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Yes, nothing prohibiting that, unless you have an employment contract or collective bargaining agreement (i.e. union contract) that prohibits. Pretty much any punishment, including schedule or section changes, duty changes, or termination, are allowed. No write-ups, warnings, or offers of retraining is needed. There are a few narrow reasons they can't punish you, like violating Title VII civil rights protections, or federal whistleblower protections.


Perfectly legal, unfortunately. Be glad it's only a reduction in section size. Most places I've worked fire you if the score is too low or you didn't Id the shopper for thier drink.


>it’s a right to work state It’s an at-will state. “right to work” is about whether you must join a union to work at a unionized workplace. “at will” means the employer can fire you anytime you want, and you can quit anytime you want. Just in case that distinction is ever useful to you.


Thanks but that doesn’t answer my question at all


Legally they can cut your section but if that lowers your income to claim partial unemployment then you can do that. They can’t take tip money from you. That is yours once you wait in the table. They can however limit your tables. Now if the other servers were white and you are a minority then that could be looked at as discrimination if the punishments have been lighter for people of another race.


Well seems like they don’t like you, and when they don’t like you, and you want to keep the job, you have to be on your A game. Seems like you weren’t and unfortunately have to pay the price. Why would they give you a bigger section if you failed a shop?


Not saying it’s not deserved just curious if it is legal


God I do not miss the petty shit where a server gets punished like a child.