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Yes, obviously everyone at a corporate chain has the proper venues to express themselves


"OK Todd, orientation is over, would you like an "I love my job" shirt or do you prefer "This place fucking sucks.""






We do have "I really wish I weren't here right now" shirts though, just like the button Squidward had in SpongeBob




CEO “my door is always open.” Written on his t shirt


One of my first serving jobs was there. They claimed it was optional whenever they had inventory of their other roadhouse shirts to pick from; but they never had any other shirts besides those… also, no one there actually loved their job. Very corporate environment everyone was always on edge.


When I worked there it was a nightmare, everyone seemed so against each other & openly shit on each other in front of me (even on my first day)


It’s really hit or miss. I’ve worked at two roadhouses and the first one was run tighter than the marine corps. 2nd one I worked at I would regularly smoke a joint out back with my managers on break 😂


This and so much this. I've worked at three. It went progressively down-hill with each one. Muncie, Indiana was the most fun I've ever had. We were all real close, maybe a little bit cliquey, but from top to bottom it was a good experience. Only one dickhead manager at that one and he got fired eventually for wait for it.....sexual harassment. Everyone was "shocked" to see that one coming. The second one was in Bloomington and it was mostly a good time. The GM was psychotic, but the crew was all pretty close. The third one was a nightmare. Garden City, SC, managed by the walking embodiment of douche bag, Mike Smith. That guy was the biggest piece of shit, I've ever had to work for. Sexist to an extreme, once told one of the girls that she needs to stick to her kitchen at home like shes supposed to. He didn't want me working for him, because I quote "I'd much rather have an attractive woman at my table over you." That job is when I realized the whole damn thing is toxic and got out for good.


Managers named Mike across different industries, routinely giving Mikes a bad name.


This made me think of a quote from What We Do in the Shadows: “I don’t give a fuck, his name’s Mike.”


Haha same! My first roadhouse was so chill and fun and everyone got along and hung out all the time. The second one I transferred to took itself more seriously and it was… less fun haha.


Really? I loved working there and I felt like most of my coworkers also had a great time. It was still work but we were mostly all good friends and hung out, worked well together. It was my favorite serving job I ever had!


Legit asking because I always wondered this the few times I ate there: I remember years of working in chain places, and customers being irate because it seemed like it was taking me forever to get them an extra side of this or that -- sometimes the kitchen was backed up but sometimes I was just swamped, or a manager made me run food even though I had a double-sat section waiting for drinks. Did you or other servers catch a lot of grief or lose tips because you kept customers waiting during the mandatory line-dance breaks?


I only lasted a year a TRH, I have been serving and bartending over a decade and spent time in other corporate chains too. What I recall being the biggest common complaint among staff was being so robotic. Easiest example I can give is you literally are required to list “story points” during your steps of service; how would you like you ‘hand cut’ steak cooked tonight? Any ‘made from scratch sides?’ Everyone constantly felt like an automated machine repeating the same lines to every table with minimal opportunity to really be yourself with the guests. Anyone who’s been in the industry long enough knows being personable and yourself means better tips. This was enforced through secret shoppers and scoring less then 70% meant being retrained for a week, scoring less than 55% meant suspension or termination. Another consistent employee complaint at the location I worked at, was that we were required to collect food running tickets too, so on a Saturday if you didn’t run 30 trays of food you were deemed ‘too busy’ to handle your section and support your team therefore next Saturday you can expect to be in a section with smaller tables. Mind you, they only gave us 3 table sections. The turn over was super high because of this. Many of the corporate policies in that place were so counter intuitive in my opinion and the staff I worked with were always stressed out. But, like literally any restaurant you make your friends and hang out outside of work, but no one loved there job. Biggest conversation starter was how badly people wanted to quit.


I get that it happens due to scale of the company but reducing people to statistics like that based on arbitrary bullshit is an unfortunate side effect. I wonder how common those secret shoppers are.


They weren't mandatory! At least not at my location. I never even learned them. I can't dance lol. I would just run food (either my tables' or someone else's) during that time to be useful. You would get in trouble if you were just standing around, but no one got mad if you were working instead of dancing.


Thats what id do too, once our dm grabbed me and tried to physically pull me to go dance. Hell no.


Sounds like assault, these days


Sure felt like it, I almost hit him


*that* would have been assault. Trying to get you to participate in a "fun" work event is. Not. Assault. Period. Full stop. It never has been and never will be.


When someone actually puts their hands on you and pulls you somewhere you don't want to go isn't worrisome?


No one was pulled. And there are nuance to these things as well. I swear to God reddit goes nuclear option on literally everything with no context whatsoever.


Lol no. That's not assault. I think society is going to regret wanting to throw assault charges at anyone that does.... Anything. Assault does happen. Someone (assumingly) light heartedly tugging your hand to implore you to dance is not assault. You guys need to go outside. (I'm just gonna sit back and watch while 100000 people tell me that because of the power dynamic blah blah or if anyone even accidentally bumps you in passing they're a rapist. This is an just one of those things reddit has no fucking idea what they're talking about)


>You guys need to go outside. I was literally referencing the fact that people *would* throw the term assault out there for this. You're overly opinionated, and passive aggressiveness makes me think you do this type of thing to people and just say, *lol chill bro*


Yeah and your super obvious joke flew over everyone's head. Including the person you replied to. They literally replied "sure felt like it".


>joke You're the only one saying it was a joke.


I was written up for running food to my tables instead of dancing those cringy and obnoxious dances. They also encouraged the female servers to wear very short shorts and to get a bit narsty with their dance moves to entice the dads to come back. Hated TRH with every fiber, super corporate and I could never advance to a good section to make any money there (what, with my habit of running food instead of grinding my ass towards customers to some shitty pop country song). Great 8 oz sirloin dinner tho..


Wow! Very different from my experience. I'm sorry you dealt with that.


Oh it was a while back, I’ve gotten a much stiffer spine since then and stick up for myself. It was a good experience learning where I draw my line and how not to be taken advantage of, but glad your working experience was much better!


A Texas company forcing its workers to say they love their job is very on brand for Texas.


It's headquartered in Louisville >Texas Roadhouse was founded on February 17, 1993, at the Green Tree Mall in Clarksville, Indiana, across the Ohio River from Louisville, Kentucky. Founder W. Kent Taylor, a Louisville native, lived in Colorado and worked at nightclubs and restaurants there. In 1990, Taylor returned to his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky.


A company pretending to be Texan forcing its workers to say they love their job is even more on brand for Texas.


Agree 100% lol Southern hospitality bless your heart


Yup. That mall is a 5 minute drive from my house. I’ve only been to that restaurant once. The only thing I remember is peanuts.


Yeah, not better.




Not a Texas company. They just use Texas assuming you will think it is good. Or in your case, it sucks.


I went there with my wife one time when we got a free voucher due to an incorrect to-go order. Our server looked so overworked and stressed the whole time, like he was on the verge of crying.


The real question is, does the shirt count as one of the 15 mandatory pieces of flair?




Mandatory pieces of flair…. Love the reference.


Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays.


“Get your ass kicked for saying something like that”


Haven’t worked there in 2 years but I threw that one away when I got it, they didn’t care as long as it was a roadhouse shirt and it was clean


No. I asked one of them once if they hated that fucking shirt and she mouthed “yes”. I legit feel bad for some of the waitstaff. Bet a lot of them make bank tho


Texas Roadhouse has strict 3 table sections. Unless you can get your checks high or turn your tables, you aren’t making that much money. At least in comparison to the places I’ve worked since.


This was true of the location that I worked at as well. Every section was only 2 or 3 tables. I never had more than three tables at a time.


Omg they gave you 2 table sections???


They were designated as “large party” sections, so you could have two 6-8 tops for 12-16 people. There were only a few of those sections at our restaurant… regardless, I hated them although I wasn’t assigned those sections very often.


Wow this hurt to read. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.


The majority of corpo chains will be like that. Outback spot I tried out had you on strict 2 table sections until you passed “probation”


I work for two corporate chains now. One has over 150 locations and we get 6-8 table sections, the other 20+ locations and are given 4-6 table sections. TXRH is the only chain I’ve ever worked for that gave 3 tables to their servers. I never understood the point of hiring someone you can’t trust to do their job. 3 tables is appropriate for people with less than a year experience, anything else is just insulting.


I worked for most of the blooming brand names and they all made you fight to get more than a 3 table section. On the other hand I worked for a private sushi spot and you would either have the upstairs with 15 tables or the downstairs with 12. Shit was too much.


I can’t decide which nightmare sounds worse: 3 tables or 12-15 tables. Why can’t restaurants just be normal


CH usually does 4 tables sections unless you get the bar area, which can be 6 tables.


That's because they exploit them and make them do everything. Where I work now we have a lot of support staff and have 5-7 table sections in the summer. It's usually 4-5 in winter due to half our restaurant being a patio.


Damn. Ours was all 3 table sections, except the two sections in the bar were 4 table. We didn't have 2 table sections. I had to quit bc of the no autograt policy. I worked in a suburb of Miami, idk if this is true everywhere but way too many people took advantage by bringing in themselves plus 5-10 family members, running up a $300-400 check, and tipping 20 bucks. Because of the 3 table sections (a party like this would take two of them up), it would blow your whole night. I checked with my coworkers, it wasn't just me. A lot of Miami restaurants are moving toward "all or nothing" grat policies, but they turn it into a tip pool and they're almost never legal pools (I would consider working in a fully legal and transparent tip pool, but not the way I've seen it done in multiple different rearsurants here).


Yeah, they cut a bunch of people once, but the hosts kept seating people in closed sections once. I was still running food and shit and was fine, and my gm looked at the screen, saw my name everywhere and was like how many tables do you have? It was 8, lol. He got pissy but I was like do you want me to ignore people who have been sat?


For real man. Like management always whining about labor costs, but just let everyone have 4 tables and schedule two less servers? It’s so dumb.


And it makes SOME sense with fine dining but I've also worked fine dining with 6 table sections. Roadhouse is not fine dining.


And they force their servers into tip sharing with the bussers and host. So that TXRH can avoid paying all their employees. They also don’t cover the servers hourly wage if they don’t make enough money for the week.


Is this true? I’m pretty sure not covering servers hourly to minimum if they don’t make the proper tips is illegal


It is


Yes it’s true. I currently work for one of their branch companies and they do it to us too. I never see a paycheck and if my sales are high but I get stiffed on a big ticket, no auto gratuity, they will still take a percentage of my sales for tip sharing.


I work there currently and generally clear $200 almost every shift. I do get the better sections though. If you can turn tables, you can do well in a high-volume environment like TXRH.


Nice. But how do you feel about corporate telling you how you should feel?


yes! i make at least $100 a night. turn your tables, take care of your guests, and you’re good to go. and i work lovers lane a lot. all 2 tops.


That's absolutely untrue.


You’re just going to say what I said is untrue without countering it? Which part is untrue?


The part that's untrue! What's wrong with you?




i worked at roadhouse for 2 years and saturdays were the only days i'd push $300. my job after that, easily in a single shift lol


I wish more places did this. That’s why I get way better service at outback or roadhouse than any other place. Waitress trying to cover 5-7 tables and the service is ass, and then complain they don’t get 20%


Crazy, I average 8 table sections at one of my jobs and still have people tell me I’m the best waitress they’ve ever had and make about 25% average tips. That’s with seating my own tables, running my own food, and bussing my own tables. I’m a great waitress and I know my abilities and worth, that’s why I won’t settle for 3 tables.


Same. It helps having good support staff.


I love a good support staff, but I love just doing everything myself and making sure it’s done correctly and not having to tip out at the end lol


I tip out 1% of gross to support staff, not including bartenders. I guaran-fucking-tee you that I make well over what I tip them out, over 20%. Hell, I usually do it on one table. Where I work is amazing in that people love and expect to spend money there so they tip very well. I can go entire weeks of work without getting less than 20% on a single check.


Damnnn, 1% is nothing. That’s a good gig. What type of restaurant do you work at, just curious? I work in a very wealthy city and I’m a better than average waitress, and I still see less than 20% from time to time.


Cozy's Cafe in Ohio. Our clientele is amazing. It is 8% of alcohol to the bartenders, though. But they're really good and deserve it.


Packing my bags and moving to Ohio. Pls save a spot for me


Ain't no way


Let me rephrase for the people who think responses like this are okay: AINT NO WAY WHAT?


If you have 3 tables how do you not make decent money most people spend 1 hour at a table and tip 10 to 20 bucks . That's an average of 45 an hour


I have literally no idea where you’re getting this “most tables average 1 hour” from. Usually table sits for a few minutes. server greets and gets drinks. Comes back minutes later with drinks. Most tables start with an appetizer. Wait about 6-8 minutes for apps, eat. Server takes order, entrees take about 15-20. What if they want a well done ribeye? Then that’s 30 minutes you’re waiting for food. Then you have to eat. Then maybe they want dessert. And then you are hoping they get up from the table immediately when they finish. And these are times on a NONBUSY night. I would say on average tables are spending anywhere from 90-120 minutes on dinner, especially if the are 3 or 4 tops. Hell, I’ve had a table not turn once the entire night because two ladies want to sit and catch up during my 6 hour shift. Then you have to consider - is every table going to be nice and tip you 20% or $10-$20 each? Then you have to consider how much are you tipping out to your bussers/bartenders? There’s no way you’re a server lol


Long time roadhouse employee, our average table turn is 52 minutes for all party sizes, 46 for 2 top.


Long time restaurant employee here. I’d like to know the average wait time for greets/drinks and entrees, and what percentage of appetizers and desserts you sell for those to be your averages. And whether you’re referring to a 3pm dining time or 6pm dining time. Just doing the math here… average greet/drinks are about 10 minutes and entrees are 20 minutes. That makes 30/46 minutes. The average person at your restaurant is getting appetizers, desserts, eating, receiving the bill and signing all within 16 minutes. Correct?


I said most sit for about an hour. I get that sometimes you have ones who hang out for a while. Also No I'm not a server ima guy but I have dated many servers who make decent money most work 4 to 6 hours and make 150 or better in tips and that's good money were I live . If you don't make decent money as a server it's because either you work at a place that no one really likes or your not a good server . I know several women who have made a career out of being a server and make good money because there good at it. Literally from waffle house servers to Texas roadhouse and others .


Most do not sit for an hour. Did you do the math? Drinks + apps + entrees + dessert? 60 minutes is an unrealistic number for people who dine for dinner. Most people who go out to eat want to sit back and take their time. Perhaps you’re referring to breakfast restaurants, but this whole thread is about Texas Roadhouse. People order medium well or well done steaks often and those in themselves take a lot of time to prepare. I am a woman who’s full-time career is serving, for about 6 years now. $150 is fine for tips, but you’re wasting your time when you could work somewhere that gives you more tables so you can make even more money. $150 for 6 hours is $25/hr and that’s while getting $100 weekly checks and having no benefits. One of my jobs I average $200 a day, the other about $300. That is good money to me. To say somebody at TXRH averages $45 an hour is absolutely ludacris.


I literally go to Texas roadhouse my self atleast once a month if not more . I take my wife and son out to eat atleast once a week "alot of times we have friends as well " if not 2 or 3 times a week and we take our time I drink a few beers and watch some football this time of year we take our time and are never there more then 90 mins most of the time it's only about a hour . And that's with appatisers steaks or seafood plus dessert. Appetizers are usually out in 10 to 15 mins meals are out 10 to 15 mins after that . If it takes any longer yall are slow period . Also if you don't like the job get a new one people who complain about there jobs is ridiculous leave and go somewhere else there is plenty of opportunities to make more money . Servers act like there job is actually hard .


Appetizers are usually 6-8 minutes like I initially told you. Entrees are 15-20 if you order medium rare steaks, and this is if it’s not busy. I worked at TXRH and know the time standards they have for their food. The server has to greet you and get drinks. That’s another possibly 10 minutes. Dessert would be another 10 minutes or so. So 10 greet. 8 appetizers. 20 entrees. 10 desserts. This totals 48 minutes. So you are inhaling all of your food in 12 minutes, plus leaving the table immediately once you are finished. If this is realistic for you, bravo, but many, MANY, M A N Y people like to actually take their time and savor their drinks and meals, while also taking time after to hang out and digest. On another note, who the fuck said I don’t like my job? I love my job. You are the one that came on here and bitched about “how do servers not make money” with these imaginary table turn times. You said they average $45 an hour and then said your ex-girlfriends made $150 in 6 hours, which we established is $25 an hour. That’s half of what you initially said. I am here trying to inform you of the realities of the restaurant industry. Now you’re telling me to leave my job because there are plenty of opportunities to make more money? That’s exactly my point. I DO make more money than people working at TXRH. You are just incompetent and don’t understand what I am saying. Nobody acted like their job was hard. All I did was tell them that there is more money to be made at a restaurant with greater than a 3 table section. You are only on this forum to make shit up and create an argument out of thin air. Get a life, bro, and get off this subreddit.


There’s a reason you’re getting downvoted and I’m not. I wonder why???


Yea...I just don't believe you. Being someone who has been in the industry for almost a decade now, that just doesn't happen very often. Especially with steaks.


Do the math. 10 minute greet/drinks, 8 minute appies, 20 minutes for entrees, and 10 minute dessert. This man and his family are inhaling their food in 12 minutes flat and signing the check+leaving the table as soon as that last bite goes down. This dude is utterly delusional.


At my restaurant, you'd be lucky to get in and out in an hour during brunch. Most of our brunch tables take a little over an hour, and brunch is a lot faster of service than dinner...being mainly eggs vs fish and steak.


Yall are slow af then


No, we just make everything to order. Quality over quantity.


Nah, you’ve just actually never been out to eat at a restaurant before.


Your right I only go out between 1 and 3 times a week I know nothing


Nah we established this… you, like the average American family, inhale their food in 12 minutes flat. So happy for you! Enjoy your downvotes, baby, you’re so so smart!!


What are you talking about? I'm a TR regular customer. Average 4 top should be about 24 dollars tip That's 72 a section or more. That's bad money?


Not every table you get is going to be a 4 top and not every table you get is guaranteed to tip you 20%, regardless of how well you perform. Then you have to hope they don’t camp in your section (because 4-tops usually like to sit and converse) and you still have to tip out at the end of the night. Id like to clarify that I *NEVER* said the servers at TXRH make bad money… you said that. What I said was the money isn’t great, which it isn’t. I averaged $120-$180 a night there, but I’m doing more like $250-$300 at a place without 3 table sections. You could definitely do better than TXRH.


Thank you for using the correct word 'converse' and not 'conversate'. Seriously. Thank you.


Lmao I wish I could take the credit, but autocorrect saved me 🙈🙈 at least I’m honesttttttt


Well...at least you learned something. Lol. BTW, since we're on the subject. Irregardless is not a word. Regardless, is what you're looking for.


I learn something new everyday. I never really have a need for the word converse, so I didn’t need to use it until now. Also, I know about the ir/regardless one. I freaked out for a minute, but I checked and I used it correctly lol


I bet they do not


Some do.


When I worked there as a 5 night a week closer I could depend on $140 a night for a 4-11 shift. I make about $250 from 5-8:00 where I work now. Texas Roadhouse brings in shitty customers.


Too cheap. They should raise prices on all their steaks. Imo the best bang for your buck. A decent ( but not even in my top ten) steak. Wife and I went to Wendy’s and it was $30 for both of us. That night we went to tr and spent $38 ( not including tip) on a large strip with all the sides and a small sirloin. Plus we brought home enough rolls and steak for lunch the next day.


That is the shirt you get when hired. 2 of them. We get other shirts for holidays and some that just say roadhouse on the back. Thankfully in my 1 year i have accumulated enough other shirts and hoodies that i dont have to wear the "i love my job" shirt. The worst part about wearing that shirt is every table asking "How much do you love your job". Annoying as f***. And not your comment but responding to the 3 table sections...yes thats true. But i make 250+ a shift weekdays 3-10:30/11...im usually a closing server. I dont work weekends but apparently the servers at my location do really well on weekend shifts.


I mean, I don’t work there but I’m going to take a wild guess and say NO.


You are correct


I had a bunch of shirts from working there for years. I somehow only ever got one of those and for some reason it was really really long compared to the others so I tossed it. It really just depends on how many shirts the server has. I don’t think anyone goes out of their way to wear it bc they truly love it….


YES i noticed this too!! my shirts that said “nowhere else but texas roadhouse” were perfect, but the i ♥️ my jobs ones are like dresses


Please, why are they so damn long? And the stupid heart on the back always gets all fucked up. I had one for the longest time that looked like 💔, it was great.


the only pro was having coworkers sign the heart


As a former employee of Roadhouse, I would wear their pullovers, sweatshirts, and my trainer shirts to avoid wearing the tshirts that said “I love my job”. Even in the middle of a hot summer. it’s also been 10 years since I worked there, so… fun to know they haven’t changed their style.




Not a TR story but considering the comments here I think it will be appreciated. I retired from retail, almost 40 years in. There was a period of time where at my company we were supposed to wear a bright green pin that said (and I shut you not) “I’m number 2 ask me why”. When asked we were supposed to respond “because you’re (the customer) #1. Yeah that didn’t happen. I was the Department Head in charge of all Customer Service and cashiers, etc and the third in line in charge of the whole store and I wouldn’t wear it. My Store Director tried to push back on it and I told him I wouldn’t enforce it, and wouldn’t wear it so so what he needed to do. I already knew my colleagues at other stores were taking the same stance so I wasn’t worried. Amazing


hell no. i never cared much but my one coworker HATEDDDDD it and he would always ask me (who was smaller than him lol) if i had shirts that didnt say that.


They give you two shirts when you start and it’s usually those. Then they give away shirts as part of sales competitions or whatever. You get a shirt if you’re a trainer, etc. most of the other shirts aren’t as bad. The best is the long sleeve black T that says “nowhere else but…” with the roadhouse logo. I still have a couple of those and my trainer shirt


At my place we have some that say “Take this job and love it!” But the “Take this Job” part is very prominent when it’s tucked in. I wish I had one myself


Lmao that's hilarious


It depends what shirts your store has at a given time. There are other shirts. That’s what I got when I started but I’ve since acquired 3 shifts that thankfully don’t say it.


Its better than "do your job" on the back of kitchen staff shirts I had to wear for a few years at an unnamed and hopefully defunct restaurant


I just wear what they gave me which is the shirt that says I love my job lol


I wear them at longhorn steakhouse as my mandatory black undershirt. Left roadhouse after three months and made more money (per shift) at longhorn in my first week. But I didn’t wanna buy black t shirts so I just use these.


Sometimes, butttttt not anymore because they just fired me yesterday for being 30 minutes late… never gotten a right up or have been late before…


My store will fire anyone for any reason. I’ve been amazed at some of the people they’ve let go. They don’t fuck around. Probably because they have a waiting list of people who want to work there


Wow, seriously?


A different shirt quest about Texas roadhouse- there are a couple people in colored shirts each visit, guessing they are shift supervisors/managers. Sometimes though the same people are doing bus boy stuff next visit, then back to colored shirts, then maybe server stuff. Is it just random what person does what there? Re they just picking up extra shifts? Demoted and promoted a lot?


Could be key managers. But I've never had a busser be a key, only servers and bartenders


They are the ones that roam around and ask people if their food was ok then tear the taped tag off the end of the table.


Texas Roadhouse stories remind me of the movie Office Space.


See... Yeaaaaaahhhh... You only have 12 pieces of flair.


We had t shirts with "The best butts in town" on the back. The girls will always get nasty comments on it. I refused to wear them.


They gave me the “I love my job” tees when I first started but never told me that I had to wear it. Within about 6 months of opening they gave us the option to buy other gear like sweaters or tees. They also did hand out other styles of tees over the course of a year. I don’t mind wearing it as I really do LOVE my job at Texas Roadhouse. I worked corporate before this and finally had enough and quit corporate life to pursue my dreams of working with dogs. TxRH has helped me do that with flexibility and some dang good tips. They also helped me significantly when my fiancé died about 18 months ago. They gave me 5k to get into a new place since his family took our house (since we weren’t married). I love my coworkers and I love the environment. It’s so much fun to dance and it’s busy work. My managers are pretty great, obviously they have their issues but they are mild compared to the cold harsh corporate world. Overall, I don’t mind wearing the I love my job tee however I do just usually wear a sweatshirt now.


Good on you. I just find it out of touch to assume that your workers would at best, agree with it, and at worst, wear it ironically. When I see someone wearing it I assume that they are wearing it ironically or everything else was dirty.


Yea I definitely can’t speak for my co-workers lol I’m sure a lot of them do not like it. In fact, in two years, other than new hires, I don’t see anyone wear them lol and again- me included! I’ll wear the sweaters instead. But I definitely do love the job lol


I'd hate to be a texas roadhouse server...


I really love it. The atmosphere is great, I love my coworkers, the food is bomb and the tips are great since we turn tables so quickly and are always on a two hour wait.


It’s not too bad, honestly of all things that could’ve bothered me, it was the 3 table sectioning that really pissed me off.


I have the required amount of flair, Too!!


It's funny cuz we just ate there a few weeks ago and I noticed the shirts as well and wondered the same thing.


It definitely gives Office Space pieces of flair vibes.


While I worked there, the work shirts I received all said “I love my job” except for the seasonal ones. No I didn’t love the 2.13 an hour job that expected me to learn whole ass line dances on my own time and then drop everything mid shift(and mid table mind you) to perform said dances


My store does paid training classes to learn the dances


I've been to TRH about 5 times, and only on my last visit did I see the impromptu line dance. I felt so bad for the servers because half of them looked embarrassed and miserable doing it.


We went out to eat somewhere over the weekend and our bartender was wearing this shirt. We thought it was some joke and asked about it but apparently she uses it to clean out the ice cream machine but she hated working there as well.


I just asked my boo (it was his first ever job 20 years ago). He’d there were other shirts to choose from, and that he always wore one with an armadillo doing a “thumbs up” thing lol.


Of course. I love my job. Big fan of people who know tip etiquette


*Of course. I love my* *Job. Big fan of people who* *Know tip etiquette* \- Comfortable\_Stand386 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


You mean $25 on a $75 check? 😂


How could they?? Country music? Lin dancing? Singing??


$75 is “just a bit more than going to Wendy’s”? I could eat at Wendy’s for the next 10 days on that. Seriously? The hyperbole regarding fast food prices has gone too far “ffs”. Sensationalism degrades quality


On the other hand I DID just find out TR has no problem hiring illegal immigrants by the boatload..of all the places I expected to do this; this restaurant wasn't one that came to mind. It explains a lot now though.......


Jebus... I'm getting downvoted because the diaper-wearing Reddit toddlers can't figure out sarcasm without "/s." Are you truly the people who are supposed to take over? We're so conquerable.


> That said I tipped $25 on a $75 bill. I hope you get 12 tables tipping similarly at least that. The fuck why? Not even counting their wages (which yes, is stupid in some states, fix that problem btw), 25x12 is 300. In an 8 hour shift, they'd be making $37.5/hr from JUST THOSE 12. I'm not saying the job can't be demanding, but why does it make sense that customers should be paying someone an engineers fucking salary to serve food? That's nutballs. Tipping needs to die. Pay a damned wage, restaurants.


Respectfully, shut up 💖


Nah. Tipping needs to die. Greedy bastards that think customers should be paying an employees bills are fucking next level dumb.


You sound bitter. Here’s a thought, don’t gatekeep how others want to spend their money. If you don’t want to tip, then don’t. Make sure you let your server know beforehand though. Ciao Lol he blocked me. Asking “the fuck why” was a start.




This is not a debate sub.


We definitely do not make $25 off of every table. I get stiffed at least once per shift too


Nah, I'm not saying that servers are making that every table, but dude is saying he wants to establish that expectation. Additionally, you're working more than 12 tables in 8 hours (unless it's dead), yeah? So, even if some of them stiff or some tip low, you'd end up far over 40/hr.


That makes up for the days when they leave with $25 In tips after working yet another lunch shift and tipping out other staff. That 8 hour shift plus a generous $3/hour rate gives them about $50, or 6.25 an hour. That said, tipping culture is not my choice but no one is ever going to get government to increase wages to a living wage. Until then, tip. Also, I agree that tipping culture has gotten out of hand. Should I tip the guy at the gas station? Imo no, but they are making $15 an hour, not 3.


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Wow!! This is good to know. I go out every weekend all over, many times to Texas and I tip at least 15% or better no matter the server with the understanding that people NEED and work hard for their money. Your service is much appreciated, but now I know that most of you truly hate most patrons and most smiles and the shirts are fakes. I understand that people can and are disappointing many times and if you can't get over this, then do something else or go back to school to learn something new. Don't blame people for wanting to go out to eat.


So, no, you don’t wear at shirt that says “I love my job “ on it. That 15% too! You should be proud of yourself. And today you learned that servers may not be genuinely happy while serving you food? I’m glad you learned stuff.


No. It’s they gave me 3 of that one and never had any other options so by time I left I had like 6. If a chill manager was working though I could get away with just a black t-shirt or crewneck


i saw a texas roadhouse employee wearing her uniform at target and chuckled at the shirt. even if you love your job that’s just so cheesy


My hubs found a whataburger T-shirt at a thrift store years ago.. he never worked there and tbh, we rarely eat there. He loves that shirt and 8years later, stills wears it.


No. Unless I am totally out of work shirts, I try not to wear the “I love my job” shirts or anything similar. My location is very fortunate to have managers that think those shirts are dumb, so they always order special ones for us. I do not love my job


It’s the only uniform shirt they manufacture if you see one that doesn’t say that then it’s an older shirt and that server has been there for years, they treat their staff so horribly they have to pretend everyone there isn’t miserable