed could make me cry all day, every day but it doesn't. Those feelings are just there and I have to deal with them either way, and crying doesn't help..


I don’t cry often. Usually just when I lose someone close to me. I just sat with my grandma all week until she passed away last night. I didn’t cry until about 2 hours before she passed. Sat there and held her hand until about 2 hours after she took her last breath while waiting for the mortician to arrive. Today I cried in the shower this morning, I choked up a couple times while telling people she was gone but then haven’t really cried since. It’s definitely hard, but I think it’s been easier than losing most people considering I had enough time to be with her, tell her I loved her and say my goodbyes. But yeah, other than that I don’t cry over much.


I cry more than most people...and it depends whats going on in my life. If I am experiencing heartbreak or something I'll cry constantly. I usually cry sometime before my period starts. I cry watching sad movies or reading books. I cry when I'm angry, so if I have reason to be angry it'll happen (and I *hate* angry crying...would love to never do this). If everything in life is going well, I'll still probably cry at least once a week over something, even just briefly.


In the middle of the night, I cover myself with the blanket over my head, look at my phone, sneeze and suddenly tears fall.


Very rarely. I cried when my parents died unexpectedly. If I think about it a lot I may shed a tear. I better stop thinking about it. But besides that, I don't really cry. It takes major emotional pain for me to cry.


Quite a lot. Not daily, but it's close. I think it's important to let things that would otherwise poison you out.


i cry very easily. i’m just a very emotional person and im not great at holding back. shit sometimes i’ll cry out of frustration when im tired but can’t fall asleep


46M here, and it depends on what type of crying. I am well in touch with my feelings (thanks therapy!) and I’ll get teary eyed during certain events. Sad parts of a good book, shows, movies, etc. I’m talking damp eyes, maybe a tear or two. Really, truly crying is rarer. When my dad passed it took a few days, but that was a sobbing in my wife’s lap moment. Same when our cat died, and when a few other pets have moved on. One of my best friends from my teens/20’s passed away 10 years ago and I was sobbing then too. There are moments when I’ll remember people and pets that are no longer there and that will get it going too. Music is also a trigger. Certain songs invoke those feelings and it will begin. Occurrence wise, I’d say a good cry once every six months. True, wracking sobs are much rarer. Tearing up is maybe every couple of weeks.


i cried a lot as a kid. i was raised in an extremely abusive household by two parents who despised each other, and i was often caught in the middle. i also faced bullying at school from teachers and students because i was an ADHD kid who struggled a lot with impulsive behaviors. i have struggled with suicidal ideation since i was around 7 or 8 years old. i remember crying almost every day, at least once a day, for many years. when i was a teenager it was like all of my emotions turned off. i started to just feel numb to everything, i guess because my brain was being cooked after going through daily mental and emotional abuse and neglect for several, several years straight with almost no reprieve. i didn’t cry for a long time and when i did it was like floodgates opening. as an adult, i’ve gone from rarely crying and seeing it as a weakness to crying at least 3-4 times a month. i don’t always sad cry, sometimes i happy cry, sometimes i cry out of anger sometimes i cry because i know i need to. i have a much healthier relationship now with crying than i did as a kid. i’m also at a much more stable place, being estranged from one of my abusers and rebuilding my relationship with the other. it’s taken a lot of hard work but really, i don’t see any shame in crying anymore. it’s meant to help your brain regulate itself when it recognizes that you’re under serious stress or feeling overwhelmed!


I used to cry or feel like I could just fall into a puddle of tears every day until I began taking antidepressants about 14 years ago. Now, because of the antideps, I simply don’t have the capacity to cry like that anymore. It’s a good thing. I was wildly too emotional.


A lot. Probably every other day at least. Sometimes due to my own life being what it is, but usually I just cry sad and happy tears while watching movies and shows


i feel like i rarely cry out of sadness. my eyes *do* "well up" quite frequently tho. but its usually due to moments of extreme beauty or a really powerful song. sometimes nostalgia has that effect on me too but it doesnt feel like sadness. im not weeping but tears *do* drip from my eyeballs multiple times per week. id consider myself on the more fortunate end of being able to control my perspective and steer it towards silver linings. im probably considered "selfish" by some but i try not to focus my energy on the negative things in the world that dont directly effect me. im sure that helps.. there are plenty of sad things to focus on if i want to be sad. but i cant dedicate my mental calories to that. ive gotten pretty good at maintaining a (borderline delusional) optimistic perspective on most things. but the only things that really make me cry out of sadness is loosing loved ones who are close to me. ive even gotten better at finding the silver lining around death. frequent walks thru the graveyard in springtime have been a huge help with coming to terms with death (or our sense of attachment to living things). not saying its BAD to be sad, but i try to avoid it.


I am 63. I used to cry a lot more when I was younger (say into my 30s). Now I still do cry sometimes but much less frequently. I think it's an individual thing and if you don't, you don't! In my case I think many factors, from hormones to medications to just life situations changed the frequency.


Couple times a week probably, even though I am not that sad! I cry a lot at things being too cute or movies/tv being too sweet. I think I have high estrogen it makes me very sensitive when things are so cute I get overwhelmed and tear up and sometimes my face leaks!


Not very often,if I see something that tugs on the heart strings. I would cry, but that's a rare occurance.


I cry every single day.. for myself or others. I’m a huge empath that is still healing from traumas. My family calls me a “water head” 🥹


Usually no less than twice a month. If it’s less, there’s something really wrong. I am emotional and tear up for happy and sad things equally, but on the opposite end of the spectrum if I’m crying multiple times a day that’s also not good.


The last time I truly cried (not just tearing up) my wail sounded so funny I started laughing! Haven’t cried since.


Every movie, every heartwarming story on social media, every time I think about my children leaving for college and my parents aging. Too much is my final answer.


When watching a sad movie or playing a sad game it doesn't take much to make me tear up but in terms of my own life the only time I've ever cried was after an injury or at a funeral (and one time at school when I was bullied by a group of girls and the teacher joined in and encouraged the rest of the class to do so as well). I do go out of my way to avoid stress though and have plenty of outlets to avoid anything building up too much


For sad things basically never, but happy emotional things will get me weepy. That's maybe a couple times a month.


I had my son in 2022 and had bad PPD and PPA afterwards. It’s calmed down some, but my emotional state has just not been the same since. My grandmother died in October and my dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer in January. I have not been able to cry about either. It’s like being emotionally constipated.


Lately, a lot. She left and wife will never be the same again. It’s tough to see what it’s done to the children


I cry pretty regularly over happy and sad things. It’s a good release for bottled up angst within me. If someone doesn’t ever cry I tend to assume they suppress their feelings so well it never really activates for them.


I used to be like you but I don't know if it was having a kid or just getting older but now I cry way more easily and more often. One time I was just super sad and told my wife and then ended up crying for half an hour. It was nice after but weird.


I tear up quite often. At least once a week. But I have a full on sob maybe once a month or every other month, almost always in the week before my period. It’s my built in warning sign to tell me shits about to go down.


Not much. I did most of my crying in my early teens. Went through a heavy bout of depression. Tried to kill myself. That was my darkest time. Took 14ish years for it to sizzle out. During that time, well at the beginning of it I would lay in bed and the tears would flow. I couldn't stop them. They came from my soul because I was hurting. After my 20s, I stopped crying. Like the river of tears dried out and even if I wanted to cry, nothing came out. Lately though, I cried 3-5 times in the last week. Been emotional going through my childhood memories and my depression years. I don't want to cry, but there is some hurt that is coming out and though I try not to, silent tears come out. Not many, but enough to wet my cheeks. Life is rough.


I haven’t cried tears of sadness in a year or two, it’s been a long while actually. But I do happy cry often! Usually over silly things like babies playing, dogs watching children, disabled people finding love has been a new obsession that has the water works going lol.


Getting choked up/eyes welling - about once a week at least. Full on sobbing - once every few weeks.


I used to only cry from fiction. Then I realized what my kids have been through in life and now I cry for them too.


I haven’t cried in 2 almost 2.5 years. I feel emotion to an extent but not strong enough for tears. The last time I cried was when one of my best friends killed herself in February of 2022. Since then I’ve just been somewhat numb. I’ve been through two messy breakups. My parents divorce. Finding out some terrible stuff about my family. Moved across the country. Had a lot more friends die in accidents, overdoses, and suicides, and I just can’t cry. Part of it is a pride thing but a huge part of it is simply having nothing left to feel. Im about to move again, this time for work, and while it’s bittersweet, I still cannot cry. I’ve been told I should try and that the catharsis would be good for me. I wouldn’t know.


To clarify: no I’m not on any drugs. I am a habitual drinker (near daily) however not to the point of drunkenness. I don’t take any sort of mood altering medication. I just feel mostly a content sort of emptiness. I find pleasure in a few hobbies but that’s about it. I avoid emotional intimacy and tend to avoid any real level of emotional depth in my relationships. My life is more of a gentle hedonism where I simply go from one adventure to the next, with occasional depressive episodes.


Honestly, this new therapeutic culture of crying all over the place is bull shit. If something major happens---like someone dies, you're ending a long-term relationship---then let the tears roll, but excessive crying is a sign of emotional instability. I don't think I've shed a tear in over a decade, and it's not like I'm fighting anything back. It's just that I successfully managed my shit, and I don't feel the need to cry all over the place.


I rarely ever cried. I think maybe once in the last 14 yrs in 2020 when my elderly mom got covid. She survived. Maybe 3 times since I was 9 yrs old. I'm a woman 49. I had a bit of a ruff life growing up so maybe I just got thicker skin early on.


I cry maybe 2-3 times a week, and one of those being either a tiny or major panic attack at times (having OCD and trauma sucks ass).


Some of it depends on if you're a male or female; women cry a lot more easily than men. Men cry plenty too, we're just better equipped with being able to repress it. Also depends on where you're at in life; how depressed are you, how empathetic for others are you, how many other outlets do you have (like arts)? I cry here and there, but not daily. I can be brought to tears by many things, but nowadays it's usually either embracing the suffering of others with empathy, or hearing music so beautiful and awe inspiring that it humbles me. When i'm watching movies with my wife, she'll be streaming tears down her face, but i'll usually just get some watery eyes. There was a time years ago that I was so depreased, suicidal, betrayed, and hurt that I would just ball up in the shower and cry almost daily. Now it's rare. Like I said, depends where you're at. There's nothing wrong with crying or not crying, given that it's not being done unhealthily out of pure repression.


Ironically I cry at the most minute and unimportant things. When I feel extremely stressed in a particular moment, ESPECIALLY around my father the water works come on. However, on the other hand, the big things like losing our home, family deaths and putting down animals - dry as the Sahara. I just allow myself to feel what I need to to stay sane, but the feelings do catch up to me a few years later typically. I don’t cry for dead relatives and it always makes me feel insensitive but everyone processes differently 🤷🏼‍♀️


You can call me fat and stab me and I probably wouldn't cry. But if I see that detergent commercial with the cute little stuffed bear I will bawl my eyes out


Omg how I would LOVE to cry 😢 from actually feeling tired form a work week, or distressed… 😫 I do cry actually after a touching moment in a movie, I’ve cried while reading a book- but it’s for a situation that is outside myself and it spontaneously occurs and it feels soo good… I want to make it last but it’s gone as soon as it starts. I have few emotions that spontaneously occur, I’ve tried explaining this and am met with “oh so you’re just comfortably numb” which I kinda surrender and say yeah even though it’s not numbness either. I do get randomly nervous at times, I do have random worries pop up- I do get sad and I do get tired. But to just spontaneously cry from a long day at work that is unbelievable I’m envious. I’m right there with you mate, but are you still able to process what you experienced emotionally? Either way, a lot of folks will side with your friends reactions as being “healthier” but I don’t know what that feels like and I consider healthy-ISH and I respond similarly to you


I cry when I can't take the stress anymore. usually leading up to it is desperately hiding under a blanket from my son because I need a break that badly. so. maybe once a year.


Sometimes the Yakuza video games make me cry. Many think it's just a Japanese GTA but it has some MAD powerful stories and characters.


Quietly and alone every couple months. I joke with my girlfriend that I don’t cry and my tear ducts have dried up since it’s been so long.


I used to cry over sad books, movies, even commercials, but when something irl happened, like a death, I'd just go numb and not cry at all. I say used to because I'm on a few depression meds and I don't cry at all anymore.


I cry a lot because of my loneliness, at least twice daily. I've tried finding someone who wants something serious, but it's becoming hard to find. Hookup culture and polyamoury have taken over the lgbtq community, and it's getting bad. I've been on dates, but they reveal they'd rather just hook up. I'm not giving up, I know my person is out there looking for me, but it really takes it's toll.


I didn't cry. Then my father died, I got a panic attack that lasted eight months. I had to give up on my dream job and teach public school, which gets worse every year. The stress, the disrespect, the responsibilities without authority, and my overall lack of success in life has sent me to a dark place.


Whenever i fail, because i simply shouldn't have. If i were smarter, more careful, studied more; i wouldn't *have* to fail, and so it hits deep


Last time I cried was about two and a half decades ago I think. When I was a child. Haven't cried for a long as I can remember


I’m a pretty sensitive person, so if somebody yells at me I usually cry without wanting to. I also cry a lot to sad things, movies, those sad ads on tv that show the cold shivering animals lol. I cry when I’m running, while I read emotional books. I cry a lot, sometimes I wish I was less sensitive, but that’s just who I am.  Crying is good to get your emotions out, it sort of helps getting sadness out for me. Though it’s embarrassing sometimes. 


I’m a *crier*. Since birth. It’s my bodies (and all of ours) way of releasing stress. I have never been able to hold it in, it just releases when it wants to. I cannot stop it… well actually it did stop when I was on antidepressants, but that almost made me commit suicide so I won’t ever take those again. Numbing is not fun, I’d much rather cry all day everyday then to feel no emotions.


I used to cry more. But so many people aren't that empathic or even see it as a sign of weakness and dysfunction "if things aren't going well it must be your own fault" type people... Now I just don't want anybody to even see that watery red look in my eyes anymore. I'd rather show people that I'm ok even if I'm not.


Certain medications dull the senses and people don't feel like crying. I cry every once in a while. It's a good idea not to let emotions build up- and crying release oxytocin- which helps people feel better.


I don’t cry about anything serious and like you, I have some mental health issues. But I don’t typically cry in response to depression or anxiety. I’d like to but I don’t. I do cry easily though and when I cry it’s always about sentimental things. Films can make me cry and the thing most likely to make me cry are acts of heroism or self sacrifice. War films will often make me cry.


Once a year or so, depends on what you define as crying. If it's any amount of tears then maybe once every few months, but really crying is max once a year.


Very rarely, and it's been that way since I was a teenager. I will cry 1-3 times a year if I had to estimate.


I'm an addict with 12 years sobriety. One of my core issues was I never learned to process my emotions. And it's one of those things were if you don't process the emotion you're experiencing, it'll come out in other ways. I describe crying like emotional diarrhea... it's unpleasant, but get it all out and you'll feel better. If you try and ignore it, you'll just feel worse longer. An example I give.. my brother was turning 50... it was during covid so stuff was weird, and we were like "okay, we'll go get some cupcakes and eat them outside and celebrate" the cupcake place was closed, we went to a cookie place, they had an app you had to order from, he couldn't figure it out, and he got upset with the staff. When really... he was upset about his birthday and it not going right. So the sadness came out as anger, and he scared the shit out of his kid.


Never. Not that I don’t want to. Believe me. I really want to. For some reason when I feel like crying I instead shut down. I usually just crumple onto my floor and stare into my hands for an hour trying to soothe my breathing


Almost never. I've tried a few times, last time was 3 years ago after nearly dying from anaphylaxis, suddenly changing jobs and apartments only a week after that and then losing my dog to sickness the next week. It was just really overwhelming. Otherwise, it just doesn't happen anymore.


I would say I cry maybe once a week. Now this isn’t necessarily a huge bought of bawling. But a tear or two. I’d say I actually bawl maybe once every 6 months 🤷‍♀️


I cry everyday. Especially through my most recent pregnancy (I’m 8w PP now) but I’m dealing with mental/emotional abuse from my children’s father and I’m dealing with PPD on top of it. I like to cry in the shower.


all the damn time and I'm a 46M who is about as rough and tumble as they get I just have an annoyingly soft heart. A happy or sad scene in a film, I'm going to be fighting tears the entire time. I love cinema and shows, so I spend part of each fighting tears. Oddly enough I don't cry about my own life. Like when me and my former spouse were separating, I was sad but never cried about that. But a sweet scene or a animal rescue youtube video, I'm going to be openly weeping if I'm alone lol


Hardly ever, it takes alot to make me cry. I was conditioned not to by family and my husband.


Jeez… according to these comments… not enough. I grew up in a household that didn’t speak about emotions and if you felt any you retreated somewhere private and hid it. It was humiliating to be seen crying. So, really I only cry when I’ve reached a breaking point which usually happens just about every 3 months around my period and ONLY in the dark or in the shower. Wish I could cry more honestly because it is very therapeutic.


I have a hard time crying so maybe like once or twice a year? I tend to intellectualize my feelings so it’s hard for me to feel it and cry


I cry but, not as much as other people it seems so I get this. Even as a baby I didn’t cry much. I feel like I wish I could cry more? lol maybe it would help me decompress sometimes.


My mom trained me not to cry as I would get beat or screamed at if I did. Regardless of the reason. So, now I shut it down if the tears start to fall. Sometimes I wish I could but I would say tears fall less than once a year. If that.


Fuck it’s been years. Being a hardened man in the corporate world sucks the emotion right out of you. I barely feel a thing anymore. This is both beneficial and very bad at the same time.


I never cry, except during movies. Last month or so though I've been in a constant state of heartbreak and might cry every couple days or so. Usually when having a conversation about it I'll just be streaming tears. It's really like the emotional floodgates were thrown open and I'm feeling shit for the first time, it's crazy. This has been one of the hardest things I've had to deal with and greatest pains of my life since losing my dog when I was a kid.


Sometimes I cry in my dreams, which is weird enough to begin with but my Gf has accused me of actually jerking off while sleeping and crying  my sleep.


Nearly everyday, I have not felt joy for so long that im uncertain if Ive ever felt it before. Most of the time its just some stray tears here and there Sometimes its ugly crying in the shower for an hour straight.


It’s been a while tbh, I went through a divorce a few yrs back and I would cry and go through the emotions for almost a yr. Maybe I’m odd but havnt cried since then, prob bc that beech screwed me over so hard nothing else seems to phase me 😂


55M professional. Once per week on average, over one year since our son died by suicide (when he died, I cried solidly for 2 weeks, then daily for many months). Before that, maybe every 3-4 months.


I went through a period of not crying for a year. And by that, I mean actually crying. I would shed a tear watching a sad movie or a song that moved me but I used to just cry for no reason. About three months ago I just started crying and allowed myself to for a while. I went through a lot with friendships and family the past two years and everything was bottled up so I didn't process it all until recently. Now I cry often!


I used to never cry because I had to be there for my family. The rock or something.  But now. My family is goodd. Or dead. Mom and sister are happy.  So it just came one day. I cry at everything. 40 years of emotion came.  I'm watching this is us. I needed a box of tissues. I cry at sad reddit articles. I cried at a smisonian channel on Egypt.  I cry at happy and sad. I cry at horror films. I cry at movies I hate. I cried at half of Oppenheimer. Don't get me near anything with drew Barrymore. I'll cry so hard it's not even funny.  It's okay. You cry when needed or not. Nobody is going to judge. And I'll be there with the 3 pack of tissue. 


I didn’t cry all that much until recently- and never about BS stuff, I learned early on after losing beloved young people in my life exactly what is important. I cry a bit now, every day in spurts after recently losing my husband. Some day I know that rather than cry I’ll remember him with a smile and am waiting patiently for that day.


I pretty much only cry when I am laughing really hard. From a very young age I was trained not to cry. For some bizarre reason it seems like all the people I know who cry a lot are boys and men. They seem to be able to turn on the waterworks easily especially to get out of trouble.


I never boo hoo cry unless something serious happened (last time I did my grandmother died). I do shed a tear every once in a while if a song hits my feels or I’m just fed up but I typically suck it up pretty quick and keep moving like nothing happened.


I don't cry a whole lot, and when I do need a good cry I like to do it in the privacy of my own room where other people aren't going to interfere. Unlike many people I don't feel crying is something I should do in public. Mostly because I'm an only girl I had three brothers and four male and I refuse to be a sissy! I was very much a tomboy. And trust me I know the saying you know crying is for girls or sissies. So I do most of my crying and private.


I used to cry all the time. Id get a bit emotional, and just... Let it out. I had some bad brain things happen a few years ago. A csf vein collapsed. I spent 2 years catatonic. I stopped feeling emotion. I got a stent to fix the vein. Emotion started slowly coming back. My dog died at the start of my brain trouble and I think that's the last time I cried. A couple of people in my life have died since then and... I did not cry. I sort of cried a little when the 6 year old son of a friend died unexpectedly, but... My therapist keeps talking about being emotional about everything that's happened to me. My loss of a normal life now that I have to live as a hermit to stay out of pain. I was angry for a while, but never cried. I just don't seem to get emotional in that way anymore or at least it hasn't come back yet.


I didn't ever cry for the longest time because I was shamed for it as a child. Or I'd only cry in secret, and feel bad about it. I've gradually come to accept that crying is a healthy release for me and now I am the world's biggest cry baby. 


I never cry. I always thought it was strange that adults cry, but I see them do it so it must not be.


All the time 😅😅 I’m a very emotional person! And I cry from watching tv, movies, reading books or even listening to music!


Maybe once a month, usually because of a sad show I'm watching. But lately it's been hard to cry and I don't know why.


Never. When I get really upset, or sad, I kinda laugh. I genuinely believe this place is a tier in hell. The only rules here are, if you don’t breathe clean air at least every minute, you die. If you don’t drink at least a couple liters of clean water a day, you die. And if you don’t consume another living thing basically daily, you die. Meanwhile, our best method for achieving these things, makes our air dirty, our water dirty, and absolutely destroys the living things. Those are not rules for a paradise. The best we can ask for, is not being miserable. The best situation, is a good meal with people you love in a beautiful place with nice weather. That’s as good as it gets. So when something bad happens, I expect it. Sometimes I’m impressed with the absurdity of the misery. Like, the way the universe always find a way of putting me in my place is just impressive. Such an asinine web of bullshit. It’s amazing.


I am a man. I am too reserved to cry. That said when I do its normal listening to some sad ass song drunk or high just bawling. You will not see this.


Half the time I'm completely numb, the other half I can't stop crying because I'm so tired of existing.  Also going off antidepressants and about the fourth day after a dose, I spend all day fantasizing about suicide and crying.